The moment the impact caused Glaze to fall back, the handle of the war hammer in his hand struck the opponent's spread head and chin from bottom to top.

The huge impact caused the unfolded outer armor to spin and fly out, exposing the head parts of the prototype.

Although the first hit did not hit the cockpit, it still shook Ain to pieces.

Before he could react, he saw the warhammer dance a beautiful arc in Barbatos's hand and go straight to Graze's waist!

"Don't think about it!"

At this time, the tomahawk in the hand of Kronk's machine that rushed from the side blocked the war hammer again.

Alex looked at his opponent on the screen. Although he said nothing, he still admired his skills in his heart.

But it's not just about appearance here, he will let go of his enemies.


After blocking the war hammer, Kronk immediately signaled his teammates to retreat.

But at the moment when he was distracted, Barbatos withdrew the war hammer that he was originally fighting against and moved outward at the same time.

"What! Not good!"

Cronk, who felt that his tomahawk was being led astray by the opponent, immediately realized something was wrong.

Just when he was trying to retract the battle ax and continue swinging it to block the opponent's next possible attack, he saw the white mobile suit taking a step sideways.

This not only caused Kronk's second ax to be swung empty, but also caused the opponent to suddenly hit the Ain machine before it could move.

This sudden impact caused the hurried and unprepared Glaze to be knocked to the ground.


Ain was thrown hard in the cockpit, and then when the machine trembled again, he looked up and found that the opponent's machine was stepping on his body, Graz.

Then Barbatos raised the war hammer in his hand, pointed the hammer downward, and prepared to smash it down hard!


Looking at the tip of the hammer facing the cockpit, Ain felt the threat of death.

"Don't think about it!"

When Cronk saw this, he immediately controlled the machine and rushed forward.

"You got Fooled."

Alex, who was in the cockpit, had a villainous smile on his lips as the incoming siren sounded on the right side.

I saw the war hammer that was originally smashing downwards in Barbatos' hand suddenly made a pendulum movement.

'when! '

With a loud bang, the warhammer and the tomahawk collided again, but it was beyond Cronk's expectation.

From the impact, he felt that the opponent's war hammer had no force at all!

And the war hammer was bounced back like a pendulum in this impact!

Just when he hesitated, Barbatos suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the handle of the battle ax in Graze's hand.

The opponent wants to seize his battle ax!

This thought flashed through Cronk's mind quickly, so he subconsciously increased the output of the machine in an attempt to recapture the tomahawk.

But Barbatos' right warhammer gently rested on the cockpit of Graze who fell to the ground at this moment.

"I advise you not to move, otherwise I will attack this guy."

"What! Despicable!"

It was only then that Cronk truly understood the other party's intentions.

Taking the fallen Ainji as a hostage, he wanted to capture them both!

"Lieutenant Cronk, huh?"

From the communication between the two of them, Ain just got the name of Alex and officially connected the communication between the two parties.

Looking at the guy on the screen with the right half of his face covered, Cronk nodded.

"Yes, who are you?"

"The captain of the third team of CGS, Alex, is a salesman."


Hearing this, not only Cronk, but also Ain, who was struggling to control the machine, was stunned.

Then, a sense of shame came over him.

As a Gallarhorn pilot, he received long-term training and piloted the most advanced mobile suit.

But he was defeated by an old antique driven by a salesman...


Ain let out a meaningless roar and struggled with control of the machine.

"Don't move! Otherwise I will kill you."

Gently hitting the shell of the cockpit with his war hammer, Alex issued a warning to Graz who was struggling at his feet.

Although he planned to capture them alive, if the other party resolutely resisted, he would have no choice but to send them to death.

"Ain, don't move."

Cronk also hurriedly stopped Ain's suicide attempt. Now his life and death depended on the other person's thoughts.

"Lieutenant Cronk, I..."

"Calm down, Ain, take a deep breath."

At this time, Cronk could only comfort this unfortunate guy who was captured in his first actual battle.

Then he looked up at his opponent on the screen of the machine.

"What do you want. Captain Alex."

"It's very simple. You get off the plane and surrender. I promise to treat you with a reasonable attitude toward prisoners of war."

Cronk's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Chapter No.17 Captives and Independence

If Ain's life is to be guaranteed at the moment, it seems that capture is inevitable.

It's just that he tried to bargain with the other party.

"We are soldiers of Gallarhorn, and it is not our tradition to be captured."

"So, the negotiations broke down?"

Alex said, and Barbatos immediately raised the warhammer in his hand, preparing to hit Graze at his feet.


Cronk didn't expect that the other party would not give him a chance to bargain at all.

Hearing what he shouted, the hammer tip that was falling again stopped very close to Graze's cockpit.

In the cockpit, Ain looked at the tip of the hammer heading straight towards him. He was shrouded in fear of death and broke out in cold sweat.

But even though his whole body was shaking, he still gritted his teeth and kept from shouting, trying to maintain his image as a soldier.

Alex ignored him and said to Cronk seriously.

"Lieutenant Cronk, don't test my patience. The treatment I gave you is already very humane. To be honest, killing you and then snatching the body will save a lot of trouble."

Cronk knew that the other person was telling the truth.

"Lieutenant Cronk! Leave me alone! Let's go!"

At this moment, Ain suddenly shouted.

"Calm down, I didn't ask you. You are already my prisoner."

Barbatos once again gently tapped the cockpit of Graze under his feet with the tip of the hammer to warn Ain to shut up.

After the other party stopped talking, he spoke again.

"So, Lieutenant Cronk, what's your answer? Should you leave your comrades and escape alone, or become a prisoner. This is my last question. If you don't answer, I will assume that you are not captured."

Faced with the aggressive attitude of the other party.

Sweat also streaked across Cronk's face, and a fierce ideological struggle was going on in his mind at this moment.

After all, for him, being captured was a shame.

But his comrades-in-arms were at the opponent's feet, and given his character, he would never be able to leave his comrades-in-arms and run away on his own.

And even if he can run, what about Ain?

Being completely controlled by the opponent, he had only two options, either to die in battle or to be captured.

If he escapes, what are the chances that the other party will get angry and kill Ain directly?

He didn't dare to gamble.

He did not want to exchange the life of a young man for his own safety, because that was also a shame for him.

After a few minutes of stalemate, Kronk closed his eyes and spoke in a slightly painful and weak voice.

"I surrender……"

"Lieutenant Cronk!"

Ain exclaimed. This was the first time he heard such a feeble answer from the other party since he met him.

"A smart man's choice, then please open the cockpit and come out."

Soon, the cockpits of the two Grazes were opened, and both Cronk and Ain were captured by the members of the third team.

Looking at the gun-wielding teenagers around him, Cronk fell into rare silence.

Even Ain was very surprised. It turned out that the people who had been fighting with them for so long were actually a group of children.

In the base, Alex saw the two of them.

"Wise choice, Lieutenant Cronk."

"Hmph, but don't think that if you defeat me, you can escape Gallarhorn's pursuit."

Cronk snorted coldly, but what he said was true.

"Although you won this time, the Mars branch of Gallarhorn will not give up after getting the news."

"Next time we send troops, there won't be such a small number of troops. You and these children can win once, but can you keep winning?"

Cronk's words made everyone else present frown.

"Besides, you're so arrogant even though you've been captured, you're the bastard of Gallarhorn!"

Eugene muttered quietly.

However, his voice was clearly heard by everyone, including Cronk.

However, there was no anger on the other party's resolute face, and he just looked directly at Alex coldly.

He could see that as an adult, he was the backbone of this group of children.

"Of course I know what you're talking about, Lieutenant Cronk."

Waving to calm down the others, Alex looked at Cronk.

"Thank you for your kindness. I also know that Gallarhorn is a huge organization, but we can't just kneel on the ground and wait for you to kill us because of this."

"Resistance is the only thing we can do. Even if we die, we must die in a more beautiful way. This is our idea."

Upon hearing what he said, Cronk closed his eyes and sighed.

The other party was absolutely right. If Aulis' plan was followed, everyone in this base would be killed.

Even Gudelia will be killed here.


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