"It seems that the overall quality of Slytherin needs to be improved!" Aaron smiled wryly. He could be defeated even when he took the initiative, which really made him, a prefect, feel ashamed.

"Harry, if Sirius isn't in the Order of the Phoenix, he might really be caught." Ron said nervously, "Have you figured out how to save him?"

Chapter 494 Death is unstoppable, women will only affect the speed of becoming a god

"I don't know." Harry shook his head in despair, "I don't know how to get there."

"We can fly there." The old god Luna said responsibly.

"Broomsticks? Unfortunately, you only have three broomsticks."

"And your blanket." Ron said suddenly: "I remember you have a flying blanket, don't hide it at this time."

"Well, what do you say?

I put it somewhere and won't be able to get it out for a while. "

"I'm not talking about flying props. There are many magical animals that can fly in the Forbidden Forest. Thestrals are a good choice.

Hagrid said they knew the way to the Ministry of Magic, and they were fast. "

Harry's eyes lit up, he didn't even think there was such a way.

"Thank you for your advice, Luna.

But I've caused enough trouble for you, this time I'm alone..."

"It's time for Dumbledore's Army to show their talents." Neville said, "This is the first time we've done something meaningful. Is it just talk?"

"Maybe you don't have to go it alone, buddy," said Ron.

Harry looked at a few people and was moved, "Well, it doesn't matter."

"It's really interesting." Aaron clapped his hands, and said speechlessly, "Is it all organized in groups these days?"

"You don't have to come, but there's no need to curse us like that!" Hermione said angrily.

"It is a fact that you are too weak to be a match for Voldemort.

And maybe Sirius is dead, so you don't need to risk your life so much. "

"Ah!" Harry suddenly clutched the scar on his forehead, and after a few seconds of silence, he said seriously: "Voldemort is not there, and I'm sure Sirius is still alive, but he was tortured badly."

Aaron:  …

The slap in the face was so unexpected.

"We have to act quickly, or it will be too late." Harry said worriedly, "Go find the Thestrals, and fire red sparks when you find them."

"This is impossible." Aaron waved his hand, and a small yellow magic circle appeared at their feet, and several chains flew out of it and flew towards the six people respectively.

"Armor protection!"

Harry swung his wand violently, the invisible barrier repelled the chain, and the magic circle disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked sullenly.

"I'm stopping you from dying." Aaron said lightly, then raised his right hand to point at them, and a larger magic circle engulfed them, "The Iron Armor Curse is good, but it's only good. Your current level can't stop high-level elemental magic."

"This is a joke!" Neville swallowed with difficulty, and everyone except Harry looked at Aaron in astonishment.

They were all members of DA and knew that Aaron was very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

"Maybe we can break through using the Obstacle Curse together."

Harry's face was extremely serious. He had seen Harry toughen up a group of Death Eaters, and it was almost impossible for him to stop them from saving Sirius.

But that was his only relative after all, even if it was impossible, he had to fight.

"Stop it all." Hermione said loudly, boldly standing in front of them.

Aaron rolled his eyes, and reluctantly withdrew the magic circle, and Harry and the others also put down their wands.

"I knew you would step up, every time.

You are the smartest among them, you should know my intentions! "

Hermione nodded, "You were worried that this was a trap, and at the same time informed Professor Snape, thinking that we don't need to take risks."

"Then you shouldn't stop me, let alone whether it's true, even if it's true, a group of students who haven't graduated can't help much."

"But if you don't let him go, if something happens to Sirius, he will regret it for the rest of his life." Hermione said earnestly.

"Better than dead."

"That would be better than death!" Harry cursed angrily, "Do you know what I saw just now? Sirius looked like he was dying, and he told me not to save him."

Aaron froze for a moment, then said impersonally: "Then you should listen to your godfather's dying instructions."

Harry:  …

"When did you become so cold-blooded?"

"No one is more loving than me.

Plus, it's called sanity, and I don't think I'm doing it wrong. "

"Don't be so straightforward!" Ginny said, "If you were Harry, what would you do if you knew your loved ones were in danger?"

Aaron was silent. He might be more excited than Harry, but at least he wasn't so irrational.

Saving people also requires planning. What is the difference between going directly to the Ministry of Magic without any preparation and giving away the head?

"Can't tell! Then you have no reason to stop us."

"You also said that Professor Snape would inform the Order of the Phoenix. If you believe him, it means that the Order of the Phoenix will also rush to the Department of Mysteries." Hermione said far-fetched, "We are not that dangerous."

Aaron was silent for a moment, and gave them a blank look.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, but it's all about this, and he can't stop them anymore.

"Well, even if you barely persuade me."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you coming then?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Aaron curled his lips in disdain, "I'm not interested in going there to die, and the rules of the Gaius family don't allow me to get involved."

Harry didn't force it either, maybe the fewer people there, the better, after all, the place he was going to next was really dangerous.

"According to the original plan, I, Neville and Luna can see them, it is best to divide into three groups."

"and many more."

"Are you finished?" Ron asked impatiently.

"I didn't say I'd stop you, it's just...Hermione, come with me."

"Go find it first!" Hermione gave Harry and the others a reassuring look, and then followed Aaron to the back of a big tree.

"Is there anything important about looking for me alone?" Hermione asked nervously.

Although the environment was very dark, Aaron could clearly see Hermione's face flushing rapidly.

He sighed slightly, as if he had made a particularly difficult decision, and then activated the dress-up magic, and took the Bana flower out of the red magic circle, "Take it."

Hermione stared blankly at the exquisite flintlock pistol in her hand, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

"For me?"

"Correct it, it's for your use.

I gave you permission, you can use it temporarily. "Aaron said seriously, "But you have to promise that if the situation is not critical, you must not use it. "

"There's no need to be so serious, is there?" Hermione frowned.

"No, you don't understand what this means." Aaron smiled bitterly. He didn't know if he was taking advantage of the family rules by giving away his weapons to others, but he was sure that as long as he didn't use him It is a violation of ancestral precepts.

"I promise."

Aaron nodded, and solemnly took out three spherical bullets, "The red one is made of phoenix feathers, the silver one is the tail feathers of unicorns, and the golden one is the feathers of thunderbirds.

The red and silver bullets have been enchanted three times and can deal with ordinary magisters. As for the golden bullets...use it when you are desperate.

Remember, don't hesitate after the fight, run away and you may be able to leave safely, no matter how bad you are, you can survive until the reinforcements come.

After all, it was the Ministry of Magic, and any noise would definitely attract the attention of the staff on duty. "

Hermione blinked, feeling that what Aaron said was a little too serious.

"Then would you like to give me a few more bullets?"

"You thought it was a stone on the side of the road." Aaron said speechlessly, "I won't talk about the materials and difficulty of making it, but with your current level of magic power, you can use it up to three times.

Use the gun a fourth time and the gun will drain you dry, and after that you're dead regardless of the outcome, so giving you three bullets is the limit. "

"I see." Hermione nodded seriously.

"Lend this to you too!" Aaron carefully took out a small bottle of purple solution, "This is the last amount. Although it is a little less, it is definitely a priceless treasure."

"It's so beautiful!" Hermione looked at the bottle in amazement, "This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful potion? What kind of potion is this?"

"The potion that can buy life." Aaron said with some hesitation, "If you are unlucky and happen to meet Voldemort, and you are all caught by him, then take out this bottle of medicine.

Just say I gave it to you, use this to negotiate terms with him, it should be able to exchange your life. "


Hermione was inexplicably shocked, and the hand holding the potion trembled unconsciously, feeling that it was particularly heavy.

"What exactly is this?"

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know that it can save your life at a critical moment."

"What about the others?"

"I can't control that much, I stopped them, but you also saw the result.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but walking towards the mountains, I can't persuade me to die. "

"But you don't have to worry too much, that's just the worst case scenario, maybe the Order of the Phoenix has already settled the matter when you arrive!"

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't get it out of her mouth.

She looked at Aaron on the opposite side, her heart beating faster than expected, her eyes sparkled a little, "You..."


A group of red fireworks exploded in the sky not far away.

"It seems that the Thestral has been found, I wish you good luck."

Hermione looked sullenly at the dissipating fireworks in the night, she had never found red so obtrusive.


"what happened?"

Before he could react, his mouth was blocked.

After a few seconds, Hermione quickly turned around and ran towards the direction of the fireworks, with a relaxed and complacent smile on her face.

Aaron didn't notice the change in her expression. He looked at the figure disappearing in the shade and shook his head hastily.

Was attacked?But his physical fitness has been raised to the ceiling of human beings, logically speaking, this kind of thing shouldn't happen.

"What's the situation? This is?"

Aaron patted his forehead, it couldn't be because he didn't want to hide, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible.

She is only 16 years old, even if she is good-looking and meets his aesthetic standards, but he really has no idea about love for the time being.

Women will only affect his speed of becoming a god, not to mention the current undercurrents in the magic world. Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to draw a few more magic circles for peace of mind.


Aaron took a deep breath and decided not to think about these things.

After the exam, go back to Shenming Hall to rest, and think about what areas you need to improve. After all, the holiday means that the cram school starts.

Among other things, Ancestor Weihet will definitely check the progress of his elemental magic circle. If you don't want to be hanged, you need to work harder.

But why do you always feel like you forgot something?


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