Muramasa glanced at the small island in the middle of the lake, his eyes full of anticipation and excitement, because according to Captain Yamamoto's memory, the small island in the middle of the lake was the place where his master, Kuchiki Hibiki, sealed.

Only one step away!

In any case, he will not allow anyone to interfere with him.

"Are you a visitor from Soul Soul Realm?"

Ishida Uryu looked at Muramasa, but in his mind he recalled the Zanpakuto rebellion that Kisuke Urahara had told them about.

Is this person also a Zanpakuto?

To be honest, compared to whether the person in front of him is Zanpakuto, Ishida Uryu is more worried...whether the Zanpakuto rebellion will affect his master.

However, since my master stays in Wanshiwu, which is so far away from Seireitei, it should not be affected by Seireitei's rebellion.

And with that Boss Duan Mu, his master's safety shouldn't be a problem.

On the side, Chadu Yasutora looked at Ishida Uryu with some doubts, because he hadn't seen Ishida-san since he came back from Soul Society more than a month ago. According to Mr. Urahara, he was trying to find himself The power of the destroyer.

It now appears that Ishida-san has succeeded.

This made Chadu Yasutora, who had always been taciturn, couldn't help but feel happy for it in his heart.

"Kill them."

Muramasa glanced at Ishida Uryu and the two, then turned and walked towards the lake.

Seeing this, Ishida Yulong immediately condensed a spiritual bow in his hand, without any hesitation, he opened the bow and shot.


Arrows of blue sky filled the sky, heading towards the village like raindrops.

"Let's go away!"

But at this moment, a soft shout came out, and a sea of ​​pink flowers emerged out of thin air, colliding with the arrows like raindrops.

That is……

Kuchiki Byakuya's Zanpakuto ability.

This scene made Ishida Yulong's face darken, and he looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​flowers.

That was not Kuchiki Byakuya, but a strange man dressed as a samurai wearing a ghost mask.

"The Zanpakuto of the rebellion?"

Ishida Uryu frowned as he looked at this figure, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at the back of Li Cunzheng.

He still doesn't understand why these defected Zanpakuto came to Karakura Town.

At the moment when he was contemplating, the sea of ​​flowers in the sky had already swept down towards the two of them. It looked extremely beautiful, but it was also extremely dangerous.

Each cherry blossom carries an incomparably sharp aura.

Even if he hasn't touched it yet, Ishida Uryu can still feel the terrifying lethality in it.


At this moment, Chadu Taitora, who was beside him, suddenly exhaled and punched Huahai with his red right arm.

If Hisagi had been here, he would have found that Chadu Yasutora's punch was very similar to Duan Mu's original punch.

However, it is still not as powerful as Duan Mu's punch back then!

The moment the fist was swung to the extreme, terrifying ripples spread out around the point where the fist landed, forming an impact visible to the naked eye.


The cherry blossoms splashed everywhere, and the sea of ​​pink flowers exploded as if a boulder had been thrown into a lake.


A look of surprise flashed across the eyes under the mask of Senbon Sakura.

At the same time that Senbon Sakura was dragging Ishida Uryu and Sado Yayotora, Muramasa had already set foot on the small island in the middle of the lake, stopping in front of a huge tree in the middle of the island.

"It's almost... we're almost successful..."

Muramasa let out a murmur, and the breath in his body gradually became chaotic at this moment. The breath emanating from his body was not the breath of death, but the breath of void.


Suddenly, there was an extremely sudden roar, and each sound was accompanied by the vibration of the ground, as if a giant was rushing towards this side step by step.

The sudden sound made everyone stop their movements and look in the direction of the sound.

Looking around, I saw that the trees in the direction of the sound had collapsed.

Not long after, a figure jumped out of the forest and landed on the small island in the middle of the lake.

"Duan...Boss Duan Mu?"

When they saw the appearance of the visitor, both Chadu Taihu and Ishida Uryu were startled.

Duan Mu got up slowly, met Muramasa's vigilant gaze, and smiled slightly: "It seems that I came here a little early."

During the speech, Duan Mu slightly turned his side, a Zanpakutao brushed past him.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to disturb you to clean up the traitors of the Kuchiki family."

A figure slowly appeared behind Duan Mu, it was Kuchiki Baizai.

Hearing this, he took a deep look at Duan Mu, and frowned: "Why does a person who has lost the ability of death appear here?"

Although Duan Mu's whereabouts were unknown due to Zanpakuto's attack during the battle between Duan Mu and Lan Ran, but he, who has been acting secretly during this time, is very clear about what happened to Duan Mu.

And compared to Muramasa, he also knew that Duan Mu had been sending people to monitor Muramasa's movements during this time, and even secretly sent people to interfere with the search of Goutei [-]th Division, so as to ensure the progress of Muramasa's plan.

Although what Duan Mu did was no different from himself.


Even though he has been helping Muramasa all the time, Kuchiki Byakuya still has no thought of betraying the Soul Society. All he has to do is to undo the seal and, as the head of the Kuchiki family, kill Kuchiki Kayokawa, who is detrimental to the glory of the Kuchiki family. .

But why did Duan Mu do this?

"I have the same goal as you."

Duan Mu looked at Kuchiki Byakuya, and couldn't help feeling a little headache. His and Kuchiki Byakuya's goals seemed to be the same, but fundamentally there was a huge gap.

Because Kuchiki Byakuya's purpose is to kill Kukiki Kayaka with his own hands, but what he needs is a Kukiki Kayaka who was beaten to death but is still alive. The spiritual pattern outside the body, so as to temporarily restore the spiritual pressure.

"How about we discuss it, and give me the Rotten Wood Xianghe."

After pondering for a while, Duan Mu finally decided to tell the truth: "I need his power to restore my spiritual pressure temporarily, and then heal the wound of the core of spiritual pressure in my body."

He didn't say to protect Seireitei, anyway, protecting Soul Society also includes protecting Ruhun Street.

"Of course, you can take a shot to defeat it, but I need a dying but still alive Rotten Wood Xianghe, only in this way can I use my method, but please rest assured, in the end Rotten Wood Xianghe will still die, it's just There's something different about dying."

The conversation between Duan Mu and Kuchiki Byakuya did not avoid Muramasa.

Muramasa glanced at Duan Mu, not annoyed, but a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Although judging from Duan Mu's previous performance, even if he lost his spiritual pressure, he still retained a certain amount of strength.

But as long as Xianghe is freed from the seal and he joins forces with himself, there will be no one in the entire Soul Realm who can be his opponent with Xianghe.

As for Kuchiki Byakuya, Muramasa could vaguely guess his goal, it was just to use each other.

The moment their master is freed from the seal, both of them will pay a heavy price for their arrogance!

Thinking of this, Muramasa ignored the two of them, but there was a wave of spiritual pressure all over his body, and he chanted:

"Give black souls purification, gather at the feet of the Supreme, blood and covenant are on the altar, black descends to the sky, and presents the beloved black sacrifice; the wraith sleeps and seals, hangs high on the Holy Grail, secretly Six keys..."

Accompanied by his hidden sound, cracks suddenly appeared on the huge tree in the center of the lake.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya withdrew his gaze, looked at Duan Mu, and said slowly:


Regarding Duan Mu's proposal, Kuchiki Byakuya did not refuse.

As Duan Mu said, from the beginning to the end, his purpose was to clean up the family, and Duan Mu's proposal only changed the way of death of Rotten Wood Xianghe.

For a long time, Duan Mu, the god of death, has not helped Sei Lingting many times, but he has fought against Aizen several times. If he recovers his strength, he will definitely play a huge role in the next decisive battle with Aizen.

In addition, Duan Mu once protected his righteous sister.

Whether public or private, he couldn't refuse Duan Mu's proposal.

Although he felt a little regretful that he couldn't kill Kuchimu Xianghe himself, but after defeating him and handing it over to Duan Mu, his death helped Seilingting.

Helping Duan Mu can be said to be the responsibility of Kuchiki Byakuya, and it can also be said to be the Kuchiki family's gratitude.

This is why Duan Mu decided to tell the truth.

And the reason why Byakuya Kuchiki agreed to Duan Mu's proposal, there is another most important point, that is...

If he fails, there is Duan Mu here, and Kui Mu Xiang He will not endanger the safety of Sei Ling Ting because of himself.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Duan Mu's face, and when the two decided on the ending of Kuchimu Xianghe, the unblocking of Muramasa was about to end.

The giant tree in the center of the island appeared cracks like glass, and fragments fell from it, revealing a coffin-like object in it.

The surroundings of the object were pierced by six golden spears.

Kuchiki Byakuya frowned slightly, raised his head and looked towards the sky, Duan Mu followed his gaze, and saw two figures rushing out of the world-transmitting gate suddenly.

These two people are Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia.

"Brother Duan Mu?"


Seeing Duanki and Kuchiki Byakuya standing together, Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia were slightly taken aback.

Immediately after seeing the villager who was unblocking behind the two, his face couldn't help but change, and before he had time to think deeply, he stepped forward to stop the villager.


Duan Mu sighed slightly.

But just when he was about to stop him, Ishida Uryu's voice suddenly came: "Kurosaki, Kuchiki-san, wait a minute."


Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback.

"Boss Duan Mu needs the master of that village to help him restore the ability of the god of death."

Although he doesn't know why Duan Mu lost the ability of Shinigami, he and Chadu Yasutora also listened to Duan Mu's conversation with Kuchiki Byakuya.

Restore the ability of death?

Kurosaki Ichigo rushed towards Muramasa's figure and paused, a struggle flashed across his face, but in the end he didn't continue to attack Muramasa.

On the other hand, Rukia looked at Byakuya Kuchiki who was motionless, hesitated for a moment, and did not take any further action.

This scene made Muramasa, who was unblocking, heaved a sigh of relief.

Mad god of death!

However, while he breathed a sigh of relief, Muramasa couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

These gods of death seemed to regard their masters as objects that could be killed at will, and they didn't pay attention at all, which made Muramasa extremely annoyed.

They will soon regret their choice!

Muramasa suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to lift the seal.

On the other side, Senbon Sakura, who was originally confronting Chadu Yasutora and Ishida Uryu, also tore off the disguise at this time, and explained the cause of the incident to Kurosaki Ichigo and others.

Everyone is waiting for the unblocking of Rotten Wood Xianghe.


Chapter 244 Swallowed? ?

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

Accompanied by the crackling sound, the revealed coffin-shaped object gradually collapsed, and the six bladed spears inserted around the coffin were forced out one after another as if under some kind of pressure.

Finally, with a loud bang, the seal completely collapsed.

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