Snow closed her eyes.

Following the feeling of the flow of knowledge, almost instinctively, he integrated a certain magical quality into the core contract of Wuxiang.

The reason why Wuxiang is called Wuxiang is because he has almost omnipotent attribute adaptability. Although Snow doesn't like to define his core attributes, because if there are tendencies, there will be corresponding weaknesses.

But if the attribute he injects happens to be the enemy's weakness.

That's another matter.

As the arcane nature of the core gradually changes, the formless body gradually reveals some more specific characteristics.

Dark scales, sharp long fins, and a half-dragon, half-human face...

"This is a half-dragon? No, no, it's not like that, this..." Snow was a little shocked.

He has never seen any race with these characteristics shown in Wu Xiang.

Compared to Snow, the Third King General was the one who was even more shocked.

Just now, he found that all his analysis had been overturned in an instant. It was as if the formlessness had been completely changed from its origin and turned into something completely different.

What shocked him the most was that he clearly felt that just by contacting nothing, the thick fog he created was constantly being dissolved and turned into nothingness...

302. Things outside the rules must be dealt with outside the rules. This is only fair.

The heavy twin guns and the dark twin blades collided in the air.

The two sides in the battle seemed to be evenly matched, but in fact both knew that whether it was speed, strength, or fighting skills, Anwada was overwhelmed by his opponent.

In fact, in the short fifteen-minute battle between the two, Anvada had already suffered several fatal injuries. It was only because of the hero's immortality that he could keep fighting with his opponent.

This feeling is quite subtle. After all, the style of relying on immortality to accumulate life is generally used more by Feng Qi and Wang Qi. Anwada did not expect that one day he would use the opponent's routine.

There is no record of the Second King General's actions for thousands of years. They were able to obtain information about him entirely by relying on Lim's prophecy ability.

But even so, the information they can obtain is very limited.

There are only a few things that can be known.

For one, he's an assassin.

Secondly, he doesn't take action often, which is not surprising. To be precise, kings and generals don't take action easily.

Thirdly, everyone who saw him take action was dead.

There is nothing strange about this sentence. In fact, many top assassins like to flaunt themselves in this way, and it is probably overused in the industry.

But what's different about him is that when Rim listed his achievements, those who had seen him take action were all the top fighters in the history of the world. Many people who were thought to be killed by the tyrant himself actually died in On his hands.

However, he is a king general after all, so this kind of performance is foreseeable.

So these three pieces of information are not important, the important thing is the fourth piece.

He has the ability to deal with the undead.

What kind of specific ability it is, whether it is a seal, an exile, or a confinement, even Lim doesn't know.

This made Anwada panic all the time. Although he suffered several fatal injuries, it did not mean that he really dared to die directly at the opponent's hands.

He can be pierced through the chest, disemboweled, and have his spine severed. Because he is an immortal, as long as he blocks the pain, these fatal injuries can be recovered, but he cannot be decapitated, nor can his limbs be severed. , these situations will make him substantially incapacitated. Even if the opponent cannot really kill him, it can at least make him retreat from the battlefield.

At that time, their front was not far from collapse.

The pitch-black stabbing blade slashed down from above, and Anwada raised his gun to block it. Amidst the clanging sound, he felt his arm go numb and almost lost his weapon.

But if you hold on, that's fine.

Just as Anwada tried to fight back with another gun, he saw that his second hand had been raised at some point, and both hands were slashing towards his barely supported parrying gun.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Anwada wanted to push away the opponent's stabbing blade, but when he tried to force it, he was suppressed by the opponent. In desperation, he could only lift another gun to hold it, intending to take the blow forcefully.

Of course, while making this response, Anvada had already guessed that the opponent would definitely change his tactics.

But he had no choice. The opponent had the right to decide whether to change his move or not. If he didn't block it, the opponent's move could be struck directly without changing.

The result was as he expected. The next batch of stabbing blades seemed to turn into soft snake touches in an instant, bypassing the two guns and hitting his neck directly.

Fortunately, Anwada had been prepared. He swung his spear sideways and fell sideways, barely dodging the opponent's thrust.

But I escaped the first blow, but I couldn't avoid the second one.

The second king turned the stabbing blade in his hand and slammed it on Anvada's chest.

Although the thick armor blocked the sharp blade, the strong impact still made Anvada feel sweet in his mouth, and he was knocked away.

And this series of moves only happened in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, Anwada, who had reorganized his body, was fighting with the second king general again.

There were hundreds of exchanges like this every minute. Outsiders could only see the figures of the two people flashing and intertwining in the air, and could not see clearly what was going on.

The few people who had temporarily blocked the opponent wanted to help, but they were completely unable to intervene.

In normal times, Anwada, who is full of firepower, can only be seen when sparring with potatoes or mass.

The kind of limit-breaking power possessed by the brave men at that time was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This level of fighting is no longer something they can get involved in.

And Anwada also understands this.

He knew that no one could help him.

However, he also knew that he would lose this battle sooner or later.

Every fight was a thrilling dance on the tip of a knife. Every time, with the slightest carelessness, he might be decapitated by his opponent.

In such a high-speed battle, the number of rounds required to last even one day is almost unimaginable. Anwada really doesn't know how long he can last...

All he can do is not to think about these things at all, and use the most focused mentality to receive the next wave of attacks.

Until his armor was shattered by sharp blades and his body was torn apart by the opponent again and again, he did not show even a trace of timidity.

But he knows...

"I can't go on like this..."

"Eh?" Anvada's pupils shrank slightly.

Some strange voice sounded in his mind.

"You can't lose, you should know that, right?"

Ask knowingly.

Anwada had no time to respond to the voice in his head. The high-intensity battle did not allow for any distraction.

"Ah, that's right. You are busy now, so I won't talk nonsense to you. Just one sentence, boy, do you want to win?"

miss you!

Can you not want to!

Anvada gritted his teeth, and after another confrontation, he distanced himself from his opponent.

"Very good, then, give me a gun."


Anvada immediately frowned.

Before he could make a judgment, he was already fighting with his opponent again.

"Believe me, if you want to win, just give me a gun. You don't have to look for me. Just throw your gun out and I will catch it."

For the first time, Anvada did not respond.

His brain didn't have enough free time to think.

He even wondered if this was an hallucination caused by excessive pressure.

However, he didn't know what he was thinking. In the end, 2 minutes later, he threw one of the guns in his hand.

The moment he took action, he immediately regretted it.

He felt that he must be crazy and unable to stand under the high pressure, so he placed all his hopes on that illusory illusion.

And his opponents seemed to think he was crazy as well.

The second king looked at the spear he threw with surprised and disdainful eyes. He picked it up and flew the spear behind him, and then rushed towards Anvada.

But at this moment.

He suddenly turned around and slashed behind him with a stabbing blade from his backhand.

There was only a sonorous explosion, and the pitch-black stabbing blade exploded in the air, exploding into fragments all over the sky.

And it was the spear floating in the air that achieved this result.

303. No matter how much the wolf prays, the chicken cannot hear it.

I don’t know what kind of battle is taking place in the gray mist. The Second King General and Anwada who are fighting in the rapid battle are almost difficult to catch with other people’s naked eyes. The battlefield between the front cavalry and the army is difficult to fight against the army of immortal heroes. It's hard to tell, and at first glance, the brave men seem to have an absolute advantage.

Almost naturally, everyone who was repairing turned their attention to the bottom of the core battlefield.

It was a melee of endless shadows and potatoes.

To be honest, just looking at this battlefield makes people feel panicked.

If we talk about the individual strength of the clone shrouded in the black mist, it is actually not outstanding.

The strength and speed may even be slightly inferior to the new No. 11 King Cavalry who just took office.

But there are tens of thousands of such individuals now, and their number is even increasing.

"How many can this split into?" Aosha couldn't help but murmured.

"I don't know, tsk, I always feel that if these things dispersed and rushed towards us, we would probably be finished by now," Deidre fell next to Osa.

"Why are you here? Don't you have to stay there?" Ao Sa turned his head, a little surprised.

"I personally added an extra layer of seals to him, and I can control the time," Deidre said. "Besides, in this situation, we seem to have the conditions to implement the second plan, don't we?"

"Ah, yes," Ao Sa suddenly realized. He looked back and saw Guo Guo walking towards this side.

Indeed, the process of dealing with these kings was smoother than expected.

In other words, the ideal situation in the plan has been achieved.

They are familiar with the enemy's intelligence and know nothing about their abilities. In this case, even if there is a difference in strength, they still have a high probability of winning the first battle.

If they all win, no one needs to fight extra king knights, and there is no need to spend a lot of time healing and rotating, which is the best situation.

In this case, they can implement the second plan, actively extend the rebirth time of each king knight, and fight in groups to deal with the opponents in order to delay as much time as possible.

But, now there are two questions...

First of all, the battlefield between kings and tyrants must not collapse...

Of course, it seems that they have nothing to do with whether they are collapse or not. In a battle of that level, even if you are immortal, you would be too embarrassed to get involved.

Although anyone would find it thrilling to watch the seven potatoes swaying in the black ocean, they also knew that their participation in this battlefield would only be a drop in the bucket.

As for another question...

"Speaking of which, where is Lao Mo and others?" Ao Sa looked into the distance.

"I don't know. How was his fight with No. 12 Wang Qi? How come everyone is missing?" Deidel looked into the distance and frowned, "Damn it, is this too far? Why? I can’t even see him?”

Guoguo glanced at the two of them and nodded directly on her forehead, "Hello? Grandma Magina, where is Mowente now?"

After a brief silence, Magina's voice rang in their minds.

"Strange, why is he not here anymore? When..."

"Eh? It's impossible, right? How could he escape right under your nose?" Deidre said in shock, "He was taken away by surprise? What the hell, why didn't you remind us!?"

"No, I'm not talking about Mowente," Majina's voice sounded again, "He was just transferred to my side by me. I'm talking about No. 12 Wang Qi. He knocked down Mowente. And now he's gone..."



On the scorched earth by the lake, Tulin hummed a tune while looking at the long knife he had just received.

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