Besides, you have conjured Dumbledore's illusion. If I say it, it will hurt everyone's morale! "

"Madam Pomfrey is still sensible!" Aaron gave a thumbs up.

The fireworks didn't end until the afternoon, and the night in the sky also completely dissipated.

But looking at the setting sun in the sky, Umbridge couldn't be happy at all. She was busy clearing the fireworks in the castle on her first afternoon as headmaster.

Those professors, the prefects seemed to have discussed it, and it’s fine if they didn’t come forward to help, and they even let her down one by one to inform her where there were fireworks that slipped through the net, and she almost broke her leg.


On Friday, students ushered in the Easter break.

Aaron took off his patient clothes, changed into casual clothes in April with the magic of dressing up, and walked out of the school hospital with Abbe in a swaggering manner.

He believed that after these few days of buffering, everyone accepted the fact that Dumbledore left temporarily.

The fireworks released by the Weasley twins and the vision of Dumbledore greatly relieved their anxiety. Coupled with the fact that Marietta attracted firepower, not many people would ask him what happened on the day Dumbledore left. what.

But before he could walk back to the dormitory, he met Hermione and Ron on the way.

"Thank goodness, you're finally out of the hospital." Hermione said with relief.

"You... are you here to find me?"

"Obviously," said Ron.

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and his back was too much, and he was blocked right after he was discharged from the hospital.

"How come it's just the two of you, Harry?"

"He..." Hermione hesitated, then exchanged glances with Ron, "He's got a little problem."

"Oh!" Aaron suddenly realized, "That's why you came to me!"

"Not all of them." Ron cast a teasing glance at Hermione, "Ahem! Miss Granger basically comes once or twice a day, but Ms. Pomfrey blocks them all."

Hermione gave him a hard look, then turned to look at Aaron, "Professor McGonagall doesn't allow other people to visit you, I thought you were seriously injured!"

"Uh...Thank you for your concern." Aaron smiled a little embarrassedly, "But I just hid in the school hospital to avoid the limelight, and there was no injury or anything.

Don't forget, I also have a healing dragon here. "

"I told her that too, but she didn't believe it at all."

"Ron, no one thinks you're dumb if you don't talk." Hermione said, and then asked in confusion, "What do you mean by sheltering from the wind?"

"After Umbridge was knocked out by Dumbledore, I slapped her face like that..."

"That's what you did?" Ron's eyes lit up. "It's so relieved. She wore a scarf everywhere she went in those two days, but even that couldn't cover her fat face."

"I blamed Dumbledore, but she might not suspect me afterwards, so I cast a Stunning Curse on myself.

The longer I lie in the school hospital, the less suspicious I will be and the safer I will be. "

"You are cruel enough to yourself." Ron murmured.

"It's just a very simple coma spell, just enough to rest in the school hospital for a few days." Aaron seemed to have thought of something, and continued: "Are the DA members okay? I asked Fudge for a promise, and the ones on the list No one will be punished in any way, but I really can’t trust Umbridge.”

"She didn't bother us, but it's hard to say in the future."

"Let's talk about the future later! Let's talk about what happened to Harry first?"

"He's not going to practice Occlumency," said Hermione hesitantly.

"He learned it?" Aaron said in surprise, "That's really amazing. Occlumency is even more difficult to master than the Patronus Charm, let alone the famous Dark Lord who was spying on his brain."

"Er...I'm pretty sure Harry didn't learn.

He probably had a little conflict with Professor Snape, and he didn't want to go to him to learn. "

"This is really interesting." Aaron looked at her playfully, "Harry should know what it means to be read by Voldemort, and Professor Snape should also know the task Dumbledore gave him.

Now one is unwilling to learn and the other is unwilling to teach. Are you sure this is a small conflict? "

"Okay! It may be a big conflict, but we really don't know what it is." Hermione said helplessly, "The relationship between the two of them is not good in the first place, and if neither of them bows their heads first, this matter will probably be shelved forever. "

"Then let Harry go to Professor Snape!" Aaron said naturally, "As long as Harry is willing to say a few soft words and lower his attitude, Professor Snape will continue to teach him."

"That's the problem." Ron hesitated to speak, "Harry doesn't want to, we have persuaded him, but he is very resistant."

Hearing this, Aaron looked at the two of them suspiciously, "You don't intend to ask me to go to Professor Snape, to show him affection and reason, right?"

"I have this idea." Ron said with a smirk.

"Hehe!" Aaron curled his lips in disdain, "If you have something wrong with your brain, go to the school hospital to see Madam Pomfrey. Now that you are still young, there may be no possibility of recovery if you treat it early."

Ron's face suddenly collapsed, "If it doesn't work, forget it."

"Is this okay?

Let me persuade Professor Snape to bow his head, thank you for thinking it out. "

"Ignore him." Hermione said speechlessly, "I mean you help persuade Harry."

"You can't persuade him, why do you think I can?" Aaron asked back, "I have no obligation to persuade him, besides, do you really think he doesn't know the importance of Occlumency?"

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"By the way, Dumbledore asked me to leave Harry with a word: Do your best to learn Occlumency, especially before going to bed every night.

You bring this sentence to him, if he doesn't even listen to Dumbledore, it's useless for any of us to persuade you. "

"Dumbledore really said that?" Hermione asked solemnly.

"Professor McGonagall is also there. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."

"It's not that we don't believe it, but since Dumbledore has emphasized it so much, then Harry must learn Occlumency seriously."

"You just need to bring Dumbledore's words with you, and the rest is his own business."

Hermione:  …

Ron:  …

Chapter 485 Employment Guidance, Potential to Be a Robber

With the end of the Easter holiday, a notice was sent to the prefect Aaron by Professor Snape.

According to the Slytherin Headmaster, he posted the notice on the bulletin board in the Slytherin common room so that all Slytherins could see it.

Career Guidance

In the first week of the summer semester, all fifth-grade students must have an interview with the dean about future employment issues. The interview time for each student is shown in the table below

Draco glanced at the notice, a look of contempt and amusement flashed in his eyes.

Employment?But a rich second generation like him still needs employment. Isn't it purely wronging oneself to find a job?

"Aaron, what do you think?"

"There are a total of twelve compulsory courses and elective courses. It shouldn't be a problem to get excellent in all of them." Aaron said confidently. Although he hardly took the arithmetic and divination courses, all the relevant textbooks are in his In his mind, he has no problem with mastering this knowledge, let alone theory, even in practice.

Draco looked strange, "I'm asking about employment guidance."

"The better the grades, the more certificates you get, the easier it is to find a job."

"Are you really planning to find a job?" Draco asked in surprise, "With our family conditions, if you inherit the property, you can just lie down and win!"

Hearing this, Aaron laughed dumbfounded.

"It is true to say so, but if you inherit the family property without knowing anything, you will only be a prodigal son. Although it is easy to rest on your laurels, it is too boring.

It is peace of mind to enjoy the wealth that one has worked hard for.

Besides, I don't want to inherit the family business so early. I don't know how much the Gaius family's property is. It's too tiring to manage. "

Draco blinked blankly, "I may not have your awareness."

"That's normal." Aaron said with emotion, "Uncle Lucius probably made arrangements for you. After graduation, he will take you to familiarize yourself with the operation mode of the Malfoy family, and use the wealth accumulated over hundreds of years to create a bigger one." value.

But the Gaius family's attitude towards the heir is basically just two words: stocking.

The family business must be inherited, but I have more autonomy. "

Draco nodded half understanding, "Then what career do you want to pursue in the future?"

"Therapist, pharmacist, fortune-teller, photographer, Ministry of Magic, etc. I am confident that I am competent." Aaron said after pondering for a moment, "But if there is no accident, I should be a teacher. I consciously There is still a lot of experience in this area.”

"At Hogwarts?"

"That's right, this school is not very important to me." Aaron said seriously, Hogwarts, a place of geomantic omen, cannot be given up anyway, and he might become the god of magic after decades of mixing.

Being a professor is just a stopgap measure, and when he has enough qualifications, he will be the new headmaster of Hogwarts.

"I thought you'd be in business?"

"The small shop in Diagon Alley is just to earn some pocket money, otherwise it wouldn't be a drink shop after several years of operation.

To be honest, with my cooking skills, turning it into a restaurant can increase the income by at least ten times. "

Draco:  …


Aaron's employment guidance was arranged on Monday, and he followed Professor Snape to his office after lunch.

Looking at the dim wall and the dense glass jars and stuffed animals placed along the wall, Aaron couldn't help but smacked his lips, "Professor, I really didn't mean you.

It was like this when I first came to the office and it's still like that after a few years, can't you make it a little bit more sunny? "

"Be serious." Professor Snape sat down, "This is your employment guide."

Aaron shrugged, moved himself a chair, and took a bottle of juice from Abe's pocket, "Professor, would you like some?

I have whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum, ice wine and all kinds of fruit wine here, in short, everything that one expects to find. "

"I want you to be serious." Professor Snape said in a deep voice, and then looked at Abe. "For your studies, I think it is necessary for me to confiscate all your drinks."

"I have no problem, as long as you can."


Abbe roared at the holy dragon, and the crimson flame loomed in its mouth.

"I was just joking." Professor Snape said sarcastically, acting very sincerely.

He didn't think he couldn't beat Abe, but this was his territory after all, and all the potions and materials were his personal belongings, and he would suffer the loss if the bottles and jars were broken.

That is to say, his impression of Abe is still a few years ago. If he knows that Abe can change more than ten meters now, he wonders if he still has the confidence to think so.

Aaron patted Abe's faucet, and it restrained the dragon's power immediately, and lay obediently in Aaron's arms.

"Professor, you can continue."

"I know that with your family background, you won't worry about work, but I still want to know your thoughts on employment, so as to help you decide which subjects you should study in sixth and seventh grade."

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Aaron said without thinking.

Professor Snape was taken aback for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth curled up, "To be honest, I'm a little surprised. I've always wanted to apply for this position, but Dumbledore never agreed."

"Maybe he is worried that you won't be able to handle that position."

"What a joke." Professor Snape said disdainfully, "My research on black arts is definitely better than all your previous professors."

"Including Quirrell?" Aaron asked with taste.

Professor Snape's expression froze. He understood that Aaron was not referring to Quirrell, but Voldemort possessing Quirrell, but no matter how confident he was, he would not be so stupid as to compete with the Dark Lord in black magic.

"Ahem, Quirrell is an exception."

Aaron smiled without saying a word, Snape read the strong ridicule from his smile, and immediately looked serious, "Are you entertaining me? Or do you also think I am not qualified to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? "

"Of course not, Professor, you may have misunderstood what I meant, what I said was that Dumbledore might be worried that you would not be able to handle the curse of that position.

No one has been in that position for a full year since I was in school. "

"That's because they are not capable enough." Professor Snape said disapprovingly.

"I'm still somewhat confident in my abilities." Aaron smiled shyly, "I'll be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts after graduation."

Professor Snape:  …

"I personally think you are more suitable for a Potions professor.

After I become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the position of professor of Potions will be vacant, and I can be your sponsor at that time. "

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