But this time in order to cover the operation, they must take the initiative to expose themselves.

"Ariadne identified the target Ahappo! It matches the ship in the report!"

Gallarhorn Fleet, CIC reported to the superiors in surprise.

Not only the Earth Ring Fleet, but also the Moon Ring Fleet behind them, especially the troops commanded by Kuzan, also discovered the target!

"Follow them! Kill them!"

Iogu immediately ordered without thinking.

"We have been discovered by Ariadne. Captain."

Alex nodded after receiving Eugene's report.

"Very well, I'll go out first, and the others will be on standby."


With the ejector connected, he tightened his hands on the joystick.

"Alex, Gundam Barbatos, move out!"

Chapter 124 Karta Ixiu

The flagship of the Earth Orbital Fleet is a silver-white Pinbill-class battleship painted with the Isu family crest.

All warships in the Earth Orbital Fleet use this silver-white paint, which is completely different from the low-visibility cyan paint of the Moon Ring Fleet.

Just maintaining these conspicuous paintings is a headache.

After all, although the tiny debris in the universe will not penetrate the nanocomposite armor, it will scratch the paint.

So much so that it requires regular maintenance, but no one dares to suggest changing the paint.

Because this kind of eye-catching painting is a rule set by the Ixiu family long ago, which has been in charge of the Earth Ring Fleet.

The purpose of using such a painting is to allow people, whether in the universe or on earth, to see their guardians at a glance.

It's a pity that the Yi Xiu family and the Earth Ring Fleet are no longer in glory.

However, even so, the Yi Xiu family would just accept their decline.

Revitalizing the family again was Captain Gallagher Horn, commander of the extraterrestrial fleet and the legitimate daughter of the Isu family.

Karta Ixiu's wish.

At this time, she was standing in front of the captain's seat, wearing a uniform that was tailored to fit her body. She had a sword on her waist that was said to have a long history.

For some reason, her eyebrows look like Shiba Inu-like eyebrows.

Although there is something strange between her eyebrows, she is still a pretty beauty without makeup.

It's a pity that for some reason, she fell in love with a kind of women's makeup that was popular in a certain country on earth a long time ago.

It was called Geisha makeup at the time.

At this time, the Earth Ring Fleet had also discovered that the Yuhuo was approaching.

"I didn't expect them to actually come. Then, our earth will be next..."


After being interrupted, she put her hands on her hips and looked at the purple-haired prince on the screen.

"What Karta! I want to call Commander Karta! Major Galio!"


Galio was choked by the opponent and was speechless.

"Major Galio, I have asked you to join this battle. Please work hard and be careful not to hold us back!"

Listening to Carta's words, the corners of Galio's mouth twitched.

Although he is only a major in the Supervision Department, he is still someone with practical experience.

No better than the Earth Ring Fleet without any actual combat experience?

However, in front of Karta, his emotional intelligence also prevents him from exposing other people's shortcomings.

"Tsk! I know...yes, I understand."

Ignoring his reluctant tone, Karta nodded with satisfaction.

"very good."

"However, Karta, Commander, please be aware that these mercenaries from Mars are all from the Yeluzi faction. You must..."

"Stop talking about this, why didn't that man come?"

"Huh? Who?"

Karta, who was stroking his hair with his hands in an attempt to hide his thoughts, immediately became as hairy as a Shiba Inu when he heard this.

"You are so slow, how can you be qualified for this mission!"

Without waiting for Galio to explain, she immediately blurted out the words in rapid succession.

"The blond one, the arrogant one, the one who doesn't hesitate to get engaged to a young girl for status, the one who always plays tricks on Liu Hai, that man!"

It wasn't just Galio who heard her complain like a resentful woman.

The blond guard behind Karta and others on the bridge all showed subtle expressions of helplessness.

Obviously, this was not the first time they heard Karta complain about McGillis like this.

"Your mouth is still so poisonous..."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Galio cleared his throat.

"Humph, as for McGillis, he is still handling the task, and since it is confidential, please forgive me for not telling you where he is."

"Really? Isn't that guy on Earth having sex with that little girl?"

Looking at Karta, who was already thinking about the story and couldn't tell a story, Galio sighed.

"He's really not on Earth with my sister."



"Why didn't he report it to me?"


Galio was stunned and blurted out.

"You are not the Minister of Supervision, why should he report his whereabouts to you?"

"Listen! Major Gallio!"

A somewhat annoyed Karta pointed at Galio who looked surprised on the screen.

"If you don't achieve any results in this battle, then don't blame me for punishing you!"

"Huh? Punishment? What is the punishment..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kalta waved his hand and ended the communication.

After the communication ended, she clenched her fists.

"Everyone! Others in the Control Bureau have been laughing at us as decorations..."

She frowned, thinking of her father who was paralyzed in bed after a stroke, and her missing brother.

The Yixiu family, which was once the head of the Seven Stars family, has now fallen to this level.

Although with the help of the Farid family, she finally stumbled into taking charge of the Earth's extraorbital fleet.

However, because of the peace on earth and the activity of the fleet in outer orbit of the moon.

The Earth Ring Fleet has not been in actual combat for a long time.

Although they train very hard, they are still derided as a 'guard of honor'.

Therefore, when she learned that someone was going to break into the earth, her first reaction was joy.

In her opinion, the time has come for the Earth Ring Fleet to prove itself!

In particular, the always arrogant Aryanhead fleet was actually frightened off by the other party's words!

If they manage to kill each other, wouldn't they be able to prove that they are stronger than Duke Aili and the heartless Duke Kuzan?

Thinking of this, she almost gritted her teeth and said.

"So, we have to prove our true strength here!"

Then she raised her right hand and shouted loudly.

"We, the extraterrestrial fleet!"

Following her command, the blond guard behind her immediately made a 'give your heart' gesture.

Then he shouted in unison.

"Face the wall for nine years! Stay strong and strong!"

Suddenly Carta turned his head.

"Second one from the right, you are slow!"

The unlucky guy whose name was called looked nervous.

"terribly sorry!"

Kalta waved his hand with a smile on his face.

"So, let the other party come over!"

Back at the other end, Galio, who was hung up on the communication, looked at the dark screen and finished the last two words.

"...What the hell!"

He sighed and ruffled his hair.

"This guy will suffer big losses if he underestimates those rude mercenaries. You are right, Ain."

"Yes, Major Batuwin."

Ain, who has played against the opponent several times, feels the same way.

"But why don't you continue to persuade me, Commander Ixiu?"

"If she had listened, she wouldn't be Karta."

"Major, have you and Commander Ixiu known each other for a long time?"

Galio nodded.

"Ah, yes, McGillis, I, and him all grew up together. Looking at it now, it's simply a bad fate..."

Galio, who had grown up with the other party, held his cheek in depression.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I always feel that those guys must be cheating if they charge straight at me this time."

Galio, who had already suffered several losses, couldn't believe that Tekkadan was going to charge straight at him like this.

On the bridge screen of his battleship, the opponent's movement trajectory was clearly displayed.

That lonely red dot is slowly but surely approaching the earth.

At this moment, in front of them is the Earth's extraorbital fleet that has been deployed, and behind them is part of the lunar extraorbital fleet that has also discovered the target.

Even though it was only part of the fleet led by Kuzan, the gap was now overwhelming to the opponent who only had one ship.

To put it bluntly, with the size of the Gallarhorn fleet currently attacking, one person could drown the people on Tekkadan's ship with a mouthful of foam.

"Could they want to invade the east and west?"

Ain said carefully.

"You mean, their real purpose is to cover the team landing from the other direction?"

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