And those surfboards, which were originally very fast, accelerated and fell to the ground.

These hard metal objects smashed into the ground like armor-piercing bullets.Some even hit the air defense positions, causing damage to the enemy.

The white Bayali landed on the ground. As a symbol of Gjallarhorn, Alex drove this machine into the battle with the purpose of boosting his own morale.

As for Barbatos, he was temporarily left on the flagship. If he needed it, he could be airborne to the ground at any time.

After the repaired and brand-new machine landed, Alex reported to the command center through the communication.

"Report to command, we have our feet on the ground."

"According to the plan!"


The place where Bayali landed was not far from the place where the SAU leader was hiding according to the intelligence.

The moment it landed, several MWs opened fire on it with their own 105mm cannons.

The white mobile suit glided on the ground, easily dodging the firepower.

He fired back with the live ammunition cannon under his forearm. After a string of bullet marks exploded on the ground, the hit MW immediately exploded into a pile of wreckage.

Immediately afterwards, two Gildars rushed out from the corner while shooting and outflanking Bayali.

In order to facilitate landing on Earth for combat, Bayali's original sword whip has been removed and replaced with two small arm shields.

Pulling out the Bayali Glaive from his waist, the white demon faced the two Gildas that appeared.

The golden sword blade cut off the war hoe raised in the hand of the first Gilda together with the mechanical arm.

Then he jumped up and kicked the chest of the machine that was trying to retreat. The MS lost its balance and staggered into the building behind it, and then stopped moving.

The moment the machine landed, the blade of the right hand slashed down, cutting off the machine gun in the second Gilda's hand along with its arm.

The mechanical legs bent to offset the impact of landing, but the originally flat ground was still cracked by the feet.

The moment the slender waist hydraulic rod bounced up, the battle sword in his left hand rose upwards.

This sword split open a crack in Gilda's chest from the crotch to the head, and the pilot felt his eyes suddenly go dark.

Immediately afterwards, the flames of the explosion poured out along the cracked gap, and the out-of-control machine fell to the sky.

After taking care of the two MSs, Bayali quickly advanced towards the target location along the wide street.

SAU leader George and others hiding underground felt the vibrations from the explosion on the ground.

Under the flickering lights, everyone's face looked uncertain.

Only then did they realize that they had been deceived.

The reinforcements Iznario promised never showed up.

The ones currently resisting are all SAU troops, and there is no sign of M/A at all.

George has tried to contact Iznario several times, but no one has gotten through.

Apparently, they were abandoned.

"what should we do?"

He asked the others.

The confidence and high-spiritedness he had previously had in his voice was gone. It was as hoarse as if he had walked in the desert for three days and nights without drinking water.

As for everyone else, they had no idea at this time.

These guys who usually call themselves elites either looked at each other or sat there in a daze.

The shock of the explosion and the flickering of lights reminded George of a movie he had seen about defeat in the war.

But he didn't have the courage to commit suicide like the protagonist in the movie, but he could still lose his temper.

So he slammed the table, and the palm of his hand collided with the tabletop, making a loud sound.

Alarming the others who were about to turn to stone, everyone looked at him in astonishment.

But George didn't speak, but grinned and waved his palms.

This fact tells us not to slap the metal table with your hands.

Chapter 378 The Unlucky Iznario

After gasping for air for a long time, George felt that the burning pain in his palms was no longer there.

He pushed away the secretary who came up to bandage his palm, looked at the 'elites' sitting around him, and held back a sentence for a long time.

"Trash! You..."

But before he could finish speaking, the office door was kicked open, and a group of heavily armed Gallarhorn soldiers poured in.

"Don't move, you..."

Before they could finish speaking, everyone present immediately raised their hands, fearing that they would be beaten into pieces if they moved too slowly.

The lieutenant leading the team could only hold back the second half of the sentence, spit on the ground, and waved to his men.

"Cuff them all and take them away!"

Twenty minutes later, Alex got bad news and good news.

The good news is that the SAU leader and others were caught.The bad news is, Iznario is not here.

Not only is he not here, the artificial M/A troops are not here either.

"I already knew he wouldn't be here. This guy is very precious about his life."

He was not surprised by this.

"Continue to interrogate them, and we must find where the guy is hiding."

At this time, Galio's call came through the communication.

"This is A4, we hit the jackpot. We encountered a fierce attack from M/A. Repeat, we encountered a large M/A force."

"This is A1. I will send people to support you."

"Copy that. A4 continues to hold its position."

Since the main force of the fleet has returned, the scale of this orbital airborne landing is very large.

In addition to arresting SAU senior officials, a geosynchronous orbital airborne landing was also launched at the location where Iznario was suspected to be hiding.

Alex, Galio, and McGillis each led a troop to conduct raids at different locations.

After the A1 site was suppressed, Alex handed it over to ground forces.

And he led the troops on the flying pedal and moved to the A4 area that Galio was responsible for.

The troops led by McGillis have also completed the suppression of the A3 area and moved towards the A4 area from the other direction.

In the air, new descending troops are breaking through the atmosphere and falling towards the A4 area.

This is the second batch of planned airborne troops. They are responsible for confirming the position of the M/A force and then landing reinforcements.

On the ground, barrages and beams streaked through the air, and missiles trailing flames roared past, hitting their targets and exploding.

The remains of various aircraft that fell to the ground are scattered among the broken bricks and tiles.

"Continue to maintain the current formation, hold the defense line, and don't rush forward. Reinforcements are almost here."

During the gunfire, the lance in Simonli's hand penetrated the wetware host of an M/A, and the M/A was paralyzed like a crab.

Drawing out his lance, Simonli slid along the ground towards the other enemy.

Galio is leading the troops and is fighting against the sudden appearance of the M/A Corps.

In fact, they almost missed their target. The Gjallarhorn troops airborne from orbit had already completed their suppression of the area.

But apart from MS and MW, no trace of M/A was found here.

Just as Galio was about to lead his men to move, two escaping MSs caught his attention.

Shortly after two teams were dispatched to pursue the two MSs, a dense explosion suddenly occurred in the direction they left.

That was obviously not the scale of firepower that two small teams of MS should have. Just when Galio was about to organize people to check the situation.

A considerable number of M/As emerged from the nearby mountains.

In fact, these mobile suits and MWs stationed in nearby cities are mercenaries that Iznario deceived into using them as cannon fodder.

The plan was to use this as a cover to allow Gjallarhorn to make a misjudgment.

Unexpectedly, the mercenary leader among them had a keen eye, followed them and found the entrance to Iznario's underground base.

When they encountered Gallarhorn's Thunder Hammer, the two leaders immediately fled towards the base, trying to find shelter.

The base observed the Gjallarhorn MS appearing behind the two MSs, and concluded that these two men had lured Gjallarhorn over, and they were exposed.

So M/A was dispatched to conduct a saturation attack on the MS that appeared near the base, and then took the initiative to launch attacks on surrounding towns.

When Iznario learned about this, his face was almost crumpled with anger.

But the matter has come to this, and we can only bite the bullet and face it.

However, he also ordered his men to prepare to escape immediately. Based on his understanding of Lesdal and others, if they did not run, they might not have a chance.

In fact, just as he thought, he had just escaped on the aircraft. Through the communication signal provided by the SAU senior management, Alex confirmed that this was Iznario's lair.

So he decisively called for an orbital strike. Although man-made M/As were weaker than AI, after all, these creations were a huge threat, and ordinary MS would definitely have to pay a lot of losses to deal with them.

However, the information obtained from Mimir showed that it relied too much on rear command or relay command.

Therefore, Alex concluded that as long as this base was destroyed, the command system of the man-made M/A could be blocked.

Although there was a previous order prohibiting the random use of Dynasniff on the ground.

However, the fleet commander level can issue ground attack orders, and Alex happens to be one of the three fleet commanders, and he has the authority to issue ground attack orders.

As mentioned earlier, due to the lack of guidance, the Dyne Sniff has poor ground accuracy.

But this time it was a surface target, so this error was within the acceptable range.

The Dynasniff used for ground attack is specially designed to withstand high temperatures through the atmosphere.

But in terms of size, it cannot be launched by a single MS.

Two aircraft bodies are required to serve as a launch reference platform for aiming and shooting.

After receiving the attack order, the ground strike force launched a total of 6 such Dyne Sniffs.

The Gallarhorn troops, who had retreated to a safe distance in advance, witnessed with their own eyes the damage caused to the ground by the six Dainsniffs that fell from the sky.

The spike that penetrated the atmosphere fell to the ground with flames. The fire was caused by friction with the air, and it also made a huge roar.

It makes people feel like the thunder and lightning when gods send down divine punishment in fairy tales.

So much so that later some people called these Daysniffs the 'Rods of God'.

The solid metal pillar fell to the ground with strong kinetic energy, falling to the ground like a meteorite hitting the ground.

After hitting the ground, the earth cracked and collapsed in violent tremors.

The strong wind carried all kinds of debris and sand flying around, and the objects hit by these debris also turned into new debris and were carried away by the strong wind.

Even Gallallhorn's troops, who were at a safe distance, were confused by the debris and sand flying everywhere.

What's more, enemy targets located within the strike area...

Whether it was M/A or other defense facilities, they were reduced to wreckage under the attack from the sky.

When the smoke dispersed, the hill that was originally several hundred meters high collapsed into a basin.

What no one noticed was that not only the base was reduced to a basin under the attack of Gangdail.

Even Iznario, who fled in an aircraft, was not spared. Under the influence of the violent airflow, the aircraft he was in crashed.

When Iznario woke up, he found himself lying in the deformed cabin.

Obviously, he did correctly judge Gjallarhorn's method, but he misjudged the method the other party would choose.

Alex is more ruthless than Lesdal...

In fact, only 6 of the 2 Dynasty Niff Kais that landed hit the target accurately, and the remaining 4 all landed around the target.

It is enough to show that the error of this kind of attack is actually very large, but what happened to shoot down the Iznario aircraft was the high-speed air wave caused by a crooked spike landing on the ground.

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