A tall figure appeared from it. This figure was shirtless. Although it was tall, its skin was shriveled, and it looked like a mummy.

However, the moment he appeared, a terrifying spiritual pressure burst out wantonly.

Although Duan Mu couldn't feel the tyranny of the spiritual pressure, he could feel the tyranny of this person's spiritual pressure from the surrounding spiritual pressure fluctuations that tended to be substantive.

Very good, the stronger you are, the happier I am!

Unlike other people, Duan Mu had a smile on his face when he saw the dead wood ringing the river.


Kuchimu Xianghe's eyes slowly opened, and the moment he opened his eyes, the gravity of the entire area suddenly increased, causing everyone's expressions to sink except for Duan Mu and Murozheng.


Facing the gaze of the dead wood, Muramasa couldn't help laughing ecstatically: "My master, are you awake? I've been waiting so hard for this moment, now let us realize our long-cherished wish at that time." The front of the village is full of fanaticism, as if welcoming a king, facing the river of dead wood.

"But before that, there are still a few disrespectful waste here, you need to deal with it first..."


The sound of a sharp blade piercing through his body interrupted Muramasa's words. He looked at the blade inserted into his chest by his master, and his tone was full of disbelief:


The corners of Duan Mu's eyes twitched slightly. Although he also killed his own Zanpakuto, it was all because his Zanpakuto wanted to kill himself.

Disregarding character, there is absolutely no problem with Muramasa's loyalty. After all, in order to save his master, he became an enemy of the entire soul world, but he was stabbed by the master just as soon as he saw him...

Duan Mu didn't feel pity for him, but he was also the one who killed his own Zanpakuto, he always felt...

The two guys in front of them seem to be mocking themselves!

And he had a premonition that after he returned to the soul world, he might have to kill himself Zanpakuto again.

"You didn't respond to me."

Kuchiki Xianghe glanced down at Muramasa who was kneeling in front of him, and said in a cold tone: "When I was sealed, I called you."

"You...called me?" Muramasa was startled.

"You refused to lend me your strength."

Duan Mu, not far away, saw a man with a knife in front of him, couldn't help but nudged Kuchiki Byakuya with his elbow.

Kuchiki Byakuya frowned, and took a step aside with a look of disgust.

Seeing this, Duan Mu didn't bother with him, instead he said: "Aren't you going to clean up the house? Hurry up, I still have things to deal with urgently."

For some reason, the longer he stayed in this world, the more ominous premonition in Duan Mu's heart became stronger.

He always felt that he should return to Soul Soul Realm immediately!

Kuchiki Byakuya snorted coldly, did not speak, but looked at Kuchiki Xianghe with icy eyes, revealing a biting murderous intent faintly around him.

Sensing the murderous intent, Kuchiki Katokawa shifted his gaze from Muramasa to Kuchiki Byakuya, and after a careful look, there was a strange smile of resentment on his face:

"Silver Wind Flower Yarn, Star Pulling Pliers."

At this moment, Kuimu Xianghe's eyes also shot murderous intent: "You are from Kuimu's family, right?"

"The 28th generation head of the Kuchiki family, Kuchiki Byakuya!"


Duan Mu didn't listen to the conversation between the two, but pulled the seriously injured Muramasa aside when the two confronted each other.

At this moment, Muramasa revealed an inexplicable death intent.

Although the injury was not fatal, he had completely lost his survival instinct, and he had no resistance to Duan Mu's tugging.

"Mr. Muramasa."

Duan Mu knelt down and asked Muramasa, "Can you please answer my question first?"

Muramasa did not speak, his eyes were still looking in the direction of Kuchimu Xianghe.

Duan Mu shook his head when he saw this: "Don't look at it, no matter how you look at it, they don't need you. You can die if you want to, but tell me first, where did you take my Zanpakuto?"

Hearing this, Muramasa turned his head and looked at Duan Mu with pity for some reason.


With this gaze, Duan Mu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Your Zanpakuto didn't follow me, it has disappeared since it left you."

Muramasa didn't know what he thought of, and a self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on his face: "If you look at it this way, you and I really look alike, obviously we are the closest partners, but in the end..."

"Stop, I like enough people."

Duan Mu interrupted: "When you sneaked into my inner world, what did you feel on the body of my Zanpakuto?"

"Your closest partner will do whatever it takes to make you die the most painful death!"

Hearing this, Duan Mu couldn't help curling his lips.

This is indeed his carelessness. When he killed himself Zanpakuto, he did not rely on his own efforts, but with the help of Aizen's power.

Probably because of this, the Zanpakuto killed by him still remains.

Previously, he thought that it was Muramasa's ability to bring out this remaining existence, but now it seems...whether Muramasa appears or not, he will appear, it's just a matter of time.

Let me die the most painful?

There was a gloomy look in Duan Mu's eyes, a mere tool, isn't it a bit too arrogant.

Although he thinks that he is different from Kuchiki Xianghe, Duan Mu agrees with Kuchiki Xianghe's words. In his eyes, Zanpakuto is just a tool for fighting. As for the so-called closest partner in Muramasa's mouth, this point Anyway, Duan Mu couldn't agree more.

If this tool is too troublesome and restricts him, Na Duanmu will not hesitate to abandon the Zanpakuto and find a hard and not easily damaged blade to use.

As if aware of Duan Mu's inner thoughts, Muramasa's expression dimmed again, and that kind of desperate death emerged again.

woo woo woo

There was a whistling sound from the strange breath, and an ominous red light suddenly glowed all over Muramasa's body.


When his consciousness was about to collapse and he couldn't control his own Reiatsu, he kept calling his master's name, but Kuchiki Kayokawa, who had already fought Kuchiki Byakuya, didn't even look at him.

This broke the last line of defense in Muramasa's heart, and his whole body collapsed completely.

The dark red spiritual pressure, like a sea of ​​blood, spread out in a circular shape, and in the spiritual pressure, huge Kirian emerged one by one.

At a glance, there is no end in sight.

"Da Xu?"

In the distance, the expressions of Kuchiki Rukia and the others changed.

"Why is there a big void in Muramasa's body?"

"Wait, Brother Duan Mu."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Duan Mu who was in the center of hundreds of Kirian, his expression changed suddenly.

Brother Duan Mu has lost the ability of the god of death now. He has personally experienced the powerlessness of losing power. He has not seen the scene of Duan Mu's arrival, and he does not think that Duan Mu can survive under the siege of so many Kirian .

However, just as he was about to go to the rescue, an extremely strange scene happened.

The hundreds of Killians around seemed to have not found Duan Mu... No, strictly speaking, it was more like...


All the kilians moved gradually, and finally formed two rows, standing around the section of wood.

And those Xiaoxu next to Killian knelt down on the ground after appearing from Murozheng's body, not daring to raise their heads at all.

"how is this possible?"

This scene made everyone look stunned.


"A lot of toys."

"Brother Duan Mu, brother Duan Mu, can we play with them?"


The laughter of children came, and Kurosaki Ichigo and others discovered that around Duan Mu, five children about 10 years old appeared at some point, running and jumping in the middle of countless big spaces with innocent faces, and there was a childish sound in their mouths. And childish laughter.

"Those are……"

Ishida Uryu was slightly taken aback: "Pomian?"

"Don't be nervous, these are my friends."

Duan Mu's voice came, and when he heard the sound, he saw Duan Mu walking towards them slowly, supported by the crowd.

This scene reminded Kuchiki Rukia of the scene when Aizen left Soul Soul World with the support of the crowd, all with the same smile on her face, but it also made people feel an inexplicable chill.


Boss Duan Mu is not Lanran, and she also believes that Boss Duan Mu will not harm the soul world.

In fact, her belief is more or less subjective.

The 60 points of favorability made her trust Duan Mu very much, so although the scene in front of her was terrifying, she still chose to trust Duan Mu.

And there are three people who have the same idea as her, Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryu, and Sado Yayotora.

They don't think Duan Mu is a dangerous guy... and they can't say no, but compared to Aizen, Duan Mu is not a dangerous guy.

"Big brother with yellow hair, why is your hair yellow?"

The little girl with twin ponytails moved closer to Kurosaki Ichigo and asked with a puzzled expression.

Picaro also ran to Ishida Uryu: "Your clothes look good, can you give me a set?"

Several people were immediately surrounded by Picaro.

Everyone who was still nervous at first couldn't help but relax when they saw this. Although they were both Shamen, they didn't feel the horror of Shamen in these children. They seemed to be just ordinary human children.

This made everyone look at Duan Mu with doubts.

"They are relatively special individuals, and their way of thinking is no different from that of human children."

Duan Mu didn't hide anything, and directly told everyone about Picaro's origin.

If you want to turn the rotten wood Xianghe into spirit patterns, the existence of Picarro is destined to be discovered by everyone. Instead of hiding it, it is better to directly tell everyone about Picarro's origin.

Of course, the main reason is...

Picaro is not interested in devouring humans. The objects they devour are more inclined to the area of ​​high spirits. Once they feel hungry, they will only devour the spirits in one area.

So compared to the present world, they are more interested in the virtual circle and the soul world.

The few people present are the kind of people who don't pay much attention to the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow, especially Kurosaki Ichigo, who has mastered the masking, but in fact he has changed his view of the broken face, and no longer It is because when you see the broken face, you subconsciously think that the other party is an enemy.

Unless the kind of guy who devours human beings and endangers the safety of the world.

Therefore, everyone has only sympathy for the birth process of Picaro.

This made Duan Mu want to remind them that these little guys were once No. 2 among the ten blades, but seeing Picaro's happy face after finding a playmate, Duan Mu finally gave up reminding them.

"Don't make trouble for now, you guys open up the black cavity and send these ghosts back to the virtual circle."

What Duan Mu is going to study this time is the spirit body of the god of death. These voids can't be used as experimental subjects at all, and in terms of providing spiritual pressure, judging from Kuchimu Xianghe's performance just now, he alone is enough.

Under Duan Mu's instructions, several Picaros held hands and opened a huge void.

All Ji Li'an and those miscellaneous fishes walked towards the void under their orders.

As the facets of Yachukas' facets, they have the inherent right to order Killian, so it's not difficult to do this.

"I thought it was going to be a tough fight."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ishida Yulong's expression was a little strange. Although his master had told him that Duan Mu had many friends when he was in the world of souls, he really didn't expect... the circle of friends of the boss Duan Mu... It has developed into a virtual circle.


Kurosaki Ichigo nodded in agreement, then looked at Muramasa in the distance.

Zanpakuto and its master are of one mind, and they can live together by blending with the master's soul.

Therefore, in order to maintain the entity, Muramasa has been replacing the master's vacancy with the void.

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