In the car, Karta's eyes looked back and forth between the two people from time to time.

He obviously saw something, but since she didn't mention it, Alex didn't explain it to her.

Now, although the relationship between the three people cannot be said to be a triangle.

But if you think about it, it's quite confusing.

In fact, after confessing his identity to Kalta, Gudilia was the main person to be explained.

He planned to wait until he returned to explain the mystery of his identity to her.

Anyway, it would definitely not be said to the two of them.

'You are all my wings. '

After all, one of them is orthopedic and obviously cannot be used as a wing.

Although under the iron-blooded world view, he seems to be very open to marriage.

After all, Mina's 'fiancé' who was still on Tekkadan's ship was a girl from another family.

Not to mention Iznario, who likes beautiful boys...

Speaking of which, the families in Gjallarhorn all have a good time...

But the matter of orthopedics, at least Alex himself, couldn't accept it.

Chapter 183: People with their own concerns and people who are hungry

But speaking of it, Karta probably didn't have such thoughts when it came to orthopedics.

Alex, who was very convinced of this, felt that what he thought must be right.

"I'll wait to find you."

After returning to the temporary residence, Gudilia lowered her head, left these words and left with Fumitan.

Watching her leaving back, Alex fell into deep thought.

"Stop looking, she should have gone to take a shower."

At this time, Karta's voice came from behind.

"Huh? Why?"

To the surprised look on his face, Nanao continued to explain.

"After all, today is a very busy day. As a girl who loves to be clean, she naturally doesn't want the person she likes to smell the smell of sweat on her body."

After listening to Nanao's explanation, Alex suddenly realized.

"There are so many other explanations..."

After listening to what he said, Karta couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

"I think, brother, you should also take a shower. You have been fighting all day today, so you must have been sweating a lot. I could smell the sweat on your body in the car."

"Oh? Is there any?"

Alex raised his arm and smelled his sleeve.

"Why didn't I smell it?"

"Are you stupid? If you can smell it yourself, everyone will go bad!"

Karta couldn't help but complain.

The brother before he lost his memory was very meticulous in etiquette and grooming, and even had some mysophobia.

Now she has turned into such a sloppy look, which she really didn't expect.

"Uh, okay, I really should take a shower."

No matter what, Alex nodded in agreement.

After fighting in a pilot uniform, he usually takes a shower.

The pilot suit has a temperature-regulating function, but if you wear it for a long time, you will still sweat, causing sticky discomfort.

Thinking of this, he felt a little itchy on his body.

"Then, I'm going to take a shower. Nanao, please send Karta back. Good night."

After saying that, he turned his back to Karta in the wheelchair and waved goodbye seemingly casually.

Looking at the back of the man walking carelessly, Karta suddenly felt that such a brother seemed pretty good.

At least compared to the perfect and inhuman Loki before, Alex now looks more like a normal person.

Nanao pushed her towards her residence. On the way, Karta recalled every detail of her time with Loki Isu.

In front of her and her father, Loki Ixiu was a perfect person.

The elders among the nobles also praised Loki as a perfect heir.

Karta was actually envious of his brother's precise, machine-like performance.

This is true even when you grow up, because such an elder brother seems to be very reliable.

But it was not like she had never heard of rumors about Loki.

In this regard, she once doubted in her heart whether her brother, who behaved so perfectly in front of her, was really like what they said?

The answer is yes...

One time, she secretly saw Loki punishing his men.

The cold feeling radiating from Loki shocked Karta.

For the first time, she knew that her brother, who was usually polite and courteous to others, could have such a cold side.

It was also from that time that she realized that her brother was not perfect.

And this imperfection, in addition to making her a little scared, also gave her a sense of relief.

After all, Loki Ixiu looks like a human being like this.Rather than like something else in human skin.

This incident and this thought have been buried deep in her heart and she has not told anyone.

And, for some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable after learning that Alex and Gudelia were dating.

It's like the feeling of loss and irritation inside when someone wants to share a beloved toy or a delicious cake that was previously exclusive to you...

"What on earth am I thinking about?"

She couldn't help but laugh at herself in her heart.

"Miss Carta, we are here. Do you want to rest directly or sit down for a while?"

Nanao's question brought her back from her memories.

"I'm tired, just rest."

Nanao helped her back to the bed, arranged everything and left the room.

It wasn't until Nanao left that Carta let out a long sigh.

Now, in fact, she still can't believe that the Loki of the past has turned into the Alex of today.

But it is difficult to fake DNA records, even though I have never met Nanao, who keeps saying that she is a retainer of the Isu family.

But when I contacted my father before, the other party actually knew about this.

And showed her that she can trust Nanao.

As for the DNA records, the father has also conducted a second verification.

He also asked her not to publicize this matter for the time being.

After all, the fact that Loki Ixiu is still alive is a big deal and requires careful argumentation to avoid being taken advantage of.

At the same time, you need to be very cautious to avoid leaking information.

The original attack on Loki has not yet been fully investigated, and there are still many vague questions that have not been answered.

This is enough to show that someone is up to something in the Qixing family.

This means that not everyone hopes that Loki Ixiu is still alive.

If they get this news, it will be very dangerous for the Yixiu family.

She agreed to all of her father's requests without even telling Alex.

She knew very well that once Brother Loki...Bi and Alex returned to Gallarhorn, the status of the Ixiu family would definitely improve.

By then, he should be able to stop asking Iznario to be his guardian.

When she thought of the Farid family, she couldn't help but think of McGillis.

"That rascal……"

As the saying goes, love is deep and hate is deep.

Now, she no longer has any feelings of love for McGillis, but only disgust.

Although after calming down, she also noticed the loopholes in Nanao's words.

However, she has also gotten rid of the pink filter and can see McGillis correctly.

Although there is no direct evidence that the Farid family is the mastermind behind their own crimes.

But there must be a lot of behavior that adds insult to injury, including when I was here before, and the other party came to inquire for information.

She, who has excellent grades, also noticed through review, if it was not Nanao at that time.

There is an [-]% chance that the other party will attack you.

This was the last barbell that broke the camel's back.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, since McGillis is like this, as the person in charge of the Farid family, how can Iznario not know?

That is of course impossible.

Although he was the heir of the family, Karta did not believe that Iznario, the head of the family, could not know what his heir was doing.

This also means that his guardian not only knew about the attack on the Yixiu family, but even maintained a tacit attitude towards it.

Because of this, Karta decided not to trust anyone in the Farid family at all.

This distrust may further exacerbate the Yixiu family's difficulties.

But now, she is not worried.

Because, his brother is back.

With this reassuring thought, she fell into a deep sleep.

While Karta fell asleep, Alex, one of the parties involved, had already finished taking a shower.

With wet hair falling out, he walked out of the room and strolled towards the restaurant.

Although he ate a plate of small cakes at the banquet, he was not full at all!

Just drank a lot of whiskey.

"Oh, if I had known I could find a place to buy a burger on the way, it would be better than now."

He doesn't have a high opinion of banquets. You should know that even ordinary taverns provide enough food to fill you up.

After taking a shower, the hunger returned.

So he planned to sneak to the cafeteria and find some food to fill his stomach.

Although the cook Atla must be resting at this time, she usually prepares some midnight snacks for the hungry group of Tekkadan to get up in the middle of the night to eat.

Even if he doesn't have it, he can still do it by himself, and he will have enough food and clothing, right?

When he got to the kitchen, he unexpectedly discovered that he wasn't the only one who was hungry.

There were other people, obviously not full either.

"Bisquet, what are you doing here?"

The other party was startled, and when he turned around and realized it was him, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, Captain, you scared me to death."

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