"Hello? Are you still in the mood to hum?" Bei Lin's figure appeared from the void, frowning and said, "Everything is messed up, the world is over early, and the cycle is broken. When I go back, my mortgage will be I don’t dare think about what to do.”

"Come on, pretend to be confused while pretending to understand." Tulin smiled and shook his head, casually holding the long knife on his waist, "If you don't know which code I am implementing, I will doubt whether you are I have a biological sister.”

"But are you sure?" Bei Lin frowned and said, "I think the situation is far from that point..."

"When you get to that point, it will be too late," Tulin shrugged. "Your sense of smell is still not sharp enough, or in other words, you are inexperienced."

"Tsk," Bei Lin clicked his tongue, but rarely retorted.

"Okay, stop being so angry, we should finish the rest of the work," Tulin said, walking past Beilin.

"The remaining work? What do you mean?" Bei Lin asked doubtfully.

"Of course, we are going to get the last two fragments," Tulin turned his head and said with a smile, "They can't touch those things, so of course we have to rely on us."

"Are you going to sentence the world to death in advance?" Bei Lin was stunned.

"Otherwise, haven't I made it very clear?" Turin said with a subtle expression, "My sister, are you really tired? Why don't you take some rest before this vote is over?"

"No, I just... damn it," Bei Lin rubbed his eyebrows, "But there are still many living people in this world..."

"There seems to be no difference between letting the conquistadors kill them and then freezing the whole world, and freezing the whole world directly." Turin smiled and shook his head, "You, maybe it's not that you didn't rest enough, but that you rested for too long, and These people have been around for a long time, and even such hypocritical thoughts have emerged. You don't think that from the standpoint of these guys, you can still be a good person, or not that bad person, right?"

Beilin looked at Tulin and frowned slightly.

"What?" Tulin glanced at her, "I'm warning you, I also have a temper. If you try to touch me again, I..."

Before he finished speaking, the crystal ball blurred on his face again.

Only this time, Tulin didn't react. He just took off the crystal ball stuck to his face and threw it back to Beilin.

"Okay, once you've had your temper, just do what you have to do," Tulin shrugged.

"I got it, tut," Bei Lin turned around and said softly, "I'll go take care of the sun."

"Okay, then I'll go... eh?" Tulin was stunned, "Are you going to harvest the sun?"

"Ah, didn't you say it all? Anyway, don't expect us to be good people from our standpoint," Beilin said, as if stepping on nothingness, slowly walking towards the scorching sun in the sky, "Since So, then I should get used to it as soon as possible, how does it feel to destroy an entire world with my own hands..."

Tulin looked at Beilin's back, smiled silently, then turned his head and said, "Very good."

Then, he also opened his legs, stepped on the empty steps, and walked towards the direction of the moon.

304. The life of a potato is the life of cooking.


Mowente suddenly opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?" Magina glanced at him.

"Ah, um..." Mowente sat up and rubbed his forehead, "Damn it, what's wrong with me..."

"We are still wanting to ask you," Callidora brought a glass of hot water to Mervent, "Aren't you fighting the No. 12 King Cavalry? Where did he go?"

"Ah, yes, that guy, uh, hell, how did I..." Mowente rubbed his temples, his face full of confusion.

"Your knife is missing," Magina warned.

"Knife? Huh?" Mowente subconsciously touched his waist, and then he suddenly realized that although he had not pulled out the sword for a long time, the dark tailor who had been straddling his waist had disappeared without knowing it. Fly.

Mowente was stunned for a while, and then he frowned and thought for a long time, still looking puzzled.

He found that no matter how much he recalled, he could not remember anything. It was as if that memory had been erased, leaving only a blank space.

At this time, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Okay, don't think too much," Lim said softly, "That guy is extraordinary. It's not surprising that he knocked him down. At least the current situation doesn't look too bad."

"What do you know?" Majina looked over.

"Well, I don't know how to put it. In short, judging from the current situation, you can just pretend that there is no such person," Lim shrugged.

"But, Wente's knife..." Callidora hesitated.

"No, it doesn't matter," Mowente waved his hand, "Everything depends on Lim's arrangement..."

As he said that, he stood up, gently touched the empty waist button with his left hand, took a deep breath, turned to look at Lim, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

"It looks pretty good," Jilunini said. "Except for the disappeared No. 12 King Cavalry, the remaining King Cavalry have been temporarily blocked by you. We have obvious strategic advantages on the frontal battlefield, and the conditions are sufficient to support The second option, but..."

"Something went wrong on the general's battlefield?" Mo Wente's heart tightened.

"No, the battlefield of the king's general is a miracle..." Magina said, sharing the battlefield situation in front of Mowente's eyes.

Looking at the battlefield, the more Mowente looked, the more his eyes widened.

That is indeed a miracle...

Before the war started, they didn't say anything, but in fact they were quite pessimistic in their hearts.

Their manpower is really not enough. Each person is assigned a king knight and they are already dancing on the tip of the knife, and the king general...

They didn't even know how strong the king was. Even Anvada and Snow had no confidence that they could win beforehand.

But the current situation on the battlefield was far beyond their expectations.

On the battlefield where the third king general is, although I don’t know how Snow did it, he did gain the upper hand in the struggle. Although the speed was very slow, if you look closely, you can still see that not only did the expansion on the battlefield stop, And it seems to be gradually getting thinner and thinner.

The battlefield where the second king general was was even more weird. Ordinary people might not be able to see what was happening at all, but Mowente could barely see clearly. The second king general was obviously at a disadvantage.

As for the reason for the downturn...

"Damn it, does Anwada still have this trick? Control a gun out of thin air? Why haven't I seen him use it before..." Mowente muttered.

Lim glanced at him and said nothing.

Someone is looking for a power coach, but he won't say who it is.

Compared with these two battlefields, the battlefield where the first king general is located is more thrilling.

Although they had all heard the legend of the first king, looking at the crowded shadow army, they still felt numb.

Among the thousands of shadows, if you don't look carefully, you can't even find the seven potatoes.

However, if you see them and see the expressions on their faces, you will find that these potatoes seem to be the least to worry about.

Although they fought hard, even though they often had their hands and feet cut off, and although they were often attacked by more than a dozen shadows at the same time, their faces were always filled with smiles.

That smile while eating.

Mowente was very doubtful whether it was a war or a meal for them now.

"It looks like the battle is going well," Mowente muttered. "If this continues, it just seems like we can delay it for a long time..."

"No, you forgot the most important question," Magina said.

"The most important thing..." Mo Wente was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to remember something and suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky at the highest point.

On the golden sky, that flash of silver light was already crumbling.




The huge skeletal beast roared into the sky, and its sharp long claws suddenly swung down, directly moving half of the village to the ground.

The giant beast sniffed the ruins, looking for the scent of flesh and blood.

But when I looked up, I saw that the entire land was covered with corpses, and there were no living things anywhere.

The giant beast was obviously not satisfied with this demerit. He leaned down and sniffed gently among the remaining villages, trying hard to search for the scent of living creatures.

Vaguely, it seemed to smell something...

It was like the breath of a living creature, but not exactly like it.

He felt that thing getting closer and closer...


Accompanied by the sound of soil exploding, a huge impact blasted out from the ground, smashing the giant beast's head to pieces.

Liu Ji's figure floated in mid-air, breathing heavily.


He is back?

Although I don’t know why, it feels like I came back faster than when I left. It’s not 01:30.

No, I said I don’t know why...

His consciousness swept over the sun and moon components lying quietly in the magic space, swallowed, and murmured: "Thank you..."

However, what responded to him was the roar of thousands of bones on the earth.

Liu Ji only came to his senses at this time. Before he could react, he was bitten by a skeletal dragon that swooped down.

The gray-white sand exploded, turned in the air, and smashed the skeletal dragon into pieces with one punch.

"What the hell, what's going on in this place..." Liu Ji's figure regrouped in the air, looking at the hell-like world full of corpses, and for a moment he even thought he was in the wrong world.

He raised his head, looked into the sky, looked at the blood moon in the sky, and clicked his tongue with a bit of bitterness.

This moon had been hanging high in the desert. Although he had heard a lot about it, he really didn't expect that the power displayed by this thing would be so terrifying...

It’s really like what they said before, as long as this thing is released, the world will be over without the tyrant taking action.

But now that it's over, there's no time to think about it anymore.

He never thought he could be a hero who saves the world.

But how can a black sheep in the pasture save the sheep?

Putting away his sight, Liu Ji looked for his target in his perception.

"It's so far, damn..." He frowned slightly.

But we have already reached the ground, and it will not take more than a month to go further.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ji was about to sprint towards the goal.

However, as soon as he started to move, he suddenly felt something change happening around him.

It seems that the light is getting redder and redder...

He looked up at the sky, and the sight in front of him made his pupils shrink suddenly.

The scorching sun hanging high in the sky is slowly losing its brilliance.

305.Who do you think you are?

it's dark.

Just like in another world, the sun high in the sky completely lost its brilliance, and together with the moon, disappeared into the sky forever.

As darkness falls, the entire world begins to gradually lose its warmth, and the temperature becomes colder and colder.

One day passed, and it felt like winter was coming.

A few days have passed, and it seems to be the depth of winter.

Half a month passed, and the earth was already covered by solid ice. Even the bone dragon soaring in the sky was crawling on the ground, struggling slowly.

Liu Ji's figure streaked across the sky in the dark night, his face sinking as he looked at the gradually dead land.

Now, he was sure.

No, it has been determined for a long time, but I have a more realistic understanding of what the so-called divine war is.

Now, the opponent's god, or his representative, has come to an end.

And the result is that the world is so ruined.

No matter whether they are common people or princes and nobles, whether they are arcane masters or elite warriors, whether they are poultry and livestock, or earth beasts and flying dragons, they all have no choice but to quietly wait for the low temperature to take away everything they have. Take yourself to death.

That boundless darkness, that quietly slipping away temperature, is a despair more terrifying than the red moon.

And this is just because the owner of the pasture has cut off the feed for the sheep.

Faced with such an existence, they never had much choice.

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