
2Chapter 17 Duan Mu’s shock

Really weak!

Duan Mu shook his newly recovered right hand, and couldn't help feeling a little doubt in his heart.

Although the body is huge, there is nothing outstanding in terms of strength.

The surrounding fog is indeed extremely heavy. If other gods of death are trapped here, even moving a finger will consume a lot of spiritual pressure.

But for me, I don't need to use spiritual pressure at all, and I can already move freely here, so naturally I can't talk about consuming spiritual pressure.

And even if you don't talk about your physique...

One's own spiritual pressure is not afraid of being consumed, unless it is in a completely spiritual environment.

For now, the only bright spot in this gray fog is the ability to obscure perception.

Duan Mu, who was in the middle, couldn't pinpoint where Ju Ming was, let alone which direction the next blow would come from.

"Since it will appear in front of me."

Duan Mu searched in the gray mist, and said calmly: "You are at least certain about killing me, right?"

Originally, according to Duan Mu's prediction, Ju Ming would always hide in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to swallow more people, so as to make himself stronger.

But today's Juming, although there are many people who swallow it...

But most of them are ordinary people and ordinary soldiers of Goutei [-]th division. There are only a few officers and vice-captains swallowed by him, and there is only one person at the captain level.

Leaving aside the chairperson and individual vice-captains and people who have the strength of vice-captains, even if those ordinary people and the ordinary soldiers of the Goutei [-]th Division are added together, it may not be as strong as Suifeng's growth in its strength.

To attack oneself with such strength, the preparation can be said to be extremely insufficient.

But it still appeared, and it was lying in ambush on the road leading to Zhibo's house from Wanshiwu, so Duanmu was bound to come here.

However, Ju Ming did not give Duan Mu time to continue to doubt.

The fog seemed to spread out to both sides consciously, opening up a long path for this sea of ​​fog.

The end of the path~

A figure walked with a knife and walked slowly towards Duan Mu.

This figure presents the appearance of a little boy, dressed in a gray robe, similar in appearance to Duan Mu, but more indifferent compared to Duan Mu, as if he does not have any emotions.

However, this is not the weirdest thing, the weirdest thing is... the little boy's pupils are all purple, and being stared at by those purple eyes makes Duan Mu instinctively feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

It's not emotional discomfort, but a biological instinct of discomfort and disgust, and the murderous intent in his heart rises uncontrollably, wishing to kill the owner of the purple eyes immediately.

Duan Mu frowned, avoided those eyes, and turned to look at the long gray knife in his hand.

The style of the long knife is completely different from Duan Mu's memory, the length is still about 1.6 meters, the handle is hexagonal, and behind the handle is a white that does not match the gray blade, but inexplicably blends in ribbon.

It’s not the beginning~

Although the Zanpakuto has not been fully recovered, Duan Mu has also used it many times in battle. After the initial release, the state of Ju Ming and Qian Da has basically not changed, but it has the ability to accommodate various energies and the blade can be disintegrated at will. , and the improvement of sharpness.

And the Zanpakudao held by Juming in front of him is definitely not the Juming after he solved it in Duan Mu's memory.

Duan Mu's expression suddenly became extremely dignified.

It's not shallow play, it's not initial solution.

Then there is only one possibility, the Zanpakuto held in Ju Ming's hand is something he has never seen and never used...

Swallow solution!

Thinking of this, Duan Mu couldn't help being a little curious while being solemn.

Curious what ability the Zanpakuto's 卍解 has.

"Should I say long time no see?"

Duan Mu looked at the little boy, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He is no stranger to the little boy. Before his Zanpakuto was destroyed by him with the power of Aizen, its body had always been in the form in front of it.

The little boy didn't speak, and he looked like an unconscious body, just staring at Duan Mu with those purple eyes, without any emotion, emotion...or in other words, without any feeling that a creature should have.

Is there a reason for not recovering because you died once?

Or is this the state that one will inevitably enter after the Swastika solution?

At this moment, the little boy who was walking slowly, with his toes on the ground suddenly, disappeared from Duan Mu's field of vision without warning.

Duan Mu's heart suddenly had a warning sign, and the extremely dangerous feeling stimulated the hairs on his whole body to stand on end.

The gray long knife was reflected in his pupils, and Duan Mu instinctively condensed the ghostly blade to block in front of him.


The sound that resounded throughout the battlefield, accompanied by sparks, a wave of ripples centered on the two of them spread to the surroundings, and the sharp slashing bursts split the surrounding ground into trenches and spread out.

Duan Mu looked at Ju Ming who was close at hand, and just about to make a move, there was a flower in front of his eyes, and Ju Ming's figure was once again hidden in the gray mist.

So fast!

Duan Mu frowned, he was so fast that he was a bit inexplicable, no matter how Duan Mu searched in the mist, he couldn't even catch a trace of Ju Ming's shadow.

The reason why he was able to react just now was that he responded at the moment he was attacked.

Fortunately, although Ju Ming's speed is fast, his attainments in cutting techniques are not strong, and his attacks are extremely simple.

However, under the blessing of that tyrannical spiritual pressure, the power is still extremely terrifying.


Duan Mu took a deep breath, his expression gradually calmed down, he gave up searching, and instead stood quietly on the spot.

Maintaining the status quo.

Since the eyes can't keep up, then come by feeling!

In the next second, the soles of Duan Mu's feet were slightly on the ground, his body bent forward, and he slashed out with the blade of ghostly way in his hand. Under the sway of huge power, it even formed a hurricane.

Duan Mu didn't use the spiritual pressure in the spirit void pattern. Although he can absorb spiritual particles to recover by himself, the recovery speed is completely unsuitable for use in battle.

In front of the slashing trajectory of the Blade of Ghost Way, the figure of Ju Ming appeared, and the Zanpakutao in his hand slashed straight at Duan Mu.

The two blades approached quickly, and just when Duan Mu thought that the scene just now was about to be repeated, a strange scene happened.

The Zanpakutana that was simply cut down suddenly shifted at a strange angle, bypassing his Ghost Dao Blade.

This kind of transfer is full of a sense of disobedience, giving Duan Mu a feeling as if the other party has already made a move a few seconds in advance.

It was so weird that Duan Mu couldn't even react.


The blood spurted out, and a burst of blood exploded on Duan Mu's shoulder.

Even if he reacted immediately, the knife still fell on Duan Mu.


Duan Mu frowned, the injury to his shoulder was not serious, and he would recover in an instant.

But being cut on the body by this simple knife made Duan Mu feel an inexplicable sense of disobedience.

The attack trajectory, angle, application of spiritual pressure...even the so-called kendo cannot be called complicated, but he didn't stop it, and he didn't dodge it!

After the blow, Ju Ming's toes touched the ground, and his whole body merged into the mist again.

Duan Mu glanced at his shoulder from the corner of his eye, the wound had healed, and under the torn clothes was unscarred skin.

Not like precognition, more like...

Ju Ming saw through all the changes in Duan Mu's knife at the moment he took out the knife, and selected the trajectory that Duan Mu's sword of ghosts could never defend against.

Moreover, Duan Mu felt an indescribable concentration on Ju Ming at the moment when he drew his sword!

Although Duan Mu is in a fierce battle, he will instinctively calm down and let his concentration reach its peak.

But the concentration displayed by Ju Ming is beyond Duan Mu's ability. The whole person seems to have erased all the emotions that creatures should have and cut off the body's functions.


Pure killing machine.

Spiritual pressure, strength, and speed obviously haven't improved, but at a certain moment, they seem to have increased significantly.


What exactly is its ability after it is dissolved?

Duan Mu didn't feel that he was being weakened, nor did he feel that the opponent was getting stronger, but he just couldn't avoid the opponent's attack.


The sound of piercing the air reappeared, and the Ghost Dao Blade in Duan Mu's hand cut out again.


The sound of blood spurting continued, and blood flowers bloomed from all parts of Duan Mu's body.

No matter how he tries to block, no matter how he avoids, the Zanpakuto in Ju Ming's hand can just pass by Duan Mu's Zanpakuto and appear in the area where Duan Mu dodges.

I can't figure it out, I can't understand it...

Ju Ming didn't give Duan Mu any time to think, and his figure appeared in all directions of Duan Mu, so fast that it even left afterimages.

The sound of the blade entering the body continued to resound in the gray field, and the surrounding gray fog became a little scarlet under the spurt of blood.


Unknowingly, the breathing in Duan Mu's mouth has become rapid.

Although every time Ju Ming attacked, he would be injured, but Duan Mu relied on his fighting consciousness to take all the attacks at the lightest cost, and transferred the blade that attacked his vitals to some insignificant parts.

But this kind of defense that keeps tense nerves not only makes Duan Mu feel physically tired, but even feels dizzy mentally.

But he couldn't relax his vigilance, because even if he slowed down by a second, he would be hit by the attack that hit his vitals.

However, Duan Mu faintly realized the ability of Ju Ming after the solution of the swastika!

If nothing unexpected...

It should be the ability related to analysis.

The pair of purple pupils are different, each time before Ju Ming attacks, those pupils will be locked on Duan Mu, which makes Duan Mu feel an inexplicable sense of disgust, but because of this, he can determine where he will appear.

Obviously it will expose it hidden in the dark, but Juming will still make those pupils lock on itself, which is enough to show that the condition for its ability to activate is to look at itself.

Human analysis?

Duan Mu frowned. Under the gaze of those purple pupils, no matter how small the reaction was, it would be captured by him, so that he could analyze it immediately and adjust the attack in advance.

It was as if under the gaze of those purple pupils, even the reaction of one cell of Duan Mu would be noticed.

if it is like this……

Duan Mu's spirit void patterns light up slightly.

Almost at the same time, Ju Ming's figure appeared on top of Duan Mu's head, and the gray blade with a white ribbon in his hand slashed straight down towards Duan Mu's forehead.

Restraining the body's instinctive reaction, Duan Mu's spirit void pattern brightened at this moment.

next second...


The air trembled, and one after another dark red bullets suddenly condensed from around Duan Mu's body, heading towards Ju Ming who was attacking in the air.

Hundreds of imaginary bullets made the spirit void pattern on Duan Mu's body darken.

But hundreds of false bullets appeared at the same time, with almost no gaps, and when the distance between the two was extremely close, Ju Ming would never be able to evade his own attacks and attack himself through the gaps as before.

And it is so!

Hundreds of false bullets enveloped Ju Ming in a blink of an eye, and the surface flashed red. Although the power of the false bullets was far weaker than that of the virtual flash, its speed was nearly twenty times that of the virtual flash.

Moreover, so many false bullets erupted at the same time, which was enough to make up for the lack of lethality!

At the moment when the virtual bullet was fired, Duan Mu was not idle either. With his legs squatting down, he followed the virtual bullet and charged straight towards Ju Ming in mid-air.

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