If these virtuals don't leave, they may be integrated into Muramasa's body, allowing virtuals to fuse with Zanpakuto, which becomes a situation similar to Kurosaki Ichigo.

But Xu's departure interrupted the process.

Muramasa, who lost the support of Reiatsu, became a little dim, and gradually turned into a phantom, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

During this process, Muramasa did not move at all, and calmly welcomed the approach of death.

This made everyone's expressions complicated.

"It looks like it's over there too."

Duan Mu's voice made everyone look up into the sky.

"Muramasa! Muramasa..."

As a result, as soon as he looked up, he heard Kuchimu Xianghe's anxious call:

"Come here, are you going to ignore my call again?"

"Come here!"

"Why don't you come back..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and then there was only a bang, and a figure slammed into Duan Mu's body.

"Give it to you."

Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came from above everyone's heads.


Duan Mu thanked him, and walked slowly towards the fallen rotten wood Xianghe.

At this time, the rotten wood was ringing in the river, drenched in blood, but as promised, Bai Zai did not give him the final blow, leaving his life behind.

When Duan Mu walked in front of him, he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Go away!"

Kuchimu Xianghe looked at Duan Mu in front of him and scolded him angrily, but his eyes searched around, hoping to find Muramasa's figure.



A hand suddenly grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Kuchimu Xianghe's face changed greatly due to the power revealed in the palm, and the spiritual pressure surged around him crazily, but it didn't affect the palm in the slightest.

How can it be?

An indescribable power came from above the palm, but the strange thing is...

He didn't feel the slightest spiritual pressure on that palm.

"Picaro, come help me."

Duan Mu's call came into Kuanmu Xianghe's ears, and he only felt a burst of cold air spreading straight up from the tailbone.

An inexplicable sense of fear enveloped the whole body.


He wanted to question, but the neck was clamped so that he couldn't even say a word.

According to Duan Mu's instructions, the five Picaros were distributed around him, and the spiritual pressure surged all over his body, forming strange lines in the void.

That pattern is exactly the imaginary pattern engraved on their spiritual cores by Duan Mu's flesh and blood and spiritual pressure.

It was through this connection that Duan Mu was able to condense the spirit void patterns outside his body with their help.


Almost at the moment when the lines appeared, Kuchiki Xianghe's body suddenly became distorted, as if being torn apart by countless big hands.

The severe pain made his expression extremely distorted, but he couldn't even utter a scream.

Isn't it enough?

Duan Mu frowned, and smashed out his free left hand like lightning.

Bang bang bang bang~~

Accompanied by a series of muffled sounds, countless fist marks appeared on Kuanmu Xianghe's body in the blink of an eye.

This scene caused Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes to flash a strange color in mid-air.

Because even he didn't see clearly how many punches Duan Mu had thrown at that moment, but Kuchimu Xianghe's spiritual body gradually collapsed under that punch, and merged into the inexplicable lines in the void.

The moment the shadow of the fist stopped, Kuchiki Xianghe had completely turned into spirit particles, fully integrated into the spirit pattern condensed in midair.

And the spirit pattern was integrated into Duan Mu's body under the control of several Picaros.


The invisible fluctuation centered on Duan Mu and spread to the surroundings. This is the fluctuation of Reiatsu.

On Duan Mu's exposed skin, dark red lines emerged, and it was from these lines that the spiritual pressure fluctuations emanated.


Duan Mu let out a breath, and a touch of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The effect of the external spirit pattern condensed by the captain-level death god is even better than he imagined, and it can even absorb the spiritual pressure independently as a supplement, which makes Duan Mu no need to worry about the exhaustion of the spiritual pressure in the spirit pattern in a short time.

"Did you make it?"

Kurosaki Ichigo stepped forward, looked at the lines on Duan Mu's body and asked.

"Half success, I can use spiritual pressure now." Duan Mu nodded: "Next, I need to use this spiritual pressure to find a way to heal my injury."

After roughly explaining to everyone, Duan Mu sent the reluctant Picaro back to Xuquan.

After bidding farewell to Picaro, Duan Mu stretched out his hand to a point in the void, and while the spiritual pressure surged on his body, a black cavity suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Let's talk later, I have to go back to Soul Soul Realm to solve some things."

"I'll go too, I'm a little worried about the situation over there."

Kurosaki Ichigo followed immediately.

Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Rukia also came behind Duanmu.

Duan Mu nodded when he saw this, and turned to look at Ishida Uryu and Chadu Yayotora. After the two looked at each other, they also followed.

After making up his mind, Duan Mu didn't continue to talk, and took the lead directly into the black cavity.


West 38th District ~ Everything House.

The void was torn apart, and Duan Mu jumped out of the dark passage, but he frowned as soon as he appeared.


Sensing the movement, everyone in the tavern came out one after another.

When he saw Duan Mu, his eyes lit up.

"Boss Duan Mu, Uzuki was swallowed by your Zanpakuto!!" Yu Erzhong immediately stepped forward and shouted.


Duan Mu was startled, before waiting for him to ask.

"Not only Sister Uzuki, but also Sister Suifeng was swallowed."

Jin Jiao shouted nervously: "There are also many people in Liuhun Street who have been swallowed by it, and all of them are women."



Chapter 245 Ju Ming’s tolerance!


Duan Mu looked at the anxious crowd, and frowned slightly: "Who has been swallowed?"

"Then how could I possibly know? Very... no, so many people have been swallowed."

"Tell me the names of the people you can name."

Ishida Zongxian on the side pondered for a while and said: "As far as I know, the people who were swallowed up in Liuhun Street include Miss Uzuki, Jiu Po, Shuiyue Granny, and Miss Emili..." Ishida Zongxian compared each of them. When he said familiar names, Duan Mu's face became gloomy every time he said one.

Because these names, without exception, are the names that exist on the system favorability interface.

"As for the Reaper, it is said that many female soldiers were swallowed up, and even the Captain Broken Bee was not spared."

Duan Mu didn't speak, but turned his attention to the system interface in his mind.

did not disappear.

He carefully observed every name mentioned by Ishida Zongxian, and found that all the names had not dimmed or disappeared, which made Duan Mu heave a sigh of relief.

Because the name of anyone who has undergone reincarnation or died will tend to dim on the favorability interface, and then gradually disappear.

That is to say...

Those who were swallowed by his Zanpakuto did not die, but were trapped in the belly of his Zanpakuto.

"Talk about what happened after I left from the beginning to the end."

After confirming the survival of Broken Bee and the others, Duan Mu calmed down immediately, and said in a steady tone, "Don't miss out on the things you saw and the feelings after seeing it, even if it's a small detail."

Duan Mu's calm appearance eased the tension in everyone's hearts.

After all, those people Ishida Zongxian mentioned before are all friends with good relations with Duan Mu, and they are really afraid that Duan Mu will be furious because of this.

Especially Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, Boss Duan Mu sent them to temporarily follow Sister Suifeng, but... Sister Suifeng was swallowed by the white-haired monster right in front of their eyes...

"I'll come first."

Ishida Zongxian was the first to stand up and said: "The place where he first appeared was our place. About 2 minutes after you left Soul Soul Realm, there was a sudden burst of terrified screams from the street outside."

"After we came out, we found that your Zanpakutō, which had disappeared for a few days, was chasing the residents of Rukongai on the streets. When it saw us appearing, the huge fox turned directly to attack us. Just as we were preparing While fighting it, it took advantage of us not paying attention..."

Ishida Zongxian paused for a moment, his face was a little ugly: "...take Uzuki and swallow it!"

"After that, it still wanted to capture Yu Erzhong, but Yu Erzhong realized that it was going to attack him immediately, so he avoided its capture, and then we confronted Yu Erzhong together .”

"But it didn't conflict with us. It seemed that it was in a hurry. After realizing that it couldn't swallow the second feather in a short time, it immediately turned into a spirit and disappeared on the street."

Yu Erzhong added: "There is another thing that is extremely weird, the targets it chooses are people who are very familiar with you, and it seems to be able to know the location of everyone, no matter how you hide, you can't escape its capture .”

"According to the news from various places, after leaving our place, it kept appearing in other areas of the west, looking for targets to devour."

Jin Jiao, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Erzhong Yu finished speaking, and hurriedly said: "Yin Jiao and I met it in the East District 1. At that time, we were returning to Seireitei, and it suddenly rushed from Seireitei. out, and directly swallowed Miss Broken Bee."

Jin Jiao paused for a moment, with a hint of fear on his face: "Jin Jiao and I stepped forward to stop it, but he slapped it away with a single paw... The spiritual pressure and power it exhibited are quite terrifying."

Listening to everyone's words, Duan Mu showed a pensive look on his face.

Judging from everyone's narration, the target of Zanpakuto's devouring should be a female friend who has a good impression of him.

In the entire 38th district, all the women who have a good impression of themselves are basically not spared.

The only one who survived was Yu Erzhong in front of him.

But she was able to survive, completely relying on her captain-level strength...


Duan Mu suddenly raised his head and looked at Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao: "You just said that it rushed out of the Sei Ling Ting and directly swallowed Captain Broken Bee. Didn't Captain Broken Bee resist?"

"You don't know..."

Jin Jiao swallowed his saliva: "Its speed is too fast, the two of us only saw a white shadow flash past, and then Captain Broken Bee was swallowed, and when the two of us reacted to stop it, we were directly swallowed. It flew out, but fortunately it has no interest in killing us."

Hearing this, Duan Mu's face couldn't help but sink.

Leaving aside Captain Broken Bee, Jinkaku and Yinkaku are not weaker than Yu Erzhong in strength, and the two of them are big villains like Nishijinori, although their characters are a bit naive, they are much stronger than Yu Erzhong .

But Yu Erzhong was able to evade arrest, but the two of them couldn't even react.

It was impossible for Yu Erzhong to lie to himself.

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