At this moment, the idea of ​​​​bringing the Archangel and Raid to Alaska became more and more intense in Ma Li's mind.

'Lord Halbarton, I will not let you down. '

A few minutes later, all boarding personnel who needed to be evacuated were boarded.

Then the Archangel gradually lifted off the ground amid Masuo's orders.

At this time, Qiang Qiang and Jin En, who had received the order to evacuate, as well as the two Air Dominators, were still trying to get rid of their pursuers.

Chapter 134 Destruction of Davao

Although it was not far from the airport, the enemy, who had already launched real fire, did not want to let the Archangel's mobile suit team escape.

In the past few days of fighting, strong attacks and red demons have caused considerable losses to the ZAFT army.

Therefore, many people are holding their breath and want to kill them.

"Go and pick them up, the Archangel enters combat mode."

After learning the specific situation, Masuo issued a support order without hesitation.

And Baji Lulu immediately commanded CIC to prepare for battle.

"No. 1 to 6, and No. 18 to 24 launch tubes are loaded with anti-aircraft shells. Goedfeldt, Barriant, deploy!"

The sound of the Archangel setting sail was naturally quite large. Although it was night, ZAFT quickly discovered the movement of Long Legs.

Although I don't know whether the opponent's purpose is to escape or launch a counterattack, after all, the Archangel is a battleship that cannot be underestimated.

Its firepower poses a great threat to ground troops.

Therefore, ZAFT still responded cautiously.

"Send out the MS team and make sure to shoot down this ship here!"

At this time, Jin Enhe Qiang was retreating towards the Archangel under the cover of Air Overlord.

"Where are they? They're here to pick us up."

Cagalli saw the Archangel flying towards them and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Be aware of your height and your surroundings, it's not a safe time yet."

Mu Ze discovered that Dean and Jin En were quickly approaching the Archangel.

Turn the aircraft's nose and use the Flame God to immediately shoot in the direction of the MS attack. This not only disrupts the enemy's formation, but also serves as a warning for the Archangel.

"MS approaching were spotted on the port side, number 6! It's Dean and Jinn!"

"Gothfeldt, fire!"

The Archangel quickly turned its main turret and fired in the direction of the MS attack.

Two green beams hit a mobile suit that had no time to dodge, and exploded into a destructive firework in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Bucky Lulu ordered to fire the loaded anti-air shot shells.

In the night, the missile trailing a bright tail flame exploded at a predetermined distance.

The shotgun fired in a fan shape caused serious damage to Dean, whose armor was fragile.

The Porcupine Formation close-in defense gun also makes the Archangel shoot its spikes at the enemy like a real porcupine.

Taking this opportunity, Masuo gave a decisive order.

"The catapult is open and ready to recover the body."

The catapults on both sides were opened, and the first to land were the two Air Dominators.

"Major Mu, Cagalli has completed the landing!"

Mirialia reported.


At this moment, she made a surprised sound.

"What happened?"

Bucky Lulu, who was in charge of CIC command, immediately asked her.

"Captain Alex requested, launch the GPU."


Not only Masuo, but also Bucky Lulu was surprised.

"The captain said now is not the time to return to the ship. The Archangel needs cover. So he and Kira stay outside for the time being."

"I understand, fire the GPU!"

What the other party said made sense, so Ma Li gave the decisive order.

After the GPU was ejected, Alex, who had already been confirmed, immediately controlled the aircraft to jump up and landed firmly on the flight pedal.

"Kira, pay attention to the ground fire. I'll be in charge of the air."


After simply assigning the areas they were responsible for, they each started taking action.

Assault wields a beam rifle and shoots accurately at the ground. The green beam will name any MS that poses a greater threat to the Archangel.

Bucky Lulu also ordered Baliant to point to the ground at the maximum depression angle, and cooperate with the force attack to suppress the enemy firepower on the ground.

In the air, the ZAFT Army MS saw the pink-white Jin En stepping on the GPU and heading towards them.

"It's the red devil!"


"Outflank him!"

Just as Dean and Jin were trying to outflank, they saw the mobile suit and the flight pedals under their feet suddenly lowered in height.

Then the covered heavy anti-aircraft missile launched from the Archangel was revealed.

These missiles exploded suddenly, showing a fan-shaped covering of shotshells, making the ZAFT army who had originally planned to outflank them fly.

Several Deans who were unable to dodge were smashed into sieves on the spot. In addition, the GPU under Jin En's feet was also shot, dragging black smoke and struggling to fly.

Alex seized the opportunity and fired with the assault rifle in the machine's hand.

A Jinn, which had slowed down due to damaged pedals, was hit and exploded in the air.

Successfully cooperating with the Archangel, the pink-white Jin En climbed up again.

Like a catfish rushing into a school of sardines.

As the fighting distance got closer, Alex also took advantage of the situation and drew his heavy sword.

The moment he passed by a Dean, his knife cut off the wing behind the opponent.

Dean, who had lost his wing and left arm, could no longer maintain his height and fell to the ground with a groan.

Alex's battle not only attracted the enemy's attention, but also bought time for the Archangel.

"Gotfield, fire!"

Under Malsu's order, the two twin beam cannons at the front of the Archangel fired.

Four green laser beams lit up the night sky, and at the same time took away several enemy aircraft that were besieging Alex.

He didn't care about shooting from such a dangerous distance. Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity to approach the enemy plane again.

The heavy slashing sword in his hand slashed horizontally, cutting Jin En on the Gewu into two pieces.

Although the Archangel came to support Strike and Jin En, Masuo still did not forget their purpose.

"Turn right 90 degrees, let's evacuate here."

After the Archangel temporarily repelled the enemy, Masuo seized the time and issued a retreat order.

As the huge ship turned, Qiangqiu and Jin En also turned together, preparing to leave the sky that day.

As early as a few days ago, Masuo and others had discussed in advance how to evacuate Davao in the worst case scenario.

The first is to go to Zamboanga Port along the original route. The advantage is that they can join the reinforcements coming to support. The risk is that they have to pass through the ZAFT-occupied area and have to fight all the way out.

The second step is to turn around 180 degrees, cross Mindanao, and fly directly to Batangas Port.

The advantage is that you can easily get rid of the pursuers, but the disadvantage is that there are no other supply ports along the way.

The last route is more radical, heading directly east across the Gulf of Davao and then making a 7000-kilometer loop to Orbu.

Needless to say, the shortcomings are that they have no supplies for these 7000 kilometers and will be pursued by ZAFT submarine carriers.

Everyone agreed that this route should only be used as a last resort.

To this end, Alex also contacted a second-hand garbage dealer he knew to prepare to provide supplies for the Archangel on the road.

However, there was now a group of East Asian Federation evacuees on the ship that needed to be transported, so Masuo chose the second route.

Since they promised Brigadier General Giles, they must keep their word and send the people back.

What's more, after a series of fierce battles, the Archangel also needs to go through supplies before heading to Orb.

However, to be on the safe side, Masuo decided to deceive the enemy and reduce the risk of being pursued as much as possible.

So she first ordered to turn right, pretending to go to join the Third Fleet.

Sure enough, when the Archangel turned right and assumed a posture of heading towards Mount Apo.

After receiving the information, the ZAFT Army's frontline headquarters, combined with the reinforcements from the Third Fleet that were about to arrive, made two crucial judgments.

First of all, the Archangel is going to join the Third Fleet. Secondly, they have no time to occupy Davao.

Regarding the former, the decision made by the frontline command was to send Dean's troops to conduct a final round of attacks. Regardless of whether they succeeded or not, the battle must be ended within 40 minutes.

As for the approaching East Asian Federation reinforcements, although they are about to win the final victory, in order to avoid being blocked by the enemy in Davao Bay just after taking Davao.

The ZAFT Army's frontline headquarters decided to adopt Plan B.

Plan A is to capture the Davao base, but under the current circumstances, it is obvious that Plan A is too late.

Plan B is relatively simple, which is to use firepower to completely blow the Davao base into ruins, so that it will lose the threat to the Carpantalia base in a short period of time.

In this way, the integrity of the troops can be ensured to the greatest extent and losses can be reduced.

So far, due to the intrusion of the Archangel, the ZAFT Army's losses in the battle against Davao have exceeded initial estimates.

If Plan A is continued, although the threat from Davao to the Carpantaria base can be offset, the idea of ​​freeing up troops for the Cut-Throat Operation will completely fail.

Therefore, the frontline command believes that executing Plan B is the most appropriate choice at the moment.

The General Command of the Carpantaria Base, which received the frontline report, also agreed with the judgment of the frontline command.

So the defenders who were still struggling to hold on suddenly discovered that the ZAFT army, which was attacking fiercely, actually began to retreat.

This sudden move left the defenders a little confused.

But the defenders, who had become exhausted, were no longer able to pursue the retreating enemy.

"Commander! The ZAFT army has retreated!"

In the underground headquarters of the Davao base, the adjutant excitedly reported the good news to Giles.

"Retreating? At this time."

Regarding this 'good news', Giles was not happy, but frowned.

According to the news just now, the ZAFT Army's Baku has already set foot on the airport runway.

They were only 200 meters away from victory.

Why did you suddenly give up on the fruits of victory that were about to be obtained?

"Could it be that……"

Just when he thought of something, the underground command room was suddenly shaken violently. The lights above his head went out, then the backup generator started, and the lights switched to night working mode.

"Commander! The airport was under massive shelling and bombing! The ammunition depot was hit!"

Feeling the tremor of the explosion coming from above his head, Giles understood the purpose of the ZAFT army.

"They are going to paralyze the Davao base!"

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