
After all, he was a graduate of a regular military academy, and Galio immediately understood what his subordinates meant.

"It's really possible, like they're going to do something."

He stood up and patted Ain on the shoulder.

"Good, then let's go find these rats that want to land secretly."

"Yes! Major."

Galio got busy, and he had no intention of reminding Karta of this matter.

After all, destroying the assault armored ship was also a very important task, so let her focus on that.

However, his operation was destined to be in vain. At this time, Gudilia and others had already boarded the space shuttle.

With the help of the Changsheng Gang, they are quietly approaching the earth along the normal landing route.

On the Yuhuo, Eugene, who connected his Alaya consciousness with the battleship, concentrated on steering.

Before setting off, Alex told him half-jokingly.

"Don't be nervous, Eugene, just like Olga, believe in yourself and us. You are very handsome when you concentrate on your work."

It was because of this encouragement that he, who was originally nervous, turned it into motivation.

Especially Alex praised him for being handsome!So he is very excited now!

Although at this time, he was the only one on the bridge.

Chad has returned to Mars, Dante has gone to control the MS, and Ryder and others have gone to the Gnaku and the warehouse to help.

But even though he was alone, he still shouted to the empty bridge.

"Let us have a big fight!"

His voice reached the entire ship through the radio.

Hearing his voice, everyone who stayed on the ship smiled.

At this time, the Earth and the light from the intercepting fleet ahead could be seen on the screen of the Yuhuo.

At this moment, the Earth Ring Fleet also discovered the Yuhuo.

"The guerrilla fleet reports, Jutland 1, the blockade is completed. Jutland 2, the blockade is completed. The opponent's possible landing route has been blocked by us!"

Kalta listened to the report of his subordinates with a victorious smile on his face.

"Very good, this scale is already a dead end for an assault ship."

"However, Commander, behind the target, the lunar outer orbit fleet is also approaching..."

Kalta frowned.

"who is it?"

"Yes, it's Duke Kuzan's fleet."

"Tsk, that guy!"

Hearing this name, Karta was quite unhappy.

Not only are the two parties belonging to different factions, but also because the arrogant and arrogant guy is just a fool.

"Contact the other party and warn them that they are approaching the jurisdiction of our extraterrestrial fleet!"


Chapter 125 Extreme Pull

While the signal was being sent, the CIC continued to report.

"The target is approaching! It has entered the jurisdiction of our fleet!"

On the screen, the red dot representing the Yuhuo first crossed the red line representing the jurisdiction area, then did not stop moving forward and was approaching the range of the naval gun.

"Let the liaison ship come forward and send him a stop signal!"

Karta issued the order according to normal combat procedures.

The Earth Ring Fleet has trained this process countless times and can be said to be familiar with it.


The liaison boat quickly approached the Yuhuo and gave it a 'stop' command using its lights.

But the scene that happened next stunned everyone in the Earth Ring Fleet.

After receiving the order to stop the ship, the Yuhuo did not stop, but it also did not rush directly into the range of the naval gun.

Instead, the ship body rotated 90 degrees to the left, and then began to move parallel to the expanded formation of the Needlefish Fleet ships.

And at the same time, the starboard naval gun fired dense smoke bombs outwards. The dense fog that exploded instantly obscured the Yuhuo and covered a considerable area around it.

"This, what the hell is this!"

Kalta, who had never seen such a tactic, and the entire Earth Ring Fleet were stunned...

What she didn't know was that it was not only facing the side of the Earth's outer orbit fleet, but also the direction of the approaching lunar orbit fleet that was chasing behind.

The view was also obscured by smoke bombs fired from the port side of the Yuhuo.

The Kuzan fleet chasing behind, under the orders of Iogu, completely ignored Kalta's warning.

The fleet was ordered to continue moving forward and formed a combat formation.

But at this time, Carta obviously couldn't care about the friendly fleet that was still approaching. Her attention had been completely attracted by the strange behavior of the Fishing Fire.

The opponent's sudden turn caused the fleet, which was already ready to shoot, to get stuck in an awkward position.

To hit the opponent, you must close the distance.

"The fleet moves forward slowly! Once within range, aim at the smoke and fire!"

Kalta gave the order without hesitation.

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with her order, even though there was a friendly fleet behind the Yuhuo.

However, this distance is theoretically outside the attack range of naval guns. Even missiles will not hit friendly forces under identification of friend or foe.

However, Karta, who was actually a little nervous, forgot one thing, and that was whether Iogu would listen to her warning and order the fleet to stop.

What she didn't know at this moment was that Iogu had the same idea as her at this moment, so he also issued the same order as her.

At this time, the Yuhuo, which was stuck between the fleets of both sides, was still expanding the scope of the smoke belt.

The two parties obscured by the smoke did not consider contacting each other at this time to determine each other's respective positions.

In fact, this is because the two parties belong to different families, and due to mutual competition, it is easy to lose contact.

"Eugene, they were fooled, keep firing, and make the smoke as thick as possible!"

After Alex saw the two fleets continuing to approach, he gave an order to Eugene.

Barbatos is currently wrapped in a black shell, hanging himself below the Fishing Fire in a non-powered manner through a cable.

In this way, Alex acts as eyes for Eugene in the smoke.

Since the Ahab furnace was not activated, Gallallhorn did not detect the fluctuation of the mobile suit.

And the specially equipped black shell also provides Barbatos with camouflage from the optical perspective.


On the bridge of the Fishing Fire, Eugene answered excitedly.

Then continue to let the naval guns fire outward through the Alaya Consciousness.

"Come on everyone!"

Ryder, wearing a space suit, shouted to the others.

In addition to the naval guns, other people remaining on the ship also used smoke generators through the open cargo compartment to help create smoke strips.

As the assault armored ship moved laterally between the two fleets, the Yuhuo also opened a long smoke belt.

Soon, the two fleets each entered the range of naval gun attack.

But both sides discovered a problem, that is.

What about the target?

The CIC of the Earth Ring Fleet reports to Kalta.

"Commander, the smoke is too thick and the optical equipment cannot capture the target location."

"Then launch artillery and missile attacks across the entire range of the smoke!"


As Karta issued the order, the Needlefish-class battleships of the Earth Ring Fleet lined up in a row swung their cannons and started shooting into the thick smoke!

Alex, who was hanging outside in the cockpit of Barbatos, clearly perceived this scene.

The moment the muzzle flash came on, he shouted an order.

"Eugene! They're firing! Get down!"


Eugene, who had been waiting for the order for a long time, immediately yelled.

"Everyone, prepare for collision!"

Then, the Yuhuo began to 'dive' from the smoke at a large angle.

Before the operation began, Alex and Eugene had already determined the definitions of 'floating' and 'submersing' based on the smoke belt.

After receiving the order, the Yuhuo "dives" from the thick sea of ​​fog to the bottom of the smoke like a giant pink whale.

After firing, the joint fleet in extraterrestrial orbit found that the target suddenly appeared from below the smoke belt!

The fired shells exploded in the smoke belt, but the smoke was not completely blown away.

The main purpose of incineration bombs fired according to conventional habits is to burn the nano-coating of the warship, and then use armor-piercing bombs or grenades to destroy the hull.

Although the missiles launched used timed fuzes because of their range strikes, some shells did not explode until they penetrated the smoke...

But there seems to be something wrong with the explosion of fire?

It seems like it hit other ships behind the smoke?

What they didn't expect was that at the same time, other incendiary bombs and missiles were shot out from the opposite side of the smoke.

Most of these munitions suddenly exploded not far from the Earth's extraorbital fleet.

However, a small number of them hit the bow of the leading battleship!

Although it did not cause serious damage to the battleship, it only caused ugly black spots on the silver-white paint.

But it shocked the crew of the Earth Ring Fleet on the bridge.

"Where did the attack come from? Is it the enemy's reinforcements?"

Karta also suddenly became nervous. No wonder they released smoke. It turned out that these guys actually had reinforcements that they didn't know about?

The fastest responder is the CIC on the ship.

"No...this is an attack from the lunar extraorbital fleet chasing behind the target!"

"It's Duke Kuzan's fleet!"

Karta was stunned when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"What! That bastard Iogoo!"

The first thing that came to her mind was an accidental attack caused by the close distance between the two parties.

But after hearing Iogu's name, she immediately overturned the idea of ​​​​accidental attack.

'This guy is here to take credit! '

She had a firm idea about this in her mind!

After all, the two sides are not affiliated with each other and belong to different factions.

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