Chapter 289 Suspicious Clouds Behind the Scenes

In Alex's report, he mentioned the on-site 'fusion' of the two M/As, as well as the photos and videos taken.

The form shown by M/A made him realize that this might be what people have always been curious about, how these killing machines evolved step by step from small to giant bodies like Barbadoro.

He felt that this might be the key to the matter.

The other thing is about another M/A whose model is unknown.

According to Alex's report, the situation of this M/A is different from that of Hasmon.

Not only is the location of the core controller not on the head, but on the chest.

Importantly, its core controller is not even a silicon-based chip.


Human brain!

After noticing a large amount of liquid spewing out from where the nail was penetrated, Alex realized that this scene seemed familiar.

When the wreckage was transported to the base for cleaning afterwards, he was personally present and watched as the technicians carefully pulled out the nails.

After analysis of the liquid and biological tissue on it, it was concluded that it was nutrient solution and cloned human brain tissue!

And inside the penetration gap, a sealed nutrient tank like an armored box and a dead cloned brain soaked in it were also found.

Alex obviously didn't think this would be M/A's masterpiece.

These silicon-based AIs, not to mention whether they have such high technology, would consider cultivating artificial brains for an underlying protocol that is a killing tool?

Therefore, Alex made a bold guess.

That is, this M/A was not made by AI, but by crazy humans themselves!

This means that someone is doing this crazy research, which Alex is not surprised at all.

After all, human beings always want to kill their own kind efficiently. Think about how M/A appeared?

But it was obvious that the other party was very careful.

It would be very difficult to investigate this matter on your own, and as the wreckage of the destroyed M/A, it would have to be sent back to Earth.

He couldn't hide this matter even if he wanted to, so he also wrote this inference in the report.

On the one hand, they want to use Gallarhorn's power to investigate, and on the other hand, they want to test the reactions of other families to confirm whether the Seven Stars family may be involved.

After all, this kind of research is simply not possible for ordinary small organizations.

Among other things, M/A's architecture and underlying programs are top secrets inside Gjallarhorn, and are also taboo contents.

Unless there is a technical organization inherited from before the Calamity War, but such an organization has long been driven out by Gallarhorn in the past 300 years.

Therefore, the target of his suspicion is the Gjallarhorn organization itself.

In addition to the battle report, he also compiled these contents into another report and sent it to the old housekeeper.

I hope to use the power of the family to investigate this matter simultaneously.

As for the possibility that he is the mastermind behind this, it is not impossible.

But what he wanted to do was to use this method to scare the snake away and test it out.

As the heir of the family, even if he is tempted, he should not be silenced.

According to the general plot, if one's own family is behind the scenes, then one's cheap father should persuade oneself to accept this reality with serious words.

Then establish yourself as a new generation of behind-the-scenes masterminds to succeed him.

It was with these thoughts and purposes that he sent the battle report back to Earth.

He also arranged to transport the M/A wreckage to the Mars branch dock and waited. Sure enough, two days after the battle report was sent back, he received a new order.

He was ordered to go to Vangolf to receive the Order of Seven Stars.

"Congratulations, Colonel Alex. This is the first time in hundreds of years that this medal has been awarded."

Xinjiang expressed congratulations to him.

The top brass of the fleet and Mars branch also congratulated him. As for jealousy?

Those who are jealous should go and have a hand-to-hand fight with M/A. This is a reward for their lives!

"Actually, this medal is also due to your contribution."

Alex's humility made everyone feel happy.

Before returning to Earth, a celebration was first held on Mars.

This celebration was held in Crisai. For this event, an exception was made to allow the MS to turn off the Ahab furnace and put it on a trailer into the city.

This was to allow the enthusiastic public to witness the killing of M/A's Barbatos and other mobile suits.

As a hero, Alex was sitting in a convertible, wearing a ribbon, accepting people's cheers and flowers.

Although this scene always made him feel that he was not far away from being open-minded and broad-minded, after all, the iron-blooded tradition was still quite scary.

But fortunately, people throw flowers instead of assassins' bullets.

And the Krisei Autonomous Region announced that it would erect a monument for those who died in this battle.

After Krise's parade ended, there was also a small-scale celebration within the Tekkadan.

If Alex hadn't had to rush back as soon as possible, the celebration might have lasted even longer.

He told Olga and others to continue to steadily develop Tekkadan, and he led the team to leave Mars.

This time back, Alex will lead the guerrilla fleet back together.

In addition to him, it also included Mikazuki, Gudilia and others.

Asmodeus's skeleton was hit hard in the battle, so he stopped by Vangolf to see if there were any drawing records and to make repairs.

Therefore, Mikazuki needs to follow, and the other discovered Floros also needs to be sent back for repairs.

Gudelia, on the other hand, went to Earth to meet with Ablo's representative Shimiao to discuss the economic development project on Mars.

As for the defense of Mars, I believe that no new M/A will appear in a short period of time.

And after this battle, at least the Mars branch has experience in combating M/A, and as part of the expansion of the scale of the battle, the Supreme Round Table decided to allocate Dainsniff troops to the Mars and Jupiter branches to enhance combat effectiveness.

After three weeks of sailing, the guerrilla fleet finally returned to Earth.

When arriving at Grazheim, the base of the Earth Ring Fleet, the guerrilla fleet received a hero's welcome.

Through Gjalalhorn's propaganda, Alex's victory on Mars has been exaggerated.

Although Alex was a little dissatisfied with this in his heart, considering that this was the first victory of the human side against M/A, he did not express his dissent in public.

Only after closing the door to Karta's office did he complain to his sister.

"In this battle, I thought I had killed a Barbados myself."

At his complaint, Karta only smiled faintly.

"This is part of the propaganda, brother. Humanity needs a hero, and that person happens to be you."

"Then I would rather they tell the truth than raise the people's hopes so high. If the next battle against Barbador fails, have they thought about the consequences?"

What he is worried about is not that he will be flattered, but based on the actual situation.

After all, even though it was their first victory against M/A, the difference between Barbadolo and Hammons can be said to be heaven and earth.

Hasmon can be said to be the early model of M/A in calamity battles, while Barbadoro is not only huge in size, but also represents the pinnacle of AI development in calamity battles.

In several confrontations, the human side did not take much advantage from the other side.

The best result was that one was damaged, but the other party still caused the Panama Massacre.

"By the way, what happened next to the Panama incident?"

He suddenly thought of what happened a month ago.

Karta was busy whispering to Gudelia, and when she heard what he asked, she handed him the tablet.

"All the recent information and follow-up information are here."

He sat on the sofa and watched.

The aftermath of the Panama incident is obviously not over yet. This incident slapped humanity awake from the intrigues.

Each economic circle is now increasing its defense against its own resource collection satellites.

However, the locations of some resource satellites were too remote, so mining had to be temporarily abandoned and personnel and equipment moved away.

At least M/A won't open the mines themselves, which is better than giving someone away.

The residential satellite group has increased its defense efforts.

All economic circles have increased their investment in armaments, which even caused the stocks of military industry companies to rise against the wind in a short period of time.

Gallarhorn also lifted the sales restrictions on the Ahab Furnace and began to sell large quantities of these core parts for mobile suits and battleships.

However, Gallarhorn's own mobile suit and battleship manufacturing has not been made public, and has even been tightened.

The losses of mobile suits and battleships in several consecutive battles were already higher than the annual production in peacetime.

What's more, there is a newly formed guerrilla fleet waiting to be replenished.

The shipyard and mobile suit manufacturing plant directly under Gallarhorn have now entered the wartime production system and are operating at full capacity to manufacture weapons and equipment.

Not only Gallarhorn, but other weapons manufacturers are also taking the opportunity to manufacture and sell large amounts of armaments at this moment.

But this still cannot meet the demand. Not to mention MS, even MW and individual rockets are now sold out.

In addition to this, there is now chaos within SAU.

The opposition, dissatisfied with the current leaders and other high-level leaders, took the opportunity to launch an attack, demanding that they step down and face trial.

The current leader and other high-level leaders also know very well that once they step down, they will inevitably be held responsible for the Panama incident.

Although the political game determines some obscure terms, such as stepping down can offset the guilt.But if something gets too big, someone still has to take responsibility.

For things like this, it's no longer just a matter of throwing out a scapegoat to exonerate oneself.

The top executives of resource companies involved in the Panama incident have all been arrested and imprisoned.

For them, this is a kind of protection, otherwise they would have been torn to pieces by the angry people.

But this is not enough to calm the angry people, so it is politicians like them who are responsible next.

So they refused to hand over power and ordered troops loyal to them to assemble to prepare to suppress the rebellion.

The opposition was not to be outdone. They called on the people to fight for justice, and actually gathered a large team.

The two sides faced off in various areas within the SAU, and small-scale frictions occurred from time to time.

No one could have imagined that SAU would be on the verge of civil war at this time?

Chapter 290 The award ceremony is in progress...

"Are these people crazy? AI outside can appear above their heads at any time, so they still have the time to fight on their own?"

Karta, who was discussing skin care issues with Gudelia, turned to answer.

"Although we all know that this is stupid, it is the fact. The ground troops originally assigned to the border between SAU and Abro have been stationed in SAU in large numbers to prevent the outbreak of civil war."

"So SAU is now in a state of anarchy?"

"It can be said that the SAU's colonial satellites are now managed by the Lunar Ring Fleet. Commander Lesdal is said to have a headache."

"Okay, these people are really full."

Alex shook his head and continued reading.

Apart from this mess in SAU, the other three major economic circles are in pretty good shape.

Especially Ablo, due to the civil strife in SAU, he was able to mobilize a considerable part of the frontline confrontation troops to the universe.

Although these people have to be retrained when they arrive in the universe to adapt to operations that are completely different from those in a gravity environment.

Fortunately, after M/A rushed out and looted a wave of supplies last time, it never appeared in human sight again, which at least provided Ablo with valuable time.

It's also possible that they grabbed an unmanned resource satellite again, but at this stage, Lesdal couldn't care so much.

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