"Urahara Kisuke has always believed that the ability of Bengyu is to break the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow."

"But that's just the ability he expected Bengyu to have, that's why Bengyu showed this ability in front of him."

"And Bengyu's real ability is...to read the hearts that exist around him and make them real."

"However, if the object itself does not have the ability to match it, even if there is Bengyu, it still cannot be achieved. From this point of view, Bengyu's ability can also be understood as the power to 'direct the direction you are looking for'!"

Soul combination exchange.

This is Aizen's heart, and Bengyu's consciousness understands his heart, and thus merges with him.


Duan Mu in front of him did the same without Beng Yu.

Even if it's just a prototype, it can't be called perfect at all. If you don't grasp the timing well, you can't use it in battle.

However, he still did it!

Aizen, who has been pursuing this point for a long time, can be sure that it is absolutely impossible to achieve this with the power of the god of death alone.

The odds are not nearly zero, but absolutely zero.

"What secret is there in you?"

Lan Ran was not in a hurry to kill Duan Mu, but kept observing Duan Mu: "What exactly helped guide you to the direction you want to pursue in your heart?"

what help me?

Duan Mu was slightly taken aback, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

The answer to this question isn't hard to find, though...


If he really wanted to answer, Duan Mu would say these two words without hesitation.

Are you leading in the direction your heart desires?

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, because the system had indeed been helping him, helping him obtain the power he was looking for in his heart.

And the premise of gaining power is just like what Aizen said...

There must be a foundation that matches it, and then the system can deduce and guide itself based on the foundation, so that he can get closer to the goal he wants to achieve step by step.

From this point of view, the capabilities of the system, to some extent, are indeed somewhat similar to Beng Yu!

But in essence there is a huge difference.

Because the direction of the system is always starting from Duan Mu himself, and it is realized on the premise of not changing its essence, rather than merging with the master like a collapsed jade.

Regarding the system, it has always been Duan Mu's biggest secret, so naturally he will not tell Aizen about it.


Duan Mu chuckled lightly, but his brain started to work quickly at this moment.

One-knife cremation, the taboo ghost way, melted into the body, and the impact it brought was as terrifying as Duan Mu expected.

Nearly 16 experience points have been exhausted, and he can barely maintain his life.

The current self is even worse than it looks on the surface.

The spiritual pressure core was half destroyed, the lock knot and soul sleep were almost completely destroyed, and the internal organs almost completely lost their proper functions.

If it wasn't for his physical strength to barely maintain the spirit body, and Duan Mu's special body, he would have already turned into spirit particles and dissipated by now.

Not to mention Reiatsu, Duan Mu couldn't even move a single finger.

In this state, I want to survive in the hands of Aizen.

There is only one possibility...

That is to make him not want to kill himself.

And arousing his curiosity is undoubtedly the best way!

As for what happens after surviving, it is only qualified to consider after surviving.

What to do next?


Lan Ran looked at Duan Mu, suddenly smiled and shook his head: "Even if a dead person is curious, I'm not interested in continuing to explore." After finishing his words, he walked straight towards Duan Mu.

"I know there are many secrets in you."

"When I was in the world of corpses and souls, looking at you, I vaguely felt that you seemed to be able to see through the future, always appearing in places where you should not be, discovering things you should not be discovering, and finally The important thing is..."

"Although the disguise is very good, since the first meeting, you have been extremely wary of me."

"At first I didn't care, because not only me, but you have always been extremely repulsive and wary of the death god group. It wasn't until later that I realized that your wariness towards me was different from other people's."

Lan Ran stopped in front of Duan Mu, and hung the mirror in his hand on the back of Duan Mu's head.

"Because of realizing this, the plan I originally prepared has been constantly changing, and sometimes I don't even know what I will choose to do in the next second, but follow the changes. change."

"As a result, the situation was as I expected, and you did not interfere again."

"It can be seen that you may indeed have the ability to see fragments of the future, but you are not omniscient. Instead, you rely more on the information you have obtained to speculate and act."

"Of course!"

Aizen smiled slightly: "As for your corpse, I will keep it well. When I sit on the throne of heaven in the future, I may explore your secret again because of boredom."

"but now……"

"I am no longer interested in you, or in other words, apart from the goal I have been pursuing, there is nothing in the world of souls that can arouse my interest."

Lan Ran could feel that after Bengyu obeyed her, her body was far superior to...

When I was in the world of corpses and souls, I was already unmatched by myself!

Want to explore?Be wary?

These are no longer necessary for myself.

Duan Mu looked at Lan Ran in front of him, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, although he has always known that the fusion of Beng Yu would have some impact on Lan Ran.

But right now, Aizen...

It is completely different from what it used to be, at least he used to be very clear about what he can do.

In him now, this ability to judge was gradually replaced by arrogance.

If it is normal, this is undoubtedly a good thing for me.

But in this case, when Aizen became arrogant, Duan Mu only felt that God was playing with him, because the guy in front of him who thought he was a god was not suitable for communication at all.

Even if you want to betray, you can be his dog's leg...

This lunatic will not accept it.


Suddenly, I felt a little regretful. I knew I would die here, so I might as well have died at the hands of that crazy woman, Uzhi Huarei, so that I can at least gain some favorability before I die, isn't it...

In this case, Duan Mu found that what he was thinking about was actually how to increase the favorability of Uozhihuali, which made Duan Mu feel a little speechless.

"It seems that this is your limit."

Looking at Duan Mu who had no strength to struggle at all, Lan Ran shook his head, stabbing downwards with the mirror in his hand.



A crisp sound suddenly came out.

The sharp and bright blade appeared between Jinghua Shuiyue and the back of Duan Mu's head, blocking the knife that stabbed Duan Mu.

"No matter how you say this little brother is my family's benefactor, I can't just watch him die by your knife like this."

Lan Ran frowned, slowly raised her head, and looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared beside Duan Mu.

"Shiba...no, should I call you Isshin Kurosaki now?"

Kurosaki Yixin?

Duan Mu, who was already prepared to face death, turned his head to look at the middle-aged man who appeared beside him.

However, before he could clearly see the appearance of the person coming, the surrounding environment changed rapidly.

When everything calmed down, Duan Mu found that he had been taken...to the side of Hisagi Shuhei who had just rushed back from where he had been blown to.


Seeing Duan Mu who suddenly appeared, Hisagi Shuhei's running figure stopped suddenly.

"Yo, brother Duan Mu, your new look is not bad."

When Ye Yi's voice came, Duan Mu followed the sound and saw Ye Yi squatting beside him, presumably she was the one who brought him here.

Duan Mu turned his head and looked in the direction he was in before.

I saw a middle-aged man confronting Aizen.

Although it was the first time seeing him in person, Duan Mu was no stranger to him.

Because this middle-aged man is the uncle of Miss Sorazuru and Brother Ichigo, the captain of the [-]th Division, the head of the Shiba branch... and the father of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki with one heart!

And standing with Kurosaki with one heart, there is another person.

It was Kisuke Urahara, the bastard who was always late!

Why don't you just come and collect my body.

If it wasn't for his physical disallowance, Duan Mu would have wanted to scold this bastard, because this bastard kept saying that he would monitor Aizen's movements, and if he found Aizen's actions, he would notify his partner as soon as possible .


Aizen has even appeared in Soul Soul Realm, and this guy actually arrived when he was about to die!

"You're here, Kisuke Urahara."

Aizen looked at Kurosaki Isshin and Urahara Kisuke, and said indifferently, "Unfortunately, you guys are a bit late."

"Is it late?"

Kisuke Urahara helped the round hat: "Maybe it is true, but judging from your current appearance, your evolution seems not to be smooth. No wonder you want to kill Boss Duan Mu."

Lan Ran frowned slightly.

"Do you want to say that it has little effect?"

Urahara Kisuke shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay to deceive Boss Duan Mu with such words, but it should be very clear to you and me... This step is too early and too forceful. Your current state should not It's not as easy as it looks, is it?"

"..." Duan Mu.

Sure enough, this guy was as annoying as ever.

"The two of us may not be able to kill you, and may even be killed by you, but..."

Urahara Kisuke smiled faintly: "You will choose to be with the two of us in this state..."

"Three people!"

Yoruichi appeared next to Kisuke Urahara and interrupted.

"Ah yes, fight with the three of us?"

Aizen took a deep look at Urahara Kisuke, although his eyes were still calm, there was a hint of gloom under the calmness.

Without any extra words, Aizen turned around and walked back after looking away.

Almost at the same time as he stepped out, the void gradually tore apart, and a huge black hole appeared.

Seeing this, Kurosaki Yixin frowned, and tightened his hands on the Zanpakuto.

But Kisuke Urahara held his arm and shook his head slightly.

Aizen is indeed as he said, because of Boss Duan Mu, there has been a huge error in evolution, and it must be adjusted as soon as possible.

But on their side...

Also not ready, it is not suitable to start a war with Aizen now.

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