Mars is not like the Earth. Even if a small M/A like Hasmon appears, if it is not dealt with carefully, it will have catastrophic results.

Therefore, when he learned that Hasmon had been dug out and activated, he was very nervous.

Fortunately, the guerrilla fleet led by Alex was here. In the end, due to the opponent's precise planning and hard fighting, the M/A was destroyed.

Although there is no guarantee that there will be no other M/As on Mars, at least recently, you can sleep with peace of mind.

Chapter 288 Medal Award Plan

Although the battle is over, the cleaning of the battlefield will continue for a long time.

Because the scope of this battle is very wide, even counting only the canyon area where the final battle took place.

While both sides were fighting and retreating, they also created a large amount of debris within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Moreover, some of the wreckage was buried by collapsed rubble.

In order to ensure safety, even the buried wreckage, Alex urged, must be dug out and recycled.

So even though the sun was setting when the battle ended, and it soon became dark.

But the scene was still brightly lit, and the ground garrison at Gallarhorn set up high-power searchlights.

A cordon was also set up around the area to prevent unauthorized persons from entering.

Especially the area around the wreckage of the MA parent body is now regarded as a restricted area, and other unrelated personnel are prohibited from approaching.

Alex sat in the tent, drinking coffee, listening to Olga and Gjallarhorn's ground troops command, reporting losses to him.

Although Hasmon and the unknown model M/A were successfully annihilated, the human side also paid a heavy price.

Including the logistics units, a total of more than 300 people were killed and 250 were injured, some of whom were seriously injured and have been rushed to Krise for treatment.

In addition to casualties, about 40 MSs and more than 30 MWs were lost.

This was the unit that was remotely destroyed by Bluman when MW was responsible for providing fire support from the rear.

But overall, compared to the previous battle between the Moon Ring Fleet and Barbadoro, the human losses this time can be said to not be that serious.

Alex has been able to accept the sacrifice calmly.

After all, war means death, and even friends who were chatting and laughing one second may die the next.

As an officer, he needs to be able to withstand the casualties of his subordinates.

In the iron-blooded world view, the so-called zero-casualty battle does not exist.

"We must treat the wounded well and don't let them die after the victory. After the list of sacrificed personnel is completed, compensation will be provided according to standards. This is the last thing we can do for them."

"The wreckage of the M/A parent body must be collected as soon as possible and then prepared to be sent back to Earth. Complete parts of the Broman wreckage must be collected, and the rest will be returned to the furnace."

"By the way, since it is a victory, then spread the news as much as possible to avoid making people panic."

After skillfully arranging the aftermath tasks, he announced that the meeting was adjourned.

Everyone has their own things to be busy with, and they are not here to listen to his nonsense.

If you really want to say those high-sounding words, there will be plenty of time at the celebration party.

For them now, efficiency comes first.

After everyone else left the tent, Alex silently lit a cigarette.

At this moment, the communication terminal rang.

The contact person shown above is Gudilia.

So he decisively threw away the cigarette he had just lit, and then connected the phone.

"Alex! Are you okay?"

Looking at Gudilia with a concerned expression on the screen, Alex laughed.

There is nothing better than having someone care about you after a big war.

"Don't worry, I'm the man who makes the impossible possible. Everything will be fine. Look, I'm fine."

Seeing that he still had the energy to joke, Gudilia finally felt relieved.

She, her secretary and others were evacuated to Tekkadan's headquarters.

Both safety and other conditions here are very good.

What's more, the relationship between Gudelia and Tekkadan is also extraordinary.

However, when she arrived, there were only logistics units such as new recruits and maintenance teams left in the base.

The troops capable of combat have been brought to the front line to prepare for battle with M/A.

It was not until night that Gudelia met Atla who had returned from delivering meals to the front line and learned about the specific situation on the front line.

At that time, M/A had not yet arrived, and Alex and Mikazuki attacked to lure the M/A army to turn around.

After listening to Atla's story, Gudelia was worried.

But out of trust in Alex and to avoid being distracted by him, she chose to pray silently for her lover like Atla.

Waiting is always excruciating. The Tekkadan members who stayed at the headquarters gathered around the communicator, listening to the reports coming from the front line.

Gudilia was no exception. She sat aside and listened to various communications coming from the communicator.

From the successful turn of the M/A, to the contact with the front enemy, the successful dispersion of the M/A army, to the success of the nail shooting, and then the M/A battle with twists and turns.

Her heart, like everyone else's, was constantly going up and down like a roller coaster.

When the moment of victory over M/A finally came, with the cheers of others, Gudilia finally felt at ease.

She and Atla hugged each other, thankful that their loved one was alive.

Even so, she did not shed tears, but continued to comfort Atla, who was in tears.

But after seeing Alex on the screen, she completely relaxed.

At this time, the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She hurriedly wiped away her tears with her hands, but she couldn't hold back the growing tears.

The moment he saw her crying, Alex was at a loss.

Even though he had gone through hundreds of battles, he still couldn't bear to see his lover shed tears.

"Uh, you, don't cry, I'm fine, really, look."

Seeing him standing up and spinning around in front of the screen, Gudelia burst into tears and smiled.

"I just, I just, can't help it."

Alex looked at the blonde beauty on the screen and understood that she was worried about him.

"I know you are worried about me. But Gudilia, there are some things you should understand. As a capable person, you naturally have to bear more responsibilities."

"Well, I know, you said, 'With great power comes great responsibility'."

"Yes, this battle is the same, and other battles in the future will be the same. You are a good girl, I think you can understand what I mean."

"I understand."

Looking at Gudilia's appearance, Alex was silent for a while. Although what he said was so high-sounding, it made Gudilia worried, but it was the truth.

Thinking of this, he solemnly apologized to the blond beauty in front of the screen.

"Sorry for making you worry, Gudilia."


Alex's sudden apology stunned her.

Gudelia, who quickly understood the reason, waved her hands in a panic.

"No, Alex, you don't have to apologize, I just..."

"Making the woman you love sad and crying is not what a handsome man should do."

He interrupted Gudelia and said a very naughty line.

Although she knew he was trying to be cool, Gudelia still felt warm in her heart.

Because this just shows that Alex values ​​her in his heart.

People in love will inevitably worry about gains and losses based on words and actions.

But she now knows that in the other person's heart, he cares about her very much.

"Thanks, Alex."

"Between us, don't say thank you."

That night, although the two of them were in different places and could not hug each other and express their feelings to each other, they were both under the same starry sky on Mars.

The battle report that Alex discovered and defeated two M/As on Mars was quickly transmitted to Earth through Arianeder.

"Destroyed a Hasmon and an unknown model M/A. He is truly a role model for the younger generation of Gjallarhorn."

After the three family heads on Earth read the battle report, the head of the Baduwen family said in admiration.

"Although he borrowed the power of Dynasniff, judging from the battle records, Loki is quite like his ancestors."

Duke Falk was also generous in his praise for Alex.

This is the first time in 300 years that people have achieved a complete victory over the M/A.

Just like in the era of calamity wars 300 years ago, the ancestors of Gallarhorn had exactly the same experience fighting M/A.

"Yes, but unfortunately, he is still too young."

Everyone present understood very well what the head of the Baklazan family meant.

Letting Mr. Airian take the position of commander-in-chief is a completely helpless move.

Everyone present was very clear about Lesdal’s ambition and character.

It's just that he happens to be in the age range of the Seven Stars family.

Although dissatisfied, there are no other suitable candidates at this time.

"So, what kind of reward do you think is appropriate for Alex Ixiu this time?"

The head of the Baduwen family skipped this topic and asked the two people present.

"I think we should re-enable the seven-star medal."

Duke Baklazan stroked his beard and suggested it first.

For the Seven Star family, the Seven Star Medal is not an unfamiliar term.

This highest honor in Gjallarhorn was created to be awarded to the warriors who defeated M/A.

The ranking of the Seven-Star Family is also based on the number of Seven-Star Medals obtained.

"The Seven-Star Medal hasn't been awarded for hundreds of years, right? Haha."

Duke Falk said with a smile.

Since M/A's 'extinction', the Seven Star Medal has never been awarded.

Therefore, Gjallarhorn had to establish another highest honor medal to replace the Seven-Star Medal.

However, the Seven-Star Medal has not been abolished.

But again, no one thought that one day, this medal would be awarded again.

"I think it is necessary to make this matter bigger, so as to boost the morale of people who have always been skeptical and pessimistic. What do you think?"

The other two people nodded in agreement with Duke Baklazan's proposal.

"In that case, let our Commander-in-Chief come and award the medal in person."

Soon, the joint proposal of the three family heads was placed on Lesdal's desk.

Lesdal did not veto their proposal.

Since the Panama tragedy, the human side has needed a victory against M/A to boost morale.

However, compared to the other three family heads, they wanted to have a lively award ceremony.

Lesdal was more concerned about the other two things Alex mentioned in the battle report.

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