"However, even if this is the case, I am still a little uncertain, because among the people who were swallowed, there are three female sages from Mao Room 46."

"Master Awanmen is your righteous sister, which can explain... But the other two adults, let alone have contact with commoners, even nobles, they rarely have contact with each other."

O Maeda said with a puzzled face, he didn't notice his father beside him at all, after hearing his words, his eyes towards Duan Mu became more and more complicated.

As Omaeda Nozomi said, the two adults, who are the sages of Room 46 of Mao, will basically not have too much contact with the Gotei [-]th Division and nobles, let alone make friends with them.

Because in their eyes, the only people who are qualified to be their friends are the members of Mao Room 46!

Omaeda Nozomi thought of this, and couldn't help but pull the angry Omaeda, wanting to signal him to calm down...

"Dad, you have something to talk about later, I will teach this brat a lesson today."


Xi Zhijin looked at Duan Mu's apologetic smile, and finally gave up to stop him.

How about love!

My wife and children have been swallowed, so there is nothing to worry about.

And Duan Mu is a good kid, he has never done anything to bully others, so he probably wouldn't care about his son's rudeness.

"Don't worry, ex-brother, the person who was swallowed is fine."

Duan Mu consoled the excited Omaeda, but Omaeda's reply was somewhat unexpected.

"I know it's okay!"

Omaeda rolled his eyes: "If something happens, I'm not the only one here now."

"Captain Nirvana Mayuri of the Technology Development Bureau immediately confirmed that the person who was swallowed was not in danger of life, but was imprisoned in a gray forest. He didn't feel any discomfort in it, but There is a sense of peace of mind entering my own spiritual world..."

"The information was sent back by Vice-Captain Nie Yinmeng of Division [-]. She was also on the list of soldiers who were swallowed up, and Captain Nie Yuli said that he could grasp all the conditions of Vice-Captain Nie Yinmeng. Get in touch with him."

Duan Mu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, the fact that O Maeda was able to find out so easily was destined to be impossible to hide.

If the relatives of the swallowed person come to the door in a rage, Duan Mu may not be able to convince them that his family members are safe even if he speaks out.

But Nirvana Mayuri is different, although she is a pervert, she is a believable pervert!

O Maeda's words also let Duan Mu really breathe a sigh of relief. Previously, he thought that the person who was swallowed was not in danger, and it was entirely his own guess.

But what Nirvana Yuri investigated confirmed this point!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu asked: "Where is Captain Uzhihua?"

"Captain Unohana?"

Omaeda said inexplicably: "How do I know that Seireitei is in chaos now, but it is said that they are out. It is strange to say that only the vice-captain Huche was swallowed in the list reported by the fourth division. The others are all safe and sound, did you break up with the fourth team?"

Duan Mu frowned when he heard that, judging from Omaeda's words, Captain Unokana did not go back to Seireitei.

Are you still chasing?

Or was Ju Ming escaped?

No matter which one it is, it shows that Ju Ming is no longer so easy to deal with at this time, at least the ability to escape is extremely strong!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu said to Omaeda: "Captain Unohana is chasing my Zanpakuto, go back and let Seireitei do a search. I have mobilized people from Ruhun Street to collect clues. I will soon be able to determine where my Zanpakuto escaped."

Duan Mu paused, and continued: "The most urgent thing now is to find my Zanpakuto. If there is anything wrong, I will come to the door one by one to apologize afterwards."

Omaeda nodded upon hearing the words, but didn't say much.

Because he also understands that Zanpakuto's defection is force majeure, and even Captain Yamamoto subdued his own Zanpakuto not long ago, and Duan Mu, who has lost his spiritual pressure, is naturally unable to stop Zanpakuto from defecting.

Omaeda came here, in fact, he just wanted Duan Mu to mobilize the residents of Ruhun Street to provide clues for Seireitei's search.

As the first person who knew Duan Mu in Seireitei, he knew very well how much energy Duan Mu possessed in Liuhun Street.

With the departure of Omaeda and his son, Master House returned to calm again.

Almost all the villains in the tavern were sent out by Duan Mu and organized personnel from various areas to search.

Judging from the news from the east, his Zanpakuto disappeared in the outskirts after leaving East District 1, and has not passed through any inhabited areas so far.

Is it to avoid his own pursuit?

If this is the case, it is really troublesome.

It is not an easy task to search through the uninhabited areas of the soul world.


If it gets rid of Captain Unohana, where will it go?

In a short time, Seireitei should not go there again.

But those who can maximize its strength are basically in the Seiring Court.

And outside the Seireitei...

Duan Mu's face suddenly sank, and he stood up abruptly.

"what happened?"

Ishida Munezuru on the side asked with some doubts.

"I'm going out!"

Duan Mu didn't answer, and after leaving a word, he walked out of the tavern.

He had contacted Ganju before, and according to Ganju, the Zanpakuto he had fled did not go to Shiba's house in a remote suburb, so Miss Konghe was not swallowed by his Zanpakuto.

If it wants to increase its strength outside Seireitei, then the Shiba family is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because not only Miss Sorazuru is there, but also Yoichi Shifuin who is temporarily staying at Shiba's house, if his Zanpakuto throws off Unohanaretsu, he will definitely go to Shiba's house.

After leaving the tavern, Duan Mu didn't care about the consumption of spiritual pressure, and when the spiritual void lines on his body appeared, he suddenly disappeared on the street.

call out--!

The gust of wind like a knife exploded in the ear, Duan Mu went straight towards the direction of Shiba's house, and the terrifying speed distorted everything around him.

And this speed skyrocketed again after he left the residential area!

In less than 10 minutes, he has crossed nearly twenty areas in a row.

The Shiba house is located at the junction of the west and the north, and horizontally between the West 1 and West 2 districts. It can be said to be extremely remote.

The closer you get to Shiba's house, the more desolate the surrounding environment becomes.

After crossing the West 9th District, Duan Mu walked straight towards Shiba's house, and there was no one on the road ahead.

Not long after, Duan Mu came to a mountain range. As long as he crossed this mountain range, he could basically see the unique huge chimney of Zhibo's house.

But the moment he set foot on the mountain range, Duan Mu frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong instinctively.

It's not that I feel anything, but an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

Duan Mu suddenly paused, stopped and looked around alertly.

Almost at the moment he stopped, there was a dull whistling sound in the void.

Looking up, I saw an extremely huge sharp claw, slapping Duan Mu head on.


Without any hesitation, Duan Mu slammed his right foot into the ground, turned around, and threw himself backwards.


Almost at the moment when Duan Mu exited this area, his sharp claws slapped it, and countless soil rose into the sky, and the huge force shocked the entire mountain range.

"not bad."

In the violent wind, Duan Mu moved with the wind, and looked at the behemoth gradually gathering in the void, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes:

"You actually know to ambush me here?"

During the speech, Duan Mu stimulated his exploration nerves to the extreme, and did not find any traces of Uno Hana Lie nearby.

However, Duan Mu believes that Uzhi Hualie was not swallowed by Juming, and it should be that Juming got rid of Uzhihualie in some way.


Just when Duan Mu was thinking about how Ju Ming got rid of Uzhi Hualie, the sharp claws that he took suddenly exploded, and countless gray gases enveloped the entire area in an instant.

The speed of its diffusion was so fast that Duan Mu had no time to react, and his whole body was directly shrouded in gray gas.

This gas is extremely strange, being enveloped by it is like being trapped in the deep sea, and every movement becomes extremely heavy.


Unable to detect!

The gas is like a barrier, blocking Duan Mu's perception of the outside world.

Duan Mu's gaze swept away, and his brows could not help but frown.

next second~

He took a step forward, and his whole body burst out like a fired shell.

The distance of hundreds of meters is fleeting, but no matter how madly Duan Mu runs, the fog seems to have no end.


Duan Mu stopped, not too surprised in his heart.

Because after being shrouded in mist, he faintly felt that it was not pure mist, but a piece of...


If it was just covered in fog, he would have rushed out of this area just now, but after his observation just now, although he ran a long distance, the surrounding environment did not change at all, as if he had just stepped on the spot.

Suddenly, the mist rolled~

The white sharp claws reappeared, and the sharp claws at this time were several times larger than before, and the pitch-black nails looked like giant pillars.

Before reaching his body, Duan Mu felt an incomparably terrifying pressure descending from the sky.


It's not just strength, as the giant claw slapped it, the whole world seemed to be targeting him. Duan Mu only felt that everything around him was constantly oppressing him.

Every trace of mist seemed to have a substance and became extremely heavy.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

Before the giant claws landed, Duan Mu's legs were already submerged in the ground below his knees, and all the bones in his body groaned unbearably.

Even with Duan Mu's physique, it was difficult to bear, which shows how terrifying the pressure is.

However, in the next second, Duan Mu exhaled and made a sound, instead of dodging, he made a squatting movement.



Amidst the booming sound, Duan Mu took the initiative to meet the giant claws that were photographed in the air.

This scene was extremely strange, the huge sharp claws hundreds of meters in size were incomparably huge, and Duan Mu was as insignificant as an ant in front of it.

Compared with his fist, it is negligible.

However, at the moment when Duan Mu and the sharp claws approached, a rumbling loud noise echoed out, and even the extremely heavy mist around was driven to scroll crazily under the loud noise, as if It will explode anytime.

The two are getting closer and closer, and the rumbling whistling almost replaces all sounds in the world.

The next moment, the two collided, and the world seemed to stand still at this moment, and then...the terrifying rumble caused endless ripples.

The sound was so violent that the air trembled, and turbulence was formed immediately. The wanton ripples dispersed all the gray mist, making the surroundings bright for a moment, but it was filled by the surrounding mist.

At the same time, the sharp claws in mid-air shook violently, and the sound of bangs and explosions crazily echoed in the giant claws.

In just an instant, the incomparably huge giant claw collapsed and merged into the mist again.

On the other side, with a loud bang, the surrounding ground sank down as if collapsing.

And Duan Mu's calm voice sounded from it.

"Since it is my Zanpakuto..."

Duan Mu stood in the huge pit, his twisted right hand shook slightly, and then returned to normal:

"It should be very clear that this kind of attack cannot kill me!"

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