In fact, Yukinocheng's judgment was not wrong.

Guxin was accidentally discovered in the high-density reef space. Unfortunately, the pirates didn't know what they were dealing with.

Subsequently, Gusin was continuously traded and robbed among various pirate groups, and finally fell into the hands of Broise.

Gusin's original outer armor was already damaged after constant fighting and tossing around. After Blois obtained it, he dismantled the original tattered outer armor.

After being modified using Man Luo's outer armor, Gu Xin became what he is now.

"Gu Xin is a Gundam-type frame. Let's keep it. It can be used to enhance combat power. When the time comes, we will see who is suitable to drive Mikazuki or Akihiro."

Naturally, Alex would not send Gu Xing back. After all, this was a Gundam.

However, who should use it has become a problem.

Logically speaking, Akihiro should be allowed to drive, but since he 'robbed' Mikazuki's Barbatos, he should compensate the other party.

Therefore, he was entangled.But he quickly put the matter aside for the time being.

After all, if you are confused, it is better to ask the two parties for their thoughts.

"In short, Gusin's current appearance should not be its original appearance. First remove the outer armor and see if it can be replaced with Barbatos' outer armor with the help of Tabings' preparations."

For Alex, Gusin's current appearance will also need to be greatly changed when it comes to the ground.

Instead of rushing to renovate when the time comes.

It would be better to directly transform it now that we have time, space, and personnel.

"Ok, I see."

Yukino Cheng also agreed with what he said. After the battle with Barbatos, Guxin's outer armor was already scarred.

It seems that Tekkadan has been busy for a long time, and in the end the trophies have to be sent back and transformed, which seems to be a loss.

But in addition to the captured ship and mobile suit, there was some 'cargo', or stolen goods, also known as Tekkadan's loot on Broise's ship.

These things, according to the cooperation agreement between Alex and Tubbins, were divided between the two parties.

But even if it is only [-]%, it is still a huge sum of money for Tekkadan.

After all, the stolen goods that could be left on the ship, apart from supplies, were cash and precious metals.

This was all Brooke's savings, but in the end, Tekkadan and Tubbins got the better of him.

After Alex ordered half of the money to be kept, the remaining half was transferred to the headquarters in Mars through Divas' bank as a backup fund.

After arranging these miscellaneous things, the meeting of Tekkadan's senior management adjourned.

After stretching, Alex decided to go to Gnaku to watch Gusing being dismantled.

After all, he still has a mission to collect information on the 72 Demon Gundam.

Yukino Cheng moved very quickly. When he arrived at Gnaku, the opponent had already begun to dismantle Guxin's outer armor with the assistance of the Tabings preparation team.

As mentioned before, Gusin's outer armor has suffered serious damage after the battle with Barbatos.

The outer armor of the head, left arm and left leg had been blown away, and part of the torso was also forcibly opened due to Barbatos' black tiger digging out the heart.

As for the condition of the cockpit, some of the MW cockpits recovered before were even more disgusting than this, and everyone in Tekkadan has become accustomed to this.

Therefore, the dismantling work was not difficult. Gradually, Alex looked at the MS that had been transformed to look like a big green frog, and his true identity was gradually revealed.



He looked back and saw Akihiro walking over with Changhong.

"Ah, it's you."

Alex turned around and looked at the brothers who had the same eyebrows, especially the expressive thick eyebrows.

"Is Changhong still adapting to life in Tekkadan?"

"Yes, life in Tekkadan is very good, thank you, captain."

Changhong is no longer as depressed as before. He and his other partners have regained their qualifications as human beings.

In addition to the abolition of the identity of the salesman, there are also more intuitive changes.

Had normal food except energy bars and even hot soup.

Sleeping on a soft bed instead of a cold floor.

They also got a chance to take a shower, and even their clothes were replaced with new ones.

This is a life that many of them have never experienced, especially after becoming a salesperson.

For them, this is already heaven.

Therefore, they cherish this opportunity very much. Many people have already expressed that they are willing to return to the battlefield immediately even if they are asked to do so now.

But Biskate told them that they would not be allowed to return to the battlefield immediately.

Instead, he returned to the Mars headquarters with the body, received unified retraining from Tekkadan, and was assigned to perform tasks.

You will even get the chance to get an education and read and write!

This makes these young people who were once top sellers feel as if they are in a dream.

Especially Changhong, seeing his brother again was once his biggest dream.

Now this dream that was unimaginable in the past has come true.

For him, this was enough for him to devote all of himself to Tekkadan.

"Captain, do you really don't need us MS pilots and aircraft to go to Earth together?"

Changhong couldn't help but ask.

He learned from his brother that Tekkadan would next go to Earth to perform an escort mission.

He was worried about how to repay, so he planned to stay and follow his brother to the earth.

"No, our current combat power is sufficient. Moreover, we need you more at the Mars headquarters."

Alex once again rejected Changhong's request.

In fact, in the past few days, this was not the first time that he had refused the request of these young men who had regained their freedom.

Seeing what Changhong wanted to say, he waved his hand.

"It's not that I don't trust you, or that I dislike your poor skills. It's just that the headquarters needs you more. I won't waste you as cannon fodder. You are valuable combat power for Tekkadan."

"But, I heard that you plan to keep Gu Xin. Wouldn't this free up a Graze Kai with Alaya knowledge? I can also drive this one."

Changhong did not give up.

"Oh, well-informed."

Reaching out his hand and rubbing Changhong's spiky head, Alex said with a smile.

"But that Graze Kai already has a new owner."

"Is it Xino? Captain."

Akihiro asked aloud.

"Yes, that guy has long wanted to become a mobile suit pilot like you."

"Ah, it is indeed that guy. No wonder he was noisier than before during lunch today."

Alex understood Akihiro's complaints very well.

Chapter 60 Farewell

Xino usually likes to chat while eating, and his voice is loud.

In the past, he was often beaten by guys from the first team because of this, but even so, he still did not change this habit.

And he is also the best person among the three teams to adjust the atmosphere.

No one can remain in a low mood when facing the smiling and optimistic Sino.

Therefore, although many people felt that Xino was too noisy while eating, no one had ever complained about him.

At most, he would be like Akihiro and complain about him.

"But, Captain."

As if he had finally made up his mind, Akihiro took a step forward and spoke seriously.

"I have a request. Can I fly this Gusin?"

"Oh why?"

There was an unexpected expression on Alex's face. You must know that Changhong's fate had been changed at this time and he did not die in front of Akihiro.

And Mikazuki has not piloted Barbatos, so Akihiro, who has always regarded him as a rival, does not have a strong desire to pilot a Gundam.

But now, Akihiro still offered to drive Guxin.

He did not hide Alex's doubts.

"Because Tekkadan helped me and made my dream come true."

He looked down at his brother Changhong.

"I never thought that one day I would be able to get rid of my identity as a salesman and reunite with Changhong again."

In fact, not only Changhong gradually became desperate for so many years of waiting, but so did Akihiro.

The fate of the Juebei people was undoubtedly tragic, but the brothers were lucky enough to meet Tekkadan and Alex.

So Akihiro, who is not good at words, had a simple idea because he didn't know how to express his gratitude.

Then use your own strength to do more things for Tekkadan.

In this way, express your gratitude.

After listening to what Akihiro said, Alex understood what he was thinking.

"Yes, yes, but to be honest, I'm still a little confused whether I should leave this machine to you or Mikazuki to pilot it. After all, you two are excellent pilots of Tekkadan, but it's a pity that you only have one Gundam for the time being."

"I understand, Captain, no matter who you give this machine to in the end, I will obey your order."

Akihiro was very open-minded. Although he took the initiative to drive Guxin, if Alex finally chose to let Mikazuki drive, he would not have any complaints.

"Since Akihiro wants to drive, let him do it, captain."

The three of them followed the sound and saw that San Riyue also appeared in Naku.

He stuffed a date into his mouth, chewed it and looked at Gu Xin who was being cut into pieces.

"I don't really like this heavy mobile suit. If possible, I would rather have a mobile suit like Barbatos. Captain."

Seeing Mikazuki voluntarily withdrawing from Guxin's pilot competition, Akihiro was very grateful.

"Thank you, Mikazuki."

"Sanming, are you really not going to try Gu Xing?"

Alex confirmed to him again.

"No, I told you, I don't like this heavy mobile suit, so captain, please get me a more agile Gundam next time."

Alex naturally nodded and agreed to this request.

"No problem, a smart MS, like Barbatos, right? I remember it."

"Thank you, Captain."

Mikazuki had almost blind trust in Alex, so even though he had not yet achieved the new high, he still expressed his gratitude to him.

From Mikazuki's point of view, as long as the captain says it, he can definitely do it.

As for the new Gundam, he just needs to wait patiently. When the time comes, Alex will naturally hand over the new body to him.

In the next few days, Tekkadan will be undergoing repairs at this base in Tabings.

The main thing is to wait for Guxin to reinstall the outer armor, and for Akihiro and Sino, who has become a mobile suit pilot, to become familiar with various types of mobile suits.

During this period, after the original Broise battleship was repainted and renamed, the assault armored ship called Firefly has also completed repairs and is ready to leave port.

This battleship is carrying all the Man Roddy and the Juebei boys, and will set off for Mars along with a fleet of Tubbins.

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