Instructing the personal guards to pay attention to their surroundings, Barbatos approached the entrance of the cave.

Alex controlled the body to flip 180 degrees, and then pressed Barbatos' head against the meteorite into the cave that could only accommodate Bluman's movement, observing the interior.

This risky face-exploration into the grass did not attract beam attacks or Bluman's flechettes.

From the screen, he clearly saw that this was a passage without any lighting.

However, after switching to the body observation mode, I can still barely see the inside clearly.

He found that this passage was not long, about tens of meters deep, and deeper, he could vaguely see something huge inside.

Obviously, if you want to see clearly what's inside, you need to go deep into the cave.

So the next question is, how to get in?

Naturally, such a narrow cave cannot allow MS to pass through.

But if the superiors go in directly, facing the threat of Bluman, humans themselves will not have an advantage.

So Alex decided to manually expand the cave entrance.

Of course, he would definitely not use a gamma nanocomposite sword as a digging tool.

If the war situation was urgent, he would not hesitate to do so, but there is no battle breaking out now, so there is plenty of time to mobilize professional equipment.

The rear fleet also carries professional equipment.

After receiving Alex's report, Lesdal quickly had the equipment used for blasting delivered.

After the engineering troops surveyed, marked the explosive points, punched holes and charged the explosives, a series of methods were completed.

With a silent explosion, this side of the meteorite was completely destroyed.

When the scattered rubble disappeared, everyone looked at the exposed interior and fell into surprise.

The interior of the meteorite has been completely hollowed out, and dozens of Brumans are scurrying around like headless flies.

Inside the hollowed-out meteorite, a Harel was already about half assembled.

On the skeleton that is not covered with outer armor, various lines and pipes are clearly exposed in front of everyone.

"It turns out that this is how M/A assembles the machine body..."

Alex suddenly realized that inside these meteorites were M/A's assembly factories.

"Colonel, what should we do?"

Facing the inquiries from his subordinates, he did not hesitate.

"Fire and destroy them."

Although all of this is of extremely high scientific value to Iron-Blooded, once understood, it will be of great help in restoring human technology before the Catastrophe War.

But he also knows that AI technology is still too dangerous for the current Iron Blood.

If the underlying logic problems of AI are not solved, what humans will imitate will still be out-of-control killing weapons.

So these things can't be left behind, let alone if they are kept, on the battlefield outside the Moon Goddess, aren't there more choices than this?

Moreover, the purpose of their coming is not archaeological research, but to completely eliminate AI.

Under his order, the Guards used their live machine guns to shoot all the Brumen into pieces.

The unassembled Harel was also destroyed by Barbatos using the gamma nanocomposite sword to destroy the unactivated AI chip.

After getting Alex's feedback, Rysdahl acquiesced to his approach.

And then ordered that all meteorites and debris around this open space be blasted to confirm whether there are unfinished M/A inside.

This work lasts longer than anyone imagined.

Even half a month later, after the battlefield outside Luna Dew was cleaned up, the fleet had only cleared less than one-third of the surrounding area.

After some weighing, Lesdal left a dedicated fleet to take charge of the matter.Then order the remaining fleets to withdraw to their bases.

In addition to the necessary rest and recuperation, Gjallarhorn's senior management has not forgotten that although the threat of AI has been basically eliminated, there is still a war on earth that has not ended.

Now that the main threat from AI has been eliminated, there is no need to continue to gather such a large fleet in one location.

A large number of troops were mobilized, making the pirates increasingly rampant, although a considerable number of big pirates had been eliminated.

However, the various small-scale pirate groups that emerged from this are like cockroaches, threatening the safety of the route.

Now that the battle is over, these fleets will return to their respective defense zones and begin to attack these guys who have threatened the safety of Arianeder's route.

However, Lesdahl, who is well versed in political games, also knows this.

Other families do not want to have the command of such a huge fleet in their hands.

The guerrilla fleet, together with the main force of the Earth Ring Fleet, escorted Yggdrasil back to Earth orbit.

"Karta did a great job, and this battle has basically entered garbage time."

Alex put down the SAU battle report in his hand.

During the period when Gallarhorn's main force fought against the AI ​​corps and went deep into the Moon Dew.

The SAU battle also went very smoothly.

The advance of the Gallallhorn and Abro coalition forces, which attacked from north to south, was very stable.

On the Great Plains of North America, the results of the battle between the mechanized forces of both sides were one-sided.

Chapter 377 Descends from the sky

In addition, this was originally the base camp of the opposition. Among the SAU's splintered factions, although the opposition was outnumbered, they were still fighting against the former government forces.

Under attack from two sides, when the former government troops who originally surrendered were exhausted, they only relied on militias recruited temporarily and without much training.

There is simply no way to stop the advance of Gjalalhorn and the SAU government forces, Karta said frankly in the battle report.

The only thing currently hindering their advancement speed is the daily advancement distance limit issued by Lesdal.

But even so, after half a month of fighting, the fighting in North America has basically subsided.

At present, the forward ground forces have advanced to the Yucatan Peninsula area and have encountered encounters with SAU government troops and M/A mixed forces, so the offensive has been suspended.

However, the ground troops also received support from the navy. The two sides used a pincer attack to defeat the SAU troops supported by M/A.

The fleet that surrounded the SAU from the sea also conducted a long period of bombing and shelling before finally sending ground troops to land.

After fierce fighting, the landing force, with the support of the fleet, successfully captured three safe landing sites.

And in subsequent battles, the landing site was expanded into a landing zone.

Such a fast speed was not only due to Gjallarhorn's well-trained training, but also the surrender of the opportunists within the SAU at the unfavorable situation, which also made the advancement unusually fast.

However, in this case, Karta still ordered the landing troops very carefully not to rush to expand the control area.

Unlike the vast plains of North America, the mountains, plateaus and forests of South America are good hidden battlefields for both the enemy and us.

In particular, the M/A unit received a good combat environment before Lesdal did not allow orbital bombing.

The advance of Gjallarhorn's troops was extremely slow, and their losses were considerable.

Therefore, Karta's caution is not without reason.

However, the situation is different now. The return of the large army has instantly expanded the number of troops in Karta's hands.

The only battlefield that originally required racking one's brains to consider tactics was the plain and simple level A.

"Grazheim 13 was also recaptured?"

In response to McGillis' question, Alex nodded.

"That's right, there's no way to kill them. Now Iznario and the others will have no chance of escaping."

Grazheim 13, controlled by Iznario's old troops, finally laid down its weapons and surrendered after being surrounded and persuaded to surrender.

At the same time, Gallarhorn also took action internally to conduct a comprehensive cleanup of Iznario's old department.

Although there is a suspicion of injustice, under the current circumstances, there is no need to worry about that much.

This move also successfully cut off Iznario's way of obtaining internal intelligence on Gjallarhorn.

Now we face an enemy who is deaf, blind, and weak in limbs.The rest of the battle has indeed entered garbage time.

"So, what are we going to do next?"

Faced with Galio's question, Alex shrugged.

"Although the war situation is favorable to us, the top management wants to end the war as soon as possible."

"So, it's a decapitation tactic?"


Alex nodded.

From the surrendered fence-sitter, Gallallhorn obtained the location of SAU leader George.

Although Iznario's location is not known yet, based on the information provided by the Farid family and investigation intelligence, the general range is already known.

So next, Gallallhorn, with his hands free, will launch a large-scale operation.

Launch attacks simultaneously from the ground, sea, and space.

Strive to end this farce-like war as quickly as possible.

The Uctrasil was left in the shipyard between the Earth and the Moon for repairs. Those participating in the orbital airdrop were mainly composed of the Earth Ring and the guerrilla fleet.

The Lunar Ring Fleet is responsible for continuing to clean up the remaining AI in the Lunar Dew.

In this battle, Alex piloted Bayali and Galio piloted Cimonli, but McGillis chose his own Valkyrie, Valtroti.

"Why not keep driving Macassa?"

"No, I want Iznario to recognize me immediately."

Although he knew that McGillis was definitely not doing this for the reason he mentioned, Alex did not persuade him again.

Iznario is the knot in his heart, and he must understand it with his own hands or witness the end with his own eyes before he can be completely freed.

After tense arrangements, ground forces and the navy took the lead in launching the attack.

After patiently waiting for ground artillery strikes, the MS troops, who were ready for orbital airdrop, jumped from the battleship cruising in orbit, and then passed through the atmosphere on surfboards.

Alex looked around and saw 'fireballs' lighting up around him on the screen, each one representing a mobile suit.

Warnings kept sounding in the cockpit. Due to the breakthrough of the ionosphere, communication was interrupted, and all one could hear was his own breathing.

After the sky outside the cockpit turned into normal blue, other sounds came from the originally quiet communication band.

"The 115th Squadron was blocked by the enemy and is counterattacking."

"Squadron 89, completed the predetermined goal, requesting instructions for the next step."

"Call medical assistance, there are seriously injured people in area G14!"

Coupled with their ground troops, it sounds like the advance is going very smoothly.

Alex blocked out other sounds and then issued orders to the airborne troops.

"Orbital airborne force idea, we are approaching the ground. After landing, each unit will attack their respective targets in squadrons."

"Airborne infantry units, remember to capture as many people as possible alive. We also need Iznario's location."


An aggressive response came from the communication.

Having defeated the AI, their morale is now at its peak.

As they got closer to the ground, interception fire from the ground continued to hit them in the air.

A surfboard that is strong enough to pass through the atmosphere, and thick enough to withstand the power of some weapons.

But there are also unlucky guys who explode into a ball of bright fireworks in the air after being penetrated.


Looking at the ground getting closer, Alex ordered.


When the height dropped enough, these mobile suits jumped off the surfboard one after another and fell down with the help of the thrusters to slow down.

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