He glanced at Luo, who was being used as a tug-of-war tool. Alex felt that it would be better not for this kind of 'pleasure' to happen to him.

However, he took the opportunity to speak.

"In fact, there is no difference in life between natural people and adjusters."

"We all have our own joys, sorrows and joys, our own lives, our relatives and friends, and our own hobbies."

"If there was no war, everyone's life would be...well, although it wouldn't be so 'happy' every day, it would be peaceful and peaceful after all."

"Yes. Life is supposed to be like this. But it's all changed because of the war. Why is there a war?"

Nigel looked at the laughing and playing people and felt quite moved.

When he was in PLANT, he used to have fun with his friends like this.

But now, many of his friends have put on military uniforms and set foot on the battlefield like him.

Peace is indeed a very precious treasure.But now, peace is a luxury.

"Instructor, tell me, when will the war end?"

Shaking his head, Alex answered frankly.

"I don't know when the war will end. But what I know is that if this war is not prevented from escalating and expanding, there will be no winner in the end. Whether it is an adjuster or a natural person, both sides will lose in the end."

Sighing, Nicol, who was like a little adult, sighed.

"Stop it? What should we do? In the current situation, even Teacher Malchio cannot calm down the two parties and sit at the negotiation table."

He's talking about reality.

The famous blind guide on Earth, Malchio, worked hard to facilitate several talks between the two sides, but all ended in failure.

As the war between the adjusters and the natural people continues, the hatred between the two sides is deepening, and the hope for peace seems to be getting slimmer.

"Actually, Aslan and I took the opportunity to have a detailed discussion."

"Huh? When?"

Nigel was stunned, but Alex didn't say that the two of them had a fight first and then talked.

"Just recently."

He hesitated, then continued.

"I hope he can return to PLANT and look for organizations to organize those who are willing to end the war to form a force for peace. At the same time, I will also work hard to contact people on the earth who agree to end the war to unite and form another peace force. Strength. Both sides work together in their respective camps to promote the arrival of peace."

"That's it. It sounds good. You are indeed an instructor."

"You don't have to flatter me. It's easy to say but difficult to do. It takes a lot of time and energy."

"Yes, it's very difficult."

Although the green-haired boy is young, he is no stranger to this kind of thing. It can be said that he has deep feelings about it.

On weekdays, listening to his father's words at the dinner table, he could feel that the war was expanding.

The father, on the other hand, is worried that if this continues, what kind of power both parties will eventually invest is unimaginable and unimaginable.

But when it comes to ways to achieve peace, the father, as a senior executive of PLANT and ZAFT, is also worried.

"However, I trust the instructor."

"Then do you want to do something for peace? Nigel."

Regarding the question raised by Alex, Nigel thought for a moment and nodded.

"Of course I do. However, I am a prisoner now. This ship will eventually leave Orb and head to Alaska, right? Instructor. I don't know my own fate yet."

"Yes. But I have a way. After all, I am the man who makes the impossible possible."

After saying that, Alex winked at the boy.

Nigel was stunned for a moment, then smiled and whispered.

"Then, I'm looking forward to a miracle from the instructor."

At this time, Luo, who finally broke free from the Shura field, hurriedly came to Alex and complained.

"You don't even help me!"

"You see Liam and the professor didn't interfere, why should I?"

"You guy..."

After complaining for a few words, Luo said excitedly.

"By the way, I got some good stuff from the cemetery."

Alex looked at this guy in surprise.


"That's right, it's a weapon made of rare metal! Do you want a pair of tachi? I'll sell you one."


He answered decisively.

The things obtained from the cemetery are still physical swords, which are the two weapons of the Red Heretic in Gaiden.

Kikuichimonji and Kotetsu are in trouble!

Not a fool!

Seeing him take the bait, Luo showed a profiteer's smile.

"Chenghui, one hundred million."

"You'd better go back to your Shura field!"

Seeing Alex trying to kick him back between the two women who were fighting cocks.

Luo jumped away hastily.

"Do you have anything to discuss? Don't be violent when it comes to bargaining."

"One hundred million! If I spend one-third of the money, I can recruit a group of people to rob you, okay? How do you open your mouth?"

Although Alex's reaction was strong, he still underestimated Luo's face.

"Is it open like this? Look."

Seeing this guy's mouth open in front of him, Alex wanted to take the mobile suit's beam sword hilt and stuff it into him.

Taking a deep breath, he began to bargain.

"100 million, no more."

This time Luo jumped up.

"Why don't you go and grab it? 100 million! That's a weapon made of a special alloy. Why are you sending a beggar away? 5000 million."

"There is no difference between a rag collector and a beggar. 120 million."

"You... do it well, for the sake of your friends. 3000 million."

"So our friendship can only be discounted to 3000 million? This disappoints me so much, Luo Jure. 200 million!"

"Why do you have the nerve to say this? How many times have you tricked me? You say it yourself! 2000 million!"

"But haven't I also introduced you to a lot of business? According to normal terms, there must be no deductions? But you gave me 220 million that time!"

"You vampire, Grandet! The business you introduced is not very profitable, and you still have the nerve to ask for a deduction! 1500 million!"

"How much did you earn from the last business of delivering letters to Orb and PLANT? I see there are a lot of new things added to the HOME number. 250 million."


Nigel on the side looked dumbfounded at the instructor who had just talked to him about working hard for peace.

At this time, it was like an aunt going to buy groceries and a street vendor haggling over the price.

In the end, Alex bought a physical sword made of a special alloy from Luo for 300 million, the Kiku Ichimonji.

Luo himself, however, kept another physical sword, Kotetsu.

Chapter 166 Sneaking into the Orb Trio

I don’t know how this guy fooled old Yun Aona into being willing to hand over both knives to him.

But being able to get one of them would be a big help to the Red Heretic.

This physical sword can effectively reduce the energy consumption of Red Heretic and is of great help in attacking mass-produced machines.

Originally, he planned to find an opportunity to ask Luo to help him inquire about this matter, and considered how to get the sword from the other party.

Unexpectedly, someone gave me a pillow while I was dozing off.

I have to say that Luo is indeed a person with extremely high mobility.

Although he spent a huge sum of 300 million, he didn't feel bad.

Because it was not his own money that was spent.

As an excellent ace agent, Alex can withdraw an amount of up to 500 million from an bearer account at will.

After all, the Sahak family is very generous to outstanding talents.

The whereabouts of this money will not be investigated.

So he looks very handsome when he uses public funds to swipe his card.

On the third day after the Archangel arrived in Orb, it was just getting dark in the early morning.

The sun has not yet jumped above the horizon, but the morning light has already made the sky look hazy and bright.

As an island nation, Orb is surrounded by sea fog in the early mornings all year round.

A fishing boat is drifting along with the waves on the sea. As an island country, Orb's arable area is limited and food needs to be imported, but the fishery is relatively developed.

The number of fishing boats is quite large, and there are also various private fishing and fishing associations.

Therefore, a fishing vessel at sea does not arouse suspicion.

On the boat, there were several people dressed as fishing men wearing fishing vests and water boots, fishing.

However, judging from their absent-minded expressions and the movements of looking at their watches from time to time, it is obvious that these people are not real fishermen.

After a long and anxious wait, the sound of the water being stirred suddenly came from the originally quiet sea.

Then from the fog, a light shines on the fishing boat and sends a signal at the frequency of one short and three long.

One of the people on the boat also raised his flashlight and responded with the same signal.

After the two parties confirmed each other's identities, the ship's hull soon shook slightly, and a hand stretched out from the sea and grabbed the side of the ship.

Someone immediately came forward to help the figure in a diving suit get on the boat.

One after another, two more figures appeared on the sea, and they climbed onto the boat quietly.

The leader took off the blindfold and scuba diving suit, and it turned out to be Aslan.

"I am Team Kruse, Aslan Sala, these two are my teammates."

Although they can be called 'Team Sara', Aslan obviously still feels that it is better to use the name of Cruze.

At this time, the other two people had also taken off their masks, it was Diego and Yitzhak.

The 'fisherman', a very ordinary-looking middle-aged man wearing a blue baseball cap, stretched out his hand to him.

"Welcome to the land of peace."

As he spoke, the fishing boat was launched and began sailing along the coast.

The fishing guy on this ship is PLANT's intelligence officer stationed in Orb.

After receiving a request for assistance from the Cousteau, they came to pick up the three people who wanted to infiltrate Orb and provide help.

"This is your forged document. With this ID, you can enter the outermost area of ​​the factory."

The other party handed them an ID card with their own photos.

"But if you want to go deeper, you need to verify your personal information. Time is too tight and it can't be done in a short time."

The other party even thoughtfully prepared a sum of Orb currency for each of them.

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