"You can do it yourself in the future!"

"Mr. Gaius, it..." Professor McGonagall stared at Abe with wide eyes, "To what extent can its healing ability be achieved?"

"Dead people can't be saved, but most diseases, curses, injuries and even toxins can be treated by it."

Professor McGonagall was shocked. She knew that this dragon was unusual, but she didn't expect it to be so special.

I have to treat it better in the future, maybe I have to count on it to save my life sometime!

"By the way, Professor McGonagall, I have something to ask you." Aaron cleaned up a relatively clean place, "Erase Aikemo's memory, and arrange a bed for me in the school hospital later."

"What?" Before Professor McGonagall could react, he saw Aaron lying on the ground and aimed his wand at his temple, "fainted."


A white light flashed, Aaron's hand fell to the floor, and his wand slipped out.

Abei quickly entered a state of alert, with finger blades growing out of four claws, guarding carefully beside his master.

Professor McGonagall didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was too bad.

"Miss Aikemo, you should be ready!"

Marietta nodded blankly. She knew too much. If this memory was not cleared, not to mention Aaron, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, and even herself.

Professor McGonagall pulled out his wand and pulled out a few strands of silver filaments from Marietta's brain, and he breathed a sigh of relief when they were completely scattered in the air.

After a few minutes, the effect of the Stunning Charm faded away.

Fudge opened his eyes in a daze, and struggled to get up from the floor.

"Where is he? Where is he?"

"I don't know." Kingsley stood up staggeringly, "Minister, you may not like Dumbledore, but he is indeed remarkable."

"Hiss!" Umbridge was about to speak when he felt a sharp pain on his face.

She nervously picked up a shard of the mirror, only took a look at it before throwing the shard out, cursing angrily, "Damn it, Dumbledore damn it.

How dare he treat me like this, minister, you must make the decision for me! "

Fudge, Kingsley, and Dawlish, who had just woken up, couldn't help but gasped when they saw Umbridge's swollen face, and the three elders took a step back in unison.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

It was Marietta's face that boosted their immunity, otherwise they might have taken more than one step back.

"You..." Umbridge opened his mouth, with a lump in his throat.

"Don't come here yet." Fudge said immediately, and Kingsley and Dawlish very much agreed with the minister's wise decision.

"Hmm..." Aaron rubbed his eyes and sat up in a daze, "My head hurts!"

"Minister, you must have caught Dumbledore, right?"

Fudge and the others looked at each other, feeling that they had been stabbed in the heart.

They were full of confidence when they caught it, but who would have thought that all of them together would not have done a few tricks under Dumbledore's hands.

"There was an accident and he ran away." Kingsley said far-fetched.

Aaron nodded half-understood, then opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and looked at Umbridge in disbelief, "Wow, Dumbledore dared to raise magical animals in the principal's office?

Although the length is a bit scary, there is no doubt that this is a rare breed. "

"What?" Umbridge blinked blankly, feeling as though billions of alpacas were rushing past in her heart, destroying her inner world one after another.

"Ah!" Umbridge yelled angrily, pulled out his wand and pointed it at Aaron, "Big stick in the front teeth..."

"Except your weapons."

Before Umbridge could say the spell, his wand flew out.

Aaron seemed to have thought of something, and then he looked at the opposite 'Fantastic Beasts' in astonishment, "You are Professor Umbridge?

I'm so sorry, I really didn't recognize it.

Marietta's face seems to be healed, but what happened to yours? "

Umbridge suffered another [-] critical hits, and was about to explode when he was interrupted by Fudge's coughing.

"Ahem, calm down, Dolores."

"But the minister..."

"This has nothing to do with Mr. Gaius, isn't he also under the Stunning Curse?" Fudge seemed to see through the truth, "This is all done by Dumbledore, and capturing him is the business."

"He can't Apparate." Kingsley said thoughtfully. "Stairs, he must not have run very far."

"Hurry up." Fudge said immediately, Dawlish was the first to rush out, followed by Kingsley, pulling Umbridge.

Fudge hesitated, patted the dust off his body, and then looked at Professor McGonagall viciously, "Minerva, I think your friend Dumbledore is finished this time."

"It seems so on the surface, but who knows?" Professor McGonagall said contemptuously.

"Mr. Minister, can I leave?" Aaron whispered, "Just now your fight was too fierce, I seem to have been accidentally injured, I need to go to the school hospital to avoid the limelight, no, I mean to check."

"Minerva, I think you don't mind taking Mr. Gaius to the hospital!

And Miss Aikemo, she also needs to go back to the dormitory to rest. "

"You don't need to remind me." Professor McGonagall said coldly, and then took the two of them away.

Chapter 484 Splendid fireworks, no teaching and no learning


Filch pinned a new notice to the wall.

Order of the Ministry of Magic

Dolores Umbridge succeeds Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The above regulations are in line with "No.20 Eight Education Orders"

Signed: Minister for Magic - Cornelius Fudge

This notice caused a huge stir in Hogwarts. The students seemed to know that Dumbledore left the school after subduing Fudge, his two Aurors and Umbridge, but more specifically There is no explanation.

Among the three insiders, Professor McGonagall is the vice-principal, and the students don't expect to get anything out of her mouth. Aaron is lying in the school hospital. Professor McGonagall seems to have said hello and forbids anyone to visit. Marietta became the main target of the students, but she was wiped of her memory and didn't know anything about it.

Umbridge finally got her dream principal position, but the principal's office was automatically closed, and she couldn't even pass the stone beast guarding the door, so she could only stay in her own office.

Therefore, most of the students have full confidence in Dumbledore and think that his departure is only temporary.

In order to further consolidate his power, Umbridge established an investigative action group in addition to formulating various rigid dogmas.

Only those who support the Ministry of Magic can join this organization, and its members have the same powers as the prefects, but are more unscrupulous.


school clinic.

Aaron changed into his hospital gown and sat comfortably on the hospital bed to practice the magic circle.

Abe squatted obediently beside him, taking out some snacks from his pocket from time to time and feeding them to his mouth.

Ms. Pomfrey looked at him helplessly, "Mr. Gaius, you are really embarrassing me, you are obviously healthier than anyone else.

You have been lying down for long enough, and staying here is just taking up school resources. "

"I'm sorry, Madam Pomfrey." Aaron said shyly, "I know my situation very well, but what I did was also outrageous, so I need to borrow the school hospital to avoid the limelight.

I promise I'll be out of the hospital when the Easter break comes and I won't stay any longer. "

"What did you do?" Madam Pomfrey asked curiously.

"Well... Dumbledore knocked out Fudge and the others before he left, and I slapped Umbridge 28 times when my hands were itchy."

"What?" Madam Pomfrey stood up in surprise, "You made her face?"

"low profile."

"It's a beautiful job. I've wanted to do it for a long time. The good Hogwarts has been made into a mess by her." Madam Pomfrey scolded angrily, but she looked at Aaron with a much gentler gaze.

"She thought it was Dumbledore who did it, and she kept cursing when she came to me for treatment yesterday."

"Just don't doubt me." Aaron raised his eyebrows and said, "Now you understand why I stay here!"

"Understood." Madam Pomfrey nodded, "For the sake of those 20 or so slaps, let alone live until the Easter holiday, even until the exam is fine."


The floor shook slightly, and countless excited screams came from outside the window.

Aaron and Madam Pomfrey turned their heads subconsciously, and saw fireworks of various colors blooming in the sky.

Some green and gold pyrotechnic spark dragons flew in the hallway, making a huge explosion, the wheeled Catherine pyrotechnics flew through the air like pink flying saucers, and rockets and pyrotechnic sticks wrote all kinds of words in the air. Dirty words, the firecrackers in the corner exploded one by one, but they stayed for a long time, leaving behind a dazzling miracle...

Umbridge and Filch screamed in fright and frantically dealt with the fireworks. Her investigative operations team was ineffective and ran faster than the two of them.

"Hey, who did this?" Madam Pomfrey asked in disbelief, but she felt excited after seeing Umbridge, who was bitten by the fireworks and was in a mess for a long time.

These fireworks are definitely contraband, but they have brought a little life to the stagnant pool of Hogwarts.

"Who else?" Aaron laughed dumbly, "Except for the twin brothers of the Weasley family, no one would dare to do this.

But they've offended Umbridge to death, and if nothing else happens, they're ready to drop out of school. "

"What? It's too expensive.

They will be able to graduate in two or three months. "

"The two of them are already preparing to open a shop in Diagon Alley. You should know them well, and they both decided to start a business. Certificates and the like are naturally dispensable."

Madam Pomfrey froze for a moment, "It seems to make sense."

"However, setting off fireworks in broad daylight is not appropriate, so I will help them again." Aaron said meaningfully, and then a cloud of darkness emerged in his palm.

A huge black magic circle quickly took shape in the school hospital, and then endless darkness appeared around Hogwarts. The darkness formed a black barrier, covering the entire Hogwarts, blocking most of the Sunlight.

It was clearly noon, but Hogwarts seemed to be under the darkness of night.

The cheerful shouts outside stopped abruptly, and both the students and the teachers were stunned by the sudden scene, only the unburned fireworks were flying wantonly in the air.

"Tsk! It seems that something needs to be added, otherwise it will be self-defeating."


Aaron snapped his fingers, and Dumbledore's huge illusion appeared in midair.

He blinked at everyone, then disappeared.

The next moment, huge cheers erupted from all over the school.

The facts are already obvious. The darkness covering Hogwarts was created by Dumbledore specially using magic to enhance the atmosphere. He really did not give up on Hogwarts.

George and Fred excitedly ignited all the fireworks, and with the backdrop of the night, they became more colorful, and the students cheered heartily, releasing the depression in their hearts.

Umbridge hid in the corner trembling, angry but helpless, he could only growl the groundhog in his heart.

"Mr. Gaius." Madam Pomfrey looked at Aaron lying on the hospital bed in disbelief, "This is..."

"It's called night, but don't get me wrong that it's not black magic, it's dark elemental magic, and it has no other purpose except to cover up the light."

"But isn't the range a little too big?"

"Magic without any offensive power can only be used in range." Aaron explained lightly, that is to say, he only has half of the magic power now, otherwise it would be Hogsmoor, let alone a Hogwarts castle. A small town, or even a city, he can cover with darkness.


Madam Pomfrey swallowed, "Tell me honestly, how strong are you now?"

"A little better than you." Aaron smiled shyly.

"One hundred million points?"

"It's really a little bit." There was a small crack between Aaron's index finger and thumb, "I'm only 16 years old, how can I be so good?"

Madam Pomfrey thought the same, but she was still extremely shocked, "That is also very remarkable."

"You can keep it secret!

If it gets out, Umbridge might target me! "

"Don't worry, I've always been tight-lipped.

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