After watching Lan Ran disappear into the black hole, the three of them all walked towards Duan Mu's place.

"Boss Duan Mu, you surprised me this time."

Kisuke Urahara smiled, and took out a medicine bottle with a 'skull' pattern on it from his arms, poured out a pill from it, and handed it to Duan Mu's mouth.

Looking at the medicine bottle and the scarlet pill, Duan Mu felt something bad for a while.

"Don't worry, the pattern on this medicine bottle is for people to read the instructions carefully."

Kisuke Urahara chuckled: "You can only take one pill an hour, and it can effectively treat spiritual injuries. When Kurosaki-san was slashed by Captain Kuchiki, he took this recovery medicine to heal."

Hearing this, Duan Mu didn't dodge, because he didn't have the strength to dodge at all, he could only watch Kisuke Urahara put the pill into his mouth.

However, after taking the pill, Duan Mu found a sudden sharp pain in his body.

That's not a bad thing because...

Duan Mu didn't feel pain at all before, his body was completely necrotic, but now he can feel pain, which is actually a good thing.

Although the internal situation is still bad, at least it is out of the dangerous period.

"The effect is not bad."

Kisuke Urahara looked at Duan Mu's expression, smiled slightly, and then suddenly turned serious: "Boss Duan Mu, what you did this time completely exceeded my expectations. You disrupted the order of Aizen's evolution. This... "

"Maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a bad thing."

"I'm not sure what the end result will be, but my preparations have to change."

"Before I came, I had already spread the news that you are here, and I believe that someone will come here to rescue you soon; and Kurosaki-san and the others also received the information that the Zanpakuto ran away, and they are going to the soul world Come."

Urahara Kisuke paused for a moment, then glanced at Kurosaki Isshin on the side:

"So we have to go back now and prepare for the possible responses in advance."

After all, Urahara Kisuke took the medicine bottle... After looking at Duan Mu, he stuffed it into Duan Mu's pants that had turned into shorts:

"Remember, you can only take one pill per hour, so don't take too much."


Chapter 238 Self-help

Comprehensive ambulance station, intensive care unit...

Duan Mu, who was covered in bandages, lay on the hospital bed, feeling helpless in his heart.

"Boss Duan Mu, it is said that you have encountered Aizen, may I ask if Dongxian has come to the soul world?"

In the huge intensive care unit, not only Duan Mu was lying there, but also dozens of Reapers, most of whom were ordinary soldiers and officers.

According to the conversations of the previous team members of the Fourth Division, it seems that all the intensive care units in the general ambulance center are full.

This Zanpakuto's sudden rebellion caused serious damage to Goutei [-]th Division.

At this time, the person who asked Duan Mu was the only captain in the ICU besides Duan Mu who was seriously injured, Zuo Jin Komamura.


Duan Mu ignored him.

On the one hand, it’s because I really don’t want to talk about it, and on the other hand, it’s because I can’t open my mouth even if I want to talk about it.

Although Urahara Kisuke's medicine is extremely effective in repairing the spirit body, it has little effect on the bad situation in the body. Neither the Reiatsu core, nor the knot and soul sleep have any signs of recovery.

If it were an ordinary spirit body, even if it was immortal, it would have completely lost the power of the god of death.

As for Duan Mu, the current situation is similar.

The feeling of emptiness made Duan Mu feel an unprecedented sense of weakness. The damage to the important acupoints that are the root of death can no longer be cured by relying on self-healing ability.

If this situation continues, even if Duan Mu's body recovers, he will lose the ability of Shinigami forever and become an ordinary resident of Liuhun Street.

Unless a large amount of experience points can be used to add points to the body, it is possible to fully recover due to the particularity of the system.

But this massive...

Values ​​may be greatly exaggerated.

Now I am basically no different from a vegetable, and I can't even open my mouth, so how can I get such a huge amount of experience points.

Duan Mu unfolded the system interface in his mind, wanting to find out if there is any other way to save himself.


Name: Duan Mu

Race: human

Level: Phase II

Physique: top (800842/1000000)

Reiatsu: top (626158/1000000)

White hit: top (16/1000000)

Shunpo: Top (24586/1000000)

Slashing: top level (168654/1000000)

Zanpakuto: Advanced (99999/100000)


Special skills:

【Destruction of Chanting】Top level (21464/1000000)

[Reply]: Advanced (40638/100000)

[Recited later]: Top level (248/1000000)

[Thunder Rope] Advanced (48947/100000)

【instant 簟�

[Empty Cicada] Advanced (58468/100000)

[Spiritual Void Pattern] Top Level (124860/1000000)

Current experience points: 80480

[Sifengyuan Yeyi's favorability +1, gain 9600 experience points, current favorability: 46]


[Sifengyuan Yeyi's favorability +1, gain 19200 experience points, current favorability: 50]

[Smash Bee's favorability +1, gain 10240 experience points, current favorability: 57]

Of the more than 8 experience points, more than 7 were provided by Ye Yi and Suifeng, and the remaining scattered experience points were due to Duan Mu's organization of the ninth team to carry out rescues. Obtained from the rescued female team members, although Duan Mu did not personally rescue, but the rescue order was issued by Duan Mu.

Therefore, all the rescued female soldiers have increased their favorability towards Duan Mu.

If it is normal, more than 8 experience points are enough for Duan Mu to heal most of his injuries in an instant.

But for his current injury, the help that can be played is very little.

And most importantly...

His physique is already on the verge of limit, even if he adds more points, he can only continue to add 20 more. Judging from the effect of the experience points consumed during the previous sacrifice, it is impossible to heal himself.

However, with a physical strength of 80, the defensiveness of Duan Mu's body can already be compared to the sum of ten bladed steel skins.

As for strength...

Even if he really loses his spiritual pressure, strength alone is still enough to deal with most of the Ten Blades.

The premise is that the opponent can fight him head-on, otherwise Duan Mu, who can't even stay in the air, can only chase after him and fight him.

Before the war, Duan Mu's physique was only in his early 64, and he didn't have any deep feelings at that time.

But when the physical value exceeded 80, Duan Mu only felt that his body suddenly entered another level. The reason why he was able to survive the sacrifice of one-knife cremation without directly turning into ashes can be said to be a breakthrough The physique with a value of 80 played a role.

As for Zanpakuto, it has been stuck at 99999 for a long time.

It's not a bottleneck, but the reason why Zanpakuto didn't recover. Duan Mu has a feeling that as long as his Zanpakuto is repaired, this value will directly skyrocket.

As for the momentary appearance during the battle, it wasn't that Zanpakuto had recovered, but that with the help of Zanpakuto's body... that is, the puppy, the Zanpakuto entity was temporarily condensed.

It's still too early!

Today's Duan Mu is strong enough to crush most of the captains of the thirteenth squad of Goutei.

Not even afraid of the siege of the captains.

But against Aizen who merged with Beng Yu, he was still not fully prepared.

If he had the ability to act and seal Beng Yu at that time, he would be able to completely seal Beng Yu at that moment, thereby interrupting Aizen's evolution.

A safer way to deal with it should be the same as Kisuke Urahara.

Judging from Urahara Kisuke's words, when he saw that Aizen could merge with Bengyu, he had already given up on destroying Aizen.

Because of the immortality of Bengyu, Aizen will continue to evolve and resurrect no matter what injuries he receives. Killing him can only shift his evolution path and make it more extreme, but cannot Its really wiped out.

The evolutionary route has shifted...

Whether it is good or bad is still uncertain.

But there is no doubt that at the moment when I severely injured Lan Ran, it was undoubtedly the best time to seal Bengyu or seal Lan Ran, but my body could no longer withstand the sacrifice of one-knife cremation.

It's too late to say anything now.

The same opportunity is almost impossible to appear again. Judging from the dialogue between Aizen and Kisuke Urahara, Aizen will probably not appear again in the next period of time.

But when it reappears, it means that his evolution has been completed. It is completely unknown to what extent he will merge with Beng Yu at that time.

Duan Mu secretly sighed in his heart, and began to look carefully at the various abilities he had mastered.

Spirit void pattern?

No, with the current state of the spiritual pressure core, rashly activating the spirit void pattern will only make the spiritual pressure core completely collapse, and by then I will really be dead.

After searching carefully, Duan Mu set his sights on Huidao.

At the beginning, in order to gain the favorability of the team members of the fourth division, he once worked very hard to study the answer.

But when his attainments in Hui Dao surpassed that of Yong Yin, second only to Uzhi Hualie, Duan Mu had completely given up on continuing to study Hui Dao.

Don't talk about putting in experience points, his daily practice has completely left the Dao behind.


In my current situation, if I want to recover, the only possibility is to reply.

However, the general answer may not be able to help oneself.

Because, no matter how strong one's attainments in Hui Dao are, they still have their limits.

If the damage to lock knots and soul sleep is not serious, they can basically be cured in Seireitei.

But it has the function of maintaining the spirit body, and the core of spiritual pressure, which can be called the heart of the spirit body, is damaged. In the countless years of history in the world of corpses and souls, it has always been an incurable and incurable disease.

Countless spirits have died from this disease.

If it's just the relatives of ordinary soldiers, that's fine. After all, what they received was the all-out treatment of the Fourth Division, not the all-out treatment of the entire Seiritei.

But among the people who died from damage to the spiritual pressure core, there were also many nobles, and even family members of the four major nobles. This is enough to show that it is almost impossible to heal the spiritual pressure core simply by returning to Dao.

Unless the Hui Dao is raised to the extreme that no one has ever reached in the history of the soul world, there may still be some possibility of healing oneself.

As soon as this thought appeared, it was snuffed out by Duan Mu.

Because the required experience points are too much, and it may not be able to heal yourself.


Huidao is a very important reference.

If you can, with the help of the system, create a new way of ghosts based on the return path, just like creating the virtual pattern, and create a brand-new ghost path that is specially used to heal the core of spiritual pressure, lock knots, etc., then you may not be able to use it Let yourself heal completely at the smallest cost.

The predecessor of the spirit pattern, the void pattern is a brand new spirit pattern system created by Duan Mu, which is independent of the previous spirit pattern system, and this point can also be reproduced on the Hui Dao.

And most importantly...

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