In addition to the attack on the airport, the naval base in Davao Bay also came under long-range fire.

While the East Asia Federation fleet stationed here was busy fighting against air threats, an underwater mobile suit force composed of Gen and Zono also broke through the waterway and launched an attack on the fleet...

Chapter 135 Jin En type anti-aircraft turret

The core of Plan B is to completely paralyze the Davao base and eliminate the enemy as much as possible.

Gain a period of security for the Carpantaria base so that Operation Cutthroat can be launched.

Under the guidance of this core idea, the ZAFT Army reversed its cautious attack in order to capture the Davao base in Plan A.

Conduct saturation fire strikes in a way that completely destroys the enemy.

Although the Archangel had already left the base, they still noticed the explosion and flames caught in the Davao base in the dark.

"The Davao base is under large-scale attack. Is ZAFT planning to destroy this base?"

Jackie looked at the continuous fire on the screen like a volcanic eruption, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Looks like it is."

Masuo frowned.

Apparently, ZAFT changed its plan of action.

"I guess they didn't have time to occupy it, so they had no choice but to destroy this place."

Alex also saw the tragic situation at the Davao base from the cockpit screen.

"Why did they do this? It can even be said that this battle is a bit inexplicable."

Mu, who was wearing a pilot uniform, frowned.

It's no wonder he thinks so, after all, the attitude of the East Asia Federation was very mysterious before.

The ZAFT army's previous raid on the Kaohsiung Space Port made the world aware of the ambiguity between the East Asia Federation and ZAFT.

A lone army raided the heavily defended space port in the hinterland of the East Asian Federation, and actually succeeded.

No one would believe it, but it did happen, and ZAFT succeeded.

So much so that the Atlantic Federation and the Eurasian Federation are privately rumoring that the East Asian Federation will negotiate a separate peace with PLANT.

However, the East Asian Federation flatly denied this.

And soon after, the two sides started fighting in Southeast Asia.

Whether it was Port Moresby or Davao, the cruelty and intensity of the battle exceeded that of the Battle of Kaohsiung.

This is very puzzling.

However, everyone on the Archangel did not have time to consider the real answer to this question.

Because the radar showed that at least two squadrons of mobile suits were approaching the Archangel.

"Dean is approaching, number 30, no, counting!"

The CIC report made Ma Su and others nervous again.

"All ships, prepare for battle!"

Bucky Lulu immediately ordered the already loaded anti-air missiles to be launched.

At the same time, Barriant also turned and fired towards the rear.

"Turn right 90 degrees and follow the planned route."

Now that ZAFT has sent pursuers, the Archangel has changed its course again and headed northeast of Mindanao.

"The target has changed course and is moving north-east of the island."

Dean's squadron, which was in pursuit, immediately reported the situation to the frontline headquarters.

"The long-legged one fought back."

"Be careful to evade and outflank them. We are pressed for time."

Subsequently, Dean's squadron, which entered the attack range, immediately dispersed under the Archangel's counterattack fire, and at the same time launched an attack on the target with its own firepower.

Strike disconnected the emergency charging cable and jumped from the upper deck of the Archangel.

Kira aimed at a Dean and calmly pressed the shooting button.

The mobile suit that had just dodged the Archangel anti-air missile was directly penetrated by the green beam.

The explosion briefly illuminated the night sky, but the remaining Dean still wrapped around the Archangel from behind like a large unfolded net.

"Dean is approaching from both sides!"

"The Porcupine Formation divides the shooting area and intercepts the shooting! If you don't notice, you will hit the force."

Bucky Lulu gave the order calmly.

Assault jumped up with the help of the wing backpack and flew directly to the airspace behind the Archangel to disperse the Dean formation here.

But Alex stayed calmly on the upper deck, waiting for the opportunity.

When Dean's team, which was outflanking the Archangel from both sides, approached, the pink-and-white painted Jinn began to take action.

"Try this."

At this time, Jin Encai, who was half kneeling on the ground, stood up, and the two rocket launchers on his shoulders were raised.

This is a multi-functional rocket launcher originally planned for use in the attack in the Eighth Fleet's supplementary supplies.

It can install multiple 5-round rocket magazines, and can switch between different ammunition types by switching the magazines to deal with a variety of targets.

Now, the two rocket launchers on Jin En's shoulders were all equipped with shotgun magazines.

Alex first targeted the Dean formation that appeared on the port side of the Archangel.

As for why it is port side, it is simply because he is left-handed.

The two assault bazookas quickly fired alternately, and in a short time, their first magazines were emptied.

Then Jin immediately turned around, launched an attack on the starboard side of Dean's team, which had already opened fire on the Archangel and himself, and fired a second round of shotguns.

At this time, Dean's team on the port side was caught off guard by Jin En's round of crazy shooting.

Dean, whose activity area had been compressed by the Archangel's close-in defense gun, hit a 'blocking net' composed of 10 shotgun shells.

Dean's team in the lead was covered in bullets and completely destroyed on the spot.

Although the other teams in the rear were not completely wiped out, some of them were shot down and injured.

More importantly, the original formation and attack rhythm were completely disrupted.

The situation of Dean's team on the right was better. After all, the attack force on the port side was beaten so badly that they discovered the rocket launcher carried on the shoulders of the pink and white Jin En!


Although they didn't know that the opponent was firing shotguns, their subconscious dispersion of formation still made them much luckier than the port attack wave.

The number of shot downs and injuries was far less than that of friendly forces on the port side.

However, with two rounds of shotgun attacks, Dean's attack formation was broken.

The strong attack seized the opportunity, flew from the side and rear, and fired bursts from the beam rifle in its hand, shooting down two Deans who were injured by shotguns and slowed down a beat.

With the assistance of the Flying Wing backpack, after the attack quickly closed the distance, the beam saber in the other hand suddenly raised.

A mobile suit that had no time to dodge was cut into two pieces. In the light of the explosion, Strike immediately turned around and began to lower its altitude and fall towards the Archangel.

The Wing Backpack cannot fly in the atmosphere, so after a short stay in the air, you need to find a place to stay.

The other Deans, who were not suspicious of fraud, caught up and wanted to avenge their comrades.

However, the attack suddenly lowered its altitude again, and then the rocket launcher in Jin En's hand opened fire at the same time.

Two new rounds of shotguns were fired, knocking out several more of Dean who was pursuing the attack. Other MSs that were lucky enough not to be caught in the attack range had to climb up immediately.

Although the attack did not land on the upper deck, it used the Archangel's hull to kick off its flying backpack and take off again.

The beam rifle fired from bottom to top, and Dean, who was busy avoiding Jin En's rocket launcher, was penetrated through the fuselage.

"Damn, these two guys!"

It was only then that Dean's pilots realized they had been fooled.

After the threat on the starboard side temporarily subsided, Alex immediately turned his attention to the other side.

The Dean formation on the port side had now completed its reorganization and launched another attack on the Archangel.

Jinn fired cannonballs at the reorganized enemy, matching the ship's firepower.

"The starboard side is yours, Kira."

"Yes! Captain!"

"Mu, now!"

"Roger that!"

Just as the Dean fleet was entangled with the Archangel and Jin En with the strike, the catapult at the front of the hull opened.

Immediately afterwards, an Air King roared out and ejected.

"I am coming!"

Mu held the control stick tightly, and the fighter jet roared and climbed, then quickly rolled and turned.

Shoot Dean with your beam cannon and cannon.

The Air King did not carry any extra load during this sortie, it was carried lightly.

And there is a reason for this. When being besieged by the enemy, it is very dangerous to open the catapult and attack.

Because it is very easy for the enemy to take advantage of it and break into the ship.

However, Mu, who is a master of arts and bold, came up with a way.

That is to let the two Air Dominators not carry any extra load, and first enter the ejection channel that has not yet been opened to carry out pre-ejection work.

Then, by maintaining contact with Alex from the outside world, when the two mobile suits attracted the attention of the ZAFT army, the ejection channel was suddenly opened.

The two Air Dominators, which had completed all preparations, immediately ejected.

Try to complete the entire process of opening, ejecting, and closing before the enemy reacts.

When Mu ejected, the catapult door was not even fully opened, but with the bold skills of a skilled artist, he successfully ejected.

Cagalli was a step slower, but successfully ejected.

"Close the hatch!"

Then the ejection channel immediately began to close.

But even so, an accident occurred. One of the Deans happened to move to the front of the ship to avoid the Archangel's firepower.

"The catapult is open!"

Spotting the long-legged catapult tunnel, the ZAFT pilot immediately recognized an opportunity.

So the MS immediately dived, trying to rush into the ship before the hatch closed.

"Dean is approaching the ejection tunnel!"

CIC's voice was full of tension.


Bucky Lulu immediately ordered.

"It's too late, he's hiding in Goldfeldt's blind spot!"

"pass it to me!"

Alex's voice came, and then Jin En was seen striding to the edge of the upper deck.

As a cautious person, he had long been prepared for such unexpected situations.

The rocket launchers in collective hands were lowered, and then two rockets were fired.

Two shells exploded in mid-air, turning the diving Dean into a burning wreckage.

At this time, the Archangel was also under the control of helmsman Neumann, and the bow was slightly raised.

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