Yes, it became eight.

And it seems that the combat effectiveness of each one is exactly the same as before.

At that moment, the potatoes actually thought that the guy in front of them was the kind of thing that could be turned into several pieces by cutting into several pieces. They wanted to change their battle strategy, but the next second, they found that there was no need for it.

This guy doesn't need anyone to chop him down, he just keeps splitting infinitely.

Eight becomes sixteen, sixteen becomes 32, 32 becomes 64...

At this moment, everyone realized that the rumors were correct.

This thing may be the tyrant's real army.

The seemingly endless divisions seemed to never end, and in an instant, there were thousands of troops.

The potatoes were like a small boat in the black crowd, waving their weapons and fighting desperately against the endless army.

For some reason, the first king seemed to have his sights set on the seven potato boys. Even though he had countless clones, he had no intention of supporting the others. He just attacked the seven potatoes with all his strength.

He remained silent and attacked persistently. His incomparable concentration seemed to say that in his eyes, everyone present was no more threatening than these seven potatoes...

300.The top battlefield

Deidre was a bit confused.

Although he may have chosen his opponent, it was more like strategic planning to the end than selection, and he could only deal with the remaining opponents.

Not only him, but Guoguo too.

The Second King Cavalry and the Sixth King Cavalry both belong to the kind of King Cavalry whose characteristics are not outstanding and also have no obvious restraint methods. It is difficult to use certain methods to take advantage of them when fighting them.

For example, the Second King Cavalry is an assassin-type warrior who is good at using a variety of weapons. However, because of his strong physical strength, even for an assassin, it is difficult to see any shortcomings in frontal combat. There are various attack methods and extremely arcane combat skills. His proficiency, speed and strength are all top-notch among the top. In terms of overall strength alone, he can even be said to have defeated Deidre completely.

Yes, he is the legendary legendary ranger. It can even be said that his name is synonymous with the strongest ranger in the world.

But so what.

So many warriors with the reputation of being the strongest in the world have died at the hands of these monsters. He has no doubt that if he is forced to face this opponent on other occasions, he will only end up dead in the end.

Even on this occasion, he was having a hard time playing.

A wide variety of flying objects shot towards him through strange paths. The opponent seemed to have some ability to generate matter out of thin air. There was no movement to take the dart at all, not even a pause to take the object from the magic space. The strong wind The torrent of output overwhelmed him. For a moment, he only had time to run, not even enough time to shoot an arrow with his backhand.

The most troublesome thing is that he can feel that the distance between the other party and him is getting closer.

Seeing several curved darts drawing strange arcs and surrounding his path from the side, Deidel's brows jumped and he recited the incantation. The green magic power enveloped his whole body, turning around several times like a phantom. Only then did he escape narrowly.

But as soon as he dodged it, Deidel immediately felt a chill running down his spine and threw several darts behind him.

Just a few jingling sounds were heard, and the darts were pulled away directly by the metal thorns. The second king threw away the gauze, and two slender scimitars appeared in his hands, and they slashed towards Deidel.

Deidre retracted the short bow in his hand instantly, and then actually took out a huge round shield from the magic space, and hit it directly with the slash of the second king's knight.

With one blow, the buckler instantly shattered, but Deidre also used the force of the rebound from the buckler to instantly leap into the distance and shoot several arrows in the air.

Although they appear to be random arrows, each strike is a heavy blow containing explosive magic power that can break through steel.

Normally, the Second King Cavalry would certainly not care about this kind of attack, but the restrictions on his rebirth ability in this environment could not help but make him a little wary, so he dealt with it a little more carefully, deflecting two arrows and dodging the rest. arrows, and then chased Deidel.

Although it was only a moment's delay, in this moment, Deidel finally saw the opportunity to counterattack.

Using high-speed instantaneous chanting and a phantom-like continuous shooting technique, dozens of arrows were shot out of Deidel's hand at almost the same instant.

The second Wang Qi immediately frowned and subconsciously wanted to come up with something to deal with this wave of firepower from his opponent, but found that those arrows did not seem to be coming towards him.

"Instinctive scattering? Or guided?" The second Wang Qi's mind quickly ran through several conventional guesses.

After all, he knew nothing about Deidle before, but if he knew something about Deidel, he should be able to guess the effect of this arrow formation in an instant...

It was an entire formation, formed in series out of thin air.

By the time the second Wang Qi realized this, the formation had already begun to take effect.

For a moment, he felt as if his whole body weighed a thousand pounds, as if there were countless chains pulling on every inch of his skin.

But this effect only lasted for this moment.

The next moment, the second king's knight's cloak flashed with light, breaking the shackles and rushing towards Deidle.

Whether it is a magic circle or a magic circle, it ultimately belongs to the category of magic.

In this case, they will all be broken by the cloak's effect in a short time.

This is almost common sense when fighting against tyrants, and it is certainly impossible for Deidel not to know it.

What he wants is the instant cooling of the opponent's cloak.

At that moment, the Second Wangqi suddenly felt something moving.

He looked at his feet in shock, only to realize that at some point, his throw had actually drawn a huge magic array on the ground, and at the core node of the magic array, there was a black arrow that was difficult to find. arrow.

"Hell, when..." His pupils suddenly shrank.

"When you were running away, you didn't think that I was really running all the time, right?"

The second Wang Qi raised his head in shock, only to find that Deidel had already arrived on top of him before he noticed it.

The sharp sword containing the magic storm shot out like light, as if there was no process at all. When the second Wangqi realized it, the sharp arrow had already been inserted into the center of the magic array.

"The magic array is tailor-made for you, enjoy it." After Deidel finished speaking, a long and distant song sounded from the sky, and dark chains emerged from the void, piercing the second king's body one by one. Tohru was finally nailed to the center of the magic array, his face was dull, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

Deidre fell to the ground and let out a sigh of relief.

In this case, it should last at least a few hours...

He subconsciously turned his attention to Guoguo, wanting to see if his apprentice was in a difficult battle. If necessary...


Well, at first glance, it’s not necessary.

I saw the Sixth King Qi being shot into a hedgehog, falling in the middle of a huge magic array, motionless.

"It looks more relaxed than me," Deidre couldn't help but murmured.

But speaking of which, he really doesn't quite understand Guoguo's current strength. The things she and Yayin studied seem to have been integrated into the battle by her. Although Guoguo's ranger training is far from the top level, But those new things that were researched seemed to elevate her overall strength to another level.

You may not be able to beat him, but it's hard to say who can have a better record against others.

"But what is she looking at? She's so focused," Deidre muttered, looking aside following Guoguo's extremely focused gaze.

Then, he was also stunned.

It was a battlefield, a truly chaotic battlefield.

Below the battlefield is an endless ocean of black mist.

It was an ocean composed of countless clones of the First King Cavalry. The seven potatoes were like a small boat in the ocean, bumping up and down in the wind and waves, looming.

Above the battlefield is a giant gaseous ball that has expanded to a diameter of several thousand meters at some point. No one knows what the third king general and Snow are doing inside.

Around the gaseous ball, the figures of Anwada and the second king were flashing in the air at high speed, leaving hundreds of afterimages in the air. The movements were so fast that the battle process between the two could not be clearly seen.

At the top of the battlefield, golden flames seemed to ignite the entire sky, and the pale sword intent was like a starlight in the sky, swaying in the wind and rain.

301. I have a strange fighting posture

A silent battle rages in the mist-shrouded world.

In the pure gray fog, the figure of Wuxiang loomed, as if fighting something invisible.

Snow's projection stood in the mist, watching quietly.

He knew very well that Wuxiang was fighting something. It was not something invisible, nor something hidden in the fog, but the fog itself.

Wuxiang is fighting this fog, and Snow is using its fighting to try to analyze the composition of this fog.

This fog can be said to be an arcane creation that carries most of the Third King's strength. As long as this thing is deconstructed and cracked, Snow will win most of this battle.

Of course, this analysis is not one-way.

At this time, on the other side of the mist, there were also faint pupils shining under the dark cloak. The third king general's eyes were always focused on Wuxiang, and through the attack of the mist, he tried to deconstruct this strange arcane creation as much as possible.

Yes, Snow is trying to deconstruct this fog, and the Third King is also trying to deconstruct Wuxiang.

With Magina's back door wide open, Snow got the chance to fight on an equal footing with the Third King. This was a showdown belonging to the Grand Mystic, a silent battle.

Whoever cracks the opponent's creation first will win this battle.

It may sound good, after all, this duel is fair, and it can be regarded as within Snow's professional field.

It can even be said that among the people present, he is the only one who can play such a game with the third king.

But actually standing in this position, Snow realized how difficult all of this was.

If we say, Fengqi is an immortal elite.

Then Wang Qi is an immortal master with special powers.

If the power of the first two relies heavily on the super cheat of immortality, then the king general cannot die at all.

They are from another realm entirely, and their terrifying abilities far exceed those of the brave men in their heyday.

The gray mist seemed to be a creation that was completely above Snow's arcane knowledge. He wanted to deconstruct the underlying structure but couldn't even get started.

On the contrary, the pressure on Wuxiang was increasing every minute. He could feel that the other party's understanding of Wuxiang was improving every minute.

Although according to Snow's understanding, Wu Xiang should not have any structural weaknesses, but if Wu Xiang's composition is completely cracked by the other party, it means that the other party can compete with him for control of Wu Xiang.

Of course, the contract is with Snow, so even if the other party can make a false signal, it won't be able to make Wu Xiang switch sides, but it will be enough to interfere with Wu Xiang's actions and actually make it lose its ability to fight.

Snow was anxious.

At this point, he could even be said to be defeated.

But he had no choice but to retreat. Qirisa was still fighting the tyrant, and the potatoes and Anwada were also fighting to the death. These four groups of battlefields were dealing with the most threatening and destructive combat power of the other side, and they would release any One, everything will collapse.

However, he really couldn't analyze the composition of this gray mist. The more he tried to analyze it, the more he felt like he was unable to use his strength. It was as if he was trying to repair magic equipment with sewing needles and threads, but he was wrong.

Just when Snow was biting his nails and sweating profusely, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

"His infrastructure is based on original magic, and it is impossible to crack it with the spells of this world..."

"Huh?" Snow was stunned immediately.

He subconsciously wanted to use his consciousness to pry into the source of the sound, but was blocked by a soft mental force.

"Don't try to spy on who I am. It's not important to you. You don't have to speak. You can understand how to communicate with me."

After a brief shock, Snow quickly adjusted and asked in his mind: "Are you... no, I mean, what are you going to do?"

"help you."

That voice came.

"Why?" Snow asked, "Is there a price?"

"You don't need to know the reason, and you don't need to pay. You just need to know... we, uh... yes, have a common enemy."

Snow pursed her lips and immediately responded in her heart: "Okay, in that case, I hope you can give me a clear path."

"I will, believe me, and you have no other choice. When these guys were designed, they decided that you can't compete with them, so...relax, don't resist, this is your only chance... "

As the mysterious voice gradually dissipated, Snow felt some knowledge flow into his mind through his consciousness.

Everything about this gray fog, from the most basic underlying architecture to the most complex application methods, was forced into his mind through the flow of knowledge.

Moreover, this flow of knowledge is quite...colloquial?

In short, it didn't look like formal information, but more like someone had analyzed it on the spot and transferred their own opinions into his mind.

Incidentally, there are also means to counter crack.

But he couldn't understand those methods at all. From the structure of the spells to the language used, they were all things he had never seen before.

That is definitely not any kind of spell in this world, but...

Although it is unbelievable, it is indeed more like the so-called new spell created by Ya Yin.

While Snow was dazed, the mysterious voice sounded in his mind again.

"It's impossible to understand it from scratch now, but by imitating it, you should be able to do it, right?"

"Hmm...probably," Snow responded, "I'll try to use it to change Wuxiang's core attributes..."

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