There was no despair in that voice, only murderous intent!

After spitting out two words, flames burst out of Duan Mu's mouth like breathing, causing his body to be further damaged, as if he might be completely burned by the flames in his body at any time.



There was a curve on the scorched face as black as carbon, and the scorched cheeks were torn apart by this slight movement.

What is he laughing at?

The bad feeling in Aizen's heart became more and more intense, and at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

how is this possible! ?

Lanran's pupils shrank sharply, only then did he realize that the blade that was mixed with thunder and flames had actually broken through the wall of super spirit pressure and stabbed his chest.


Not breakthrough, but integration?

It was as if two energies of the same nature had merged together.

Is it...

Lan Ran suddenly raised her head and looked at Duan Mu.


At this moment, he suddenly understood that he had been fooled!

The power of that knife didn't fully erupt, but part of it was vented out for camouflage.

And actually...

Duan Mu compressed the power contained in this knife, and then broke through his super spiritual pressure wall in a way of integration.

This made Aizen realize that Duan Mu in front of him was walking on the same path as himself, otherwise he would not be able to break through the gap between dimensions so easily!

But it's too late!

It should be said that when Duan Mu used the "soul combination exchange" to allow himself to enter the same dimension as Aizen in an instant, this blow was destined to hit, even if Duan Mu can maintain this state for only Just a moment!

At this moment, the two unhesitatingly unleashed their strongest strength!

Can stop it! !

For the first time, panic appeared on Lanran's face, and the power of Reiatsu and Bengyu was aroused to the extreme by him at this moment.

As for the tip of Duan Mu's knife that sank into the super spiritual pressure wall, countless thunders and flames frantically gathered, and they all vented out towards Lan Ran's chest.

This collision was like the calm before the storm, without the slightest sound.

However, the area around the two is distorted, making them look like a mirage. It seems simple, but if someone enters this distorted area, they will be instantly turned into blood

Stalemate! !

Once one side can't hold on, the battle will come to an end.

And at this moment...


The weird voice reappeared, this time not only passed into Duan Mu'er, even Lan Ran also heard the scream!

At the same time as the whistling sound came out, the blade in Duan Mu's hand, which was originally condensed by thunder and flames, actually took shape at this moment. The jet-black blade wrapped flames and thunder in it, and the pure white hilt shone brightly.

In the next moment, the 1.6-meter long knife protruded forward again by about a centimeter.


The moment the entity appeared, the blade of the sword shattered and turned back into the original ghost blade, as if everything just now was just an illusion.


The stalemate is broken!


A loud noise resounding through the entire Soul Soul World erupted, and the thunder and flames enveloped Duan Mu and Lan Ran in it.

Looking down from a high altitude, countless dust and smoke covered the sky and the moon, covering the entire area.

The expression of Hisagi Shuhei who was far away from the periphery of the battlefield changed, and he was blown away by the impact again.

This shock lasted for nearly half a minute. When Hisagi Shuhei stabilized his figure and looked towards the center of the battlefield, his face was completely filled with shock and horror.

As far as the eye could see, the entire area around the thirteenth division team building had been razed to the ground, and even the ground had been lowered by a whole level.

Where is Captain Duan Mu?

Hisagi Shuhei's expression changed, he didn't care about being shocked, and hurriedly looked towards the center of the battlefield.

The scene that caught his eyes made his complexion change.

Looking around, I saw Duan Mu, who was like coke, lying on the ground at this time, his body breath sometimes disappears.

Apparently, he was seriously injured and dying.

And his opposite...

Aizen was standing there, with a distorted expression on his face, and the most important thing... his entire right half of his body, including his chest, had disappeared into nothingness, and an extremely huge gap appeared on his body!

Did Captain Duan Mu win?

Did you win?

Ever since he was integrated into Yidao Cremation, his experience points have been exhausted. After Duan Mu maintained his life, he immediately looked at Ai Ran.

"This is impossible!?"

Lan Ran didn't die, he looked at Duan Mu with murderous intent, even now, he still can't believe... that he would be defeated by Duan Mu.

Looking at Lan Ran, who had lost all his previous calmness, the corner of Duan Mu's mouth curled up.

"You...are too arrogant...too slow, Aizen!"

Whether it is spiritual pressure or strength, Aizen is far above himself.

But he was too arrogant, so arrogant that he didn't think anyone else could walk the same path as him.

From the very beginning, he put himself in a superior position, and even regarded Duan Mu as an ant.

If he had put himself in the same position as him from the very beginning, he would have no chance of defeating Aizen at all.

Lan Ran, who has merged with Beng Yu, has terrifying strength, but in a certain way, his overconfidence has weakened his most terrifying wisdom, calmness, and caution!

I won!

To be honest, even now, Duan Mu still feels a little unbelievable in his heart, and even doubts whether the mirror flower and water moon have evolved to the point where he can deceive his pupil technique.

But I did win! !

Although the price paid was extremely painful.


Just then, a mutation arose.

A diamond-like transparent sphere suddenly flew up from the ground, and then went towards Aizen's disappeared chest.

This scene changed Duan Mu's complexion drastically.


But it has been powerless to stop!

This is……


Has Beng Yu already recognized Lan Ran's recognition to this extent?

The rising radiance instantly formed a cocoon, wrapping the almost dead Aizen in it.

Seeing this, Duan Mu couldn't help but feel despair in his heart.

This is so...

Cheating! !


Chapter 237 is not complete?

"In the end what happened?"

"The Reiatsu just now...was Captain Duan Mu?"

"Who is he fighting? Zanpakuto?"


The flames and thunder illuminated the entire Seireitei, and even if the distance was far away, one could still feel the coercion transmitted from the center.

At this moment, the entire Seireitei was blown up by a violent wind due to the collision of the sky.

No matter where they are in Seireitei, everyone can't help but look in the direction of the [-]th Division.

A shadow hangs over everyone's heart.

Vaguely, they seemed to feel that a monster was being born.

Thirteen districts.

Like a charred Duan Mu, lying on the ground with a wry smile on his face.

I still lost after all.


Not exactly a mistake.

Everything is developing according to my own estimation, and the last blow has achieved the expected effect.

The only mistake is that...

I think that the fusion between Lan Ran and Beng Yu is just a preliminary fusion, and now is the best time to kill him!

And the fact is also the same, but what Duan Mu didn't expect is... Bengyu, who was barely integrated into the body by Aizen, would choose to truly fuse with Aizen at the last moment.

"Your growth really shocked me."

A calm voice came out of the cocoon again, without any emotional fluctuations in the words.


As the words came out, the light cocoon shattered from the head, revealing Aizen's face in the middle.

"However, in the end I still won."


Amidst the crisp sound, the light cocoon completely collapsed, and the intact Aizen appeared in front of Duan Mu.

When he saw Lan Ran, Duan Mu was slightly taken aback, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Because the shape of Aizen at this time is quite strange, the head still maintains the original appearance, while the body is wrapped in a milky white solid aura, similar to the chrysalis when insects evolved.

Putting the completely unchanged head and body together, it looks extremely strange, as if the creature that was supposed to be born gradually, because of the interference of some external force, caused the creature in the pupa to be born ahead of schedule.

Not completely~~!

This is Duan Mu's most intuitive feeling.

"Did you notice it?"

As if seeing what Duan Mu was thinking, Lan Ran glanced at his palm, shook his head and said: "You are not wrong in thinking, you have indeed brought me a lot of trouble, is not irreparable."

"Compared with the changes in me, I am more curious about how you did it?"

Lan Ran looked at Duan Mu, his eyes full of exploration.

Soul combination exchange!

This is what Aizen has always hoped for.

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