Everyone from Tekkadan saw them off at the pier.

"Changhong, after you go to Mars, remember to send me news."

Akihiro warned his younger brother.

Alex also told Takaki, Chad, Dante and others to return to the headquarters.

They will return to the Mars headquarters with the teenagers.

In addition to teaching these newcomers to familiarize them with Tekkadan's work mode as soon as possible.

These few people will also take on the work of Tekkadan's Mars headquarters. After all, those who stay on Mars are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled.

Although Divas helped take care of him, Alex always felt that it was best to have his own person take care of it all.

At the same time, Alex also wants to use this method to train more backbones for the future Tekkadan who can stand alone.

"After you return this time, you should discuss matters with Mr. Dexter about the headquarters. Don't put too much pressure on us. After all, we still have Divas' support, but don't rely too much on Divas. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Facing his instructions, several people's expressions were very serious.

"Okay, don't be so serious, just smile."

As Alex spoke, several people showed a stiff smile that was uglier than crying.

In fact, they were a little bit disappointed about being arranged to return to Mars.

They believe that others are moving forward without hesitation, but they are arranged to return to the safe rear.

Although this was the order from the group leader, I was still somewhat reluctant.

However, under Alex's clever guidance, several people also understood that they had important responsibilities after returning.

It's no easier than the members who took over the escort mission.

Therefore, when they boarded the ship, the loss in their hearts had disappeared.

On the contrary, with Alex's encouragement, he became more motivated.

After the Firefly left, Alex was still standing alone at the port's floor-to-ceiling porthole, looking at the dark universe outside.

For Tekkadan, although it is already on the right track of development.

But there are still many problems, and lack of talent is one of them.

Otherwise, he would not have sent these young salespeople and part of the backbone of the team back to Mars with such a shortage of manpower.

Except for the need to preserve fire because the road ahead is unknown.

It is also to allow some backbone forces to undergo more training to avoid being led by others due to excessive blind faith in the future.

Chad and Takaki are both good people, but because of their personalities and lack of training before, they were deceived by the second and fifth boys, and ultimately nearly wiped out Tekkadan's global distribution.

In order to avoid this situation, sending them back to Mars, with the help and care of their own people, and accumulating some work experience in advance may be able to effectively avoid similar things from happening.

Although he considered it this way, whether Chad and others could ultimately fulfill his expectations was another matter.

But don’t stop doing it just because the other person may not be able to complete it.

After all, it is man-made.

No one can say for sure what the future holds.

What he can do is to plan ahead and plan ahead.

Just as he was thinking, he noticed someone appearing behind him.

The other party did not conceal his steps, and the soles of his shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the metal floor.

"Alex, leader."

He recognized whose voice it was.

"Miss Gudilia, are you here to ask about when we will set off?"

"Ah, no, actually..."

Looking at his face, Gudilia's expression and words were a little at a loss.

In fact, she didn't come to ask about the departure time. After all, she was eager to reach the earth as soon as possible.

But after experiencing the twists and turns from the beginning to the present, Gudelia also clearly realized it.

Her journey was more tortuous than the worst-case scenario she had expected.

Although the voyage was only halfway through, at least she was still alive thanks to Tekkadan's efforts.

At this point, even her personal maid Fumitan advised her not to be anxious and just follow Tekkadan's arrangements.

Gudelia is not that kind of unruly and willful young lady. She sees all these things.

However, I came to see him off today.

But when she left, she discovered that Alex himself had not left, but was standing alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

She suddenly felt that the other person revealed a very lonely feeling.

"Miss, are you going back?"

Faced with the question from her personal maid, she hesitated.

"No, I'll just go back later. Fumitan, you go back first."

Then she turned around and walked towards Alex in front of the porthole.

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Fumitan showed a look of realization.

Then, she turned and left silently.

At this time, a few of the backbone of Tekkadan had not yet left.

Especially Xino, when he saw this scene, he was about to speak.

Olga, who had quick hands and quick eyes, covered her mouth, and then she and Biskate dragged the whining guy away.

Forget it in normal times, at this time, we must not let this guy with a loud voice ruin the 'good thing'!

When Nase and Amida saw this scene, their faces showed the expressions of experienced people. After smiling at each other, Shi Shiran left.

Atla's face was red, and she first glanced at Gudilia with envy, and then secretly looked at Mikazuki who had an indifferent expression next to her.

After seeing no response from the other party, I felt a little disappointed.

But when she saw the same braided bracelet on her wrist as Mikazuki's, a smile appeared on her face again.

Sanriyue continued to eat dates and walked outside.

He didn't care about what happened in this short moment, but thought about how he could continue to improve his combat effectiveness.

So, within a short period of time, only Alex, who didn't know anything about it, and Gudilia, who didn't know what to think, were left here.

"Just what?"

Looking at the squirming Gudilia, Alex, who didn't know why, asked doubtfully.

The first thing he could think of was that the other party came to urge him to start.

But she denied this statement. Alex, who was thinking about the future, could not turn around for a while, and did not notice the expression on the eldest lady's face.

But his rhetorical question had another meaning in Gudelia's ears.

"I...I'm not here to urge the departure. I...I know that everyone in Tekkadan is working very hard. I, just, just..."

Her voice grew quieter and quieter, until it was almost gone altogether.

Gudelia was thinking about how to explain herself so that Alex would not misunderstand her.

Chapter 61 A scene that the people love to see

Alex had to take two steps forward and close the distance between the two in order to hear clearly what the other party was saying.

Gudilia, who had been raised as a lady since childhood, finally gathered up the courage.

"I just saw that Captain Alex, you seemed a little lonely and depressed. So I...I wanted to ask you if you have any troubles. I, I, I want to help you..."

But after she finished speaking, her face turned even redder.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Alex was a little surprised by this answer.He didn't expect that Gudilia would pay attention to him.

So I was a little moved inside.

"Thank you, Miss Gudelia."

"No, don't thank me. After all, I didn't actually do anything to help you."

Gudilia's voice became softer and softer, and her head gradually became lower.

Something else suddenly came to her mind.

That was before arriving at the base in Tabines, Tekkadan held a funeral for their fallen comrades.

It turned out that on Mars, everyone in Tekkadan had already held a funeral for their comrades who died in the battle.

They were buried on the high ground near the base, and a small commemorative monument with the names of the war dead was erected.

Therefore, everyone in Tekkadan is no stranger to funerals.

But unlike on the ground, funerals in space are more like burials at sea in the old days.

Obviously there is no place for burial in the universe. Generally, the remains or relics of the victims are put into coffins and drifted in the universe.

Under the fireworks modified by Yamaki and Yukino Cheng, several coffins with Tekkadan's logo were placed into the universe and gradually disappeared.

Although many people in Tekkadan did not cry at that time.

But that night, Gudelia, Furmitan and Atla were chatting in the restaurant.

A boy from the Tekkadan appeared crying.

Although Ryder, who accompanied him, tried his best to persuade, it obviously had little effect.

In the end, it was Furmitan who held the boy in his arms, gently caressed his back, and comforted him softly.

Only then did the other party gradually calm down and stop crying.

It was said to be a form of maternal comfort, but it clearly didn't seem appropriate for Alex.

Except that the other party didn't cry, looking at the other party who was a head taller than her, Gudelia began to think about what kind of posture the other party should take to be held in her arms.

What's more, having such close physical contact with others is really too shameful for Gudilia.

She imagined the picture and suddenly felt her blood surge.

As her thoughts became more and more curious, she did not notice that the expression on her face seemed very strange to Alex.

"Miss Gudilia, are you okay?"

Looking at the other person who sometimes frowned and sometimes blushed, Alex asked cautiously.

But he didn't get an answer from the other party, so he reached out and patted Gudilia's shoulder gently.

"Miss Gudelia?"

It didn't matter what he did. The eldest lady, who was originally immersed in fantasy, felt excited all over.

Then he blurted out.

"Ah, I, I, didn't want to make you squat down, then hug you into my arms, comfort you... uh."

Then, Gudilia was stuck again, just like a video that was suddenly fast-forwarded after the network was stuck.

She was completely stunned as she spat out what she wanted to say.

Also stunned was Alex.

"This girl is so bold..."

This was the only thought in his heart at the moment.

Afterwards, Gudilia's face began to turn red with embarrassment visible to the naked eye.

What did I just say?

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