This discovery made Jin Jiao's plump cheeks pale in an instant.

"Duan...Brother Duan Mu...I just...yes, I just made a joke..."

"It's okay, I'll just see if you've been slacking off on your practice during this time."

"'s not necessary...ahhhhhhhh~"

A shrill scream sounded from the backyard.

Nishijinori and the others looked at each other, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Chapter 241 Duan Mu’s Zanpakutō

General Rescue.

"The whereabouts of the captain-level Zanpakuto are still unknown, and there is no report of a battle between the captain-level and the Zanpakuto, but because Captain Duan Mu immediately reported the method to restore the Zanpakuto to normal, so in the secret maneuver Under the siege, basically all the Zanpakuto of ordinary soldiers have been restored."

"There are also some Zanpakuto that accidentally died in the hands of others during the siege. Captain Nirvana Yuri is currently studying the method of recovery."

In the meeting room, Ukitake Shishiro looked at the report in his hand and said slowly.

In the small meeting, almost all the captains were present. The only captains who were not present were Yuri Mayu who was researching the materialized Zanpakutō, and Captain Yamamoto and Byakuya Kuchiki who were missing.

However, there are still two people missing.

That is the captain and deputy captain of the eleventh team, Saraki Kenpachi and Kusaka Yachiryu. They did not disappear because of the Zanpakuto rebellion, but left Seireitei to perform missions before the Zanpakuto rebellion. Gui... For the two of them, there is absolutely no need to worry.

Because whether Zanpakuto is rebellious or not, it will not have any impact on Zaragi Kenpachi's strength.

"Where's Brother Duanmu? I heard from Captain Unozhihua earlier that he has been discharged from the hospital, hasn't he?"

Kurosaki Ichigo in the corner asked with some doubts, "Why haven't I seen him?"

When he first arrived in Soul Soul Realm, he heard that Duan Mu was severely injured by Aizen in order to protect classmate Inoue, so he wanted to visit Duan Mu.

However, when he first arrived at Seireitei, his Zanpakuto was used by Muramasa to confront him with his sword, and it was difficult for Zanpakuto to return to normal. After that, he followed the secret maneuver to encircle and suppress the scattered Zanpakuto As a result, when he had time to visit Duan Mu...

Duan Mu has been discharged from the hospital.

"Boss Duan Mu, he has already returned to Liuhun Street."

After Jingle Chunshui finished speaking, his brows frowned slightly: "The battle with Aizen caused him to be severely injured, and the ability of the god of death completely disappeared. If he gets too much help, and may even be affected, it is safer for him to stay in Liuhun Street."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression darkened suddenly. Regarding this point, he had already heard Captain Unokana talk about this when he first arrived in Soul Society.


Yoruichi patted Kurosaki Ichigo on the head: "Don't worry about him, even if he loses the ability of Shinigami, those Zanpakuto will definitely not be able to hurt him."


Ye Yi paused, then turned to look at Broken Bee aside.

"According to the supervisory team's report, after Duan Mu returned to Liuhun Street, the area behind the numbers was once in chaos, with tens of thousands of victims."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone present couldn't help turning their eyes to Suifeng.

"According to the monitoring results of the supervisory team..."

Sui Feng paused for a moment when he said this, because the people in the supervision team, like Kurosaki Ichigo, spontaneously supervised Duan Mu because they were worried about Duan Mu's safety. subject, but this time it is to protect the subject of supervision...

Shaking his head slightly, Broken Bee continued: "It was not Duan Mu who shot, but the most powerful leaders under Duan Mu's command, and the cause of the incident was the news that Duan Mu had lost his ability to die. Those villains under his command are gathering secretly, intending to rebel."

"But the plan for rebellion has not yet been implemented, and all the villains who intend to rebel have been spontaneously slaughtered by Duan Mu's men."

"Tsk tsk, sometimes Boss Duan Mu is really scary." Jingle Chunshui shook his head upon hearing this.

Hitsugaya Toshiro frowned: "Even so, it shouldn't have caused such huge casualties."

"It's better for us not to intervene in the matter over there."

Jingle Chunshui shook his head: "Liuhun Street is now completely boss Duan Mu's talk, I also have information on those people under his command, among them there are several people whose spiritual pressure is comparable to the captain level, and the vice captain level is not even higher than us less, the most important thing is..."

"His influence spreads all over Liuhun Street, even the ordinary residents are no exception. It can be said that if Boss Duan Mu wants to, he can even surround the entire Seiring Court."

"If he is dissatisfied with meddling in Ruhun Street, during this period, we can't face Boss Duan Mu and the rebellious Zanpakuto at the same time."

When Jingle Chunshui finished speaking, his expression couldn't help but become a little weird.

Because as usual, Mao's room 46 would never allow such a force to exist, but the strange thing is...

Whether it is Captain Yamamoto or Room 46 Mao, they all turned a blind eye to the forces under Duan Mu's command, as if they were not afraid that this force would threaten Seireitei.

If it was simply a huge force, it would be absolutely impossible to cause the current situation.

Because Seireitei launched a siege on Ruukon Street not once or twice. The big senior Uno Hanauri who was present had once led a team to carry out a bloody massacre on Ruukon Street, cleaning up and recovering countless people in Rukon Street. strong.

Before Captain Unohana, Captain Yamamoto also led Goutei [-]th Division to clear Rukon Street.

There must be something that I don't know, so Captain Yamamoto and Mao Room 46 both think that Duan Mu will not lead this force to harm Seireitei.

"According to the report of the spies who have been staying outside the Master House in the West 38th District, this matter was not led by Duan Mu, but was spontaneously developed by those under him."

Broken Bee's secret agent is actually the member of the supervisory team who stays every day opposite Master House, drinking at the bartender's stall. Due to his duties, he has never been in the tavern of Master House to drink, but Ganjiu often brings a few Little brother went to drink with him...

"Furthermore, according to the report, most of the villains who were confiscated were those who intended to stir up conflicts between Duan Mu and Sei Lingting, so Duan Mu also held a tacit attitude towards this confiscation."

Sui Feng slowly said that although he did not deliberately favor Duan Mu, he did not make a judgment on Duan Mu that he might harm Sei Ling Ting as usual.

If possible, she didn't want to push Duan Mu to the opposite of Sei Lingting.

So about Duan Mu, there is one more thing that Broken Bee did not report.

That is, not long after the payment was made, those villains under Duan Mu's command acted again, collecting all the dead bodies.

As for why Duan Mu did this, Suifeng didn't know the details. Master Ye seemed to have learned some clues from Shiba's family, but he didn't go into details, but told himself that Duan Mu would not harm Seireitei.


Broken Bee could faintly guess some of it.

There are only a few functions that a dead body can play.

There is also someone in Goutei [-]th Division who is keen on collecting corpses. This person is Nirvana Mayuri, and his purpose of collecting corpses is not a secret in the secret mobile eye.

Carry out human experiments that are prohibited by the Seireitei!

Duan Mu's purpose should be the same.

If it was Duan Mu from before, he would be thrown directly into the nest of maggots if he did this kind of experiment.

But like Mayuri Nirvana, Duan Mu not only has great strength, but also has made great contributions to the Soul Society, so as long as Mao Room 46 does not issue an investigation order, Sui Feng does not want to explore Duan Mu's purpose of collecting corpses.

What's more, those unstable factors that tried to attack Seireitei had nothing to do with Seireitei.


Meanwhile, West 38th.

"Boss Duan Mu, I have followed the method you taught me to preserve all the corpses, and for those scattered guys who did not die, Da Ao also led people to arrest them all and put them together with the corpses. into the tunnel opened by the Griffon in the backyard last time."

After Yu Erzhong finished speaking, he asked with some doubts: "Why did you keep them here?"

"The fact that I have lost the ability of the god of death is not deceiving you, I have indeed lost the ability of the god of death."

As soon as this remark came out, the corners of the mouths of everyone in the tavern couldn't help twitching.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn, who were sitting with Nishijinori in the center of the tavern, rolled their eyes even more.

The two of them looked miserable at this moment, Jin Jiao was a lot fatter than before, and Yin Jiao followed in Jin Jiao's footsteps, becoming a big fat man...

Lost the power of death?

What a joke.

Although the two of them couldn't beat Nishijinori, their spiritual pressure was not weaker than those of the captains of Goutei [-]th Division. As a result, the two of them were still under the hands of Duan Mu who "proclaimed" that he had lost the ability of death, and they had no power to resist, even It was even more unbearable than when he was training against Duan Mu.

You say that you have lost the power of the god of death, who will believe it?

Yu Erzhong also looked suspicious.

"I don't rely entirely on spiritual pressure to fight. Although I can't use spiritual pressure, my own strength is still very strong."

Duan Mu didn't hide it from everyone present: "So in order to get back the spiritual pressure, I need a large number of spiritual bodies to conduct research, so as to create a method that can heal the core of spiritual pressure in my body."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly nodded.

"Then let's go kill some more."


"By the way, I remember that many people were buried in the backyard, why don't we dig them out too?"


Duan Mu looked at everyone who talked to each other and tried to find research materials for themselves, and a smile appeared on their faces unconsciously, even Duan Mu himself didn't notice it.

"Enough is enough."

Interrupting everyone's discussion, Duan Mu said: "Don't be so troublesome, the most urgent thing now is to keep an eye on those rebellious Zanpakuto, I need them to help me find someone."

According to approximate statistics, the number of villains who died this time was about 5000. Fortunately, at this time, both the virtual circle and the world of corpses and souls are in their heyday. Although the deaths of these villains may have some impact, the Should not be big.

Even, it might be good for the balance.

After all, when Duan Mu was experimenting in the virtual circle, the balance between the soul world and the virtual circle had already been slightly tilted, and now it is just a certain correction.

This can be seen from the fact that Nirvana Yuri did not contact him.

If it really had a huge impact, that lunatic would have personally come to Master House.

"someone is coming."

At this moment, Nishijinori, who had not participated in the conversation, suddenly spoke.

Duan Mu heard this and looked towards him.

"Judging from the spiritual pressure, it should be those defecting Zanpakutos you mentioned."

The defected Zanpakuto?

Duan Mu frowned, what are they doing here?

Did you find yourself sending someone to watch them?

Duan Mu pondered for a while, and said: "You guys stay in the tavern and don't move, I'll go out and have a look."

There are spirit patterns on the wall of the tavern that eliminate breath and isolate detection. As long as everyone doesn't go out, no one will find that there are so many people hiding in the tavern.

Duan Mu didn't want Muramasa to be wary of him before he figured out the purpose of Zanpakuto looking for him.

After making up his mind, Duan Mu walked straight out of the tavern.

After closing the door casually, Duan Mu lay directly on the recliner outside the tavern, as if he was out to bask in the sun.

Not long after he lay down here, accompanied by a gust of wind, a figure appeared on the street in front of Wanshiwu.

This is a man with a terrifying appearance and extremely long nails. He is wearing a white one-piece robe, and his whole body reveals an inexplicable sense of weirdness and gloom.


Duan Mu slowly sat up from the reclining chair, looked at the sudden appearance of the village, with a smile on his face: "My guest, do you have any entrustment for coming to my Wanshiwu?"

Muramasa did not speak, but looked Duan Mu up and down.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Is that you?"


"The person who fought the god of death named Aizen three days ago?"

Duan Mu didn't speak, but looked at Muramasa with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Judging from Muramasa's appearance, he probably didn't know that he sent people to monitor them, so why did he come to find him?

"It seems that, as those gods of death said, you have lost the ability of god of death."

Muramasa didn't wait for Duan Mu's answer. After observing Duan Mu carefully, he shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in killing a waste, I'm just here to take something from you .”

Take an item?

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, and he vaguely guessed the purpose of Muramasa's coming here.

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