On the other side, Hermione walked briskly to the meeting point.

Luna and Ginny were standing here, and some leaves on the ground were held down by heavy objects. Luna gently put her hand in mid-air, making a stroking motion.

"You look very happy." Luna said softly.

"Ah!" Hermione froze for a moment, her face flushed slightly, but she quickly restrained her expression, "Of course I'm happy to have found thestrals, aren't you happy?"

"Happy, but you seem a little different from us." Ginny looked at her suspiciously, "You shouldn't be happy, you should be excited."

"Maybe, I did something I wanted to do a long time ago but was afraid to do."

"What's the matter?" Luna asked curiously.

"Just leave it alone."

"You were called by Aaron just now, could it be..." Ginny looked at her with a half-smile, "You won't confess your love to him, will you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there isn't one!" Hermione rolled her eyes and said.

"I believe that." Luna nodded seriously, "Based on what I know about him, he seems to be in a hurry all the time, and won't take the initiative to think about falling in love."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other, and I have to say that Luna's analysis is very good.

"How many Thestrals did you find?" Hermione hurriedly changed the subject.

"There are only two here." Luna patted the neck of the Thestral, which only she could see, "They should be brothers."

"I'm afraid that's not enough. We need at least three horses."

"You left Harry behind," Ginny reminded, "There are six of us, and we need six horses."

"I mean two riding a Thestral."

"Maybe they can find more Thestrals." Luna said, "Hagrid has quite a few, there are hundreds of them."

"That's right." Ron walked over excitedly, behind him were Harry and Neville, but their expressions were a little unnatural.

"One, two, three, four..." Luna looked at the Thestral team following them in surprise, counted seriously, and stopped after ten seconds, "Thirteen Thestrals, you We found thirteen horses."

"Is there so much?" Ron looked at Neville, "That's what you mean when you tell me enough is enough?"

"Thirteen horses must be enough, right? Two horses are more than enough for one person to ride."

"Uh...that's true!" Ron scratched his head and asked in a low voice, "How much did the three of them find?"

"Looks like two horses."

"Forget about that for now." Harry rubbed his hot scar, "Our time is limited, and every minute and every second is precious, so let's pick a horse and ride on it!"

Chapter 495 Thestrals on their way, the trap of the Department of Mysteries

Since thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen death, Ron, Hermione and Ginny are a little embarrassed, they can't even see them, let alone ride them.

It was Luna who helped them onto the Thestrals one by one, and taught them to hold their manes well, and the three barely got on the mounts.

"It's incredible." Ron patted the neck of the Thestral he was riding lightly, "It looks like I'm floating in mid-air."

"It's just a bit ugly." Ginny teased, "The posture is very indecent."

"Did you say that about your brother?" Ron rolled his eyes speechlessly, and adjusted his sitting posture as much as possible.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked solemnly, and the five of them nodded in unison.

He didn't know how to get the Thestrals to send them to the Ministry of Magic, so he simply stuck it to the Thestrals' ear and said very directly: "London, the Ministry of Magic, the guest entrance, if you know how to get there..."

Fortunately, the Thestrals didn't disappoint him, they just paused for a moment, then spread their wings and flew high into the sky.

The six people were caught off guard by the sudden acceleration, and had to stick to the Thestral's neck to prevent themselves from being blown off by the air current.

They flew out of the Forbidden Forest, the grounds, Hogsmeade, the woods and the river receding swiftly in their sights.

The last rays of the setting sun in the sky were gradually swallowed up by night, and they saw Muggle villages, and a few vehicles speeding on the uneven road.

Harry felt the gust of wind buzzing in his ears, and he had a full awareness of the speed of thestrals. Soon, even the Firebolt could not be compared, but in his opinion, it was not fast enough.

After all, in the picture he saw, Sirius was still being tortured by Death Eaters. No one knew how much patience the Death Eaters had, and how long he could last. If they took one step at night, they would probably have to collect Sirius' body.

While they were on their way frantically, Aaron returned to the Shenming Hall.

He directly transmitted his memory to the thought body, then sat on a chair and hugged Abe in his arms.

The missing body was silent for a moment, and comforted: "There is no need to worry so much, you have done everything that should be done.

The other shore flower used for self-protection is enough to make the magister cast a wary weapon, and the moon drop used for life-saving, the peak wizard Voldemort has to give face when he comes. "

"But I always feel that I've forgotten something, and I feel a little uneasy." Aaron rubbed his brows anxiously, "As the saying goes, a wise man has a lot of worries, and he is bound to make mistakes.

I'm not a wise man, but my intuition is always accurate, don't tell me you don't feel it. "

"So what if you feel it?" Si Nian body spread his hands, "They are going to die, we can't involve ourselves in it!

Besides, although Professor Snape hated Harry Potter, he valued his life more than anyone else. "

"What did you say?" Aaron seemed to have thought of something, "Yes, Professor Snape, he didn't know that Harry had already thrown himself into the trap, so the speed of notifying the Order of the Phoenix might not be so urgent."

"It doesn't hurt too much." Sishen waved his hand, "Professor Snape can still distinguish between public and private, and won't bring personal feelings into the business. He must have notified."

"That's true!" Aaron nodded noncommittally, "But if it wasn't for Professor Snape, where was my negligence?"

"If you want me to say don't think about it so much, in fact there are only two choices before us, to go or not to go.

If you don’t go, you won’t be able to talk about all the problems, but if you go..."

Aaron froze for a moment, and looked at the shelf nailed to the wall with the missing body, on which were placed the precious resources he had accumulated over the past five years.

All kinds of potions, rare materials, four firearms except Bianhua, hundreds of enchanted bullets, magic carpet, Captain Jack's compass, one-time tiger charm, and the most valuable Nijia mask, etc.


Aaron took a deep breath, "The situation isn't that serious, is it?"

"I don't know, but I'm prepared." The missing body said seriously, "There are places that have been neglected, and you and I both feel uneasy. Once you decide to go, it is definitely not a trivial matter.

Voldemort set a trap, the Death Eaters must be there, and the Order of the Phoenix will rush there sooner or later, and it will be a melee.

The scale of this battle can be large or small. It is not impossible to say that the battle of three or five wizards is small, and it is not impossible to say that the number is ten times larger.

Moreover, the Dark Lord may not end in person, after a year of preparation, he is almost ready to show his face in front of the public. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched, and he couldn't deny that the words of the missing body really gave him a great sense of oppression.

"Did the prophecy say anything today?"

"The crisis caused by a prophecy ball is concise and clear."

"Why do you still use it?" Aaron said speechlessly, "Is there anything else?"

"Not yet, but even if there is an estimate, it would not be good news."


Aaron patted his forehead, "Try divination yourself!"

"That's the only way to go, but we may not be able to divination the future we want." The missing body said helplessly, and then snapped its fingers, and a black shadow ninja put the crystal ball on the table.

The two looked at each other, turned their attention to the crystal ball, and carefully observed some pictures that appeared in the thick fog.


After flying in the night sky for an unknown amount of time, yellow lights suddenly appeared within the line of sight of Harry and the others, as well as dense buildings and cars of all sizes parked on the side of the street.

The Thestral suddenly changed direction and dived downward, but the momentum of the descent was not much, and they all landed smoothly.

When their feet stepped on the ground again, the six people breathed a sigh of relief.

Riding thestrals on the road can be said to be full of excitement, but if they had a choice, they would definitely not choose this way.

"Are you there?" Hermione looked curiously at the desolate street. Apart from a few dilapidated offices, a tavern and an overflowing dump truck, there was only a dilapidated red phone booth, " Don't tell me that's where the Ministry of Magic is?"

"Follow me." Harry quickly entered the phone booth, and the others hesitated for a moment before squeezing in.

"I remember it was [-], the number Mr. Weasley dialed when he brought me to trial." Harry pressed the number unconfidently, and then a woman's voice rang out from the phone booth.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please state your name and business."

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, we're here to save lives unless Your Ministry of Magic has saved people."

"Thank you, guest, take your badge and pin it on the front of your clothes."

Six badges slipped out of the coin-returning slots, and each of the six picked up their own badge marked 'Rescue Mission' and stuck it in front of their bodies.

"Okay, can we go in?"

"All right, Ministry of Magic visitor.

You will need to be checked at the security desk and have your wand registered. "

After the voice fell, the red phone booth trembled and slowly descended.

The elevator descended to the visitor's entrance, which is the main hall on the eighth basement floor, and then stopped.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening."

The elevator door opened suddenly, and Harry and the others clenched their wands and prepared to fight, but there was no one there, the fireplaces on both sides of the wall were not lit, and the Magic Brothers fountain made the sound of water flowing, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

"The Ministry of Magic also needs to rest, right!" Ron said far-fetchedly, "I mean the staff have to sleep too, right, although it's a bit strange that there isn't even a guard on guard."

"We have to hurry up." Harry pressed the elevator decisively, and the elevator slowly moved down.

"Department of Mysteries."

The woman's voice fell, and the elevator door opened again.

Looking at the black door in the deepest part, Harry felt inexplicably uneasy, but he still walked through it.

After pushing open the door, they entered a circular room, but Harry's face was not very good-looking, which was a bit different from the picture in his dream.

There was only one door in the dream, and he could easily find it, but there were twelve identical doors in this room, who knew which one stored the prophecy ball?

"Do you want to find them one by one?" Luna asked softly.

Harry nodded helplessly, "That's the only way. I'll know if I find it."

Pushing open the first door, the rectangular room was empty, with a huge glass water tank in the middle, and many white things floating around in the dark green liquid.

"Not here." Hermione said with an unnatural expression, "These are brains, we'd better change to another one."

"But there are also some doors here." Ron pointed to the wall, where a row of identical doors lay there.

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched slightly. There was a door inside the door. It seemed that the difficulty of finding that door had increased a lot. What's more, there might not be an identical door in the next room.

"It shouldn't be these." Harry said uncertainly, "In the dream, I easily entered the second room, go back and try again!"

They retreated to the circular room again, and marked the door containing the brain before opening the second door.

Inside the second door is a huge stone pit, surrounded by rows of stone benches, which are seven points similar to the courtroom.

In the center is a tall stone platform with an arched door, and a black and white curtain flutters in the door without wind.

The curtain seemed to have an inexplicable attraction, luring Harry to approach slowly.

"There is a voice, and you can hear what is being said."

"There's no sound, Harry." Hermione said a little uneasy, "Let's get out!"

"I heard it too." Luna stared obsessively at the fluttering curtain, "There are people inside."

"That's just the empty arch." Hermione persuaded impatiently, "Come on, Harry, we're here to save Sirius."

Hearing Sirius' name, Harry immediately came back to his senses, "Yeah, I have to get out of here quickly."

They returned to the circular room again and marked this strange room.

The third door couldn't be opened, and the Unlocking Charm was useless, so they had to open the fourth door first.

This time Harry found what he was looking for, and the room was filled with tall shelves filled with dusty glass spheres.

"Here it is." Harry said excitedly, then grabbed his wand tightly, and began to search for the No.90 seven-row shelf according to his memory, where Sirius was tormenting if nothing else.

"92, 93, 94, 95..." Harry stopped in front of No.90's seven rows of shelves, but stared around with wide eyes, there was no trace of Sirius.

Harry's heart sank immediately, the worst may have happened, Sirius had been killed.

"He should be here."

"But it's not here." Hermione swallowed with difficulty, "and there are no signs of fighting around."

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