He struggled to get up, but found that his left calf was unnaturally twisted 90 degrees from the middle.

Apparently his left leg was broken.

When he realized this fact, the severe pain made him scream.

At this time, a gust of mountain wind blew over, and Iznario felt the wreckage of the aircraft beneath him shaking.

He struggled and turned his head to look out of the broken porthole.

It was shockingly discovered that the location where the aircraft crashed was on the cliff.

After the aircraft fell to the ground, it slid close to the ground for a certain distance before stopping.

At this time, more than half of the entire fuselage had reached out of the cliff, and the tail part had been tilted up, just like a seesaw, maintaining a delicate balance point.

Although the mountain breeze brings fresh air, there are waterfalls flying down the cliffs around, creating a beautiful atmosphere of nature.

But Iznario was not in the mood to appreciate it at the moment. He realized that if he wanted to survive, he had to climb to the tail of the plane.

The instinct to survive overcame the pain of his broken leg, and he struggled to crawl on the cabin floor toward the tail of the plane.

Due to the tilt of the aircraft body, he was climbing diagonally upwards. He could only hold on to the bottom of the seat or grab the fixing holes in the floor, and climbed with difficulty towards the open tail hatch.

Under the blowing of the mountain wind, the cabin continued to shake, and some boxes and bodies fell from the position toward the nose of the plane.

Iznario could feel that the delicate balance at this moment was being constantly broken.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the part of the aircraft that poked out of the cliff rested on a small tree growing on the rock wall.

As time went by and the weight continued to increase, this small branch, which was already malnourished, began to make a sound of being overwhelmed.

And Iznario gritted his teeth and kept climbing hard with a ferocious expression.

At this moment, he has forgotten everything about seizing world domination and destroying the world. Living on is his strongest will at this moment.

But sometimes, the development of things does not depend on people's willpower.

Just when Iznario climbed onto the door step, the small branch on the cliff completely broke.

The fragile balance lost an important fulcrum, and the entire aircraft accelerated and tilted toward the nose.

Then, under the pressure of the weight, it slid downwards!

Iznario couldn't help but scream.

At this moment, a robotic hand suddenly grabbed the tail hatch.

Chapter 379: Unlucky Iznario

Immediately afterwards, another manipulator also grabbed the tail hatch. After the manipulator fixed the hatch, the head with a square viewfinder was exposed.

That's a MS!

Although it did not stop the aircraft from continuing to slide, the tail door pedal hanging on Iznario was torn off from the aircraft by the power of the mobile suit.

The wreckage of the aircraft, which lost control, slid downwards into the mountain stream, and the explosion caused by the fall echoed in the valley.

Iznario, who was holding on to the hole in the door pedal with both hands, was very lucky because he survived at this moment.

Then the mobile suit carefully placed the hatch on the ground. It was only then that Iznario saw that in addition to the old model Garel, there were several other machines of the same model around.


This old model of machine can only be used by mercenaries.

At this moment, a glimmer of hope emerged in his heart.

The mobile suit that saved him was half-kneeling on the ground, the cockpit door opened, and a black-haired man with a beard came out.

After jumping down quickly, the other party came over, folded his arms and spoke proactively.

"It was really dangerous just now. This gentleman."

"Yes, yes, thank you for saving me! Can you help me? My leg is broken."

Iznario, who was in pain and sweating profusely, felt that this person looked familiar, but he didn't care about that much at the moment.

"Thank you, you are mercenaries, are you willing to accept my employment?"

"We are mercenaries, sir, do you want to hire us?"

The man looked very interested. At this time, the other pilots had also got off the MS.

Then, at the man's signal, Iznario's broken leg was bandaged.

This act of 'kindness' gave Iznario hope.

It seems that there is really no end to the road, and God will not let me die easily!

"That's right! Send me out of here to somewhere in the African Union, and I'll give you 500 million."

The man raised his eyebrows and looked him up and down, looking very embarrassed.

"Oh, 500 million, this is not a small amount. With all due respect, sir, you don't look like you can afford 500 million now."

"No, no problem, I have money."

Iznario knew that his life was in the opponent's hands at this moment, so he didn't care so much.

He struggled and took out a card from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"Here, there are 40 yuan in it. I'll pay it as a deposit first. It's also a thank you for saving me."

The man took the card and turned it in his hand.

Then grin.

"Five million is not enough to buy your life, Iznario Farid."


Hearing the other party call out his name accurately, Iznario's whole body was shocked.

The other party knows himself!

Looking at him with wide eyes, the man smiled.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Garan Motha. Lesdal says hello to you."

"Wh... uh..."

Iznario was seen clutching his chest and gasping for air.

Garland waved his hand.

"Feed him Su-acting Jiuxin Pills, but you can't let him die here. His bounty will be twice as high if he's alive than if he's dead."

A few hours later, Alex, Galio, and McGillis met Garland Motha at the temporary base.

The other party glanced at Alex, who was wearing a blindfold, in surprise, and took the initiative to reach out to him.

"Long time no see, Commander Alex, no, Colonel. Are you injured?"

After Alex shook hands with the other party, he pointed to his blindfold calmly.

"Yes, I was slightly injured. But I didn't expect to see you in this situation, Mr. Garland Mosa."

When Alex received an active contact from Garland, who told him that he wanted to meet with him, he was a little surprised.

However, he agreed to the meeting, and then Garland brought them a special gift.

Iznario, lying on a stretcher with a broken leg, but alive.

When Alex originally ordered the orbital strike, he was already prepared to turn into civil engineering in the next period of time, excavate the collapsed base, and search for Iznario's body.

But what I didn't expect was that this unexpected surprise came.

Not long after the battle ended, they met at the airport that served as a temporary base.

A few people sat on folding chairs under a canopy.

The tables in front of everyone were replaced by ammunition boxes, and there were cups for tea on them, all of which were standard metal cups.

Surrounded by MSs undergoing maintenance, the environment could not be said to be very nice, but fortunately, the few people present were all soldiers.I have become accustomed to this environment.

The three of them listened to Garland's casual description of how they discovered the downed aircraft, then how they rescued Iznario, and played with each other.

After listening, Alex thanked him.

"Thank you very much Mr. Garland for being able to hand over Iznario to us."

"No, it's nothing. I'm just a mercenary. Since he has a bounty on his head and I happened to meet him, I won't miss it."

Galio didn't know this person, but he had dealt with mercenaries, but he felt that this person was somewhat similar to Alex.

But McGillis had an impression of him. This mysterious mercenary appeared when he was sponsoring Gudelia to go to Edmonton.

Through the investigation of the Supervisory Bureau, it was confirmed that he was inextricably linked to Lesdal.It can be said that this person is the opponent's chess piece.

Although the other party did send Iznario, he was still wary of the man in front of him.

"About the bounty, I believe someone will contact you."

After giving him a vague nod, Alex asked directly.

"I don't know why you and your subordinates came to SAU."

"Then you still have to ask? Of course it's to make money."

Garland still performed like a standard mercenary.

"Colonel Alex was once a mercenary. He should know very well that where there is war, there are opportunities for mercenaries to make a fortune."

Alex nodded, and Garland smiled and spread his hands.

"So, I brought my people here to make a fortune. Unfortunately, both the government troops and the anti-government troops were stingy. We couldn't agree on a price, so we kept looking for employers. Unexpectedly, we found out in the end Make a fortune."

Alex didn't believe what he said at all.

As a capable member of Lesdal's staff, Garland Motha will definitely not come here without a purpose.

However, since the other party is unwilling to speak directly, and the two sides are still allies at this stage, he cannot hold the other party for questioning.

After the two sides finished talking, the three of them watched Garland leave with his men.

"Just let him go?"

McGillis looked at his back and asked Alex.

"There is no direct evidence, and this person also helped us. At least this way, we don't have to be a contractor here and watch the progress of the excavation."

Although Galio didn't know the identity of the other party, judging from their reactions, it seemed that the other party was not a pure friend.

"Who is he from?"


After getting the answer, Galio suddenly realized that no wonder he felt that the other party was somewhat similar to Alex. It turned out that they were both people related to Gallarhorn.

Alex turned and walked towards the canopy.

"No matter what his purpose is, at least Iznario is in our hands. We can go back and deliver the goods."

After capturing the SAU leader and others and Iznario, and destroying the control base, the SAU's problem became very simple.

The SAU troops, which originally had low fighting will, became a mass of disorganized sand after losing their command.

After M/A lost their command base, although they relied on the wetware host to act independently, their behavior patterns were controlled by Gjalalhorn, so it was not difficult to deal with them.

According to estimates, the end of the battle will be completed in the near future.

At this time, Alex and the others had escorted Iznario and others back to Vangolf.

There they would be tried and then executed.

In Alex's view, this is quite meant to scare the monkeys.

The four major economic circles took advantage of Iznario's opportunity to interfere in Abro's election and announced that they had begun to rearm themselves, with the purpose of getting rid of Gjalalhorn's control.

But as for Gjalalhorn, although they are indeed in the wrong and there are calls for reform internally, they will not give up the power to control the world so easily.

Among the current four major economic circles, Abro, represented by Zhimiao, was the first to break the restrictions of the declaration and rearm himself.

But because of his relationship and good relationship with Gjalalhorn, they formed a coalition to attack the SAU from the northern front.

Obviously, although this old man usually smiles and appears to be peaceful and attentive, he also has plans for his neighbors in the south.

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