Masuo thought for a moment, raised his head and said to Giles.

"Please provide specifics and we will look into how to act."

Her words were tantamount to agreeing to the other party's request.

"Thank you."

Giles was not one to talk nonsense, so he immediately sent over the specific situation.

It seems that the crisis on the right defense line is indeed very serious, otherwise the headquarters would not be eager to let them who have just arrived attack.

This is the defense line that was broken through by the Baku Squadron before.

Because the terrain is flat and to facilitate access to the airport, there are two wide main roads running through it from southwest to northeast.

It is very suitable for mechanized troops to launch assaults, but for the defender, it is somewhat difficult to protect.

As a result, these two roads became huge loopholes in the defenders' defense line.

Adding traditional obstacles, barricades and trenches has little effect on MS.

Can only rely on mechanized troops for mobile defense. The coalition uses linear artillery tanks and self-propelled linear howitzers as the main force of defense, paired with Bulldog missile launchers and Gatling trucks.

These mechanized weapons are very difficult to fight against MS.

At this moment, ZAFT mobilized the strength of two MS squadrons, and under the cover of artillery fire, suddenly launched another attack from this direction.

"Ahead at 3 o'clock! Baku appears! It has found us! Move, move!"

Inside a linear gun tank behind the bunker, the commander of the lieutenant shouted loudly.

Although we have entered a new era, the problem of noise inside the tank still exists.

Although there is in-car communication, relying on shouting is still the habit of most tank crew members.

The gunner immediately controlled the turret to rotate and fired a shot in a hurry.

The driver immediately reversed the vehicle and retreated the tank into the lane next to the bunker.

The rocket fired by Baku hit the bunker, and the debris mixed with smoke from the explosion hit the front face of the tank.

The hurried firing of the linear gun tank did not hit Baku.The opponent even dodged the cannonball without even moving.

But this round of firefight between the two sides was like a starting gun, alerting more linear artillery tanks.

So three more linear gun tanks poked their heads out from behind the bunker and fired at Baku.

Several shells were dodged by Baku quickly, just as the mobile suit jumped up to avoid one of the shells.

The tank from the beginning suddenly appeared, raised its barrel and aimed a shot at Baku in the air.

This shot indeed hit the mobile suit, but the crew did not stop to celebrate, but immediately accelerated and escaped into the alley again.

The next moment, Baku broke through the smoke and fired multiple rockets at the locked target.

The tank's linear cannon cannot effectively penetrate the MS armor at long range unless it hits joints and other parts.

If it originally relied on satellites, the linear gun tank could launch satellite-guided shells from a distance. Although it could not penetrate the MS armor, the shooting distance was long and relatively safe.

Under neutron interference conditions, satellite guidance was abolished.

If you want to achieve penetration, you must take risks and close the distance.

And that distance is actually close to entering the hand-to-hand combat range of the MS.

In terms of height, MS can guarantee its own attack and easily fill the tank's Tianling Cap.

That's why the Union Army's armored forces suffered heavy losses.

The crew just now also knew that it was impossible to effectively penetrate at this distance, so they immediately maneuvered after hitting.

The crews who have survived the battle all know this, so after firing the cannon, they will not stand there stupidly like rookies waiting to confirm the results of the battle.

36 meter, go first!

Not only this tank, but other tanks also started maneuvering immediately after firing.

Therefore, Baku's attack was completely in vain.

Chapter 110 Demons and Wolves

Seeing that the tanks of the coalition forces were hidden again, Baku folded his limbs and used crawlers to move forward in a straight line.

The jet thrusters on the back wings are activated, giving the aircraft body extremely strong acceleration and propulsion performance.

Baku's quadruped mode is suitable for navigating complex terrain, while its tracked mode is suitable for rapid advancement on those flat terrains.

Although ZAFT obtained the beam saber technology by seizing the Project G body.But the Baku in front of him did not have a mouth beam saber installed.

Because of the battle, it has not yet undergone a large-scale change of clothes.

However, this does not mean that Baku does not have actual melee weapons. Long before acquiring beam saber technology, ZAFT had already tried to install physical blades for Baku.

This is a weapon that ZAFT has modified on the battlefield based on combat needs.

After all, for a four-legged and agile machine like Baku, it really can't be justified without melee weapons.

You can't expect to knock over a heavy tank with mechanical legs, right?If you always do logistics like this, you will scold your mother!

So the frontline soldiers used their ingenuity to install a physical blade like a fang under Baku's head, which could easily pierce the tank's Tianling Cap.

This Baku was gliding quickly on the street. If there was no obstruction, he could go directly along the road to the airport.

Then it can shoot out the 400mm rockets in the missile launcher on its back in one go, thus causing a new round of effective strikes on the airport.

Obviously, this was not what the defenders wanted to see, so they had to bite the bullet and intercept it.

"Stop him, we can't let them continue to attack the airport!"

The commander of the tank squadron immediately ordered loudly.

So many linear gun tanks poked their heads out from behind the bunkers, turned their turrets and fired at the Baku.

There was even a Bulldog missile launcher that took the risk of firing at this mobile suit.

At this moment, from behind them, Baku rushed towards them.

Two other Bakus carrying twin 450mm electromagnetic guns also suddenly appeared and attacked the exposed defenders' armor.

The power of the 450mm caliber electromagnetic gun can easily penetrate bunkers and the back of the head of a linear gun tank.

Under their precise fire, the exposed linear gun tanks were called out one by one.

"Not good! This is a trap!"

The other surviving tanks had to give up the attack and retreat, but even so, many tanks were killed by the opponent in one go, including even the squadron's command vehicle.

The remaining tank troops, which lost their unified command, also fell into brief chaos.

At this time, the first Baku successfully broke through the defense line and headed towards the base like a warrior.

"Success! The first team rushes in! The second team covers!"

Forcing the linear gun tank troops into chaos, the two electromagnetic gun Baku also accelerated and rushed forward along the street.


Behind them, a new Baku poked his head out, blocking the street with the electromagnetic gun and missile nest on his back.

Seeing that the defense line was about to be breached, many brave crews took the risk of being destroyed and shot at the two Bakus.

But under the fire blockade from Baku in the rear, any tank that dared to show its head was hit by them and turned into a flaming wreckage.

When the situation was so critical, a huge physical ship-cutting knife suddenly fell from the sky and was accurately inserted in the middle of the road.

"What! No!"

Seeing a huge blade suddenly appeared in front of the aircraft, the Baku pilot had no time to turn and only had time to let out a scream.

Then Baku, who couldn't dodge, ran directly into the Grand Slam Ship-Slashing Blade. The movement speed of the four-legged mobile suit matched the sharp blade.

The body that hit it was directly split into two. The two-half body even rushed forward for a certain distance before falling to the ground and exploding.

"what happened!"

The Baku pilot of the other plane, who was lucky enough to escape, still didn't understand what happened.

He was hit by a beam of light falling from the sky. The beam shot diagonally through the body from above and behind, causing the Baku to lose its balance instantly and roll over.

After rolling to the side and coming to a stop, it also exploded into a flaming wreckage.


"what happened?"

"Is it reinforcements?"

The explosion of the two Bakus made the band of the Union Army's tank troops lively.

"Look at the sky!"

I don't know who said something, and all the surviving people looked up to the sky.

Now it was the Union tank force's turn to be surprised.

I saw a red and white mobile suit falling to the ground.

In the distance, a red, white and blue mobile suit also moved quickly with a shield raised.

Behind the assault were the burning remains of Baku, which was the first to break through.

"This is the Heretic, Assault, and Alliance Armored Forces that the Archangel belongs to. Don't accidentally hurt us."

Alex made an announcement to the combined forces.


"Actually friendly forces?"

They looked at each other's IFF and were very surprised.

However, the opponent's appearance was completely different from ZAFT's one-eyed series of machines, so they did not launch an attack on these sudden appearance of MS.

The news of the arrival of the Archangel and MS had not yet reached the frontline officers and soldiers.

In the chaotic environment of the battlefield, the headquarters only sent the news to the frontline headquarters, and then they passed it down.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidental attacks, Mu could only fly the Air King with Cagalli to attack first.

At this moment, two fighter planes were hovering in the sky, providing guidance and support for heretics and attacks.

"It's a mobile suit of the Earth Army!"

And the three Baku in the distance naturally recognized who these two MSs were.


Without any hesitation, Santai Baku immediately poured firepower on the red devil and the powerful attack in the distance.

As the siren sounded, the two MSs immediately moved.

Strike jumped up with the help of an air combat backpack, and pointed the beam rifle in his hand at Baku to fight back.

The heretic started the thrusters, and with a roar, the red and white machine rushed forward as if flying close to the ground.

When passing by Grand Slam, he pulled out the ship-cutting knife that was stuck on the ground.

Then with a flash of white light, he rushed straight towards the Baku!

"He's coming! Back off!"

Facing the notorious 'Red Devil', the pilots in Baku naturally did not want to confront him head-on.

Instead, they took advantage of their own body's mobility, but the moment they dispersed.

The big sword in the heretic's hand was suddenly thrown out!

The huge ship-cutting knife was like a flying telegraph pole, blocking a Baku that couldn't dodge in time and inserting it into the wreckage of the building behind it.

"Eri! Damn it!"

Another Baku pilot witnessed the death of his friend and shouted loudly.

Then use the electromagnetic gun on the back of the body to continuously fire at the heretic.

After completing the attack, the red and white aircraft quickly stepped on the ground and stopped and slowed down.

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