Duan Mu is not clueless, because he has a good reference target.

Inoue Orihime!

Her ability can't be called a healing ability, but an ability that can completely 'reject' the impact, damage, etc. of things into nothingness. It can be said that it violates the rules of the realm of gods!

The only pity is...

The display of this rule is still based on spiritual pressure, and the strength of Inoue Orihime's own spiritual pressure can only support her to use this ability for healing and defense, even if her spiritual pressure is stronger, it is nothing more than At the same time as the treatment, it is nothing more than to help the treated person recover the spiritual pressure.

And because the rule's sustenance, that is, the medium hairpin that activates the rule, is just an ordinary object that collapses at the touch of a touch, her abilities are completely unsuitable for combat.

As the hairpin of the body, not to mention Xu and Shinigami, even ordinary humans can destroy it with a little effort.

Despite these shortcomings, there is no doubt that the rules themselves are terrible.

For the current Duan Mu, this rule has extremely high reference value, and also provides him with a route to study.


When Duan Mu created Xuwen, it was only with the help of Tiruti that he succeeded. Pomian, who is her subordinate officer, is used as an experiment.

Although it was only a short month, tens of thousands of Xu died because of Duan Mu's experiment.

It even alarmed the Xuye Palace. For his safety, Tiruti once wanted to terminate the experiment and send Duan Mu out of the virtual circle.

Fortunately, it succeeded in the end.

After returning to Seiling Court, Duan Mu discovered that his experiments in the virtual circle even affected the world of corpses and souls.

Fortunately, since the high-end combat power has not been lost, the impact is not great. It is far from breaking the balance between the two worlds, but there is only a slight impact.

But if this kind of thing happened in the world of souls...

In less than a long time, Duan Mu had to be killed by Captain Yamamoto with the blade Ruohuo.

The essence of the group of Death Gods, although in a certain respect, is even more terrifying than Xu.

But compared to Xu, who is fighting with each other, Shinigami still has basic reason and bottom line. If he conducts inhumane experiments, his status as a sage in Room 46 of Mao can only limit other captains. For Captain Yamamoto... …

He will never be soft when he chops himself up, and maybe he will arrange a one-stop cremation service for him, so that there will be no bones left in Duanmu, and he may even have to work for him after he dies...

This old man is a bunch of black people!

This kind of experiment, which would involve a lot of sacrifice, obviously cannot be carried out.

But to study the spiritual pressure cores of a large number of experimental subjects, casualties are absolutely unavoidable.

of course……

You can also choose to study Orihime Inoue.

But Inoue Orihime's favorability towards him made Duan Mu give up this idea without hesitation.

What's more, before she rushed to the [-]th Division, she was already taken away by Aizen.

Neither of these options works, so what should I do?

Lying on the hospital bed, Duan Mu was extremely entangled in his heart, but what annoyed him was...

There is also a big dog beside him, who keeps asking him about Dongxian Yao.

I'm mummified in bandages, can't you see?

Speaking of...

Of all the captains, you were the only one who was cut like this by your own Zanpakutō, and yet you still have the nerve to ask questions.


Duan Mu was startled suddenly, resisting the pain and turning his head to look at Komamura Zuozhen beside him.

Duan Mu still knows something about the Komamura Zuojin clan.

Due to the sins of his life, he fell into the animal realm, but failed to die completely, and came to the world of corpses and souls, turning into a wolf.

Although the werewolves live in the world of corpses and souls, they have always lived in places far away from human habitation, and have no contact with Liuhun Street and Seireitei at all.

The reason why Duan Mu knew something about the werewolf clan was not because of records in Seireitei, but because of Omaeda.

In the entire soul world, the Omaeda family is the only one who has business dealings with the werewolves.

Omaeda exchanged food and other necessities for special products in the area where the werewolves lived, such as gems, from the gathering places of the werewolves.

Most of the gems in Omaeda's bedroom came from the werewolves.

of course.

Duan Mu is not interested in the werewolves, but Duan Mu is very interested in the humanization technique that Komamura Zuojin will use in the future.

Because this is the only ability with immortality besides Beng Yu and Wang Jian.

Although it is only for a short period of time to obtain immortality, and after the effect ends, an extremely painful price will be paid.

The werewolves do have certain specialties, although Zuojin Komamura looks more like a dog than a wolf.

Speaking of...

With this character, if I say that I study him to save Captain Yamamoto, I shouldn't be rejected, right?

Moreover, the character of the captain level should be very hard.

At least it won't be like those miscellaneous fish, who will die after a little research, right?


Chapter 239 Excessive

Two days passed in a flash, and Seireitei gradually calmed down from the turmoil two days ago.

But this calm is only superficial calm.

Due to Duan Mu's immediate notification of the secret maneuver to encircle, the Zanpakuto of ordinary soldiers and chief officers were basically suppressed immediately, some were killed by their masters, and some were handed over to the Technology Development Bureau for detailed investigation. Research.

But the man named Muramasa has never appeared, and the whereabouts of the captain-level Zanpakuto taken away by him are still unknown.

Also missing are Captain Yamamoto and Byakuya Kuchiki.

However, these have little to do with Duan Mu. In two days, under his strong self-healing power, the scorched flesh and blood on the surface of his body has recovered. In addition to losing spiritual pressure, Duan Mu was also seriously injured in two days. Just like a healthy, normal person.

This made the members of the Fourth Division who had been taking care of Duan Mu feel deeply shocked.

It is worth mentioning that……

Uzhi Hualie, who had recovered her original appearance, also returned to the fourth division. Duan Mu met her twice, and she was still so gentle and calm, giving people a very reliable feeling.

I can't see the vicious and murderous appearance when I get along with myself at all.

Due to the absence of Captain Yamamoto, Captain Unokana has been serving as a senior during this period of time, managing Goutei [-]th Division on his behalf.

Even the place where the captains of the various teams meet has been changed from the first team to the fourth team.

Because of this, Duan Mu hasn't seen Uzhi Huaretsu and Huche Yune in the past two days. According to the team members of the fourth team, Uzhi Huaretsu has been taking Yuyin to rescue everywhere recently. Work, as well as coordinating the operations of various teams.

In the absence of Captain Yamamoto, the person who is most suitable for coordinating the captains is without a doubt the senior Unohanaretsu.

Almost no one will refute her suggestions.

Closer to home.

Lying on the bed in the intensive care unit, Duan Mu looked at his palm and sighed inwardly.

The situation was as he expected, even though his body had fully recovered, he still couldn't use the slightest bit of spiritual pressure.

Because of the damage to the spiritual pressure core, lock knot and soul sleep in the body, there is no sign of recovery at all.

Duan Mu couldn't even detect the ubiquitous Lingzi in the air.

The current self is basically the same as the ordinary residents of Liuhun Street, except that his body is somewhat special, and he does not have any qualifications that a god of death should have.

of course……

It's not a big problem to kill a ten blade with a few punches.


Sighing heavily, Duan Mu sat up from the hospital bed.

This scene made Komamura Zuojin's mouth twitch slightly.

You must know that he watched Duan Mu being pushed into the intensive care unit with his own eyes. At that time, Duan Mu basically had only one breath left, but in just two days, this guy was like shedding his skin, and all the scorched flesh and blood healed , a layer of black charcoal has sloughed off her body...

If he hadn't watched Duan Mu heal a little bit with his own eyes, he might have thought that the fourth team had arranged special treatment services for him.

What the hell is this monster?

Duan Mu didn't know Komamura Zuojin's thoughts. Although he already had a plan to treat himself, there was still a huge problem in how to proceed...

Unable to use Reiatsu.

No matter what ability you have, you can't get around Reiatsu, and basically all abilities must be based on Reiatsu.

It's not hard to find a way to temporarily invoke Reiatsu.

In vitro spirit pattern!

When Duan Mu took the griffon to the virtual circle, he once turned a griffon into a ghost pattern and engraved it on the griffon's body to disguise his identity.

The imprinted pattern of Xu in this way allows Duan Mu to freely use the spiritual power possessed by Xu before the spiritual pressure of Xu is completely exhausted.

But it is really difficult to find a ghost in the soul world.

Even if it is found, this method is not suitable for use in Seireitei, because as long as there is a slight fluctuation of spiritual power, the place where the research is carried out will be surrounded by secret maneuvers in an instant.


Replace the ghost with the god of death.

Doing so is undoubtedly the best way, anyway, because of the Zanpakuto rebellion in Gotei [-]th Division, many Reapers have lost their lives and lost contact, even if there are a few more, it will not have much impact.

But one or two are definitely not enough.

In the process of my own research, at least nearly a hundred, or even hundreds of ordinary soldiers are needed as consumables.

There are only more than 6000 gods of death in the entire Goutei [-]th Division. Even if one hundred people are used as an example, I still need one-sixtieth of the Goutei [-]th Division members.

Doing so is tantamount to courting death.

Of course, it is also possible to minimize the sacrifice, and only need a captain-level Reaper.

Captain-level spirit bodies are not comparable to ordinary soldiers, but there are too few captain-level spirit bodies, and the death of one will have a great impact.

the most important is……

too familiar.

Familiar with Duan Mu, he can't play against them.

There are also those villains in the lower part of Liuhun Street, Duan Mu also didn't want to attack them because he was too familiar with them.

Therefore, it is best to choose the captain-level god of death that will cause great harm to Seireitei, even if it is killed.

If it is usual, this kind of target is also extremely difficult to find.

But for now, Duan Mu has a very good goal, and there is no need for him to take any action, someone else will release Duan Mu's goal.

The owner of the village is Kuchimu Xianghe.

Once the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, the famous genius Shinigami.

It's just that he was sealed later because he committed the felony of killing his colleagues and wanted to start a rebellion.

This Zanpakuto rebellion was the work of Kuchiki Kayokawa's former Zanpakuto Muramasa.

This information is all information in Duan Mu's memory. Because the incident involved the Kuchiki family of the four nobles, all records of that incident have been completely erased. The only person who knows about it is probably Kuchiki who is the person involved. Home and Captain Yamamoto.

The rest, veteran captains such as Captain Unohana and Jingle Shunsui, should have heard of the turmoil, but as far as Duan Mu knows, in order to preserve the honor of the Kuchiki family, the former head of the Kuchiki family did not let them participate , just asked Captain Yamamoto to seal the Kuchiki Xianghe together with him.

So even if they knew something, it shouldn't be much, otherwise they wouldn't have found the source of the Zanpakuto rebellion until now.

Of course, it is also possible that they knew about it, but deliberately chose to conceal it because it was a family matter of the Kuchiki family.

Duan Mu is not interested in delving into the specifics.

The place where Kuchiki Kabikawa was sealed was known only to Captain Yamamoto, not even Kuchiki Byakuya.

Otherwise, Kuchiki Byakuya would not have gone to help Muramasa.

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