
The crisp sound of blades colliding came out, Duan Mu looked at Lan Ran who appeared in front of his eyes, his whole body trembled, and his muscles seemed to have countless little mice running under his skin.

The ground under Duan Mu's feet, after Duan Mu blocked Lan Ran's knife, shook violently, and then collapsed with a loud rumbling sound.


Aizen's spiritual pressure is too strong, Duan Muzhi can sustain it all the time, not relying on spiritual pressure, but physical fitness!

Every time he received a knife from Lanran, all the muscles in Duan Mu's body would start to squirm crazily, transmitting the terrifying force back to the blade, quickly transmitting it in the form of muscle squirming, and then vent most of the force to the ground under his feet.

But even so...

Duan Mu's hands still felt like they were broken, and he almost lost consciousness.

The spiritual pressure carried on the knife is strong and heavy, each knife seems to be like a mountain falling from the sky!

At this moment, Duan Mu deeply realized the gap between the spiritual pressure!

But Duan Mu didn't know that while he was shocked by the strength of Lan Ran's spiritual pressure, Lan Ran's heart was also full of surprise.


Nearly 3 minutes have passed since the start of the war.

Once upon a time, Duan Mu was completely vulnerable in front of him, 3 minutes was enough to kill him countless times.

But right now, Duan Mu has grown to the point where he can withstand his own attack.

His strength...

It has become stronger than when it was besieged by Ten Blades last time.

Not only the spiritual pressure and the steel-skin-like defensive power, but Duan Mu's own skills have changed the most.

Although he looked shaky and would retreat at any time, but after 3 minutes, he still failed to cause fatal damage to him.

The arc of the blade attack, the timing of unloading force, the control of the combat distance...

Everything that Duan Mu showed surprised Aizen.

It was as if Duan Mu had experienced countless life-and-death battles in this short period of time. Let him deeply engrave these skills that few people pay attention to into his body. Already reacted instinctively.


Duan Mu shot back again, but this time Lan Ran didn't continue to chase, but stopped in place.

He understood that with the current attack of this intensity, as long as Duan Mu didn't make mistakes, it would be difficult to pose too much threat to him in front of his terrifying self-healing power.

Even if it continues, it will still be me who wins in the end.


If you continue to procrastinate, it is very likely that you will be noticed by the other captains in the soul world, especially the few people you don't want to get in touch with yet.

Now is not the best time to contact them.

"I admit, I underestimated you a little bit."

Aizen admitted the mistakes he made, and the smile on his face gradually subsided: "I am very happy about your growth, but let's stop here."

During the speech, Lan Ran put the mirror in his hand across his chest.

In the distance, Duan Mu's expression froze, he stimulated the extreme exploration nerves and reflex nerves, and immediately noticed the changes in Lan Ran's body.

That is……

The power of collapsing jade!

Light green energy gradually emerged from Lan Ran's chest, and Duan Mu felt like he was a different person.

If it is said that when fighting with himself before, Aizen used most of his power as the ability of death, and then assisted by Bengyu's ability.

But the current Aizen really inspired Beng Yu's power.

Duan Mu turned his eyes and landed on Aizen's chest.

If there is no accident, Beng Yu should have integrated into Lan Ran's body now, but the degree of integration is definitely not deep.

Because he still hasn't completely let go of his Death God ability.

Even if Bengyu is the main one now, this has not changed at all.

But still extremely terrifying.

The only thing that makes Duan Mu happy is...

The current him has not yet reached the point in his memory that can rival the sum of the ten blades, and be able to confront the entire Goutei [-]th Division and the Masked Army with his own strength. Otherwise, he would never have a chance to live stand right here.

If the degree of integration is not deep...

Duan Mu looked at Lan Ran's chest with a flash of light.


He exhaled lightly, and the fog visible to the naked eye was exhaled from Duan Mu's mouth. His body straightened slowly, and the muscles of his strong upper body were reduced like a leaked balloon at this moment.


When Aizen made a change, he would naturally change accordingly.

The previous Duan Mu did not use his physique in the battle, but used his physique as a transmission channel to remove the power of Aizen to ensure that he could last longer.

And facing Aizen at this time, Duan Mu can feel even if he hasn't been in contact with him yet...

The same method no longer works.

If that's the case, then give it your all!

Although Duan Mu seldom works desperately, he definitely does not lack the courage to do so.

Sweat slid down the streamlined muscles and dripped into the soil under his feet. At this moment, Duan Mu's expression became extremely calm, even to the point of a little indifference, causing heart palpitations!


During the breath, the spiritual seeds in the entire area formed a funnel-like vortex on the top of Duan Mu at this moment, and the manic spiritual particles were crazily poured into Duan Mu's body.

In a pair of eyes, the brilliance of azure is shining brightly.

Lan Ran noticed something and looked up at Duan Mu.

And at this moment, Duan Mu took a step forward.

With one step, his whole body disappeared in place very abruptly, and at the same time as he disappeared, the place where his feet stepped collapsed, and countless spider web-like cracks spread along the ground.

Lan Ran smiled indifferently, turned her wrist, and the mirror flower lying on her chest suddenly cut horizontally.

The light green light bloomed, the knife cut across the air, and the powerful force contained in the knife smashed the air where it passed, forming a vacuum area in front of him for a moment.

This blow, if it hits the ground, is enough to form a small canyon!

Almost at the same time when the saber was swung to the extreme, Duan Mu's figure appeared on the track where the long saber was swung.

Duan Mu, who appeared in the vacuum area, even if he hadn't touched the long knife, his whole body was already in a distorted state, and his strong body defense was like paper, with dense wounds torn out.

He can't handle this knife!

If you pick it up hard, you will die here, and you may not even have the chance to use experience points to heal.

will die!

The body continuously sends signals to the brain, and the shadow of death surges over the heart like a dark cloud.



Duan Mu directly dispelled this signal, and he didn't retreat or defend himself, but directly stabbed Lan Ran with the blade of ghost in his hand.

This scene made Aizen frown.

But immediately, Aizen felt empty under his feet, and what he stepped on disappeared in this instant!

This is?

Lan Ran's pupils narrowed, looking at Duan Mu who was close at hand, the kick that Duan Mu stepped on the ground when he rushed towards him suddenly appeared in his mind, originally he thought that kick was just for Duan Mu to speed himself up. Faster, but now it seems...

When he rushed over, he was obviously prepared to go all out, and even anticipated his possible response!

Combat awareness!

The sudden appearance of a large hole caused Lan Ran's figure to sway slightly, and the blade in his hand was also unbalanced at this moment.


And at this moment, a burst of flames suddenly erupted from Duan Mu's body, and an incomparably scorching and sharp aura was revealed in the flames, a terrifying scorching aura rushed towards his face.

Breaking the Way 96 One-Sword Cremation!

For the first time, Duan Mu integrated this ghost way into his body, and mixed it with the thunder in his body.


The explosion sound came from Duan Mu's body, and the skin on the surface of his body exploded violently at the moment when the flames appeared, but no blood flowed out.


Duan Mu could clearly feel that his blood was evaporated in an instant at the moment of cremation with a knife, and his internal organs also became charred in an instant, like charcoal!


At your fingertips!

The vitality is passing away at a rapid rate.

Duan Mu's whole body became incomparably scorched black. If his body was not strong enough, and the thunder in his body barely played a protective role, Duan Mu might have even turned into coke the moment he merged into the cremation with one knife.

But even so, he still couldn't last long!

Therefore, this knife must be stabbed out in the shortest time, otherwise...

Maybe before he can attack Lan Ran, Duan Mu will be backlashed by his own moves and die! !

A knife stabbed straight towards Lanran's chest, and at the same time, thunder and flames erupted, and the muscle strength and spiritual pressure in the whole body gathered towards his hands.

This blow is Duan Mu's strongest blow!

Once pierced, it will traverse the sky!

Thunder and flames soared into the sky, broke through the barrier covering this area, and illuminated the entire Seireitei.

The terrifying power even made everyone's hearts sink, and they subconsciously turned their attention to the area where the [-]th squad was located.

Lan Ran looked at Duan Mu in front of him, with admiration in his eyes, even he had to admit it.

Duan Mu's blow really threatened him.

Even, it is possible to kill yourself!


Still useless!

The pale green light on Aizen's chest flourished, and white light glowed in his eyes.


There was a deafening roar, and the terrifying shock wave centered on the two of them and spread wildly to the surroundings.

Wherever the impact passed, the building was turned into ashes in an instant, the ground bulged, and then tons of soil shot up into the sky, forming an extremely huge basin centered on the two of them.

And the center of the impact.

The Zanpakuto made of thunder and flames in Duan Mu's hand stagnated in front of Aizen's chest, more strictly speaking...

It stopped in front of that layer of super spiritual pressure wall.

This is enough to smash the barrier of the high-density spiritual pressure entity 'Jutu' in the broken world!

"It's useless."

Lan Ran looked at Duan Mu who was close at hand, and said: "This is the gap between me and you!"

"is it?"

Duan Mu's voice came into Aizen's ears, making Aizen instinctively feel something was wrong.


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