Therefore, we cannot treat his scars.

So this ugly scar has always been there, but Alex plans to find a mask or something to cover it first.

As for treatment, we will figure it out later.

Anyway, for Gundam, the masked man is an indispensable component, so let yourself be a masked man for once!

After memorizing the names of these people, he clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I remember your names. Although you are still children, you should be sensible."

He glanced at everyone.

"You should also know that CGS is not a charity. If you want to survive, you still have to rely on your own efforts."

The aura he carried put the children in the three teams under great pressure.

Olga couldn't help but swallowed. Although Yukinocheng didn't speak, he could feel it.

The salesman in front of me is not an ordinary person, he should be a master who has been on the battlefield and seen blood.

'Who did Maluk bring back this time? '

Looking at him lecturing the children of the third team, Yukinocheng thought to himself.

As someone who has experienced two Gundam worlds, Alex's aura and murderous aura are far beyond anyone's reach.

Now, he is deliberately showing this kind of momentum, in order to make these children obey his orders.

Although he sympathizes with these children, he is not a good old man with a heart full of virginity.

Although he is powerful enough to blast CGS and provide shelter for these children.

But one thing he also knew very well was that after he completed the system's tasks, he would leave this world whether he wanted to or not.

If I just use my own power to save these children, what will happen after he leaves?

Tekkadan, who has lost his power source, will remain the same as before, because he climbed too fast and too high.

And was involved in the whirlpool of various conspiracies, and was torn to pieces.

The biggest problem of Tekkadan has always been the lack of systematic management talents and the lack of think tanks.

This ultimately led to them making huge bets every time, putting all their worth on it.

If you win, you take it all, if you lose, you jump off the building.

Everyone knows very well what happened to the last person who bet on the fate of the country.

So it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Since it seems that the system intends to let him take the Tekkadan route, he also has an obligation to enhance their combat effectiveness and thinking ability.

Therefore, after a short period of thinking, he made a decision.

"However, you don't have to be afraid. I will do my best to train you. These knowledge and abilities can at least give you a little more hope of surviving in this world of bastards."

After a pause, he added another sentence.

"Also, if the guys from the first team continue to beat and scold you at will, tell me and I will seek justice for you."

His words stunned the children present, and then they started whispering to each other again.

"What does he mean? Bisquet."

"I told you! I don't know either, Eugene!"

"It seems like he means to teach us how to drive a mobile suit?"

"But don't we have alaya consciousness?"

"do not know……"

"Olga, he said, was going to stand up for us."

Mikazuki looked at Olga beside him.

"I don't know. Adults often say nice things, but who knows if he will actually do it."

Although Olga wanted to believe what Alex said in her heart, because the other person looked like a hero when he beat up a group of bastards.

And children of this age are full of longing for heroes.

But Olga's own experience told him.

'What adults say is often lies...'

In this contradictory state of mind, Olga did not appear as excited as others.

Alex did not stop the children from whispering to each other, and he even took in the expressions of Olga and Mikazuki.

'It seems that the target does not fully trust me yet.We still need to keep working hard. '

For one of the two objectives in the first phase of the mission, gain the trust of Olga and Mikazuki.

Alex is not in a hurry, obviously he still has a few years to develop a relationship with these little guys.

He believed that as long as he kept his word, these children would eventually choose to believe in him.

Because they are all good kids.

"Another good guy."

After hearing what he said, Yukino Cheng on the side threw the cigarette butt on the floor and stamped it out.

He has seen many people like Alex, even guys who are nicer than him.

However, these people usually don't end well.

However, maybe this person in front of me can bring some different changes to these children.

Alex clapped his hands and ended the children's whispering.

Because they still have a lot of work to do next, and there is no time for him to conduct a long meeting.

However, he decided to set some simple rules for these children first.

"Well, that's it for the third team's first collective meeting. I have three more requests to tell you."

The children fell silent, intent on listening to what he had to say.

"First, such a group meeting should be held once a week."

"Second, before the meeting starts, I will roll the call. If someone is unable to come, they must inform me of the reason in advance, or have someone else tell them on their behalf."

"Third, at the meeting, when I am speaking, please do not interrupt me and keep quiet. If you have any questions, wait until I say 'you can ask questions' before asking. And before asking questions, you must raise your hands and call for a report. do you understand?"

After listening, the children all looked at each other.


Listening to their sparse answers, he deliberately kept a straight face.

"Speak louder and answer me neatly! Do you understand?"


This time he nodded with satisfaction. Although it was still not neat, at least his voice was much higher.

Then he asked again.

"Okay, have any of you read the book?"

Biscat raised his hand anxiously.

"Well, report, captain. I studied basic education."

Alex nodded listening to the familiar boy's voice.

"You stay, everyone else, disperse!"

Upon hearing the order to disperse, the children dispersed in a hurry.

Alex didn't scold them for this.

Although CGS is a paramilitary organization like a security company, discipline does not exist for them.

As adults, the first team is better.

But in the third team, Maluk never asked them to be disciplined. At most, they were more serious in front of their employers.

He is not willing to spend any extra cost on these cannon fodder, not even time!

For these children, although they cannot be required to follow the discipline of the army, they still need to have the most basic discipline.

At the same time, he also knows that the meal must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step.

He plans to formulate some simple disciplinary requirements, as well as corresponding rewards and punishments.

After all, although these children are precocious, they are still children after all.

However, if discipline is to be implemented, it requires a process.

It is unrealistic to ask them to meet their own requirements all at once.

In addition to discipline, he also intended to develop in them a basic level of literacy.

When he asked who had read the book just now, among the entire third team, only Biskate raised his hand.

Only then did Alex realize how lucky Tekkadan was in the original plot.

A group of illiterate and semi-literate people relied on their strength to break through the end of the first season and the foundation for the beginning of the second season.

That could be said to be Tekkadan's heyday, but then it fell quickly like a meteor.

Although he doesn't know yet what the follow-up mission will be, the system doesn't seem to object to strengthening Tekkadan's strength.

He looked at the little fat man who looked worried.

"Bisquet Griffin."

Hearing him call out his name, the other person immediately stood at attention subconsciously.

"Yes! Captain!"

"Don't be nervous. Have you received basic education?"

"Yes. Captain, I...went to school when I was in Dort."

"Oh? Dot?"

This colonial satellite group flashed through Alex's mind.

"Then why did you come to Mars? If you were in Dort, it would be much better than here."

"That's because my grandma and two younger sisters are here, so I chose to come back to Mars to work so I can take care of them."

"I see."

Although Alex knew part of the situation, it was another matter to hear it from the person involved.

"Then, I will give you a task."

"Ah, yes! Captain."

"Take me around the entire base first."


Seeing the surprise on Biscat's fat face, Alex spread his hands.

"I just arrived last night and had a fight with someone this morning. And until now, I still don't know the specific situation of the base."

"I understand……"

Hearing what he said, Biskate scratched her cheek.

He and the others were immersed in the captain's powerful mood, completely forgetting that the other party had only arrived here last night.

"Then, captain, please come with me. Uncle, I'm leaving first!"

Yukinocheng, who was leading a few teenagers to prepare mobile engineers, waved to the two of them.

After Alex also said goodbye to him, he walked around the CGS base under the leadership of Biskate.

Along the way, he learned information about CGS from Bisquet.

Although Biscat had just joined at this time, so he knew a lot about the vague situation, and some even didn't know at all.

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