That's right, help.

After hearing that Byakuya Kuchiki disappeared, Duan Mu knew that the captain of the Sixth Division, who attached great importance to the honor of the Kuchiki family, definitely ran to help Muramasa.

And the purpose is to release Kuanmu Xianghe from the seal, and then, as the Patriarch of the Kuchiki family, behead the Kuchiki family in disgrace.

Closer to home.

Therefore, if you want to find Kuchiki Kayokawa, you must make Muramasa's plan succeed.

According to the information in Duan Mu's memory, Muramasa's Hajime's ability is to control the Zanpakuto in the enemy's hand, and control the master's arm to kill himself or his companions.If the enemy does not draw the sword, the materialized village is summoned from the inner world to come to the real world to attack the enemy, but it is invalid for the enemy who has closed the heart.

And his swastika is "No hook to kill the village", its ability is to make the materialized village enter the inner world of the enemy, so as to carry out mental attacks, memory reading, and Zanpakuto that caused this incident brainwashing.

Calling it brainwashing is actually a bit imprecise.

Because Muramasa's brainwashing only magnifies the dissatisfaction of Zanpakuto itself with its master. If Zanpakuto has no dissatisfaction with its master, it cannot be incited, and it must be when the Zanpakuto itself is defenseless. May be instigated and controlled by him.

The Zanpakuto rebellion that is currently causing the riots in Seireitei is not Muramasa's real purpose. His real purpose is to read the memory of Commander Yamamoto, so that he can learn where Kuchiki Kayokawa was sealed, and get his master out of the seal. rescued from.

Although Unhooked Cunzheng's ability is terrifying, but like Shijie, all his own abilities are ineffective against enemies who close their hearts.

So it is not difficult to eliminate him.

I must ensure the success of Muramasa's plan!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu didn't hesitate too much, stood up directly from the hospital bed, and came to the medicine cabinet.

"Boss Duan Mu?"

Komamura Zuojin watched as he opened the medicine cabinet with ease, and then took out a set of black overalls from it, his eyes suddenly became a little strange.

"If someone comes to me, tell them for me. I have something to deal with first."


Komamura Zuojin originally wanted to say, aren't you seriously injured?

But seeing Duan Mu's neat movements when changing clothes, he finally swallowed those words back.

Duan Mu's injury was extremely serious, which he had also heard from Captain Unohana and Toru Yune, and since Duan Mu lived here, the team members of the Fourth Division flocked here.

From their discussion, Komamura Zuojin learned that...

Today's Duan Mu looks fine on the surface, but he has lost the ability of death, basically no different from ordinary people.

But looking at Duan Mu who had changed into a black overalls, for some reason, he could still faintly feel an inexplicable sense of oppression, even more terrifying than when he was facing him.

This made Komamura Zuojin a little uncertain whether Duan Mu really lost the ability of Shinigami.

"Don't worry, I will come back later, and I may need Captain Komamura to do me a little favor."


Komamura was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

If it was just a small favor, he would naturally not refuse, after all, Duan Mu, as an outsider, has been helping the Goutei [-]th Division all along.

For Duan Mu, Komamura Zuojin has always had a great affection for Duan Mu.

Even if he was defeated by Duan Mu at the beginning...

After bidding farewell to Komamura Zuozhen, Duan Mu avoided the soldiers of the Fourth Division and quietly left the comprehensive rescue center.

It’s not because he’s afraid of being found out that he’s been discharged from the hospital, but if Duan Mu is surrounded by members of the fourth team, Duan Mu will definitely face all kinds of inquiries and concerns. In that case... I want to leave the comprehensive The ambulance station will be delayed for at least an hour.

Moreover, these people are all out of good intentions, and it is not easy for Duan Mu to refuse.


After leaving the comprehensive rescue center, Duan Mu found that he had neglected one point.

Without the spiritual pressure, I can't search at all.

Usually, he basically relies on probing nerves and sensing spiritual pressure to find targets, but now he can only find them with the naked eye.

It is basically impossible to find where Muramasa is with the naked eye in the huge world of corpses and souls.

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu walked towards the outside of the Lingling Court.

The direction he was heading was not the Baidaomen in the west, but the Qingliumen in the east.

After leaving Seiling Court, Duan Muzai teleported directly from Master House in East 38st District to the Master House in West [-]th District.

The tavern was as lively as ever. Regarding the news of Duan Mu's serious injury, in order to prevent Uzuki and the others from being too worried, they were not notified.

"Boss Duan Mu, you are back."

"Boss, did something happen to Seireitei?"

"That's right, I've also heard that many people seem to have died in the Seireitei. What happened?"

"Boss, now is the best time to attack Seireitei, when will we enter Seireitei?"

"I don't like those gods of death for a long time. After killing them, we will be gods of death, and you will be the captain."

"Hey, what is the chief captain, the chief captain is a fart, if Boss Duan Mu wants to be the spirit king!"


Hearing the excited yelling of these bastards in the tavern, the corners of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

With these bastards here, it's no wonder that the Technology Development Bureau has not stopped monitoring itself.

"Be quiet, I have something for you to do."

As soon as these words came out, the tavern, which was extremely noisy just a second ago, suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Duan Mu expectantly.

Are you really going to take this opportunity to attack Seireitei?

Although they called it Huan, they were actually just addicted to their mouths, and they were not completely ignorant of the power of those gods of death.

But if they are led by Boss Duan Mu, they may not be unable to break into Seiling Court and replace those bastard gods of death!

"..." Duan Mu.

Looking at the extremely excited eyes of everyone, even if he didn't ask, he knew what these bastards were thinking.

These people really have no self-awareness at all.

"Notify everyone in each area to start a blanket search on Liuhun Street. I have a small book here, with portraits and descriptions of some people."

"If anyone finds the person I'm looking for, don't make contact with them easily, but notify me as soon as possible, and monitor them secretly."

"Tell other people that these people are extremely powerful, and don't rush to conflict with them."

Since it is extremely difficult for him to find them, he must call everyone in Liuhun Street to search.

In addition to the villains, Duan Mu also issued a notice to Liuhun Street. They don't need to search, but if Muramasa and Zanpakuto appear in various areas, they should contact him immediately.

If Muramasa and others are hiding in Seiringting, it will be difficult for Duan Mu to find them.

But Ruhun Street...

Here, Duan Mu is the absolute king! !


2 Chapter [-] Hey~~

Things went very smoothly, Duan Mu mobilized at noon, and in the afternoon, he had already identified the cave where all the Zanpaku knives were hiding.

"Okay, let them not start a war rashly. It's better to replace them with ordinary people logging in the mountains to monitor. If there is any movement, let me know as soon as possible."

In the tavern, Duan Mu faced Da Ao Road.


Da Ao responded, turned his head to the younger brothers and said, "Have you heard what the boss said?"

"heard it."

"If you hear it, hurry up and notify me."

After sending off several younger brothers one by one, Da Ao sat beside Duan Mu and asked with some doubts: "Boss Duan Mu, who are those weird-looking guys? I don't think they are gods of death? They don't know The one who attacked Seireitei and caused heavy losses to the Gotei [-]th Division, right?"

"That's what they did."

Duan Mu didn't hide it, but said directly: "Those are Zanpakuto who were controlled by others and defected."

"The defected Zanpakuto?"

Da Ao was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he had heard that Zanpakuto could defect...

However, what is Boss Duan Mu doing to search for those defected Zanpakuto?

Is it...

Ou didn't know what he thought of, his eyes lit up: "Boss Duan Mu, do you want to destroy those Zanpakuto, so as to weaken the strength of Goutei [-]th Division?"

"...What are you thinking about all day long?"

Duan Mu looked at Da'ao speechlessly: "Those Zanpakuto are just a temporary rebellion, even if they are killed, they will eventually recover, and my purpose is not to destroy them, but to ensure that their goals are achieved."

Da Ao sounded a little confused, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't ask any further questions. Anyway, whatever Boss Duan Mu wanted to do, he would follow.

"Where's the rock vulture?"

Duan Mu asked Uyue with some doubts.

You must know that Ganjiu basically stays in the Master House Tavern every day, but today I sat here all afternoon, and Ganjiu never showed up once.

"It is said that Miss Sorazuru's friend is here. As the only member of the Shiba family, he will stay at home and take care of it."


Didn't Yoichi return to the present world with Urahara Kisuke and the others?


As the former commander-in-chief who was secretly maneuvering, staying in Seireitei during this period can indeed be of great help to Seireitei.

And, although I didn't see it.

But as far as Duan Mu knows, Kurosaki Ichigo and Hitsugaya and others who were sent to the present world have arrived in Soul Soul Realm two days ago, and they should be investigating now.

As a police force, the [-]th squad naturally couldn't stay out of the incident after such a big change, not to mention investigating the cause of the incident was originally the responsibility of the Shinigami pupil.

I just don't know where they found it now, I hope it won't be too different from what I remember, otherwise I can't find Rotten Wood Xianghe, Duan Mu really doesn't know where to find another target.

It's a pity that the gang of villains under him don't have Zanpakuto, otherwise they will all be sent to Muramasa, which can barely provide him with more combat power.

I do have it, but I always feel an inexplicable sense of shame for releasing my Zanpakuto.

Even if Duan Muming knew...

His Zanpakuto should not be as vulnerable as it appears on the surface.

"Did something happen to you?"

Ishida Zongxian, who had been observing Duan Mu, suddenly frowned and asked, "Why can't I feel any spiritual pressure fluctuations on your body?"

Although the usual Duan Mu's spiritual pressure is faintly present, but if it is not deliberately hidden, he can still feel the spiritual pressure in his body, instead of having no spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body like now.


Duan Mu nodded, and said directly: "I fought with Lan Ran two days ago, because of the injuries I suffered in that battle, I have completely lost the ability of Shinigami now."

Completely lost the ability of the god of death?

As soon as this remark came out, the entire tavern fell silent.

Immediately, Da Ao's face darkened, he got up from Duan Mu, stood behind Duan Mu, and looked coldly at everyone in the tavern.

As a villain, he knows the rules of the villain better than anyone else.

The rules are very simple and can be summed up in four words.

The strong are respected!

Because the boss Duan Mu is the strongest, most villains regard him as a 'king'.

But if one day, this 'king' becomes weak, then these guys definitely don't mind killing the 'king' to replace him.

And the fact is the same, almost at the moment when Duan Mu said that he had lost the ability of the god of death, the eyes of many people in the tavern looked at him faintly changed.

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