"But you will plead for us, right?"

Alex beat him to it and said what he wanted to say.

Cronk was stunned, but nodded.

"Lieutenant Cronk, please recall, what kind of person is Colonel Connaught of the Mars branch in Gallarhorn? Will he really listen to your request?"

When it came to his boss, Cronk fell silent again.

"Okay, I understand your thoughts, but it is difficult to persist in such an idea in today's world. Lieutenant Cronk."

Then he waved to Olga.

"Arrange for someone to send them to the solitary room and don't abuse them."


Arrangements were made to escort the two prisoners to the solitary room.

In fact, Alex's decision to capture the two men was not a whim, but a deliberate decision.

Because he plans to use these two people to make a deal with someone who will come here later.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there are no prisoners, after all, swords have no eyes on the battlefield.

Then he will use other methods to do business with the other party.

At this time, Biskate asked.

"Captain, what are we going to do next? Gallarhorn has already retreated. Maluk and the first team may come back at any time."

There was a worried expression on his face. After all, they had tricked a whole team, and they had also fired all the mobile suits that Maruk considered confidential.

If the other party comes back, they will definitely not let them go easily.

But what they didn't know was that Maluk, the boss of CGS, had already escaped.

Only the team that had been tricked by them was left, and they were angrily preparing to return to cause trouble for them.

Instead of answering Biskate's question, Alex asked them another question.

"How have you considered what I said last time?"

He glanced at the people left in the room, Biskate, Eugene, Akihiro and several other key members of the third team.

Several people looked at each other and did not answer him immediately, although Alex had asked them this question before.

The combat plan for possible attacks was drawn up several days in advance.

And at the same time, Alex also proposed a bold idea to them.

Let them take charge of the current CGS!

It's just that no one thought at the time that the bold plan Alex mentioned was so bold.

Therefore, no answer was given at the time, and now, the other party mentioned this bold plan again.

The silence in the air lasted for a while before someone spoke.

"Can we really do it? Captain."

Bisquet was the first to ask.

"Yes, and Maluk also treats us well..."

Eugene also hesitated.

Alex didn't speak, but someone spoke for him.

"But Maluk and a group of people left us and ran away!"

The speaker was Olga, who had returned after arranging for the two prisoners to be sent to the solitary room.

He closed the door and continued.

"I don't need to say more about what kind of people those guys are. If the captain hadn't trained us, do you think Maluk would be so conscientious to realize the treatment he gave us? Not to mention that we cheated the first team. What a bunch of bastards, they won’t let us go.”

Olga's words silenced everyone.

Indeed, Maluk is a scumbag, but these guys in the first team are the best among scumbags.

Before Alex came, the third team had no captain and was just an accessory of the first team.

Under the command of Gangnuo, the most dangerous and tiring work was done by the third team first, basically using them as cannon fodder.

Especially when they cheated the first team, there is no doubt that when those guys come back, the fate of the third team can be imagined.

"But, can the CGS under our control receive work?"

Bisquet was still worried.

"But it seems like there's no choice at all."

Eugene sighed.

"That's true, but I choose to believe in the captain."

Xino, who had been silent until now, smiled and said something that made everyone else stunned.

"Haven't our three teams been getting better since we had a captain? So, I believe in the captain."

Seeing Xino's stance, Olga also nodded to the others.

"Me too, I believe the captain will lead us all the way."

Alex, who mentally complained that Olga was planting a flag for himself, looked at Akihiro.

He is a salesman just like himself.

"Akihiro, what do you think?"

When Alex asked him, he recalled what the other person said when they met two days ago.

'Do you want to get rid of your identity as a salesman? '

Akihiro admitted that he and several others were moved at that time.

However, he did not agree at the time. After all, he had already had too many experiences in which his hopes turned into disappointment.

But now it seems that all this is really within reach.

What's more, only when he gets rid of his identity as a traitor can he find his brother.

He nodded seriously.

"I agree, Captain."

Although Eugene and Bisquet expressed concerns, after getting along with each other in the past few years.

They have also subconsciously established trust in Alex.

Therefore, they are more worried about winning CGS than whether they can win CGS.

Alex clapped his hands.

"Very good, then, it's time for us to start performing. This time I need Mikazuki and Akihiro to cooperate with me."


Mikayue, who had been eating Martian dates and said nothing, turned around when she heard his name being called.

Chapter 18 Who is in favor and who is against!

Gallarhorn's mobile engineer unit chose to retreat after the entire MS team was lost.

It was only then that the team that tried to escape through the back door finally escaped from the battle.

Only then did they discover that the boss, Maruk, had escaped at some point and took advantage of the chaos.

His follower, blond-haired and buck-toothed Yankus, had half his brain chopped off by a cannonball.

It was only through those big set of teeth that I could barely identify his body...

In desperation, the remaining team members, led by captain Gangnuo, planned to withdraw to the base first and then make long-term plans.

But when they first stepped onto the ramp at the entrance of the base, they saw the third team of mobile engineers forming a semicircular encirclement.

"Hey! What are you going to do! Do you want to rebel?"

Gang Nuo pretended to be calm and shouted loudly.

"Get out of the way! We have to go back to the base!"

Although he acted as arrogant and domineering as usual, the people in the third team did not react at all.

Not only did not a single mobile engineer retreat, the opponent even leveled its gun and pointed it directly at them.

This made the remaining members of the team immediately feel something bad.

Are these rats going to take advantage of the chaos to rebel?

Just as they were making random suspicions, a shirtless Olga raised the radio in her hand on one of the mobile engineers.

"It seems that Maluk has run away, so now this place has been taken over by our three teams."

Olga's voice reached their ears clearly.

Sure enough, these rats rebelled!

Seemingly being subdued by his words, the team members present looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

So their eyes couldn't help but look at Gang Nuo as the captain.

Feeling the gaze from behind, Gang Nuo felt tremendous pressure.

However, his heart was already filled with anger at this moment.

There is no doubt that the signal flares they fired when they retreated secretly must have been caused by these cannon fodder.

If it weren't for them, the team would have escaped safely long ago!

How did it end up like this, losing most of its members and escaping in despair?

Especially after hearing what Olga said, he was completely blinded by anger.

The veins on Gangnuo's neck were exposed, and he yelled angrily at Olga.

"You despicable guy! Who gave you the confidence to think you could take over this place! Let that bastard Alex come out to see me!"

Hearing Gunno's roar, Olga smiled.

"Hmph, you want to see Captain Alex? Okay."

Just when Gangnuo felt something was wrong from the other party's smile and tone, Olga raised the communicator again and shouted loudly.

"Captain Alex, someone wants to see you."

Immediately afterwards, in the surprised eyes of a team of team members, from behind the three teams of mobile engineers, a white mobile suit appeared in front of everyone as if it emerged from the ground.

"This is not, the one in the basement..."

Almost everyone in the first team knew this mobile suit that was fixed underground and used as a generator.

Although they all enjoy the nearly unlimited energy provided by the Ahab furnace of this machine, no one has ever cared about whether this mobile suit can be used.

But when this mobile suit actually appeared in front of them and stood up, they realized it.

This is a mobile suit after all, and it is definitely not something that the mobile engineers in their hands can fight against.

What frightened them even more was the appearance of this machine.

From both sides of the Gnaku, two Gjallarhorn MSs, Graze, also stood up!

This time, three MS appeared in front of them!

One mobile suit alone is enough to defeat the defeated generals like them now, let alone three of them!

When the three mobile suits stood behind the mobile engineers of the third team, the members of the first team had an uncontestable thought in their minds.

Among them, Barbatos stepped forward in front of a group of people, pointed the war hammer in his hand downwards, and hit the ground hard.

With a 'bang' sound, the warhammer knocked a pit into the ground.

This sound also made everyone in the team swallow involuntarily.

"I'm here, who's looking for me?"

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