"What about the second method of becoming a god?"

"Faith, a huge faith." Aaron said seriously, "But it takes a long time to accumulate."

"I don't lack time, I have enough time." Voldemort said a little proudly. Although he is not a god yet, he is confident that his life span can be compared with that of a god.

"I believe in this, but to become a god in this way, one's own strength will be affected by belief to a certain extent.

And to put it bluntly, you may be fighting God for a job. "

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing at all." Voldemort laughed. He also had experience getting on the bus first and then paying for the ticket. He was afraid that he would not even be able to get on the bus, and he would not be able to reach the finish line with two legs.

Besides, his goal at this stage is to unify the wizarding world. If he does this, he can then control the entire Muggle world, and then he will have a steady stream of beliefs at his fingertips.

To put it bluntly, this path is the best shortcut for him, and there is no reason not to take it.

"Mr. Gaius, I am satisfied with this answer."

"Looking forward to the day when you succeed." Aaron said with a half-smile, if this can be successful, God will not have to mess around.

"Did your ancestors leave anything behind? A powerful weapon, for example?"

"This..." Aaron thought of the few weapons that Jins had mentioned before, and paused for a moment, "There should be some, but I'm not sure."

"Why don't you even know this?" Barty Jr. said angrily.

"Nonsense, everyone knows that I am the patriarch.

As long as I can remember, I have been trying my best to avoid these responsibilities, and I really don't know much about the secrets of the family. "

"Then you should know the mission of the Gaius family all along, right?

As far as I know, your parents have been traveling all over the world in recent years, don't tell me they are sightseeing. "

"Really." Aaron clapped his hands a little excitedly, "I've never seen such irresponsible parents.

According to Vico and the others, they were still young and didn't want to waste time on their children, so they handed me over to the housekeeper to teach them. "

The corner of Voldemort's mouth twitched, "Let's talk about your family's mission!"

"Sorry, I can't say that.

But I can tell you that this mission will not affect your plans, nor will the other three families.

In addition, give you a piece of advice, don't explore our secrets, Salazar Slytherin should have given you some kind of warning! "

Voldemort thought for a moment, then laughed, "I have a sense of proportion, I don't know the background of a family created by a god, but I don't want to try.

The reason why I tried my best to trick you here is just to learn something, and it seems to be very rewarding now. "

"You know everything you know, can we go?" Aaron asked with some expectation.

"Do you think it's possible?" Voldemort raised his eyebrows, and the faces of the ten Death Eaters also showed a little sarcasm.

"The descendants of Slytherin will not go back on their word!"

"Did I promise you anything?" Voldemort asked back with a smile, "I will spare them, but that doesn't mean I will let them go, and as for you... I will not let you go.

But you don't have to worry, I won't kill you, but please stay honest and don't ruin my business until I unify the magic world. "

"In the end, I still can't avoid it!" Aaron scratched his head, and the black wand was firmly held in his hand after spinning twice on his fingertips.

It seemed that the only way before him was a death battle, and he was also very depressed. He tried every means to delay the time, but Voldemort held him back, but there was still no sign of the Order of the Phoenix.

Even if Bella has arranged an anti-apparition spell, but the Ministry of Magic has no shortage of floo networks, is it really difficult to come here?

"You should be mentally prepared," Lucius said.

Aaron nodded noncommittally, "To be honest, it might be a good thing to be able to avoid the next storm in the magic world in this way, but I don't want to."

"It's up to you." Little Barty pulled out his wand, then looked at Voldemort, "Master..."

"If he doesn't cooperate, help him. In addition...according to the rules of the Gaius family, even if you kill him, you will not be punished."

Aaron:  …

Want to be so straightforward?

"Did you hear that?" Little Barty tilted his head with a sneer, "Whether he was captured without a fight, or was he stubbornly resisting, and then was brought back half dead, or died without a place to die."

"You can't kill me, not just you, none of you can kill me." Aaron said confidently, and now his biggest hole card is not the missing body, but the immortal body.

Even if Voldemort shot him himself, he couldn't kill him, but if he found out that he possessed the power of immortality, then it is estimated that the small goal of ruling the wizarding world can be set aside.

"Arrogance, we are not at the same level as last year's Death Eaters."

"It is true that the quality is much higher, and it is also a very big challenge for me." Aaron said calmly, and then looked at Voldemort anxiously, "Is the Dark Lord interested in joining?"

"If they can't take you down." Voldemort grinned strangely, "Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?

I'm sorry to tell you that you won't be able to wait for reinforcements this time, my servants will delay me long enough, and when they arrive, they will only find a messy Department of Mysteries everywhere. "

Aaron:  …

The case has been solved, no wonder the reinforcements have not been seen for so long.

But it stands to reason that Professor Snape must have notified the Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter is still here, so he shouldn't be so relieved!

Chapter 503: Ten were forced to be beaten, three were seriously injured and six were slightly injured.

"Let's go together, don't give him a chance to react." Batty Jr. said seriously. He had seen Aaron's strength last year. Although he despised Aaron in words, he actually didn't dare to be careless.

As soon as the words fell, a ball of green light shot out from his wand.

"Avada eats a big melon!"

At the same time, nine other Death Eaters attacked together.

Red, white, green, and blue spells shot at Aaron from several different directions. He raised his wand to block while dodging, and his own magic power quickly gathered in the process.

"Cloudy and foggy."

The white mist quickly spread, filling the entire room in the blink of an eye, obscuring everyone's vision.

"Take away the fog," Lucius said loudly, and the two Death Eaters closest to him raised their wands in unison, creating a whirling windball.

The dense fog was swallowed by madness, and everyone's sights returned to normal.

"Where's the person?" Bella looked for Aaron's position angrily, cursing, "Is it an illusion again?"

"It's an illusion, but there's an extra layer of the Disillusionment Curse." Voldemort's red eyes looked at the high platform, "Smart camouflage skills, but it's not enough to see in front of me."

Aaron reluctantly withdrew the magic from his body, "Is it interesting for you, a peak magician, to bully me, a fifth-year wizard?"

"You are not an ordinary fifth grader!" Voldemort smiled lightly and waved his hands. Harry and the five were bound by ropes and flew uncontrollably to the corner.

"The audience is in place, and let them have a good look at the power of the Death Eaters."

The Death Eaters immediately started to attack, and the colorful spells were thrown down again.


Have the ability to single out! "

Aaron cursed loudly, but his movements were not slow at all.

Orange-yellow energy lines suddenly appeared, forming a three-dimensional magic circle flowing with mysterious runes, enveloping him in it.

All the spells disappeared without a trace when they were hit on the magic circle, and even the Death Curse couldn't splash any waves.

The Death Eaters who had never seen this magic were stunned. Is this really a magic that a student who has not yet graduated can afford?

"What are you doing in a daze?" Little Barty scolded angrily, "He won't last long with this magic."

The Death Eaters reacted and immediately intensified their attacks.

Aaron also knew that he couldn't keep defending. After a wave of attacks, he suddenly spread his magic power, and the orange-red shock wave forced all the Death Eaters back a few steps.

"Hahaha..." Bella laughed wildly, but her face quickly turned cold, "I never thought Hogwarts could teach such interesting students.

Everyone... don't try to be merciful, in order to avoid accidentally losing our lives, it's better to try to kill him. "

"That's what I mean." Antonin sneered and waved his wand, "Avada ate a big melon!"

Aaron flashed the flying green light sideways, and at this moment, several scarlet spells flew out from different directions, blocking his way of evasion.

"Armor protection!"

"There are many obstacles!"

The Iron Armor Curse and the Obstacle Curse were used successively, and the invisible barrier barely blocked these spells, but was defeated by more spells the next moment, forcing him to flee in a panic.

"Too much deceit!" Aaron felt extremely aggrieved as he ran fast, two flames gathered in his hands, "The flames of the fire dragon!"

The crimson flame vortex spread layer by layer around him, and the temperature in the room soared so fast that even the ground began to melt.

Barty Jr. and Bella raised their wands to resist, but more Death Eaters retreated crazily, escaping from the killing range of the flames.

Before they could stand still, a huge yellow magic circle appeared at the feet of everyone.

The ground trembled violently, and dense soil thorns grew wildly and rushed towards the crowd of Death Eaters.

None of them retreated, not only because the Dark Lord was watching behind them, but also because the speed of retreat could not keep up with the growth speed of the soil thorns.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"


The spells of various colors shattered the growing soil thorns like laser beams, and even overwhelmed the growth speed of the soil thorns, shooting towards Aaron in the center.

"Tsk! The advanced magic circle is still a bit reluctant to deal with so many elite magisters." Aaron laughed at himself, and then lightly waved the black wand in his hand.

The ground under his feet soared into the sky, carrying him to avoid the oncoming spells. At the same time, an ice-blue magic circle slowly rotated above the ceiling.

"What the hell is this?" Bella scolded.

"You'll know right away." Aaron rubbed his hands, the magic circle lit up instantly, and countless ice blades fell like a torrential rain.

"Defend." Lucius yelled, "Defend quickly."

In fact, without his reminding, the Death Eaters almost instinctively raised their wands to create a shield above themselves.

The crackling sound continued to sound, and the dense ice blades hit the shield. It looked like a huge force, but it still couldn't break through the shield.

"It seems to be nothing more than that." Mulciber sneered, "This kind of attack is useless to us."

"It makes sense." Aaron raised his eyebrows, and the ice-blue magic circle burst into light instantly, and an ice cube with a diameter of tens of meters was summoned.

Lucius looked at the small iceberg that was about to fall from the magic circle, and gave Mulciber a blank look, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

"Gurl!" Mulciber swallowed. "Is now the time to say that?"

"Use the Shattering Curse together." Little Barty said, "Don't use fire, flames are useless to him."

"I won't give you this chance." Aaron flicked his fingers lightly, and the speed of the iceberg's fall instantly increased several times.


The ice chips mixed with gravel all over the sky splashed a layer of ripples on the ground.

Aaron jumped on the iceberg and couldn't help frowning slightly.

His attack seemed to hit, but it didn't seem to hit. In short, he didn't believe that ten elite Death Eaters would be instantly killed by his high-level elemental magic.


Several cracks suddenly appeared on the iceberg, and several dark shadows walked back and forth under the thick ice layer, seemingly unharmed.

"Fiendfire?" Aaron murmured, "No, he used the Vanishing Curse to open a big hole in the iceberg at the moment of falling.

One, two, three, four, five...nine, where is the other one? "

"What do you think?" A wand suddenly pressed against the back of Aaron's neck, and Barty Jr. said coldly: "You are a threat to the Dark Lord's cause, I personally think it's better for you to die.

Awada eats a big melon! "

The green curse suddenly exploded on Aaron's body, and the corners of Barty's mouth slightly raised, but the smile on his face froze instantly.

His back was supported by Aaron's wand, and Aaron, who was hit by the death curse just now, turned into a broken ice sculpture.

"This story tells us not to be too happy about everything."

"You..." Little Barty said in surprise, "When?"

"I discovered it the moment the anti-apparition spell was removed." Aaron said patiently, "I am definitely more familiar with apparition than you, and my intuition about danger is also better than yours. The most important thing is My shapeshifting is pretty good.

If you didn't limit the scope of apparition, I would definitely run away. "

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