Seeing the little fat man's frightened look, Alex apologized to him.

"Oh, sorry, I jumped you. But what were you doing?"

Having said this, the little fat man was a little embarrassed. He scratched his cheek in embarrassment and answered hesitantly.

"I-I'm a little hungry, so I came to get something to eat."


Looking at the pot on the stove behind Biskate, Alex suddenly realized.

But he reacted quickly.

"Oh, that's not right. Didn't you promise your sisters to lose weight? Why are you still eating?"

"Ahaha, but I'm too hungry, Captain..."


Alex didn't blame him for this.

After all, losing weight is still difficult.

They say losing weight is not difficult, you just need to keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

But these two things are obviously not as easy to do as they sound.

Opening the legs is quite simple for a mercenary.

You see, Mikazuki and Akihiro are not falling behind in their physical training every day.

Bisquet is not someone who doesn't exercise, but it's just not that intense.

But keeping his mouth shut was very painful for him.

"Captain, what are you here for?"

"Actually, I'm hungry too."

Alex told him very frankly.

"Hey? But didn't you go to the banquet?"

Bisquet watched in surprise as he skillfully opened the refrigerator and rummaged for the ingredients he needed.

"Hey, don't mention it. I won't be full at this upper-class banquet. I ate a plate of desserts and drank a lot of wine."

While complaining to Bisquet, he put the ingredients he found on the table and prepared to make something to eat.

When they came to Earth, the types of food Tekkadan obtained were naturally much better than those on Mars.

For Tekkadan, who is used to eating artificial meat, it was the first time he ate real meat and it was a joke.

For example, when eating fish for the first time, more than 6 people in the group got their mouths pierced because they didn't know how to spit out fish bones.

There were also a few unlucky ones who were sent to the medical room because of stuck thorns.

However, they also quickly became familiar with various ingredients on the earth, such as removing the shells of eggs, removing the spines of fish, etc.

Chapter 184 Egg Fried Rice

"Okay, now we have all the materials!"

Looking at the ingredients on the table, he nodded with satisfaction.

Before time travel, he could cook. Although he was not as good as a professional chef, at least he could cook decent home-cooked meals.

It is completely different from those kitchen killers, stove destroyers, and ingredient alchemists.

He brought out the rice left over from dinner, along with eggs, a carrot, peas, and a piece of ham.

What Alex wants to make is the simplest egg fried rice.

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

Bisquet, who had cooked instant noodles on the side, looked curiously at the ingredients that Alex took out.

It's not that the little fat guy can't cook, but it's obviously more convenient to make instant noodles.

This kind of convenient and quick meal can be made independently even by people who don't know how to cook.

Because of this, this thing is now quite popular among Tekkadan members.

Alex began to beat eggs.

"Egg fried rice."

"Huh? Isn't that something only done in restaurants? Leader, do you know how to do this?"

The little fat man had eaten this in a restaurant on the space dock of the Federation of Oceania, and the deliciousness left a deep impact on him.

"Yes, but I usually don't have time. This is quick, I'll share some with you later."

"Great! Thank you, leader."

Although he had cooked three packs of instant noodles, he still managed to eat the fried rice with eggs.

In fact, Alex had to do a lot of work.

I guess they will have to eat some when Gudelia and Furmitan arrive.

According to his observation, the two of them obviously didn't eat much at the banquet.

As a caring boyfriend, he naturally has to take good care of his girlfriend.

Bisquet, who had cooked the instant noodles, was cooking the noodles while watching the group leader skillfully handle the ingredients and then heat the oil in the pot.

First put the rice in the pot and stir-fry a few times, then pour in the egg liquid, continue to stir-fry for a while, and then add other chopped ingredients.

Soon, a scent wafted through the restaurant.

The taste was exactly the same as what he had eaten in the restaurant.

Fried rice naturally requires quick frying.

Biskate had just finished drinking the instant noodles, and Alex's pot of fried rice was ready.

"All right!"

Use a plate to serve him a small dish.

"You just ate instant noodles, so I'll give you some less, or you'll be too stuffed to sleep."

"Thank you! Captain!"

Taking the fried rice, he picked up the spoon without hesitation and put a big mouthful of fried rice into his mouth.

"good to eat!"

The feeling on his tongue made him widen his eyes.

After Bisquet praised her, she ate all the fried rice on the plate like a storm.

"Well, it's so delicious. If I had known it, I wouldn't have prepared instant noodles."

After rubbing his belly, the little fat man looked at the fried rice in the pot with regret.

"Okay, you can't eat anymore, go back and rest quickly."

At this time, another voice came from the door of the restaurant.

"Ah, it smells so good. Huh? Alex, Bisquet?"

The two of them looked back at the same time, and saw that Gudelia had changed out of the dress and put on the overalls and T-shirt that he usually wore in Tekkadan.

Fumitan, who was by her side, was still wearing the familiar blue uniform.

So much so that Alex wondered, had she bought 7 identical pieces of clothing?

"Ah, Miss Gudelia, Miss Furmitan, you have had a hard day today."

Biskate waved to the two.

"The leader made fried rice, which is very delicious."

After saying hello to Bisquet, Gudelia looked at Alex in surprise.

"Huh? I didn't know you could cook."

"Hmph, I'll let you try my craft today."

Looking at him with a proud look on his face, the master and servant walked into the restaurant and sat at the table.

"Well, anyway, at least it smells good."

Seeing Gudilia's cute look as she sniffed hard, he quickly served two portions of fried rice.

"Come, let's eat. You two must be hungry too. There is really nothing edible at the banquet."

"Yes, for this kind of banquet, you have to either feed your stomach in advance or eat after it's over. Unfortunately, neither of us had the chance to feed our stomach in advance today."

He took the plate handed over by Alex and placed it in front of him.

After tying up her hair, Gudilia couldn't wait to take a spoonful.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

After taking a bite, Furmitan looked up at Alex in surprise.

"I didn't expect that the leader would actually have this skill."

"I know a lot. If I have time in the future, I will make it for you to try."


Gudilia's mouth was full of fried rice and she was speechless. She could only nod in agreement.

Looking at her look, Alex smiled.

Speaking of which, Gudelia also had a busy day today.

Although I had breakfast when I woke up in the morning, I had to prevent myself from vomiting due to the violent jolts during the penetration.

So I didn’t eat much, and then came the exciting MW chase, sneaking in secretly, and giving a speech...

The anxiety and uneasiness along the way, as well as the excitement during the speech.

They all gave her a surge of adrenaline, causing her to completely forget about hunger.

Then there was the banquet, where we interacted with politicians and businessmen while drinking and drinking.

Just like this, the day passed in a busy manner until I got in the car and returned to Tekkadan's station.

Only then did she feel the strong hunger in her belly.

Alex noticed this in the car. After all, Gudelia rubbed her belly with her hands from time to time along the way.

According to his experience, when a girl does this, she is either coming to visit her aunt, or she is simply hungry.

Judging from the actual situation, the former seems to have not come to an end, so it must be the latter.

This is also the reason why he makes egg fried rice.

After finishing those words of praise, Gudilia lowered her head and began to put the fried rice into her mouth one by one, without looking like a young lady at all.

The same goes for Fumitan on the side. Alex looked at the two of them eating, smiled, and then joined the group of eating fried rice.

Seeing this, Bisquet received a glass of water for each of the three of them, and then left.

There were only three people left in the restaurant, but they seemed very quiet.

Because none of the three people spoke, they could only hear the sound of spoons colliding with plates and the faint sound of chewing.

The silence was not broken until all three of them finished the food in front of them.

Grabbing the cup and drinking all the water in it, Alex let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I'm full now."

Gudelia also touched her belly with satisfaction and took a sip of water.

"Really delicious."

"It's really delicious. I'm looking forward to the other food that Captain Alex will cook."

Fumitan put down the water glass and praised sincerely.

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