"To shut up."

Duan Mu glared at the two of them: "I haven't settled the accounts with you two for the previous matter, but this time the matter is settled, I won't hold you two accountable."

"no problem!"

Hearing this, their eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "Absolutely obey orders."

"Although the two of them are average in strength, they have been learning Shunbu and Baida from me, so their fighting style is very similar to that of Xing Jun." Duan Mu paused, and continued: "Captain Broken Bee, you can fight against the two of them." Temporarily incorporated into the Xing army, it should be able to give you some help."

"If anyone doesn't follow your orders, just let me know."

As soon as these words came out, both Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao straightened their backs.

[Smash Bee's favorability +1, gain 10240 experience points, current favorability: 58]

Duan Mu's eyes light up slightly with the reminder in his mind.

Broken Bee glanced at Golden Horn and Silver Horn, and asked, "I do need some help, but is there any problem with you?"

"Do not worry."

Duan Mu smiled slightly: "Although Reiatsu cannot be used, it is still no problem to pack some Zanpakutō."

Assigning the golden and silver horns to Suifeng is of course to increase Suifeng's favorability, but Duan Mu also needs someone to stay in Seireitei to report the movements of Goutei [-]th Division for him, so as not to toss for a long time. .

After explaining for a while, Broken Bee didn't stay long, nor did he ask about the whereabouts of the supervisor team member.

Because she also knows very well...

Within the supervision team, monitoring Duan Mu is equivalent to paid vacation.

Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to stay and protect Duan Mu, but was forcibly driven away by Duan Mu. After all, he was expected to be used by Muramasa to destroy the enchantment sealed by Captain Yamamoto.

In the next two days, Sei Ling Ting had completely stabilized.

The secret maneuver also started a search operation on Ruhun Street, and arrested some scattered Zanpakudou who were hiding in various places.

Among them, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao performed very well, and at the same time reported to Duan Mu the movements of Sei Ling Ting.

It is worth mentioning that Saraki Kenpachi and Kusaka Yachiryu, whose whereabouts were unknown, also returned to Seireitei, and the reason for their disappearance can be said to be expected...

be lost.

Everything is gradually developing according to Muramasa's plan, just like in my memory.

However, what makes Duan Mu a little puzzled is...

According to reports from Jinjiao and Yinjiao, his Zanpakuto never appeared.

This made Duan Mu faintly feel that something was wrong.

Fortunately, the secret maneuver has now locked the area where Captain Yamamoto is self-appointed, and the rescue of Captain Yamamoto will start today.

Duan Mu, who has been paying attention to the movements of Goutei's [-]th squad, and constantly making up for Murasa's mistakes, letting everything develop according to his plan, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because if everything goes well, Rotten Wood Xianghe will be released from the seal today.

And myself...

It can also be turned into a spiritual void pattern outside the body, so as to use his spiritual pressure for final research.

The premise is that everything goes well.

The whereabouts of his own Zanpakuto were unknown, which made Duan Mu feel inexplicably uneasy.

"Those gods of death have already attacked the cave where Muramasa and the others are hiding. Judging from the conflict of Reiatsu, they are now in the middle of a fierce battle."

Yu Erzhong asked: "Do you want our people who are hiding nearby to go in and help?"

"No, tell everyone to evacuate and stay away from that area."

Duan Mu shook his head: "If Captain Yamamoto's Zanpakuto is manipulated, even if it's only for a short period of time, it will still bring huge disasters to the surrounding area, and let everyone leave that area immediately."

Yu Erzhong nodded when he heard the words, and then went to send a message.

Duan Mu watched Yu Erzhong leave, and did not start any action. Instead, he came outside Wanshiwu, looking at the direction Captain Yamamoto appointed himself.

About 10 minutes after Yu Erzhong left, Duan Mu's eyes lit up.

Looking around, I saw a crimson light suddenly emerge from the sky, illuminating the night.

The moment the light appeared in the entire Corpse Soul Realm, the temperature suddenly soared, and the air became extremely dry, as if all the moisture had been evaporated.

"Shouldn't it be said that he really deserves to be the boss of Death God?"

Looking at the flames in the sky, Ishida Zongxian sighed sincerely, even standing here, he could feel the horror of the flames.

Duan Mu withdrew his gaze, turned his head to Ishida Zongxian and Nishijinori, and said, "You stay in Wanshiwu, and people will continue to investigate the whereabouts of my Zanpakuto. I always feel that the brat suppressed my current Zanpakuto Afterwards, they may be secretly preparing for something."

His own Zanpakuto is not so much used by Muramasa as it is materialized by Muramasa.

"how about you?"

Ishida Zongxian asked with some doubts.


Duan Mu smiled slightly: "After waiting for so long, it's time to harvest."

Almost at the moment when his words fell, a black hole suddenly appeared from behind Duan Mu, and then several short figures jumped out of it.

As soon as these figures appeared, they hung on Duan Mu's body one after another, and their childish and happy voices sounded.

"Brother Duan Mu ~ Brother Duan Mu..."

"I miss you so much."

"Play with us...play with us..."

Ishida Zongxian and Nishijinori looked at the children hanging on Duan Mu's body, and they couldn't help showing confusion on their faces.

However, it felt wrong immediately.

Because these children have different shapes of bones on their faces, just like virtual masks.

these are……

broken face?

These children are Picaro.

"Don't make trouble yet."

Duan Mu took Picaro off his shoulders and said, "Help me open the world-traveling gate leading to Karakura-cho."


When the spirit pressure cannot be used, whether it is going to the present world or turning the dead wood Xianghe into one's own spirit pattern, someone needs to be there to assist.

And Pomian, who has been transformed by himself, has his own breath, and can communicate with his own mind, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

The ideal candidate in Duan Mu's mind is actually Tiruti, but as Ten Blades, she comes to help him, and it is very likely that other Ten Blades will find her.

Duan Mu wasn't very worried about Aizen's side.

Because according to Kisuke Urahara, due to being disrupted by Duan Mu in the fusion process, it is absolutely impossible for Aizen to leave the virtual circle in the near future.

For the sake of secrecy, Duan Mu didn't even call Picaro too much, but only called five individuals with vice-captain-level spiritual pressure. The gathering of five people was enough to support the transformation of Rotten Wood Xianghe into an external spirit pattern.

of course……

Their role is also limited to this, to make Kuanmu Xianghe lose his combat effectiveness, and Duan Mu needs to do it himself.

After making up his mind, Duan Mu didn't hesitate, and directly entered the world-transmitting gate under the protection of Picaro.

But Duan Mu didn't know it, almost the moment he entered the world-transmitting gate.

A pair of purple eyes slowly condensed in mid-air, watching him leave as if he had been waiting for a long time.


Chapter 243 Unsealed

In the present world, Karakura Town.

The void was slowly torn apart, and Duan Mu walked out of the black cavity under Picaro's support.

After landing, Duan Mu first observed the surroundings, and he was slightly relieved after confirming that there was no one there.

Although he had repeatedly emphasized to Picaro before that he should never open his black mouth in a place where there are humans, but he was really afraid that Picaro would get too playful and bring himself into the middle of the crowd.

You must know that Duan Mu didn't change clothes before coming here, and the most important thing is...

Now he can't even hide his figure with curved light.

"Pay attention to which direction there is a spiritual pressure conflict."

"What is a spiritual pressure conflict?"

"Stupid, brother Duan Mu is asking which side is fighting."

"If there is a fight, there seem to be three people over there...Huh? Are they people?"

"Of course it's human. Those who will stay in this world are all human beings who can't resist playing, the kind that will break when they play."

"Then let's go find them and play hide-and-seek."


Ignoring the Picaros' quarrel, Duan Mu looked in the direction they were pointing.

The only people who will conflict with Muramasa in this world are basically Ishida Uryu and Chadu Yasuo. If Inoue Orihime was there, she might also appear there.

However, now Orihime Inoue has been taken to the virtual circle.

Shaking his head, Duan Mu didn't think deeply about Orihime Inoue, no matter what Aizen's plan is next, the most important thing for Duan Mu right now is to get back his ability of death first.

"I'll take a step first, don't cause trouble, and follow me."

Duan Mu smiled at the several Picaros: "Brother Duan Mu needs your help later. When brother Duan Mu finishes his work, he will definitely go to Hueco Mundo to play with you."

Picaro is a child at heart. Although he listens to his own words, he often runs to play when he sees something interesting halfway.

So when Duan Mu communicated with them, he basically coaxed them, and rarely asked them for help unless necessary.

Of course, this is mainly because...

Duan Mu never regarded Picarro and Tiruti as subordinates, but regarded them as friends he could rely on.


A little girl with a ponytail nodded happily, then tilted her head: "But brother Duan Mu, you don't have any spiritual pressure now, why don't we take you there."

Duan Mu rubbed the little girl's head when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "If you can catch up with Brother Duan Mu, I will let you take her away."

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of several Picaros lit up.

"Hide and seek?"

"Then let's get started."


After comforting the Picaros, Duan Mu took a deep breath and squatted down.



Amidst the explosion, his whole body rose into the sky like a shell fired from a chamber.

Almost the moment he left the spot, the ground where he was standing before exploded violently, countless soil rose into the sky, and several small Picaros around were thrown out one after another.


Several Picaros stared at Duan Mu's departure direction with dumbstruck eyes.

In such a blink of an eye, their elder brother Duan Mu had disappeared from sight, and they could only see the huge roar caused by each time Duan Mu's feet landed.


At the same time, on the outskirts of Karakura Town.

Beside a lake, three figures are facing each other.

And in the middle of the lake they were facing each other, there was a small island in the middle of the lake, which was not too big, and the surrounding area gave people a feeling of mist.

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