this means……

His Zanpakuto is becoming stronger at an unimaginable speed.

The reason why it let Yu Erzhong off, maybe it is indeed as Ishida Zongxian said, there is a reason for rushing for time, and it wants to swallow as many people as possible before it returns.


It may also be due to lack of strength!

When Ishida Zongxian mentioned Juming, he didn't say what its spiritual pressure was, which meant that Juming didn't make him feel irresistible at that time.

However, in the narration of Jinjiao and Yinjiao, they emphasized Juming's spiritual pressure, strength, and speed!

But why does it become stronger?

Because of devouring spiritual bodies?

For Xu, devouring a spirit body can indeed become stronger, but any spirit body that is swallowed will become a part of itself, which means that the person who is swallowed will die completely.

But the people swallowed by Juming did not die, but they could still strengthen Juming's spiritual pressure, which really made Duan Mu a little confused.

According to the current understanding of his own Zanpakuto, Ju Ming has the ability to transform into spirit sons and contain various energies.

But without devouring a person, tolerate the other person, and use the other person's strength to strengthen oneself...

Is this really possible?



This word kept appearing in Duan Mu's mind, as if grasping something vaguely.

The former Juming was an existence that was born when he first arrived in this world, but the new Juming is different, it was born because of the system.


The system only played the role of an 'introduction', and there was no connection between the new Ju Ming and the system.

Because, it is not the system that promotes and composes the birth of Xin Juming, but exists in one's own dead gray spiritual world...

That white spot is as dazzling as a star!

Those white spots are the reflection of the favorability of all of Duan Mu's female friends towards him, and it is these white spots that give Duan Mu the qualification to eliminate the old Juming and create a new one.

Therefore, the people who are most closely connected with Xin Juming are precisely those who are swallowed by Xin Juming after materialization.

And the system plays the role of an introduction, it materializes the favorability of Duan Mu's female friends towards Duan Mu in the form of white spots. At the beginning, I have established a connection with everyone who makes up the white spot invisibly.

If his guess is correct, this should be the reason why Ju Ming can strengthen his own strength by swallowing them.

And because his own existence is composed of their emotions, it is absolutely impossible for Xin Juming to hurt them.

Thinking about this, Duan Mu didn't breathe a sigh of relief because those friends were safe, but felt his scalp tingle for a while.


He has too many female friends! ! !

Among them, there are countless powerful ones. If the materialized Ju Ming gathers the power of all of them together... No, all of them are not needed. Uzhi Hualiu alone is enough for Duan Mu to resist.

Judging from Jinjiao and Yinjiao's words, Jumei rushed out of Seireitei, and more than [-]% of the women in Goutei's [-]th squad were acquainted with him.

in case……

Duan Mu hurriedly shook his head.


Yinjiao seemed to suddenly think of something, and said: "Boss Duan Mu, that monster that escaped from your body... no, when Zanpakuto rushed out of Seireitei, it seemed that it was chased and killed by someone."


Duan Mu was taken aback.

"Ah yes!"

Jin Jiao hurriedly said: "There is indeed a crazy woman with disheveled hair and a scimitar in her hand. The murderous aura makes people feel like she is in a sea of ​​blood. She rushed out after chasing it... Wow, you have never experienced that feeling before. , in front of her murderous aura, your murderous aura is nothing... ah... no... it can be compared with yours."

A crazy woman with disheveled hair and a machete in her hand?

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, who said he hadn't experienced it?

It seems that I am not the only one who thinks that Captain Unohana is a crazy woman, even old villains like Jinjiao and Yinjiao say she is a crazy woman.

"We didn't see the appearance clearly, and we didn't dare to look at it...but she seems to be covered with white feathers, which looks a bit like a guard..."


Duan Mu looked at the probing gazes of the Kuchiki brothers and sisters beside him, and hastily interrupted Jin Jiao's words.

However, Duan Mu was greatly relieved by the appearance of Uzhi Hualie.

This at least shows that Uzhihualie was not swallowed by it, but was chased and killed by Uzhihualie all the way from Seireitei.

Being able to cause such a big reaction from Unozhihualie, if there is no accident, Yongyin should have been swallowed by Juming.

I just don't know how many gods of death it swallowed before swallowing Yongyin.

It's too big.

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have stabbed a huge basket...

Leaving Zanpakuto aside, if Unozhihuaretsu realized afterwards, she would really be hacked to death by her.

No, that bastard must be brought back as soon as possible!

Where should I find it?

When Duan Mu was speaking to the audience, he had already searched the entire west with a nerve probe, but he found no trace of his Zanpakuto at all.

It's the same with Unohana.

However, looking at the worried faces of the crowd, Duan Mu suppressed his uneasiness and said with a smile: "Don't worry, those people who were swallowed are not in danger."

No danger?

Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao looked at Duan Mu suspiciously: "Miss Sui Feng was swallowed right in front of our eyes, she was swallowed alive."

Duan Mu took a look at the two of them. When the two guys first asked them to follow Broken Bee, they were still reluctant. It's only been a few days, and they started calling each other big sister one by one.

"Swallowing does not mean death."

Duan Mu shook his head and didn't explain much. Now Ju Ming's whereabouts are unknown...

It would be best if it was killed by Unozhihuarei, and it is not impossible to recover anyway.

But if it escapes, it will be difficult to find him again.


Even if it escapes, it probably won't go to Seireitei in a short time.

The reason is simple, Duan Mu is a person with a long memory, and Zanpakuto, who is one with him, should be no exception.

At least until it dares to face Unohana Retsu, it will never dare to go to Seireitei again.

But it is not an easy task to find it that can be turned into a spirit son, but you can ask Captain Unohana for advice on this point.

Since Juming can be hunted down, it means that even if he turns into a spirit son, Captain Unozhihua still has a way to lock him, and even force him out of the spirit son state.

Is there any difference between the spirits it transforms and the surrounding spirits?

Judging from the fact that Juming made trouble within 2 minutes after he left, it is very likely that Juming was hiding around Wanshiwu during this time.

It's just that I lost my spiritual pressure, so I never discovered this.

But now that he has recovered the Reiatsu, if it turns into a Reishi in front of him again, he should be able to sense something wrong from it, just like Uno Hanaretsu.

So as long as it shows up, it shouldn't be hard to lock it.

The only thing that gave Duan Mu a headache was...

After this incident, Ju Ming will only become more cautious before gaining the strength it thinks is enough to fight against itself, and it will be difficult to find it again.

Thinking of this, Duan Mu turned his head to look at Kuchiki Rukia and Erzhong Yu.

Facing his gaze, Yu Erzhong didn't react too much, but Kuchiki Rukia was blocked by Byakuya, looking at Duan Mu with a cold face, as if vaguely guessing Duan Mu's thoughts.


The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly:

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I really want Yu Erzhong and Rukia to act as bait to help me lure Zanpakuto out." Duan Mu paused, and said in a serious tone: "But no matter they Whether I act as a bait or not, my Zanpakuto will find them."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

"It should be said that all my female friends are its targets. It has an inexplicable connection with all my friends. It can borrow their power by swallowing them."

Duan Mu didn't hide this point, because Ju Ming's goal is too obvious, so obvious that there is no need to even investigate... Duan Mu couldn't help but curse in his heart, you can't swallow it and don't know me people?

Although Ju Ming devours people who don't know Duan Mu, it won't help him in any way.

But at least it can cover it up, isn't it...

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone looking at Duan Mu suddenly became extremely strange.

Even Ishida Zongxian couldn't help sighing in his heart, there really is such a Zanpakuto for any master.

"However, you don't have to worry about the safety of the swallowed person."

Duan Mu met everyone's strange gazes, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "If the swallowed people die, it will not be able to borrow their power, so those people are just contained in its body, and their lives are not in danger. "

Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but look at his step-sister, and there was a clear meaning in his eyes:

Hurry up and break up with this guy!


2Chapter 16 The discomfort of card...

Duan Mu had a headache.

I have a headache because of the two big fat people in front of me...

"Bring back my wife and my daughters!"

"Where's my mother? Where's my sister? And my sister?"

Looking at the annoyed Da Maeda and his son in front of him, Duan Mu's mouth twitched: "Brother Qian, Uncle, please calm down first, I am also..."


Ohmaeda's fat face trembled: "You still have the nerve to tell us to calm down? My mother was swallowed by the monster that came out of your body, my sister was also swallowed, and even my sister Hiyo was swallowed... I I went to the captain for help, only to find that the captain had also been swallowed, and almost all the female team members had been swallowed by stealth maneuvers. Are you telling me to calm down now?"

"..." Duan Mu.

"And the wife and sister-in-law of my neighbor, Mr. Quantian, and the daughter of Jin Man's family... When did you know them!"

"...Well, when I was a guest at your home, I visited...well, I just visited a few times."

Omaeda Yue said that his face was getting uglier, and Omaeda Nozomi looked at Duan Mu with a somewhat complicated gaze, revealing an inexplicable meaning.

"Speaking of which, who told you that the dog who swallowed them... Well, fox, is my Zanpakutō materialized?"

When Duan Mu said this, his expression was a little nervous: "Could it be that this matter has already spread to Seiling Court?"

"Why do you need others to tell you that you really think that stealth maneuvers are for nothing?"

Omaeda glared at Duan Mu angrily, and explained: "I didn't think of you at first, but when I counted the missing persons, I found that the people swallowed by that monster were not only members of the Goutei [-]th Division, but also There are many nobles, and among them, the Nagano family has been devoured the most."

"Not only Nagano Huaxiu who works in the supervisory team, but Huaxiu's mother Nagano Arashi and younger sister Nagano Ayaka... were all swallowed by that monster; as for the Ukitake family, the person who was swallowed was Ukitake Hiroshi's mother Ukiyoshi Kiyoshi , and Ukitake Hiroshi's aunt and sister, etc... There are only two people in the Feng family who were swallowed up, one is Captain Suifeng, and the other is Fuyuan Yu's mother, Fuyu."

"All three have a great relationship with you, and their devoured family members also have frequent contacts with you."

Omaeda paused for a moment, and continued: "If it's just like this, it's fine, but after statistics, I found that the female soldiers of the secret maneuver and the ninth division are basically wiped out...the number of female soldiers swallowed is far more than The sum of the other teams."

"The team members who were swallowed up by other teams are all team members who are known to have a very good relationship with you."

"Combining with the information about your Zanpakutō ability brought back when Captain Suifeng came to support you, we can naturally deduce that... your Zanpakuto is devouring those who have a good relationship with you."

"..." Duan Mu.


Why doesn't that bastard swallow some people who don't know me?

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