They want to solve the Tower of Babel and unify Kazdaele, not to fight for their lives!

If all the old guys from the Royal Courts were here, they might still be able to escape unscathed, but the reality is that they didn't come, and even if they did come, I'm afraid not many of them would be willing to fight the Demon King to the death.

What those old guys need is Kazdel, the prosperity of the Sakaz tribe, a strong demon king, which is undoubtedly more in line with their requirements. As long as Theresia shows a different strong side from the past, all the royal courts will turn against them. It's not impossible.

There is no comparison between the regent and the orthodox demon king who has perfectly inherited the ancient power.

"Step aside."

Loosening his clenched fists, Tracys took a deep breath, put his palm on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and ordered the army to separate, and he walked out alone to face the devil.

Theresa's change was so great that she seemed like a different person.

In the past, she would never have unleashed her power on her own people so unscrupulously. No one dared to bet on whether she would kill someone in the next moment.

Tracy didn't dare to gamble.

King vs. King is the best solution.

Even if the worst outcome is that he dies under the sword of the Demon God's Colossus, at least Sakaz's heritage will not be destroyed by the Demon King's wrath.

It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that although Theresa had expected many desperate outbursts before, when this day came, the regent in charge of the royal court turned out to be so powerless.

At this moment, Theresia is simply a moving humanoid natural disaster!

Standing on the opposite side of natural disasters, mortals only have the right to fear.

No matter what ambition or plan... they are as fragile as a blank sheet of paper in the face of absolute power.

Looking at the figure of the girl walking slowly opposite, Tracys had a lot of thoughts in his heart. He even began to wonder if all this was planned by his good sister. The so-called physical collapse and the so-called end of the world were all coming. It was a smoke bomb deliberately released by the Tower of Babel.

The reason Thearesia never appeared on the frontal battlefield or participated in the battle personally was because she wanted to end the civil war in a so-called gentle way.

The previous battles in which both sides had a win or loss were all caused by the illusion that the top powerhouse did not end up in the end.

The real situation is that she has the ability to flip the table at any time.

How is this still playing?

Everyone is sitting peacefully on both sides of the chessboard. If your side is going to lose, you can just knock off the chessboard. Isn't this just teasing fools?

Now Tracys feels like the biggest fool, being fooled around and still feeling complacent.

If he had known that Theresa was so powerful, that using the power of the Demon King was as easy as eating and drinking, and could even rival natural disasters, why would he have made such a fuss?

Instead of thinking hard about how to bring down my sister, it is better to coax her and discuss it as before...

With such a strong man, Kazdale wants to rebuild. Isn’t that just a matter of words?

In Tracy's view, the strength displayed by Theresia now is comparable to that of the previous demon king who tried to sweep the earth, and maybe even stronger.

He understood the thoughts of those politicians very well. As long as Theresia didn't show that she wanted to rule the world and just wanted to rebuild Kazdaele, then their tolerance would be surprisingly high.

Those covetous wolves are not monolithic. The once powerful Gallic Empire has long since disappeared. Now the countries are on guard against each other and restrict each other. No one wants to be the first to offend a strong man who can fight the army on his own.

Why is Kazdaele declining?

Isn’t it because in that battle long ago, the high-level combat power was almost destroyed by the combined nations, and even the Demon King fell on the battlefield? Since then, no Demon King has been able to reach that height?

If the king had not died, how could Kazdael have declined so much?

"What, you're surprised that I'm not dead?"

The brothers and sisters who were connected by blood stood face to face, less than two meters apart. The demon god's colossus stood like a mountain, casting a shadow that covered a large area of ​​the army. All the soldiers who looked over had fear from the bottom of their hearts in their eyes.

In the silent atmosphere, Theresia spoke slowly, her face was calm, and there was no hint of happiness or anger, but it could be seen from her tone and wording that were completely different from usual that she was very angry now.

This is the inevitable result. After experiencing something like that, no matter how good-tempered a person is, it is impossible not to be a little angry.

"It was not my idea to assassinate you."

Trixis's expression was also very calm, or in other words, calm.

"I knew about their plan but I didn't stop it because I never thought they could succeed from the beginning."

"I don't want to shirk responsibility. That makes no sense. You can do what you want, such as killing me. Then this war will end today, and Kazdaele will be reunited in your hands. Your power can Shelter the people of Sarkaz until our nation can be rebuilt from its ashes."

"You gave up?"

"With you here, I can give up. Do you want me to order an attack and let the people of Sakaz die in the hands of the demon king who should belong to them?"

Tracy smiled calmly and released her palm from the hilt of the sword, seeming to have really given up resistance.

"Indeed, I can do that, and it won't be easy for you to face a confrontation of this scale. What next?"

"The demon king who had the ability to change everything was seriously injured in the war, and the warriors who were supposed to rebuild the country died meaninglessly. Kazdael has completely sunk since then, and will never have the chance to rebuild. Do you think that is what I want?"

"Actually, I am very happy, because you have reached a height that I could not imagine. Your existence is enough to make all countries fearful. A pair of fists that are strong enough is more effective than any plan."


Theresia said nothing. She looked at her brother in front of her with mixed feelings in her heart.

If she really died in that assassination, if she failed to arrive in time, what would the Tower of Babel look like now?

Corpses everywhere?A piece of ruins?

Then, really take action and kill Traces?

She can do it, but she really can't do it...

Let him go?

Let a careerist return to his army and let the civil war continue?

The troops stationed outside the Tower of Babel are not all of the Royal Court Army. It is not possible for all the troops to gather here in such a short time. Only a small number of highly mobile elites can stand here.

If she really wanted to let the tiger go back to the mountain, she was not sure that she would be able to gain an advantage in the future and even win the final victory, because she would not be able to slash her compatriots with the butcher knife.

The devil is not invincible.

She can kill 1000 people, 1 people, but she can't really be an enemy of the entire Sakaz ethnic group.

Theresia was almost certain that now was her only chance to defeat her brother completely.

Maybe... he can be caught and put under house arrest?

"Your Majesty, I think we can sit down and talk, right?"

As soon as such an idea appeared, Tracy's body suddenly stiffened for a moment, and a bright red tentacle fell from his body, dissolving into a light red mist, revealing a blurry figure, and a faint smell of blood drifted away.

"Blood Demon?"

Theresia frowned slightly, looked at the figure made of mist, waved her hand gently, and the Demon God Colossus leaned down, its thick fingers suddenly fell, grazing Teresis' body and pressing the blood mist into the soil.

"What happened before was also your work, right? Where is your monarch, let him come forward!"

She thinks a lot when dealing with Tracy, but she doesn't have such a good temper towards others.

The clay figurine was still a bit rustic, and having been on the verge of life and death, Theresia thought about many things. She felt that maybe she should be tougher, so there was a scene where one person faced an army of thousands.

She would have a relatively peaceful conversation with her brother, but that didn't mean she would look down upon others. The uninvited blood demon just hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is on his way to see you."

After being crushed into the soil by a finger, the already unclear mist became even thinner. Even the most basic shape could not be maintained, and the sound became vague. Fortunately, it could still be heard clearly.

However, the news that the Gorefiend said that the Great Lord was coming gave Theresia another idea.

If all those old guys who hide deeply are gathered together, then talking may not be able to solve the problem.

Judging from the performance of the Blood Demon, it seems that Tracy's relationship with the royal courts is not as close as she thought.

Then, maybe it's time for them to do some multiple-choice questions.

Chapter 164 Absurd War

"It's quite spectacular. It's much larger than the Golem Guards. By the way, should we also get a few Golem Guards to show off?"

The dark giant statue of the devil stood on the ground, and the darkening sky made it even more terrifying.

Lin Lu and Lani were not very close, but they could see clearly.

Speaking of which, the big thing Theresia created was probably the most powerful Originium technique he had ever seen in this world. Gods were not included in this list. What they used was not Originium technique at all.

"What is the use?"

Lani is obviously not interested in this. She doesn't think that stupid big puppet is of much use. If used on a large frontal battlefield, it can rely on its size advantage and super long arrow attack range to bring a lot of results. Other than that, they have no use.

Being big is sometimes not a good thing.

"I can't say it's useless, at least that thing looks quite bluffing."

Lin Lu also felt that the practicality of those golem guards was quite limited, but the stone lions used as gatekeepers should be quite effective, such as the two at the entrance of the Dickdas elevator.

"Then you go back and ask Xi to draw two for you, and it will be faster."

"It makes sense. I'll ask when I get back... But, Thearesia doesn't intend to just intimidate her, does she?"

The Demonic Colossus made a crouching movement, but there was no follow-up. The two people at the soles of the Colossus seemed to be talking about something, with no intention of doing anything. Lin Lu looked a little bored.

He thought he could catch some big event this time, but he didn't do it at all?

Using such a huge amount of energy, no matter what, we should make some noise, right?

"She didn't want to turn the blade on her own people, even though those people would not obey her."

Lani could understand Theresa's approach, but she didn't think it was correct.

A king should behave like a king. Blind tolerance and kindness will only be seen as weakness. If you have power but don't use it, it is meaningless.

In her opinion, now that the physical problem has been solved, Theresia should take action with thunderous force this time and declare her return in the strongest possible manner. For the Sakaz people who advocate strength, only Only absolute strength can gain their recognition.

A tough demon king is what they need.

"Such a demon king can't do it..."

Lin Lu agreed with Lani's point of view, and he also felt that Theresia's approach was very problematic.

Let’s put aside the internal problems of Sakaz... Didn’t she think that whether it was the Tower of Babel or the Wang Tingjun, they were not necessarily Kazdaele’s people?

Countries that do not want to see Kazdaele rise again have never stopped using methods to deal with this country. The two major forces in Kazdaele are not monolithic.

Perhaps after today, they will be wary of Theresa who has shown great strength, and they will not dare to make any big movements on the surface.

But now, the two armies are facing each other, the Tower of Babel and the Wang Ting Army are facing each other tit for tat, and the leaders of both sides have appeared on the battlefield. Isn't this a great opportunity to create conflicts?

There is no need to use any sophisticated strategy, just a little bit of clumsy means is enough to set off a chaotic storm at this moment.

For example - take action against Theresia or Traces.

Whether it is Wang Tingjun or the Tower of Babel, most people's nerves are in a highly tense state, and they can easily be detonated by sudden stimulation and cause big troubles.

It's possible that Theresa didn't expect it, but the repair of her body put her in a state of extreme self-confidence, and she used her confidence to suppress any possible emergencies with absolute power?

With his mind spinning, Lin Lu looked at the battlefield in the distance again, and then realized that what he was worried about had really happened.

In the Royal Court Army's formation, which was originally relatively neat, energy fluctuations suddenly broke out everywhere, and blood visible to the naked eye gathered together, dyeing a large area red.

As if some kind of switch had been pressed, many Sakaz warriors suddenly became violent and began to attack the surroundings indiscriminately. There were also many piercers and magic swordsmen, their whole bodies covered in rich blood light, attacking the devil. Colossus charged.

Compared with the overall number of troops assembled, the proportion of violent soldiers is actually not large, but the bad thing is that the atmosphere at this moment has been extremely depressed. The Tower of Babel and the Royal Court Army are facing each other in the air, and Tracy is at war. Ya burst into the battlefield like a demon god descending into the world, and the dual pressure of blood and instinct strained the nerves of many soldiers to the limit.

At this time, the sudden attack almost made some people lose their minds on the spot and fight back instinctively.

Chaos spread instantly.

What's even more outrageous is that after the Royal Court Army became restless, the Tower of Babel seemed to be stimulated by something, and the prepared troops rushed out directly from the prepared direction.


Theresia's voice echoed on the battlefield, but it was of little use. Bloodline suppression no longer took effect on the berserk warriors.

She wanted to use the power of the Demon King for forced control, but maintaining the existence of the Demon God's Colossus took up too much energy. It would take some time to spread the power to cover such a large area of ​​the battlefield.

Moreover, she had to block several spells flying from the Royal Court Army, and many Sarkaz Piercers rushed towards her at extremely fast speeds.

A tiny bit of error is a thousand miles away.

A little time difference directly worsened the situation to an irreversible point.

The Tower of Babel and the Royal Court Army did not want to be far away from each other. Both sides could see each other's teams. From charging each other to hand-to-hand combat, everything happened in just a few minutes.

First the fastest piercers and magic swordsmen, then other regular troops.

In the blink of an eye, the war broke out!

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