The battle spread directly from a hundred people, to a thousand people, to a full-scale war involving tens of thousands of people. By the time Theresia took action, it was too late. Even she could not carry out forced control in units of ten thousand people. It is much more difficult to exert suggestion and influence on a spiritual level.

This battle came so absurdly that it caught people off guard.

In the center of the battlefield, Theresia and Traces were stunned.

"What the hell are you trying to do!"

Wang Jian's sword pointed at Tracy's throat. Theresia asked sternly, with anger beyond her words. Substantial magic energy surrounded the surroundings, using crystals suspended in the air as nodes to build a semicircular barrier to surround this area. The area was divided into separate areas, and the mountain-like Demon God Colossus behind him had to be lifted.

Now the Tower of Babel and the Royal Court Army are fighting together, and using the Demon God Colossus is an indiscriminate attack without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. How can this be done?

Not only is the Demonic Colossus unusable, she can't even use mental control now. Once she forcibly controls the bodies of those warriors, and cannot stop the entire battlefield from stopping instantly, wouldn't the controlled person become a living target if they stop attacking?

Such a chaotic battlefield was a disaster for her.

"I didn't do it, I didn't do anything!"

Traces's face was ashen, and the roars and shouts of death falling around him were so ridiculous, so ridiculous that it was unbelievable.

He had no idea how such a situation came about. Such a thing should not happen to the elite members of the Wang Ting Army who were specially gathered here!

Of course he knew that there must be spies in the army, and that was something that no one could avoid, but how could those guys living in the shadows trigger such a large-scale riot?

The soldiers of the Royal Court Army are not mercenaries wandering around in the wilderness. The Origin Stone spells they use are specially adjusted and they will not lose their minds easily. If not, which general would dare to bring a group of time bombs that may explode at any time? On the battlefield?

But the reality is that the impossible situation happened right before his eyes!

And what’s even more outrageous is, why did the people from the Tower of Babel rush up?

With that doctor's tactical ability, it's even more impossible for him to issue such a mindless order!

"Control them, Theresia! The losses will only increase if this continues!"

Traces knew very well how terrifying a group of rioting Sakaz were. In this state, they couldn't listen to anyone's orders, even the orders of the regent. For the current plan, he could only hope that Theresia could End the battle forcefully and reduce losses to the minimum.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you sacrifice some people, you still have the opportunity to save more.


Theresia looked around, and she could feel a certain extreme atmosphere brewing on the battlefield, getting more and more intense.

"I see."

The pink eyes closed and opened again, glowing with a deep black light. The barrier surrounding them suddenly exploded, and the substantial energy storm spread further away with her as the center. The strong impact even knocked out everyone within dozens of meters. All flew away.

"I said, stop!"

The king's sword was raised and lowered, like a hot knife cutting oil. The dark sword energy rose to a height of more than ten meters and extended all the way, violently dividing the battlefield and leaving deep cracks on the ground.

The clouds surrounded and rotated under the constraints of invisible forces, gathering into dark vortexes, and majestic pressure fell from the sky, completely covering the battlefield.

"Sarkaz, surrender to me."

The pink pupils were completely infected by the dark color. The material between crystal and metal condensed out of thin air, covering the body and constructing a ferocious-looking armor. The demon king's power driven to the extreme overpowered the soldiers in the most arrogant manner. With personal will, those with weaker strength could not even stay standing and fell directly to the ground.

"Lani, help her."

With the chaotic battlefield reflected in her eyes, Lin Lu frowned slightly and turned to look in the direction of the Tower of Babel.

At the moment when chaos suddenly broke out, he seemed to sense a familiar breath from the tower of Babel.

Madness, destruction, pure chaos...that's the smell of curse.

He had fought against the eternal curse that once resided in the coprophag's body and killed the coprophag with his own hands. There was almost no possibility of admitting his mistake.

He had to wonder if something that shouldn't have followed their footsteps and came to this world, or was there already a cursed believer in this world?

No matter what, this matter must be clarified, and anyone who attempts to cultivate a hotbed of curses should be burned in flames.

"it is good."

Lani noticed Lin Lu's abnormality and didn't say anything. Since it was the king's request, she would not refuse.

A battlefield with tens of thousands of people as a unit is not a big scene for a demigod.

Her brother, General Latarn of the Broken Star, had once accomplished the feat of defeating ten thousand enemies with one person. She could do that kind of thing after being promoted to god, but it would be easier to control him instead of killing him.

As a result, those who were able to stay awake in the battlefield were shocked to find that the sky, which was originally illuminated by weak light, turned into a deep night sky in an instant, with stars shining, and a dark blue darkness that was so huge that it occupied half of the sky. The moon rises quietly from the end of the horizon.

Eternal night is coming at this moment.

The light of the dark moon spreads to the earth with God's will, all energy is extracted, and all restlessness falls into eternal silence.

Crazy, frightened, and numb, all living beings standing on the earth could not help but look up to the sky, and were distracted by the cold moon.

This is not a borderland. Of course, Lani cannot turn the entire world into night with a single thought, but her will can still cover a city. Within the realm of eternal night, everything must abide by her laws.

In the eternal night of silence, the only one who was not restrained was Theresia. Without being deliberately targeted, even the realm of God could not directly affect her now.

The power of gold flowed through her body, enough to make her immune to the effects of eternal night.

In addition to her, even Tracys was distracted by the dark moon, and it took a while to get away.

Lani did not deliberately target anyone, so a strong man with his level of strength could resist Dark Moon with his own will.

However, no matter how hard you get rid of it, you can never get rid of the fear and despair of an ant looking up at the sun.

"what is that?"

Tracy's voice was dry and hoarse, as if it was forced out of his throat. His body was trembling slightly. He looked at the incredibly huge moon in disbelief, and even wondered if he was dreaming.

Scenes like this should only appear in dreams.

"Lani...that's her dark moon."

Even Theresa, who recognized Dark Moon, was not shocked at all.

She knew that Lani was very strong, but she didn't expect that she could be so strong. A true god is nothing more than that, right?

In the face of such power, the army of ordinary people is completely meaningless. No matter how many soldiers there are, they are just numbers. The so-called battle is more like a fight between insects, which is ridiculous.

'Hurry up, maintaining the realm of Eternal Night consumes a lot of money, and I can't hold on for long now. '

Without any warning, Lani's voice rang out from her ears, causing Theresa, who was in shock, to wake up instantly and remember what she should do.

With Lani's help, she can be free to calm down the soldiers on both sides of the war and end this absurd war.

Then, figure out who’s behind it.

Chapter 165: The Great Snake of Gemir

"Where are you from? Bottom of the deep sea? Above the sky? Under the abyss? Or outside civilization?"

Tower of Babel, combat command room.

The doctor leaned against the window and looked at the alien standing at the door.

This is supposed to be one of the safest places in the Tower of Babel, even if most of the operators are sent to the defense line.

However, the so-called safety is only relative to ordinary people. Even elite operators - the vast majority of elite operators are still in the category of ordinary people. They may be able to reverse the battlefield in local areas and achieve things that ordinary people see. There are some very unscientific things, such as opening an alloy door with bare hands, and others such as jumping from a height of several hundred meters without getting hurt.

In the eyes of many people, they are already objects of admiration, but to real monsters, they are just 'ordinary people'.

Obviously, the alien that suddenly appeared inside the combat command room was such a monster.

Whether it's the exposed gray skin that looks like dry tree bark or the neck that's dozens of centimeters long, it's obviously different from ordinary people.

There is absolutely no such native creature on this land, and the doctor thinks he has some say in this matter.

It looks humanoid, but it possesses certain characteristics of plants. The protrusions covered by gray skin are closer to the veins of plants than blood vessels.

Vaguely, the doctor seemed to smell some earthy smell permeating the surroundings, which reminded him of some not-so-good memories.

Is it a twisted creation in the laboratory, or an alien from outside civilization?

She leans more towards the latter.

In her eyes, the biotechnologies mastered by all the countries on the land were simply unsightly. Those failed products that were forcibly pieced together from the experimental contents were not even powerful enough to survive for a few days.

But the thing in front of me is different. Although its shape is weird, it is very stable. It is obviously a very mature body, and it also has abilities that are completely different from the Origin Stone skills - it uses something similar to pollen to attack the entire Tower of Babel station. Performed mental bewitchment.

The doctor herself was not affected. In fact, many forces in this world will not be effective on her, such as being infected by the feared ore disease, or spiritual erosion from the deep sea and outside civilization. This is The ability brought by 'pure blood' itself.

But the operators of the Tower of Babel couldn't do it. Facing a completely unfamiliar force, the protection of Origin Stone skills would not take effect at all. Their bodies had no resistance to that unfamiliar substance and were easily affected.

The small number of operators who can fight against them are too small to be able to restrain the majority of people.

Confusion arises from this.

People who have the ability to control the situation are trapped in this small office.

The weird human-like and plant-like creature just stood at the door, emitting dust and invisible influence that filled the office. It neither spoke nor made any other movements. Facing a wood-like guy, the doctor couldn't even guess it. Its thoughts can only be expressed proactively.

"Killing, war, need, sacrifice."

A sharp, hoarse voice sounded, like an old electronic radio, fuzzy and harsh.

The doctor barely managed to analyze what it said, but still couldn't guess what this guy was planning.

Killing and war are required to perform some kind of sacrificial ceremony. This routine has been played out in the past history. Many unrecognized religious organizations or magician groups have done this. It is not new.

But what does this have to do with her?

The doctor doesn't think that she has the value of being watched and guarded specifically, and she is not a powerful character. If she pursues killing, wouldn't it be easier and more convenient to attack her directly?

"Humans, contain."

Before she could think about it, the alien who was stuck at the door like a tree stump spoke again, and this time her meaning was easy to understand.

Do you want to take her away and contain her?Then why haven't you taken action yet?What does it mean to just stand here and stare at her?

Oh, no, it can't be regarded as staring. The face of this thing looks like an upside-down large-screen Coke. It is still open to question whether the two holes on it are eyes.


Suddenly, a female voice came from outside the door, and the closed alloy door of the combat conference room shook suddenly, accompanied by a huge impact sound, and a bulge visible to the naked eye in the middle.


It was as if something was pounding away at the door with a sledgehammer. The bulge on the door became more and more obvious. After reaching a certain critical point, a dark blade penetrated the metal and penetrated into the house.

"Wait... don't come in!"

The doctor has tried to study Mon3tr, the Originium creature that followed Kelsey, many times, but was rejected every time.

Kelsey's sudden return surprised the doctor for a moment, but he immediately realized that such a violent breakthrough might not be a good thing.

Different from the dust that permeates the outside world and has been diluted to the point where it is almost invisible to the naked eye, this room is now filled with an unknown substance that is so rich that the air is dyed with a layer of hazy yellow. God knows what will happen after Kelsey forces her way in. !



The alien between human and plant turned its head, and the sound of wooden friction exploded with the twisting of its neck, as if a statue carved from solid wood was torn apart with great force.

next second.

The alloy door was torn open on both sides by four sharp blades inserted into it, and the ferocious Origin Stone beast poked its head in and screamed at the alien.

The dust that filled the room seemed to have an outlet, or was deliberately controlled by aliens, and all swarmed towards the door.


The collision of metal is crisp and sweet.

What the doctor was worried about did not happen. The woman in black robe and white horns got in through the torn irregular hole with unusually flexible movements. The long and narrow black sword in her hand was held flat in front of her, and the hilt moved slightly, like It was unsheathed for a moment, then quickly closed again, and bright light bloomed from the sword body.

It was obviously invisible light, but it had substantial power, and all the dust was forcibly pushed away by the spreading light.

Kelsey followed closely behind, and the light covered her body surface, forming a thin membrane to block out the dust.

"Mon3tr, tear it apart!"

The alien standing by the door is still silent, but the original humanoid shape has been unknowingly distorted. Dense plant branches emerge from under the gray skin, and the back is bulging like a blooming flower.

Kelsey's pupils suddenly shrank, and she immediately rushed over to hug the doctor who was standing by the window, and hid in the corner.

The dark green branches whipped the air like steel whips, sweeping in all directions irregularly. The nearest solid wood tabletop was directly penetrated and torn into pieces.

However, its attack did not have the desired effect.

What erupted at the same time as the dancing branches was an even brighter light. The entire room was coated with a layer of light gold. Translucent partitions with a grid-like structure extended from the ceiling to the walls and then to the ground, connecting the doctor and Kai. Erxi was wrapped in it, and even Mon3tr was covered in a light color, making it more dazzling.

ding ding ding~

Those branches hit the compartment covering the body, as if they were hit on steel, and returned in vain.

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