They also provided Shuguang Club work uniforms for them to change. This was the limit that could be achieved in a short period of time.

The three of them understood that the other party was telling the truth. After all, Orb's counterintelligence department was not a dry job.

When the three of them changed into their work clothes, the fishing boat passed a civilian port but did not enter.

"Where are we going ashore?"

The roar of the motor was a bit loud, so Aslan had to ask loudly.

"The port is too conspicuous, so we disembarked from another secluded place. The route has been marked on the navigation map."

The other party is very thoughtful and careful, and he is worthy of being an agent who can lurk outside.

The fishing boat docked at a rocky beach, and the leading agent said to them.

"This is it. After you get ashore, follow the path through the woods and you will be able to overlook the entire factory area. Then follow the guidance on the map to enter the living area and the periphery of the factory area."

"Understood, thank you very much."

"Remember to restrain yourself and don't cause trouble. We don't want to disturb the sleeping lion."

"Sleeping lion?"

The three of them were a little strange, but they didn't think much about it. They just used this word to refer to Orb.

They quickly disembarked from the boat and walked towards the shore on stones.

When they left the shore and started climbing up the mountain, the fishing boat also restarted and left.

Walking along the path up the mountain through the woods, you can indeed overlook Morgan Ledi, which is the entire factory area of ​​Shuguang Society.

Looking at the huge factory below, Aslan pictured Kira and Alex in his mind.

Suppressing the worries in his heart, he said to the other two people.

"Let's go. Although we have three days, we are pressed for time."

Together with him, Yitzhak and Diego turned and walked down the hillside toward the living area.

They will stay here for three days to investigate and track down the evidence that Long Legs is still in Orb.

Of course Alex knew about this, but he didn't take it to heart for the time being.

Because he had made complete preparations. After all, it would be very difficult to catch a few people who had sneaked into the island.

But he could prevent the news from leaking.ZAFT's original reconnaissance operation on the island would probably have come to nothing if Kira's mechanical bird hadn't been exposed.

So he made an excuse and asked Kira to temporarily store Dory, the mechanical bird, in the Archangel ship.

The reason is to prevent birds from flying around and disappearing.

Kira, who cherished Dolly very much, didn't think much about it and thought it made sense, so she locked him up in his room.

In order to facilitate their work in the Shuguang Society, Kira, Mu, Nigel and others all changed into the work uniforms of the Shuguang Society.

In Alex's opinion, this method is already foolproof.

As for how many people wandered around and were exposed?It is also very difficult, and their work is still very busy.

The writing work of OS does not occupy a lot of Kira's time.

As a master of programming, his hand speed amazes others and is beyond their reach.

"This kid was born to eat this bowl of rice."

A senior programmer under 30 years old in Shuguang Club touched the top of his head and sighed.

In this regard, Kira did not appear very proud, but still completed his work quietly.

In addition to helping rewrite the OS of Heretic M1, he also assists the staff of Shuguang Society in repairing the raid.

During the long journey from Heliopolis to Earth, the attack can be said to be a laborious and rewarding one.

However, the maintenance team on the Archangel ship has not yet completed the preparation of the maintenance manual for the G series airframe due to lack of parts.

Although Madek and others have tried their best, the entire mobile suit is still full of scars just from the appearance.

The internal parts are in even worse condition.

Technicians discovered that the drive components that attacked the limbs were extremely worn.

That's according to them.

"The whole machine is already screaming..."

However, there was nothing that could be done about it. The machines that were originally developed for the purpose of being manipulated by natural humans ended up falling into the hands of adjusters.

Even the Assault was harnessed by modifiers and used to its full potential.

Just excessive wear and tear is already a good result.

Facing the same problem, there is also the Red Heretic.

Although it is driven by Alex, its condition is even worse due to its worse parts environment than the Assault.

The technicians dismantled the body armor and saw that many parts had been replaced by Jin En's.

Apart from being surprised, I couldn't help but sigh.

In addition to lamenting Alex's strong skills, he also lamented the concentration of green skins in the Archangel's maintenance team.

In addition to using ZAFT-spec parts to replace the Heretic's own parts, these people were actually able to combine the PS armor with the Heretic's joints.

Not only can it move, it can even be used!

Although the path was wild, it also opened the eyes of Orb's technical staff.

Xunlei has given Shuguang Club a deeper understanding of ZAFT technology.

After the capture of Thunder, many of its parts have been replaced with ZAFT specifications.

By using these parts and OS as a reference, Shuguang Society can also have a glimpse of the design and development ideas of its peers in PLANT.

In addition, there are combat data obtained from these three aircraft.

These precious information have made countless technical staff of Shuguang Club obsessed with it and worked overtime to analyze it.

Furthermore, several of them were forced to work overtime with this group of lunatics and had no time to leave the underground factory.

So much so that Erica finally had to issue an order requiring them to take a forced rest to avoid the unlucky guy who died suddenly.

At the same time, Alex and others were finally rescued.

In this warm atmosphere, the modification of the new OS went very smoothly.

Kira and others are busy working in the factory. This is obviously not good news for Aslan and others.

Their first day of daytime search made no progress, and it could even be said that there was no evidence at all.

The three of them visited areas such as the dormitory area, the commercial area, and the outskirts of the military port.

Apart from seeing people peaceful and leisurely, I didn't find anything valuable.

Looking at them, Aslan and others could hardly imagine that a fight almost broke out at the border of this country's territorial waters a few days ago.

"It is indeed a neutral country, like a pure land."

Diego sat on the bench, his eyes constantly following the female high school student walking in front of him.

Because Orb has a large number of natural people, it does not stipulate that 15 years old is considered an adult like the adjusters.

Therefore, these girls who look young and beautiful and are about the same age as myself are still at school age.

"This is heaven..."

Looking at the JKs talking and laughing, Diego said with emotion.

Chapter 167 Alex’s Needs

Yitzhak slapped him on the back of the head.

"Are you only interested in women?"

Looking back and looking at his friend who had an unhappy face, Diego said righteously.

"My orientation is female. If I don't look at girls, do I look at men?"

"You guy, we are here to do business!"

Yitzhak held up the brim of his hat. The scars on his face looked very disproportionate to his age.

Therefore, he must always be careful to avoid the curious and inquiring eyes of others.

But it was also because it was too peaceful here, so no one came forward to question him.

"Humph, that's enough. Every guy here has a peaceful face!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yitzhak was actually very jealous of this kind of peace.

The original PLANT was also like this.

Although this is still the case in the mainland, the atmosphere of war has inevitably penetrated into everyone's life.

"There is still a war outside, but there is no war at all here!"

"That's enough, Yitzhak, stop talking."

Aslan put a stop to Yitzhak's grumbling.

Their current location is near the port of Hatsushima.

Here you can even clearly see the Orb military fleet anchored in the port.

"I don't expect the long-legged ones to park in the military port with great swagger, but they are indeed too laid-back."

Diego turned his head and looked at the Aegis-class battleship parked on the sea in the distance.

"It's impossible for such a big ship to be hidden without a trace."

Yitzhak's brows furrowed.

"Is it possible that he really left? What should I do, Aslan."

Aslan answered Diego's question steadily.

"I need conclusive evidence of yes, yes, yes, and no, no."

"This is really difficult to handle. Do we have to risk sneaking in somewhere?"

In response to his answer, Diego raised his chin and pointed to the outline of the mountains in the distance.

That was marked by the agents as a dangerous area that was forbidden to approach.

It is said to be the core area of ​​Shuguang Society and is tightly defended.

If the long-legged one is in Orb, then the last possible area to hide is in it.

But they currently have no way to sneak in. This place is different from Heliopolis.

There is no way to allow them to sneak in easily without alerting Orb.

"It seems that this country is indeed in trouble."

Yitzhak also put away his previous contemptuous attitude at this time.

At this time, a football fell in front of Aslan.


The three of them immediately heightened their vigilance.

At this time, a young man with black hair and red eyes ran over.

"Sorry, sorry, that's my football."

Looking at the approaching young man, Yitzhak immediately turned his head to face the sea to prevent the scars on his face from leaving an impression on the other person.

Diego continued to sit on the bench and performed Takawa Abe's classic movements.

Aslan tipped the football under his feet and kicked it gently to the boy with the arch of his foot.

Asuka quickly caught the football.

"Thank you, are you from Shuguang Club?"

He saw the work uniforms worn by the three of them.

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