However, only one team is the main force, with strong soldiers and horses.

The second team is an empty shell and does not exist.

The third team is composed of young soldiers and desperate people, also known as the cannon fodder team.

Their role in CGS is not only responsible for various chores and standing guard, etc.

On the battlefield, it is to block the muzzle of the gun, explore the way and step on minefields, attract the enemy's firepower, and create opportunities for the team.

Therefore, their requirements are very low. As long as they can survive the implantation of Alaya Consciousness, they can operate mobile engineers as pilots.

Those who cannot be implanted are used as hard labor, responsible for some sundries.

As for those who failed to implant, they either died on the spot, or became paraplegic and were thrown out of the CGS. In any case, they were dead.

Therefore, the third team at that time did not have a captain.

After all, they are just a group of cannon fodder, and all they need to do is block the gun.

Just pick a random person in a team and you can command them.

But now, this guy actually proposed to command the third team by himself?

It really makes people laugh out loud...

In their opinion, even if Alex cannot be the captain of the first team, he can still join the first team as a pilot.

Unexpectedly, he was going to lead a group of children...

Could it be that he wanted to become a Boy Scout instructor?

And Maluk didn't expect that Alex would make such a request.He was stunned, but he quickly reacted.

Since the other party just gave him a chance, if he is put into the first team, he might have conflicts with Gangnuo and others in the future.

Although this is what he wants to see, he does not want it to cause a decrease in the combat effectiveness of the team.

On the contrary, it is a good choice to throw it to the third team. In this way, when the two teams fight against each other, as the boss, he can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

So he readily agreed.

"Well, yes. From today on, you will be the captain of the third team. Come on, I will take you to meet your subordinates."

Then he took Alex to meet with the people from the third team.

The first team had no interest in caring about a guy who wanted to be the king of children, so they left here surrounded by Gangnuo.

But before leaving, one of them, Thoth, turned back and looked at Alex's back with a stern look.

'Who is this person...? '

As a professional young man, Toth has become very interested in this mysterious man.

But at the moment, he didn't pay much attention to this man.

And Alex didn't know that besides Olga and Mikazuki, someone else had a strong interest in him.

Arriving at the underground Gnaku, the three team members who had been summoned were waiting anxiously.

Normally, it would not be a good thing to summon them like this.

Either the guys from the first team are looking for an excuse to beat them up one by one.

Either the company has received a new job and they need to be the front line and cannon fodder.

Neither option sounds very good.

Just when these young soldiers and child soldiers were still thinking about how they had offended the adults recently.

The company owner, Maluke, came in with a man.

"It's him!"

Olga was startled when she saw the man's appearance.

Others secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that there were only two people.

It didn't look like he was being beaten.

But they soon have to worry about the mission being more dangerous than getting beaten.

Maruk spoke.

"From today on, Alex will be your captain. You must obey his orders. Anyone who violates his orders will have the right to be dealt with by him. Do you understand?"

After he finished speaking, he found that all the young soldiers and boy scouts were stunned and did not answer.

So he raised his voice again.

"You guys! Do you understand?"


Listening to this group of people, there was no neat answer.

Maruk didn't care. After all, for him, the role of these people was to be responsible for various chores and to die, that's all.

After all, with the Alaya Consciousness System, even illiterate people can still have the motivation to use engineering troops.

Therefore, he did not expect these people to be of much use, and it was enough to realize their value before death.

"Leave it to you, Alex. As long as they don't die, you can train them however you want."

After turning around and giving another instruction to Alex, Maluk also left Gnaku.

Only Alex and a group of children were left, staring at each other.

Next to him was Yukinocheng, who was watching the excitement and smoking. After all, Gnaku was still his territory.

He was holding a cigarette and crossing his legs, intending to see what this highly skilled pilot was planning to do.

Alex looked at everyone first, and as expected, he saw the mission target.

Olga and crescent moon.

No way, Olga's hairstyle and hair color are too conspicuous among the crowd.

As for the black-haired and facially paralyzed child next to him who was a head shorter than him, no need to ask, he must be Mikazuki.

The two of them were wearing large, ill-fitting CGS green coats. In fact, most people present were wearing such coats.

Actually, to be honest, this coat is not ugly.

After all, Alex himself was wearing one at this time. If worn on an adult, it would indeed look very majestic.

But it's obvious that Stingy Maluk doesn't want to make uniforms specifically for children whose height and shape change very quickly.

So even the smallest uniforms look so bulky when put on them.

Especially Mikazuki, the uniform was put on him, and the hem of his shirt reached past his knees. If he zipped it up, he would feel like he was in a bucket.

So he had to roll up his sleeves above his elbows and dress with his arms open.

After confirming that the two had appeared in CGS, Alex felt reassured.

It does seem that it has been a few years since the plot began.

In addition, since the two of them are here, their next actions will save a lot of time.

While he was thinking, the children in the third team also began to whisper among themselves quietly.

After all, the man with the horrifying scar on his face had been looking at them without speaking for several minutes.

"Hey, Bisquet, what's that guy doing?"

"I don't know, Eugene, there's no point in asking me."

Just as the whispering became louder and louder, Alex finally spoke.


The children immediately shut their mouths and stopped making any sound.

They were afraid that they would be slapped if they were too slow.

"My name is Alex. You can call me Captain, or Captain Alex from now on. Do you understand?"


The children's uneven answers made him a little dissatisfied.

'It seems that these little guys need formal training. '

But first, he needs to know what the names of these dozens of little guys are.

"So, starting with the first one, tell me your names."

Chapter 6 Even if you whisper so quietly...

"My name is……"


Alex stopped the first person who hadn't finished speaking.

"In the future, like this, you need to take a step forward, step out of the queue, and then speak. Do you understand?"

"Besides, such a small voice needs to be loud, understand? Loud!"

Alex Morishita said to the others.

Although I don't know why they do this, since the other party is their captain and the boss.

Then they need to abide by what he says.And it wasn't a big deal, at least the other party didn't beat or scold them.

So starting from the first person, everyone who introduced themselves took a step forward and loudly announced their name.

"I am Akihiro Altlan! I am a salesman!"

Alex planned to take the opportunity to use the system's built-in recording device to record everyone's name.

When the recording was completed, he found that except for Olga and Mikazuki.

The other main characters of Tekkadan have already appeared here.

Biskate Griffin, Eugene Severstadt, Akihiro Altlan, Norba Sino.

Listening to the familiar names and the faces that still looked young at this time.

Alex recorded them one by one through his eyes.

After everyone reported their names one by one, the scene became quiet again.

The teenagers didn't know what the trusting captain in front of them was going to say or do.

After all, he could easily defeat a group of those hateful bastards, and it seemed that he was taking a breath of bad breath on their behalf.

But to them, the person in front of them is also an adult.

Moreover, the appearance of Alex's current body is also somewhat terrifying.

After waking up this morning, Alex looked in the mirror and realized why others on the transport ship were afraid of him.

In the mirror, the right side of his face, from forehead to cheek, had a scar that was obviously caused by burns.

This made his face look very terrifying.

Not to mention for children, even adults will be shocked when they see his face for the first time.

In fact, from an iron-blooded world view, the treatment of such scars is not difficult.

After all, Gjalalhorn has an ulterior motive, and it is a blasphemy against humanity to publicize the use of prosthetics and alaya consciousness and other external systems for the human body.

Under this kind of publicity, biotechnology treatment methods have been greatly developed and strengthened. Not to mention scars, broken limbs can be easily treated.

But the prerequisite is that you have money.

Unfortunately, Maruk, the boss of CGS, is a miser.

He even dared not perform the Alaya Consciousness System implantation surgery in a standardized manner in order to save money, let alone treat the scars on Alex's face.

According to his understanding, it does not affect normal activities and does not require treatment.

The other thing is worry. Although the trafficker patted his chest and assured himself, no one knew his identity.

But after the scar is healed, if someone recognizes Alex's identity, it will cause trouble for him.

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