Then, taking advantage of the opportunity when the coalition's attention was attracted, they landed from behind the defenders on the east bank of the Davao River, and easily defeated the defenders under attack from the east and west.

After occupying the southern area of ​​Davao, they quickly moved north along the river bank, intending to rely on Baku's high-speed assault capability to give the defenders a left hook and directly attack the Davao base.

ZAFT also understands that if they want to capture this city, this air base is the first nail that must be removed.

Otherwise, even the MS troops would not be able to sustain themselves in the face of the opponent's indiscriminate bombing.

At first, the Baku Squadron's attack went very smoothly and quickly penetrated the Union Army's defense line.

But in the end, because the lone army went deep, the East Asian coalition forces, which seized the opportunity, cut off the supply channel to the rear and surrounded it instead.

In the end, although the Baku squadron successfully raided the air base, it did not achieve the expected results.

On the contrary, the United Army fought back the attack desperately, and then focused on blocking the path of the opponent's left hook.

The current defenders rely on the air base as the core and hold on to parts of the central city and northeastern city of Davao.

As for the situation at sea, it is better than the Third Fleet estimated.

Because the military port is not in the city of Davao, but in the interior of Davao Bay, it is blocked by Samal Island and has only a narrow waterway.

Samal Island bisects Davao Bay. The water channel on the west side is narrow and the water depth is shallow, which is not conducive to the activities of the diving mothership.

The water channel on the east side of the island is wide and the water depth is relatively large, so if you want to attack the military port, you can only go around the east side of the island.

The coalition forces are also well aware of this situation, so they have deployed a large-scale minefield on the east side of Davao Bay to delay and block the detour of the ZAFT underwater carrier.

At the same time, a patrol fleet was arranged and a sonar array was deployed in the minefield to ensure that ZAFT underwater MS would not destroy the minefield and sneak into the naval port.

A large number of troops have also been deployed on Samar Island. The area across the sea from Davao is a key defense area.

Because as long as we capture this place, we can easily threaten the port and airport.

Although the ZAFT Army was also aware of this problem and successfully landed on Samar Island, although the island's terrain did not have much fluctuation, because it was a barren mountain, the East Asia Alliance could use heavy firepower without any scruples.

Blocked by firepower from the air force and ground artillery, ZAFT's troops advanced slowly.Therefore, the battle situation between the two sides on the island fell into a stalemate.

In the direction of the urban area, the exchange of fire between the two sides was also very intense. The various buildings in the urban area shortened the fighting distance between the two sides, so more direct firepower was used in the exchange of fire.

Relying on their numbers and familiarity with the city, the East Asian joint forces barely blocked the enemy in the city outside the base.

But even so, the long-range firepower of both sides continued to attack each other, causing the Davao base to suffer considerable losses.

When the Archangel arrived, a new round of long-range fire strikes by the ZAFT Army had just ended.

On the airport runway, the wreckage of the destroyed aircraft was still burning.

It was a large transport plane that was landing when it was under bombardment. Unfortunately, it was destroyed on the runway.

As a result, a large runway was paralyzed, and the shelling also caused several large craters in another runway.

So the logistics troops risked the enemy's possible shelling again.While extinguishing the fire and clearing the wreckage, the runway was being repaired.

From the intact runway, vanguard fighters and large bombers carrying heavy loads were taking off to counterattack ZAFT.

"Archangel, please land in the open space on the north side of the base. I'm very sorry, but there is no space in the base to accommodate your ship."

On the screen, a major was talking to Masuo, and behind him, busy controllers could be seen.

"It's nothing. The Archangel has field take-off and landing capabilities, so please don't worry."

"That's good. For supplies and other issues, please contact me. I will serve as the special liaison officer with your ship until the battle is over or I die in battle."

"Thank you very much, Major Zhao."

"You can see the specific combat situation report at any time on our army's internal communication network. There are currently no action instructions for you. Your ship can be repaired temporarily."

"thank you very much."

After both parties saluted each other, the communication ended temporarily.

It can be seen that in addition to serving as the liaison officer with the Archangel, the other party has other tasks, so Masuo did not waste the other party's time.

"That's fine. If we park in the base, I'm still worried about becoming a target for the ZAFT army's artillery."

Baji Lulu came up from CIC and complained to Masuo.

If the Archangel is parked in the base, its huge hull will indeed become the opponent's best bombardment coordinate.

Now letting them park outside the base will actually be beneficial to the safety of the Archangel.

"Yes. But, can the situation here really last for 5 days?"

Masuo seemed worried. Although he took a detour, he did not directly cross the area where the fighting was fiercest.

However, just the number and situation of the enemy and ourselves scanned by the radar are enough to make people worry.

"I don't know. All we can do now is abide by the agreement we made at the beginning."

Bucky Lulu also had a worried expression on her face. For some reason, she suddenly thought of Alex's smiling face.

'That guy must have some clever ideas, right? '

She was complaining in her heart, but Bucky Lulu also had to admit that Alex's seemingly random ideas and methods always yielded unexpected results.

Emergency order

According to the guidance, the Archangel landed in an open space on the north side of the Davao base.

Surrounded by forests, it is indeed a suitable location for hiding.

As long as it is covered with a camouflage net, it will be difficult to detect the Archangel unless it breaks through to a close range.

As for aerial reconnaissance, the air superiority of the Davao base is still in the hands of the coalition forces, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

After completing the landing of the warship, it entered the second level alert.

However, once they have reached the front line, even the level [-] alert is enough to make people fearful.

Subsequently, Masuo summoned the heads of various departments on the ship and the three people responsible for combat missions to the briefing room for a meeting.

She first gave everyone a general introduction to the current situation in Davao.

"This is the current situation in Davao. Our task is to assist the defenders and wait for reinforcements to arrive for five days."

After listening to Ma Su's introduction, the expressions on everyone's faces looked a little solemn.

After all, the Archangel is just a battleship with three mobile suits, even though there are many stories in film and television works about a single ship being unparalleled.

But that was all because of budget issues, and it was impossible to film a large-scale fleet battle.

Everyone as a soldier knows that in a large-scale battle like this, a single ship can play a role at most at the local tactical level.

The impact on the overall strategic level is limited, or even small.

Therefore, this battle is far more risky for the Archangel than being chased by the Kruse team. It is a real test.

"And if we want to leave safely, we must do this. Otherwise, we will be constantly pursued by ZAFT on the way to Orb, which will be very detrimental to our continued voyage."

Baji Lulu then explained to everyone why she did this.

"Yes, so we have no other option now, everyone."

Masuo and Baji Lulu sang together, making everyone's last trace of luck disappear.

Afterwards, the various tasks within the ship were arranged for the next five days.

People from other departments also reported to Masuo the current situation and the problems they were facing.

After all this was recorded, the heads of other departments left in a hurry.

Because they still have their own work to be busy with.

Although such a large warship has a high degree of automation, the number of crew members is greatly reduced, so manpower is often very tight.

Only Masuo, Bucky Lulu and the three pilots were left in the briefing room, which was much quieter.

"Next is the specific news about the current war situation."

Bucky Lulu opened the map and the internal information network of the Davao base.

The current specific battle situation was shown to the three people, and the situation was just briefly introduced to the people in other departments.

Because they do not involve direct combat operations, and they also want to prevent information leakage from leaking secrets, they do not need to know how detailed they are.

For MS pilots who are directly responsible for combat missions, combat introductions naturally need to be detailed.

Mu looked at the criss-crossing battle lines on the map and couldn't help but whistle.

As a veteran, Alex also understood the situation of the battle, while Kira was the only one who was still confused.

Although his combat ability is excellent, as a rookie, he has not yet learned how to read the battle map.

"As you can see, the war situation in the Davao region is very critical. Under normal circumstances, ZAFT troops can arrive outside the air base in up to three days."

In order to take care of Kira, who couldn't understand, Bucky Lulu used a laser light to mark the enemy's attack route on the map and explained it.

Only then did Kira understand the general idea, but he immediately had new questions.

"Captain Natal, now that the situation is so critical, what can we do?"

“We don’t know this issue yet.”

Kira was stunned by Bucky Lulu's answer.

"Because, although we are here to support now, we must act according to the orders of the headquarters."

Mu explained from the side.

"That's right."

Kira suddenly realized that because the Archangel had acted alone before, he was unfamiliar with obeying the orders of his superiors.

"Don't worry, the Archangel has a certain degree of autonomy. If we think it can't hold up, we can decide whether to hold on or retreat."

Alex explained to Kira.

"Captain Alex, please don't teach Second Lieutenant Kira to 'escape from battle'. This is a violation of military law."

Faced with Bucky Lulu's dissatisfaction and warning, Alex had no fear.

"This is not to teach him to 'escape' from battle, but to teach him the prerequisite for preserving himself and destroying the enemy."

As he spoke, he winked at Bucky Lulu.

Recalling the 'dong' Bucky in the elevator, Lulu's face suddenly turned red. Fortunately, the lighting in the briefing room was very dark in order to facilitate viewing the map.

Others did not notice the change in her expression, and regarded her silence as a daily sign of frustration with Alex.

"Okay, Captain Alex."

When Ma Sui opened his mouth, he smiled and spread his hands, not talking.

"For the next combat content, we have to obey the arrangements of the Davao Command, but we are a force of the Atlantic Federation and have a certain degree of autonomy. However, I hope that you will consider our next 6000-kilometer voyage and try to be as normal as possible. Fight.”

Having said this, she stretched out her left hand.

"In 5 days, we only need to hold on for 5 days until reinforcements or we evacuate on our own."

At this time, the phone in the briefing room rang.

Bucky Lulu picked up the phone.

"what's up?"

"Captain Natal, there is contact from Davao headquarters."

Baji Lulu looked back at Masuo.

Seeing her nodding, he replied.

"Received in the briefing room."


After turning on the indoor lighting, the map on the screen was also moved to one side, and the figure of a brigadier general was displayed on the other half of the screen.

"I am Brigadier General Giles Herten, commander of the Davao garrison. First of all, thank you for your willingness to come to support Davao."

Then he saluted several people, and Masuo and others hurriedly returned the salute.

"You are serious, Commander Giles."

"The situation is urgent now, and I won't be too polite to you. Originally, I planned to ask you to dispatch tomorrow. But ZAFT just launched a new round of onslaught. The situation on the right front of our army is critical. So please dispatch now. ."

Unexpectedly, several people were stunned when the order to attack was issued under such circumstances.

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