Just as a gap was torn open, a person rushed out of it.

After he rushed out, the crack quickly closed.

"Huh~ It's really hard."

Duan Mu looked up and looked around, and released his perception towards Xuye Palace:

"It seems that we can only get here, and I don't know what happened to Tiruti and the others."


Duan Mu frowned, and as soon as his perception was released, he felt a familiar breath spreading out, but it disappeared completely in the next second.

That is the breath that belongs to Balegon.

Did he stay in the virtual circle?

A strange look flashed in Duan Mu's eyes, hoping that Tiruti and the others didn't encounter Bailegang.


Chapter 264 Unexpected Changes

"This ghost place really hasn't changed at all."

Leaving the Daxu Forest, Duan Mu couldn't help shaking his head as he looked at the endless white sand in front of him.

Unlike the real world and the world of corpses and souls, which are changing with each passing day, even if the virtual circle comes every few years, there is almost no change here.

After arriving on the ground, Duan Mu directly stimulated his exploration nerves to the extreme, covering the entire virtual circle in the blink of an eye.

Saragi Kenpachi, Kuchiki Byakuya, the guy who is fighting them is that guy named Yami.

Among the ten blades, Duan Mu has seen most of them, defeated and killed many of them, but Duan Mu has never seen this guy named Yami.

Maybe it was because he was afraid that after meeting him, he would be killed before he could show his true strength. Aizen never let him come into contact with him.

"Judging from the spiritual pressure of the two of them, it should be that they don't need help."

More strictly speaking...

Duan Mu always felt that with the characters of those two people, if he tried to help, he would be disgusted by them.

Kurosaki Ichigo's words...


Duan Mu was startled suddenly, and turned his head inexplicably to look in the direction where Kurosaki Ichigo was.

Because Duan Mu is actually there...

Feeling the strange virtual pattern, the virtual pattern is in a state of activation at this time, although it was not inscribed by Duan Mu himself, but as the creator of the virtual pattern, Duan Mu can clearly feel that someone has stimulated the virtual pattern.

However, the imaginary pattern gave him a feeling of incompleteness, and if there were no accidents, it should only be effective for a short period of time.

Duan Mu's eyes suddenly became a little strange.

In the entire virtual circle, there are only two people who know the virtual pattern, one is Tiruti and the other is Picaro.

It is impossible to ask Picaro to study the virtual lines.

That is to say...

It should be Tiruti who left the imaginary lines on this person whose Reiatsu made him feel strange.

Has that guy studied Xuwen to this extent without making a sound?

After trying to figure out where the kumon came from, Duan Mu turned his attention to Kurosaki Ichigo who was with the person who used the kumon, and his opponent.

Not Ulquiorra in memory, but Grimmjow.

Duan Mu was not too surprised. When he felt the fleeting breath of Bailegang earlier, Duan Mu had already vaguely guessed that the ten blades left in the virtual circle should be slightly different from his memory.

As for other places, Nirvana Yuri met Saar Apollo just as he remembered.

However, unlike Saraki Kenpachi and the others, Nirvana Mayuri had already ended the battle at this time.

Captain Unohana did not fight anyone, but led the fourth team to collect the wounded and treated them everywhere. This wounded is not only the Shinigami side, but also the broken side who is also in the treatment of Unohana Rie category.

This should also come from the order of Captain Yamamoto.

In this decisive battle, Captain Yamamoto has decided to eliminate Aizen and his party, which means that most of the ten blades will be eliminated in the battle, which is likely to cause Xuquan to become extremely weak.

The purpose of sending Unohanaretsu to Xuquan to treat Pomen is to keep as many Pomen in Xuya Palace as possible. This is indeed what Captain Yamamoto will do.

As for whether the cured Pomian will attack the rescue team after the treatment for Pomian is over, there is no need to worry about it at all... From this point of view, it can be said that sending Uozhihuaretsu to the virtual circle It is reasonable, not only can save, but also send away those who don't know how to praise...

In the present world, Captain Yamamoto may also selectively leave some of the lives of the ten blades and subordinate officials.

Although it has been said many times, Duan Mu still couldn't help but feel speechless for the fragile balance of the Three Realms, and it is difficult for the [-]th Goutei team to maintain this state for so many years.

After hesitating for a while, Duan Mu didn't look for Uzhi Hualie, but went straight to the direction where Tiruti and Picaro were.

Duan Mu could feel that Tiruti, Picaro, Kuchiki Rukia, and Inoue Orihime were all in the same position at this time. Judging from the breath over there, they should have just experienced a very intense battle. fighting.

Who is fighting them?


Being able to defeat Neutra, it seems that Tiruti's second-stage returning edge is much stronger than he imagined.

To be honest, Duan Mu no longer has much impression of Tiruti's second-stage return to the blade.

When he first entered the captain level, Tiruti's second-stage returning blade did bring him a lot of pressure, but as his strength became stronger, Tiruti's second-stage returning blade has gradually been left behind by Duan Mu.

Duan Mudu was a little surprised to be able to fight with Neutra and win.

Compared with them, the spirit void pattern in his body basically only serves to keep him from exhausting his spiritual pressure forever, which is probably the difference between him and Xu.

After galloping all the way, Duan Mu arrived at Xuye Palace in just a few minutes.

However, when entering the Xuye Palace, Duan Mu's footsteps stopped.


At this time, the Xuye Palace looked like ruins.

The huge canopy completely collapsed, the majestic buildings were more or less damaged, and even many buildings collapsed.

Many broken faces are hiding in Xuye Palace, not daring to show their faces.

There are also many broken faces who fled outside Xuye Palace.

"It's really a big mess."

Duan Mu withdrew his gaze, and continued towards where Tiruti and the others were.

However, there was a trace of doubt in his eyebrows, because even after entering the Xuye Palace, he still hadn't detected Bailegang's aura, as if he wasn't in the Void Circle at all.

But the aura I felt when I first arrived at Xuye Palace was definitely the aura of Bailegang.

Because the battle with Bailegang was the closest Duan Mu came to death, and the unique decadent atmosphere of Bailegang left a deep impression on Duan Mu.

in short……

Duan Mu really wanted to try, with his current spiritual pressure strength, whether he could forcibly resist Bailegang's aging with his spiritual pressure, or try to analyze his aging with Zanpakutō.

Except for Aizen, Duan Mu rarely fought the same opponent for the second time.

It's not because I can't find it, but because I'm not interested.

Even the opponent who once brought him to the brink of death is the same.

For example, Yincheng Kongwu, who used to make him fight hard in this world, Duan Mu, it is not difficult to find those full-managers, and it is easy to kill them, even...you can kill them with one blow.

But because of this, Duan Mu has no interest in fighting them again.

Along the way, the opponents Duan Mu encountered were basically equal to him, or even stronger than his opponents, or like Ten Blades, facing several people at the same time.

Therefore, every battle is extremely difficult, and even if they win in the end, most of them will pay a high price.

But even so, Duan Mu is not interested in actively looking for those opponents who have defeated him before, who can interest him and want to have a second confrontation with him. Apart from Aizen, there is only Bailegang.

of course……

Saragi Kenpachi and Unohanaretsu are exceptions.

When he first arrived in the virtual circle, he felt the fleeting rotten breath of Bailegang. Duan Mu was actually looking forward to meeting him in the Xuye Palace, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of Bailegang's smell along the way. breath.

Have you left the virtual circle?

Duan Mu shook his head, not too regretful.

Because with his current spiritual pressure and physical strength, it is not difficult to defeat Bailegang. The reason why he wants to fight Bailegang again is to try whether he can be like Aizen, with his own high-density Reiatsu forcibly eliminated the influence brought about by the rules.


Duan Mu galloped to a halt and stopped at the edge of a huge basin.

The aura of Tiruti and others is in the basin below.

Duan Mu was not in a hurry to find Tiruti, but glanced around the battlefield, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Although it has been a while since the battle ended, Duan Mu still felt the remnants of the battle after arriving at the scene.

This is the remnant of Picaro and Bailegang's spiritual pressure, and even Duan Mu faintly can simulate the battle that happened here not long ago from this residual spiritual pressure.

Regarding this point, Duan Mu didn't know how he did it, even before he arrived here, he didn't know that he could still do it, but just by looking at it, he had a kind of ability to see that not long ago The feeling of the battle that takes place here.

It's not Zanpakuto's ability, but a kind of ability that can be mastered naturally after the strength of spiritual pressure reaches a certain level.

Picaro beat Balegon?

This made Duan Mu faintly doubt whether there was something wrong with his own feelings.

But the situation in the basin made Duan Mu understand that his feeling should be correct.

Looking around, I saw Pikaro lying down in the basin one by one, and Tiruti, Rukia Kuchiki, and Orihime Inoue were treating and recovering for them.

When did these little guys become so strong?

The corner of Duan Mu's mouth twitched slightly, suppressing the shock in his heart, he headed down the basin.


The crisp sound of footsteps landing immediately attracted the attention of the three present.

Tiruti's body tightened, and he suddenly turned his head to look at where Duan Mu was. When he saw Duan Mu clearly, he was taken aback for a moment:

"Duan Mu?"

"Boss Duan Mu?"

"Mr. Duan Mu?"

Seeing Duan Mu who suddenly appeared, all three present couldn't help being overjoyed.

However, Tiruti looked at Duan Mu with a strange gaze, because before Duan Mu made a sound, she was completely unaware of Duan Mu's arrival, even if Duan Mu stood in front of her, there was a faint feeling No feeling.

The last person who made her feel this way was...

Blue dye!

He got stronger again.

Duan Mu nodded to the crowd, stepped forward to check the status of the Picaros, and found that these children fell into a coma because they were too tired, and there was nothing serious about it.

"Is Balegon dead?"

Duan Mu turned to Tiruti and asked.

Tiruti was startled when he heard the words, and nodded subconsciously: "Well, Picaro defeated him with the second return blade."

With Tiruti's confirmation, Duan Mu couldn't help but look at the Picaro that fell on the ground, and shook his head with a wry smile:

"You guys really gave me a huge surprise, it was almost frightening."

Tiruti curled her lips. Originally, she planned to tell Duan Mu personally about this matter, and then looked at his shocked face, but it turned out that Duan Mu knew about it without her explaining it, and there was no reaction. She was so shocked as expected, which inevitably disappointed Tiruti.

"Mr. Duan Mu..."

Orihime Inoue asked, "Have you met Kurosaki-san?"

"You don't have to worry about what they said, after all..."

Duan Mu paused, then turned to look at Tiruti: "The unknown Pomen who is following Kurosaki Ichigo, did you leave the phantom lines on its body?"

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