Do you want to stop it?

Duan Mu hesitated for a moment, but did not get up.

"People who are no longer the god of death are naturally not qualified to continue to hold the Zanpakuto, but I can make your Zanpakuto exert its due ability!"

During the words, the village is slowly walking towards Duan Mu.

In the battle between Duan Mu and Lan Ran three days ago, although he was not at the scene, he also felt the terror of the two forces.

Although he didn't know much about Duan Mu, he was no stranger to Aizen.

Because it was Aizen who found him and provided him with countless virtual sources of power to maintain his own materialization.

For those who can fight against Aizen, his Zanpakuto should also be extremely powerful.

When the master loses the ability of Shinigami, the Zanpakuto in his spiritual world will not disappear, but will fall into a deep sleep, just like himself.

So awakening it and bringing it under the banner should be able to help me a little.

Looking at the palm stretched out by the village, Duan Mu did not resist, but sat there like an ordinary person and let the village do what he did.


Strange fluctuations emerged from Muramasa's palm, heading towards his own spiritual world.


Vaguely, there seemed to be a scream.

This made Duan Mu slightly relieved, he was really afraid that the little white dog in his spiritual world would suddenly bark a few times, in that case, he would really be close to death.

And in the place where Duan Mu can't see, in his spiritual world.

A change is taking place, with the influx of Muramasa's strange fluctuations, a burst of gray gas emerges from the gray trees and the ground, and merges into the little white dog's body.


The weird screaming sound became louder and louder, and accompanied by a sense of lack, an extremely huge monster that was even twice as tall as the master house slowly appeared on the street.


As soon as this colossal monster appeared, it let out an unprecedented loud scream.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye diffused out, but did not affect the surrounding buildings, but the spirit particles where the sound waves passed were mobilized one by one.

The shape of the giant monster is close to that of a wild beast, its whole body is pure white, and only the lush white hair can be seen from a close distance, but if you look at it from a distance, you will find that the appearance of this beast is a kind of hair that has grown countless. times...


Duan Mu looked at the white fox howling in the street, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although it has been known for a long time that the body of Zanpakutō after materialization will be different from the image in the owner's impression.


A small thing that circles around itself at every turn, barking like a dog, turns out to be a huge fox after materializing, isn't the contrast a bit too great?

Muramasa looked at Ju Ming who appeared, and his eyes couldn't help showing a strange color.

Because no matter what the original appearance of the Zanpakuto body is, most of them will approach the human form after materialization, but the Zanpakuto body in front of me appears in a complete animal form.

And most importantly...

When he invaded Duanmu's spiritual world, he didn't feel Zanpakuto's dissatisfaction with his master, but only fear, and a murderous intent that should have disappeared.

Rather than saying that he brought the Zanpakuto out of its master's world, it is better to say that Murderous Intent used his own ability to urge the body of the Zanpakuto to materialize!

Thinking of this, Muramasa couldn't help but glance at Duan Mu.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation where Zanpakuto has nothing but fear for its master.

It is not without precedent that Zanpakuto is afraid of its master. The captain of the [-]th Division is an example, but although his Zanpakuto is afraid, he still has dissatisfaction with his master.

But Duan Mu's Zanpakutao, because of fear, did not dare to be dissatisfied with Duan Mu at all.

But there is an inexplicable murderous intent!

This guy……

What the hell did you do to the Zanpakuto?


Chapter 242 Uneasy


Almost at the moment when the huge fox appeared on the street, the door of the Master House opened, and several figures appeared around Duan Mu very abruptly.

For a moment, a powerful spiritual pressure enveloped the audience.

This scene made Muramasa tense.

Because of these people who appeared, without exception, everyone has an extremely powerful spiritual pressure, but the strange thing is... None of these people hold Zanpakuto, and it doesn't feel like a guardian at all. The Shinigami of the thirteenth division of the court, on the contrary, is more like...

Prisoners who should be in jail.

Being in the middle of the crowd, Duan Mu didn't look at Muramasa, nor did he pay attention to Nishijinori and others beside him, his eyes were focused on the huge fox from the beginning to the end.

The fox in front of him gave him a very strange feeling.

as if...

It's as if two of my avatars are fused together.

In addition to feeling the breath of the little white dog on the fox, Duan Mu also sensed Zeng Juming's murderous intent.


Duan Mu smiled slightly, this was a windfall for him.

Although it can't cause any impact, since this residual murderous intent can affect the little white dog, it cannot be allowed to continue to exist.

But what exactly is it capable of?

During Duan Mu's battle with Lan Ran, it reminded Duan Mu that he showed the ability to see through illusions and tolerance respectively.

At first, Duan Mu was able to avoid Aizen's knife because of the screaming sound of the Zanpakuto, and the last knife was able to break through Aizen's defense, because the condensed Zanpakuto absorbed all the energy of Duan Mu's Kidao Blade. , are all contained, thus exerting a powerful power.


At this moment, the screaming of the white fox stopped, and a pair of purple eyes fell on Duan Mu.

Are you coming?

Duan Mu's expression remained unchanged, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart.

After all, it is his own Zanpakuto, if he underestimates it too much, it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter.

But what Duan Mu didn't expect was...

Ju Ming looked at him, although his eyes were full of murderous intent, but he didn't rush towards him, but stood there, motionless, with a very humane struggle on his face.

Sometimes it is gentle and full of fear, and sometimes it is dark and full of murderous intent, just like schizophrenia.


Duan Mu was a little surprised when he saw Ju Ming's reaction.

Because judging from Juming's reaction, the little white dog obviously contained the remnants of Zeng Juming, and it seems that this little white dog himself is not that simple.

Muramasa also noticed this, he glanced at Nishijinori and others around Duan Mu, and glanced at the huge fox behind him from the corner of his eye.

"Let's go. It's not too late to come to him after I finish my business and you stabilize."

Muramasa's words seemed to possess some kind of magic power, which helped the murderous intent to suppress Ju Ming, and gradually calmed down the white fox's state.

Immediately after, the village looked at Duan Mu, turned around and disappeared in place.

The giant fox stood there without moving, but its figure gradually became unreal, and finally it seemed to collapse, turning into spirit particles and dissipating away, disappearing in an instant.

Nishijinzhi and others wanted to prevent Muramasa from leaving, but they were all stopped by Duan Mu.

"Now is not the time to deal with him."

"Boss Duan Mu."

At this moment, a figure ran over quickly from the opposite side of Wanshiwu: "I have already called for backup, don't be afraid."


Duan Mu couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth when he looked at the supervision team member who smelled of alcohol all over his body. Did these guys really regard monitoring themselves as a vacation?

If you drink like this at work, aren't you afraid of being seen by Captain Broken Bee?

Duan Mu shook his head, and said to Da Ao next to him, "Hide this idiot who staggers when he walks, and don't be discovered by someone who will come later."

"Wait...I...I'm not drunk..."

Da Ao gave a strange laugh, and directly picked up the struggling supervision team member, instead of going to the house of masters, he found a private house at random.

On the street, residents of the West 38th District have already stepped out of their houses.

Regarding what just happened, everyone was very calm.

The main reason is because they are used to it, and Uzuki usually organizes evacuation drills. If something happened, Boss Duan Mu would have asked them to evacuate long ago.

The support came very quickly, within about 3 minutes, the transfer pile in the backyard of Duanmu Wanshiwu's backyard lit up with bursts of light.

Broken Bee stepped into the tavern first, and frowned slightly after seeing the calm atmosphere in the tavern.

And behind her, Kurosaki Ichigo and Shifengin Yoichi came immediately.

"Brother Duan Mu, where is that guy named Muramasa?"

As soon as Kurosaki Ichigo came in, he looked around vigilantly. He was no stranger to these villains present. After all, he also stayed here for a while when he came to rescue Rukia last time.

Unlike him, Yoruichi's eyes swept over Nishijinori, Ha Erzhong, Jinjiao, and Yinkaku.

Although she had known for a long time that there was a powerful force under Duan Mu's command, she was a little surprised that four captains were sitting in this small tavern.

"Are only a few of you here?"

After hearing this, Sui Feng glared at Duan Mu angrily: "How many more people do you want?"

"Who knows if his purpose is to disperse the combat power of Goutei [-]th Division. Before Muramasa's purpose is clarified, Gotei [-]th Division must give priority to ensuring the safety of Seireitei!"

After Suifeng finished speaking, she asked Duan Mu: "What is the purpose of the villager looking for you?"


Duan Mu didn't hide anything, and repeated the purpose of Muramasa's coming here: "...Because Nishijinori and the others were here, after the village made me defect with Zanpakuto, they didn't stay long, but took my Zanpakuto directly with me Get out of here."

"Your Zanpakuto?"

Duan Mu's words made the three of Broken Bee more or less curious.


Even Suifeng, who is most familiar with Duan Mu, doesn't know what ability Duan Mu's Zanpakuto possesses.

Even she has almost never seen Duan Mu's Zanpakuto liberated. The only time it was the battle between Duan Mu and Aizen, she only knew that his Zanpakuto would form a space to trap people after it was released, but not In a second, the space that trapped Aizen collapsed by itself.

"Don't look at me, I don't understand either."

Duan Mu met Broken Bee's probing gaze, and shook his head: "I haven't even used Shijie, so how could I know what abilities it possesses?"

"However, judging from the known performance, he has the ability to disperse and transform into spirit particles, and at the same time has the ability to accommodate various attributes of energy and perfectly integrate these energies together."

Zanpakuto's ability can be said to be a hole card, but even if these two abilities are revealed, it doesn't matter.

Suifeng nodded, then looked at Nishijinori and the others, with a look of thought flashing in his eyes.

"Golden horn, silver horn, you two come here."

Seeing the broken bee, Duan Mu smiled slightly, and summoned the gold and silver Erjiao.


Jin Jiao cautiously came to Duan Mu's side: "Boss Duan Mu, I rushed out earlier than Nishijinzhi."

"During this period of time, you two, follow Captain Broken Bee first, and all actions must be absolutely obeyed by Captain Broken Bee."


"Wait, Boss Duan Mu, I..."

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