What's more...

He is now using the Second Returning Blade that he has only used once!

Feeling the pressure coming from the center of the battlefield, Rukia Kuchiki, Luo Jia, and Orihime Inoue couldn't help but collapsed to the ground.

The terrifying aura made them unable to even move a finger, and they could only stare blankly at the distant battlefield.

Seeing this, Tiruti frowned slightly, and the spiritual pressure surged all over his body, and a layer of purple spiritual pressure suddenly appeared on the shield covering several people and flowed continuously.

Kuchiki Rukia felt a sudden lightness all over her body, and that terrifying aura completely disappeared.

But when she saw the scene outside, she already understood that the pressure did not disappear, but was completely blocked from the barrier by Miss Tiruti.

Looking around, I saw a sudden downpour of rain on the sky.

However, the color of the rainwater is a pitch black that seems to be able to swallow everything.

That's entirely by...

The raindrops formed by the wanton spiritual pressure.

And in the center of the torrential rain, small figures stood in the void, with all kinds of wings still on their backs, but great changes had taken place on them.

An insect-like bone shell covers every Picaro.

The bone shells have the characteristics of different insects, but one thing is very similar, that is, the surface of these bone shells, without exception, has strange purple lines, which are extremely conspicuous on the pale bone shells.

What makes Kuchiki Rukia feel even more weird is...

She always felt as if she had seen the lines on the bone shell somewhere.

Tiruti looked at the lines on Picaro's body, and nodded secretly. Sure enough, with the change of the core in the body, the lines on the surface of the second-stage Guiren's body also changed from the original crimson void lines to purple spirit void lines.

I just don't know if this transformation will bring Picaro an improvement in strength.

"He...what happened to them? Return to the blade?"

Kuchiki Rukia couldn't help but said, "But isn't it only possible to perform the return to the blade once?"

Although Pomian is a product that breaks through the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow, the returning edge they use Zanpakuto is different from the liberation of Shinigami's sword.

After breaking the sword, they just changed back to the original posture that was more suitable for fighting. The normal state can be said to be a kind of seal, which means that their sword liberation is not an enhancement, but an unsealing of themselves.


The scene in front of him completely broke this perception.

"Me and Picaro are different from other Aspects."

Tiruti smiled slightly: "Only the two of us in the virtual circle can perform the second-stage returning blade. The reason why we can do this is not because of Aizen, but because Duan Mu gave us this ability. Let us Really be able to further enhance one's abilities like a god of death."

Boss Duan Mu?

Kuchiki Rukia and Inoue Orihime glanced at each other, they were already somewhat immune.

When they heard Tiruti say that Duan Mu had transformed them, the two of them felt that it was true...

"The battle is almost over."

There was a reassuring smile on Tiruti's face, looking at Picarro in mid-air: "From the moment Picaro used the second return blade, he has already won!"

"But didn't you just say..."

Although Inoue Orihime didn't know how terrible the second-stage return to the blade was, Inoue Orihime remembered that Miss Tiruti had said before that she was not sure whether Pikaro could defeat Bailegang.

"Pikaro is a very special existence. His second-stage return blade is different from mine. It doesn't mean that you can use it if you want to, but you must meet a condition."

Tiruti said slowly, "That's synchronous cognition!"

"Synchronous cognition?"


Tiruti sighed: "Pikaro is generally a whole, but at the same time it is also a different individual. They continue to lend a helping hand to the earth-bound spirit children who have the same situation as themselves and are about to disappear. Feed them with your own flesh and blood, so that the individual becomes more and more..."

"But it will not affect the original personality of those children. Instead, it will retain each child's thoughts, memories, and behaviors, making them a separate existence, so each child will show a completely different variety of children. sex."

"Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to build a consensus, and they may even quarrel and fight with each other... divided into different camps, with different cognitions and ideas."

"But no matter how different the individuals are, they are a whole, which will not change, that is to say, they share the same 'spiritual core' of the broken face, which is why it is difficult for him to use the second-stage returning blade .”

"Because if you want to perform the second stage of returning to the blade, you must establish a connection with the reorganized spiritual core. This process is somewhat similar to the communication between your death god and Zanpakuto."

"The simple steps for others are the most difficult thing for them, and the more people there are...the more difficult it is for them to use the two-stage returning blade."

Tiruti couldn't help sighing when he said this.

She also thought about letting the Picaros stop expanding their team, so as to ensure that she could perform a second return at any time.

But on this point, the Picaros are surprisingly consistent, that is, they will not stop adding friends.

Because that's what they exist for!

After the original Pikaro became Yachukas, he began to look for the earthbound spirit children who had the same situation as himself in the past and were about to disappear. He wanted to become friends with them and extended a helping hand to them.

And after those earth-bound spirit children disappeared, in order to fill their hunger, this middle-level boy gave them his own flesh.

He firmly believed that if he could forget his hunger, everyone would not quarrel.

Because this boy, who is a mid-level Daxu, took out his own flesh and blood to feed other Xu, so he, who was supposed to have extremely high potential, couldn't break through Yachukas and become the superior Daxu Vastord.

Even the original Yachukas disappeared after being fed up with his body.

But all the children who accepted its flesh and blood became Pikaro...or in other words, the original Yachukas merged into all Pikaro, so that these different individuals shared the same wish...

-Have many friends.

This point cannot be changed no matter what!

In the end, Tiruti could only give up the persuasion and let Picarro expand. She even thought about it... Picarro might not have the chance to perform the second stage return.

And the second stage of returning to the blade is the only way for Picaro to defeat Bailegang.

Picaro, who only performed a return to the blade, was unable to match Bailegang in any case. This was why she was not sure whether Picarro could defeat Bailegang.

But now, she can be sure that Picaro will win!

Because no one knows Picaro's second-stage returning edge better than her, even Duan Mu.


That guy didn't even know his own second-stage return blade, let alone Picaro, whom he had never seen before.

It's not that she deliberately concealed it, but that Duan Mu was not interested at all, and he didn't explore how strong he and Picaro were at all.

Tiruti even suspects that in Duan Mu's eyes, he may still be the Ten Blades who were eliminated before, completely unable to compete with the current Ten Blades...

"This is impossible!!!"

The unbelievable roar of Balegon came out, and the situation on the battlefield had been reversed in just half a minute.

The endless storms containing tyrannical spiritual pressure formed countless wind pillars with invisible tops, and there was this young figure in each wind pillar.

Crash, crumble, crumble...

The black mist formed by the sigh of death continued to disintegrate.

Split, split, split...

The invisible wind blade splits the space of the virtual circle into gaps.

All the Picaros looked at Bailegang, the center of countless wind pillars, with cold and bloodthirsty eyes.

The void is distorted, and the spiritual pressure is concussed!

Who would have thought that a group of children could completely suppress the former king of the virtual circle on the ground, making him unable to move.

The eye sockets of Balegon Skeleton's eyes flashed red, full of madness and unwillingness. He couldn't accept that he would be suppressed by a group of little ghosts that he had never paid attention to at all.

"Unforgivable... unforgivable..."

Crazy roars continued to come from Bailegang's mouth, and the black gas around him surged like an abyss.

"A mere group of locusts...are trying to defeat me!?"

"I am the Great Emperor - Balegang Ruisenbang, the God of Hueco Mundo!!"

Picaro ignored Bailegang's insane roar, and every immature face revealed a kind of icy coldness.


Black spheres appeared above each Picaro's head, spinning at high speed.

In front of the black sphere, even the moonlight was swallowed by it, unable to refract the slightest light.

At this moment, the whole world is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers.

In the area where the black sphere is located, the high concentration of spiritual particles in the virtual circle quickly disappeared, as if the whole world was entering a stage of collapse at this moment.

Tiruti frowned, these brats are too messy!

Fruit Paradise!

This is the ability of Picaro, they can directly absorb all the spiritual particles within the surrounding area.

Whenever they feel hungry, they don't devour their souls like other ghosts, but use this skill to devour spirit particles in an entire area to fill their own hunger.

If it's just normal, it's fine, anyway, it will only absorb all the spiritual particles in an area, and the impact will not be too big.

But right now...

Those densely packed black spheres are actually spirits that are devouring the entire Xuye Palace.

If this battle does not end, the scope of devouring will be further expanded, even expanding to the entire virtual circle, and most importantly... not only spirits will be swallowed within the range of the pitch-black sphere, but even virtual and souls will be swallowed. what they devour.

boom boom boom

In the area where Bailegang was located, deafening roars continued to be heard.

The crown crumbled, the royal robes shattered...

The former Great Emperor of Xuquan, who claimed to be the God of Xuquan, is now like a crazy lunatic, roaring and cursing constantly in his mouth.

Ka Ka Ka ~ ~

A series of cracks appeared on Bailegang's body, no matter how the black mist around him resisted.

Supplemented by Picaro's frenzied devouring, he was still completely suppressed!

Bailegang couldn't figure out why, why these little ghosts who had been abandoned by Aizen and had not been fully strengthened by Bengyu would have such terrifying abilities and possess such terrifying spiritual pressure.

What the hell happened to them?

Is that the texture?

Bailegang looked at the lines on Picaro's body, but he was destined to not be able to figure it out.

"Locusts...you bunch of lowly locusts..."

Accompanied by the roar that resounded through the Void Night Palace, Bailegang collapsed like broken glass.

The rising black mist gradually disappeared, corroding the skeleton fragments little by little. The moment the black mist dissipated, Bailegang also completely disappeared into the virtual circle, leaving no trace.

All that remained was the final roar, which still echoed continuously over the Xuye Palace.


Sensing the disappearance of Balegon, Tiruti, who was far outside the battlefield, suddenly shouted.

Almost after her voice fell, the black balls in midair collapsed one after another like exploding balloons.

next second...

The terrifying aura that filled Xuye Palace gradually receded.

The bone shells on the Picaros also collapsed in mid-air, and small figures fell towards the ground one after another.

All of a sudden, there was an endless stream of bang bang bang sounds.

Seeing this, Tiruti hurriedly dispelled the Reiatsu barrier around him, and quickly walked towards where the Picaros were.

In front of the fifth tallest tower that has disappeared, this place has turned into a huge basin, and at the bottom of the basin, all Picarro's immature faces are full of exhaustion, and they are lying or lying down on the ground.

Seeing this, Tiruti hurriedly led Orihime Inoue and others into the basin.


And at the same time they were rescuing Picaro, outside Xuye Palace, in the Great Xu Forest under the white sand, a crack was torn open with difficulty.

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