"Void lines?"

Tiruti was startled for a moment, then said with a sudden look on her face: "Are you talking about Nilu?"


Duan Mu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Are you talking about the former 3rd Tenth Blade - Nelielle Du Odessiuvanc?"


Duan Mu suddenly remembered that the Pomen who followed Kurosaki Ichigo in his memory was Nilu.

However, due to the extremely strong spiritual pressure displayed by the other party, Duan Mu did not connect the other party with Nilu, but only thought that it was the broken face that Tiruti picked up from somewhere like picking up Picar... After all, since he was not around After pursuing the status of Ten Blades, Tiruti has always been keen on picking people up everywhere...

I knew I was going there to help!

I don't know how much Nilu's favorability can provide me with experience points.


At this moment, Tiruti suddenly asked with some doubts: "Where did Luo Jia go?"

Hearing this, Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"I remember seeing Miss Luo Jia when I first came down."

Kuchiki Rukia shook her head: "I don't know when she left."

The three of them had just been digging out the Picaros scattered everywhere from the ruins under the basin, and then carried out recovery and treatment.

She didn't realize when Luo Jia was missing at all.

"Who is Lorgar?"

Duan Mu was a little puzzled, he didn't have the slightest impression of this name.

"She is my subordinate officer."

Tiruti explained: "She is a very well-behaved child, but for some reason, she is a little incomplete, so I have been thinking about having a chance to let her accept your transformation and improve her emotional defects." Between words , Tiruti released her own perception, but as she searched, her brows became more and more wrinkled.

Because, there is no Luo Jia's aura in Xuye Palace.

"keep the change."

Duan Mu shook his head slightly: "Before I came here, I had checked the entire Xuye Palace, and I only sensed the three of you, but I didn't find the Luo in your mouth... huh?"

Duan Mu's words paused, and he suddenly turned his head to look into the distance.

It was the place where Kurosaki Ichigo and Grimmjow were fighting. In that direction, an extremely terrifying aura was gradually taking shape, and...

It is rapidly becoming stronger!

Familiar yet unfamiliar.

It is familiar because the Reiatsu is exactly one of the Ten Blades who once besieged Duan Mu, Sal Apollo.

Unfamiliar because...

At this time, the strength of the opponent's spiritual pressure is completely different from that of Sal Apollo in Duan Mu's memory!

"That's...Saar Apollo?"

Tiruti also noticed the breath coming from outside the Void Night Palace, and then his face changed suddenly:


Tiruti had known about Sal Apollo's backhand on Luojia for a long time, but that kind of backhand would only be activated after Sal Apollo died, so she never cared about it.

And it's useless to care about it. She also tried to remove the things left in Luo Jia's body by Sal Apollo, but no matter what she did, she couldn't get rid of the things in Luo Jia's body without causing damage to Luo Jia.

At least she can't do it with her means, the only one who can do it is Duan Mu.

This is also the reason why she looked for Luo Jia after seeing Duan Mu, and wanted Duan Mu to help Luo Jia eradicate her internal troubles.

But now it seems...

Still late!

Sal Apollo actually died, and even his most proud "Conception Notice" couldn't prevent his death, and only in this way, the back hand he left on Luojia could be activated.


At the same time, the eighth area of ​​Xuye Palace.


Nirvana Yuri, who was in a laboratory, tilted her head to look at the 'corpse' that quickly dissipated on the spot and turned into a spiritual child, and her eyeballs frantically frantically flickered in their sockets.

"Hehehe~~This is really interesting."

Nie Yuli walked out of the laboratory and looked outside the Xuye Palace. He could faintly see strange fluctuations rising from the rocks, quartz trees and other substances in the virtual circle, and they gathered in the same direction.

"I see."

At some point, Nie Yuli got an instrument with a display screen in his hands, looked at the data sent back from all over the virtual circle, and said to himself: "Through the media, save your own backups in various places in the virtual circle." place?"

Nirvana Yuri had also done a similar backup, so he was aware of the changes taking place in the virtual circle immediately.

The only thing that surprised him was...

Sal Apollo after his resurrection, the strength he showed!


Chapter 265 Transformation

This is a story that happened hundreds of years ago...

There is a pair of brothers in a certain country.

The elder brother is a general, and the younger brother is an alchemist. The two walk on two completely different paths in life.

The elder brother takes pleasure in suppressing the enemy on the battlefield, while the younger brother smiles and plays with immobile people in his workshop.Therefore, although the two chose paths that had no intersection with each other, it is often said that the two brothers also have a pair of contemptuous eyes.

The elder brother would bring the enemies captured in the war to the younger brother's workshop every day, and provide the younger brother as "experiment" materials.And what kind of experiment the younger brother is doing, no one knows, but the never-ending wailing and the disgusting smell of blood always surround the workshop.

Thousands of people died at the hands of his brother in the workshop.

Men and women, young and old, many people were scratched by sharp tools, burned, dismembered, cut into pieces from head to toe and then reassembled: they were attached to other people's bodies and internal organs, their internal organs were removed and replaced with other artificial objects, The eyeballs were implanted into the drained dental pulp, soaked in a slightly acidic solution, and slowly melted over a day... These people were all subjected to various studies while they were alive.

And the souls of many of them have been paralyzed due to exhaustion, leaving only the body to react to these experiments.

Just when these living corpses and dead flesh were about to be buried underground in the workshop, the brothers died in a hurry.

A group of souls were liberated from long-term pain and hatred, and turned into monsters called "Xu".These monsters seized the opportunity for the two brothers to gather in the workshop at the same time, and crushed the workshop together with the brothers in one fell swoop.

It intends to torture the brothers after their souls are separated from their bodies, and then eat them.

However, after the younger brother's soul was separated from his body, he looked at his crushed corpse and the monster in front of him and said:

"It's fantastic, and this is what I've been looking for."

The almost crazy smile on his face stunned the awe in front of him.

It was an instinctive reaction that was deeply rooted in the monster's heart.

The younger brother performed the experiment he thought of on himself before he was alive, and after he succeeded, he showed his usual devilish smile.This smiling face made him more of a monster than the monsters present, and stirred up the fear in these monsters.

Afterwards, the younger brother floated to his elder brother who hadn't realized that he was dead.

"Damn... what happened?"

"...It's nothing to worry about, brother."

"What did you say?... Woohoo!?"

The younger brother who had turned into a spirit body tore his brother's throat without hesitation.

With a smile full of joy, he ate his brother and the soul of the already exhausted experimental body in front of the monsters.It seems that at the moment of his physical death, he already understood what kind of existence the soul and void are.

Excitedly, he broke free from the chains attached to his physical body, and opened a big hole where the spirit body was originally bound by the chains.

By the time the monsters present realized that something was wrong, it was too late... The younger brother who had blurted out by himself ate the enemy who killed him and his older brother in a blink of an eye, laughing non-stop.

Then, after a day and a night, the younger brother who had become a monster stared at his hand and murmured:

"It turns out that the perfect life I pursue exists in the extension of this body."

Time goes by.

The disappearance of the perverted brothers in this world, in exchange for the addition of a big body named 'Saar Apollo Granz' in the virtual circle, he ate many virtual bodies, making other virtual bodies fearful of him, and He ends up as the monster superior Osu Warstord who once again assumes human form.

Although he is usually a calm scholar, once he is involved in a battle, he will unconsciously fall into a berserk state, which makes him seldom take action in battle.Because he fell into a berserk state, he would smash the opponent who originally wanted to be captured alive.

Later, after a new king named Aizen appeared, he was selected into the new organization 'Ten Blades', and was given the number '0', which is the most special among the Ten Blades. Said to be the strongest existence.

However, he is not satisfied with this, because what he pursues is a 'perfect life' rather than 'strength' and 'status'.

In the following several years, he continued to disintegrate countless ghosts, whole bodies, and even death gods, and finally came to a conclusion——with his current state of regaining human appearance, it is impossible to complete the power he expected to "conceive notification".

Everything has to start over from the evolutionary process.

This conclusion leads to an idea, that is to let oneself return to the middle-level Daxu that still has animal characteristics, and go through the evolution process again.

So he split his physical body in two.

He removed from his soul the troublesome part of himself that was too hyperactive and unmanageable in battle, the brother he had eaten in the first place, and made him a separate entity again.At the same time, he also eliminated the traits of being a "warrior", allowing himself to return to the original pure scholar.

"Are you crazy? There are people who want to become weak. In my opinion, your brain is burnt out."

The man who was once given the number '8' said it in amazement.

At that time, Sal Apollo's answer was simple: "Even if I don't have the strength and status of the Ten Blades, I can still provide you with equipment to help you defeat Nellie."

Sal Apollo, who had degenerated into Achukas, was indeed eliminated from the Ten Blades as expected.

But this did not discourage Saar Apollo. Instead, he focused more on experiments and theoretical arrangements, and finally completed the secret method of reincarnation he expected-the notification of conception.

In the end, relying on his ability as a scientist, he returned to the ranks of the ten blades and got the number '8'.

The elder brother who was eliminated by him turned into a bull-shaped middle-level Daxu wandering around, and then acted with a certain Daxu group.And this Daxu group was brought under by Aizen after a powerful leopard-type middle-level Daxu joined. Xu has become a subordinate officer of Leopard Xu.

Saar Apollo has never paid attention to this, because the brother he eliminated is just unnecessary garbage to him, even if he swallows it again, it can be like the fusion of Stark and Lilinette In general, regain control of the incomparably powerful strength that he once had.

His existence will only interfere with his own research, so even when he learned that his brother died after fighting a god of death named 'Asai Renji' in this world, he didn't feel the slightest bit of sadness in his heart.


When a god of death used his proud "conception notice" as a medium to let him experience the death experience that lasted for a hundred years, Saar Apollo... once again chose to regain his strongest power!

Although it is only a moment in reality, for Saar Apollo, it is a hundred years of life and death!

In the end, it even made him extremely humiliated to pick up the backhand who had given up a long time ago, manipulate the opponent, resurrect himself in the virtual circle, and keep his dead brother's backups everywhere in the virtual circle, and also integrate into his body.

He wanted to crush that god of death to ashes, and let him know what kind of person he had provoked.

Far away from the Void Night Palace, a tall figure stood in the void.

He looked down coldly, and saw that under him, a funnel the size of a village appeared in the center of the endless white sand, in which were buried four figures like gossamer, and with the flow of white sand, all four of them were buried in the ground. Under the endless white sand.

And above the huge bunker that formed the funnel, the scenery swayed slightly. It was not a mirage or hallucination, but the space distortion caused by his random flash.

"This power is even a little strange to me."

Saar Apollo did not go to give the last blow to the four people under the white sand, but looked at his hands, and there was no joy in his eyes, but only disgust and humiliation.

His pride does not allow him to pick up the trash that he once discarded, and as a scientist, he doesn't like his current war-thirsty state, which will affect his sober brain during research.

But if he wants to vent his pain of death that has lasted for a hundred years, he can only choose to regain his former strength.

Sal Apollo looked down at the white sand under his feet, and Luo Jia, who had stored his "backup", was also among them. Although the garbage he discarded was not worth mentioning in his eyes, Luo Jia was captured by that bitch Tiruti. The fact that the protection is extremely intact makes Saar Apollo feel a little lucky.

If Lorgar was destroyed, causing damage to the external memory device he placed in her brain, then he might actually die.

Because at the moment of death, he even felt the pull from hell. If he was really pulled into hell, then even if he was resurrected at that time, it would not be himself, but a group of spirit particles with his own memory!

However, although he survived because of Luo Jia, he did not intend to rescue Luo Jia at all.

My own death will only happen this time. The reason why the God of Death was able to kill himself is entirely because he has been secretly researching himself, thus allowing himself to fall into his tricks.

But now, even putting aside the regained power, even with the former self, it is easy to kill him!

As for the other trash besides Luo Jia, Sal Apollo didn't even bother to look at them.

Although there was a familiar face among them, a guy who couldn't even take a single blow from him didn't have the right to pay him too much attention.

Thinking of this, Saar Apollo disappeared into midair in an instant.

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