Ishida Zongxian at the side glanced at Duan Mu, and there was no guilt on his face, nor did he feel regret for asking questions that should not be asked.

Because Duan Mu is not a fool, if he really shouldn't answer, he will naturally cover it up seamlessly, or indicate that he is talking in private, instead of telling it directly in front of so many people like now.

Duan Mu glanced at the tavern with great interest, and silently remembered all the people who looked at him in the wrong way.

Although Duan Mu is not willing to take the initiative to attack those who have helped him a lot, but if these people attack him, it will be completely different.

Whether it is used as consumables for spiritual pressure or as research materials, these guys can be very good at this job.


It's about time for some cleaning.

Since the entire Liuhun Street is ruled by Duan Mu, the villains in the four major areas often get along together, and fighting has become less and less.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but recently someone has secretly formed an alliance without telling him, hoping to provoke a conflict between himself and Seireitei, thus forcing him to be an enemy of the Goute [-]th Division.

A wicked person is a wicked person after all, and the fact that he likes to fight will not change no matter what.

After a long period of peace, some villains gradually adapted, while some villains felt deeply depressed and became more irritable.

Recently, there are more and more people making trouble in the tavern.

If you continue to let them go, you may bring yourself huge troubles one day. This must be avoided!

Duan Mu picked up the wine glass and lightly sipped the rim.

After such a short period of time, some villains in the tavern have quietly retreated towards the transfer pile in the backyard, preparing to convey the news that Duan Mu has lost the ability of the God of Death.

When Da Ao saw this, he subconsciously wanted to stop him, but before he could take any action, he was dragged back by Duan Mu.

"Sit down."

Duan Mu pressed the struggling Da Ao on the seat: "Speaking of which, it seems like the two of us haven't had a drink together for a long time, right?"

"Boss, this is not the time to drink. Why don't you let go first... eh?"

Da Ao was taken aback suddenly, looked at the motionless palm on his shoulder, and blinked: "You..."

"Come on, have a drink."

Duan Mu picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine for Da Ou. He was the first person to follow him. Da Ou has been receiving Duan Mu's teachings for these years. The big villain, besides Yu Erzhong, is the strongest villain.

If he made a move, he could completely keep all the villains in the tavern who plotted against him in the tavern.

"Eh? Ah...thank you, boss!"

Da Ao's eyes lit up, and his serious expression immediately relaxed.

He used to be a dog-headed military advisor for Daimaru in the West 79th District, so he was naturally not a fool. When he felt the power from the palm on his shoulder, he vaguely guessed what Boss Duan Mu was thinking.

It seems that many people will die this time.

However, because Boss Duan Mu has been a lot more friendly to them recently, this group of people is indeed a bit of a slap in the face, and the trouble is too much!

"Why don't we go to Miss Konghe's place for a while?" Uzuki asked in a low voice behind the bar.

"Do not worry."

Before Duan Mu could speak, Ishida Zongxian laughed and said, "This old bone of mine can still move."

"If you want to be an old bone, what am I?"

On the side, Da Ou glanced at Ishida Zongxian: "I've been in the world of corpses and souls for so many years, but I'm still old and old every day. If you really count it in terms of age, I'm enough to be your grandfather."


Ishida Munezuru's face turned dark when he was angry, and he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't think of a rebuttal.

Although this is ugly, it is indeed the truth.

"Then what do you want to talk about?" Ishida Zongxian looked at Da'ao with a gloomy gaze: "How about you fight with me?"


Da Ao's complacent face froze immediately, and he laughed instead: "Come on, Mr. Ishida, let's drink..."


Duan Mu looked at the two of them and couldn't help laughing.

Unconsciously, I really stayed here for a long time.

At least my former self, when encountering such a thing, would never choose to wait for their rebellion before cleaning up.

"What do you think?"

Uzuki refilled a glass of wine for Duan Mu, and asked in a worried tone: "Are you really all right? No, can I let Ganjiu come over too?"

"I just suddenly remembered something from the past."

Duan Mu smiled slightly, and turned to say: "Don't worry, let Big Brother Yanjiu accompany Big Sister Konghe to receive the guests."

"What happened in the past?"

Uzuki was slightly taken aback, then remembered something, and said with a smile: "When you say that, I also remember the time when you first arrived in Soul Soul Realm."

"Just arrived in Soul Soul Realm?"

Da Ao's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned forward: "Sister Uyue, what was Boss Duan Mu like when he first arrived in Soul Soul Realm? Is it the same as I remember?"

"How could it be the same."

Mao Yue said: "The Duan Mu you saw has been in the Soul Soul Realm for three years. When he first arrived in the Soul Soul Realm, but... well, how should I put it, it was scary anyway."


As soon as this remark came out, Ishida Zongxian on the side also became interested.

"Well, the eyes are dead silent, the whole person looks gloomy, as if he can't laugh at all, and the most important thing is..."

Maoyue paused, looked at Duan Mu, and found that Duan Mu didn't respond, and said: "Obviously the hands and feet are healthy, but except for one hand that can move freely, the other hand and both feet seem to be completely useless. Usually, when he first arrived in Soul Soul Realm, I pushed his wheelchair for a while."

"It's scary, but it's scary, but when he first arrived in Soul Soul Realm, he had been working hard to learn how to get along with people, and even practiced smiling in front of the mirror, and then greeted the girls around him in a particularly awkward tone. Duan Mu is not the same as he is now, like a... well, yes, the scumbag in the world's population."

"Back then, when he was talking to the barmaid, his face turned red from holding back."

"Can't laugh? A wheelchair?"

Ou and Ishida Zongxian's expressions suddenly became a little strange. If these words were not said by Uzuki who first met Duan Mu, they would never believe it.

It should be said that even if Uzuki said this, they still couldn't believe it.

You must know that in the entire Liuhun Street, who doesn't know Boss Duan Mu, he is like a happy Buddha, who will greet everyone with a smile.

"It's not that exaggerated. I can walk in a month. It's just that there was an accident when I was teleported to the corpse soul world." I can't even laugh, can I?"

"I know this."

Ooku laughed: "When I was following Daimaru, I investigated Boss Duanmu because of his order. It is said that Boss Duanki was thrown from the sky, and it just happened to hit Sister Uzuki's house, which even alarmed Seireitei Come and investigate."

Everyone chatted while drinking, and the time passed quickly.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to the backyard of the tavern was suddenly pushed open, and two figures walked in from outside.

Almost at the moment when the two appeared, there was a pungent smell of blood in the tavern.

"Yo, Boss Duan Mu, Boss Nishijinori and I came to see you."

The burly Yu Erzhong waved at Duan Mu, and with her waving, immediately threw out a large amount of blood.

This scene made the corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitch slightly.


Nishijinori, who was also covered in blood, snorted rather coldly, and sat on the wine table where he often sat.

"You are this?"

The corners of Duan Mu's mouth twitched and did not stop, because he had vaguely realized why the two of them looked like this, but he was a little unwilling to admit it.

"When Boss Nishijin and I came here, we met some dishonest guys, so we wasted a little time."

Yu Erzhong picked up the wine glass familiarly, and while receiving the wine for Nishijin Zhizhi, he said: "Boss Duan Mu, we will allocate a room for the two of us later, and we are going to rest with you for a while. The one who has been fighting with people recently is really A little tired."


Duan Mu looked at the two of them, and couldn't help but rubbed his head: "You two are killing embryos, don't you have a brain hole?"


"How much did you kill?" Duan Mu asked again.

Yu Erzhong and Nishijinori looked at each other, faintly aware that something was wrong.

Ori Nishijin picked up the wine glass in Yu Erzhong's hand, turned his head as if he didn't hear it, and sipped the strong wine in the glass.

Yu Erzhong hesitated for a moment: "That... it's not all... it's just killing all the small gangs in the West District."

"What a small gang."

"There are dozens, and there are thousands..."

"..." Duan Mu.

What a waste!

If I had known earlier, I would have notified these two dudes first.

What a goddamn gang, these two prodigal bastards have basically slaughtered most of the villains in the west.

And at this moment, the door to the backyard was pushed open again, and the voice came over before the person showed up.

"Boss Duan Mu, I brought you good wine. If you have any distressing things, you can tell me in the future. You don't have to worry. From now on, I, Takahashi, will cover the house of all things. Whoever comes and who dies!"

Seeing Gao Qiao, whom everyone likes, also walking in covered in blood, Duan Mu sighed slightly.

Among the villains under his command, the three big villains Nishijinori, Jinjiao, and Yinjiao, as well as Yu Erzhong, have all reached the captain level under his guidance, and the vice-captain level is even more frightening. There is also the student Takahashi that everyone likes in front of me, who is the most powerful.

Looking at his attire, he knew without thinking that a lot of his experimental products should have been murdered again.

"Uh... Boss Nishijinori is here already?"

Gao Qiao's insolent declaration came to an abrupt end, and he said with a trembling smile, "I'm just talking."


As soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of even more insolent laughter from outside.

"Duan Mu boy, come out for me."

The voice of Jinjiao came: "Return Jinjiao and Yinjiao. From today on, you will change your name to Jinyinmu."

"From now on, you will be our younger brother, and I will give you the golden horn and the silver horn first... Bah, first I will build a house for your two elder brothers. Your two elder brothers helped you solve a lot of trouble just now."

Hearing these two arrogant voices, Duan Mu's eyes lit up slightly, but what they said made Duan Mu's eyes dim again.


Accompanied by the sound of pushing the door, as expected...

The two people who came in were covered in blood like Nishijinori and the others, judging from the thickness, they might not have been killed less than Nishijinori and the others.

Seeing this, Takahashi who was standing at the back door hurriedly shrank back.


Duan Mu sighed heavily, put down his wine glass, got up and greeted the two people walking outside.

"Yo, you're promising, and you know you're coming out to greet me."

The chubby Jinjiao's eyes lit up, and his expression was relaxed. After hearing that Duan Mu had lost the ability of the god of death, the two of them could be said to have mixed joy and sorrow. It is worried about Duan Mu's safety.

After all, Duan Mu has taken good care of the two of them these years, and often guides them in their cultivation.

Nishijinori and the others looked at the smug Jinkaku and Yinkaku, and their eyes couldn't help but become a little strange.

Duan Mu came to the front and back of the two, put his arms around their necks, and dragged them to the backyard.

"Why, why, who are you hooking up with..."

Jin Jiao immediately started yelling, but the thin Yinjiao at the side sensed something was wrong, and kept hitting Jin Jiao with his hands.

"Why are you pissing me off? Didn't you say you wanted to establish the prestige of the two brothers before Nishijinzhi arrived? Otherwise, when that lunatic Nishijinzhi came, don't even think about ordering Boss Duan Mu... Bah, Jinyinmu does things It's gone." Jin Jiao said while pulling the arm around his neck.

"Hey, you're pretty strong... huh?"

Only then did Jin Jiao seem to realize something, and subconsciously released his spiritual pressure, but no matter how hard he tried, the arms around his neck remained motionless like iron clamps.

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